AG 2015-04-09 (NTECC) * * * * NOTICE OF MEETING * * * * BD OARD OF IRECTORS OF THE NTECC,I. ORTH EXAS MERGENCY OMMUNICATIONS ENTER NC T,A9,2015 HURSDAY PRIL 3:00P.M. FBCH ,2F ND ARMERS RANCH ITY ALL LOOR CCSSR 13000WDP ILLIAM ODSON ARKWAYITY OUNCIL TUDY ESSION OOM FB,T75234 ARMERS RANCH EXAS A GENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Consider approval of the minutes of the March 2, 2015 Board of Directors meeting. 3. Consider approval of the minutes of the March 19, 2015 Board of Directors meeting. 4. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Records Management System (RMS) options. 5. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the purchase of the US Digital Designs Fire Station Alerting System. 6. Discuss and take appropriate action for NTECC video solutions. 7. Consider setting benefit rates for 2015 and 2016 for NTECC employees. 8. Consider a resolution authorizing participation in the Texas County and District Retirement System. 9. Consider a resolution authorizing an interlocal agreement with TML Multistate IEBP to provide various benefits to NTECC employees. 10. Consider an Interlocal Agreement with Fort Worth ISD for Bank of America purchasing cards. 11. Take appropriate action for selection of a Logo for NTECC. 12. Consider a resolution appointing the NTECC Executive Director. NTECC,I. ORTH EXAS MERGENCY OMMUNICATIONS ENTER NC RMA–J8,2015 P 2 EGULAR EETING GENDA ANUARY AGE 13. Receive and Discuss Reports from Operational Committee, Human Resources Committee, Facility Design Team, and Technical Advisory Committee and Project Team, Regarding Status of Policy Development and Other Issues Relating to Transition from Separate to Consolidated Dispatch Operations. 14. Managing the communication of the NTECC message. 15.Closed Session : Hold a closed meeting pursuant to the following provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: Texas Government Code §551.071(2): To seek confidential legal advice from, and conduct attorney/client communications with, the Corporation’s attorney regarding certain matters related to one or more vendor contracts to which NTECC is a party. 16. Reconvene into open session and take such action as may be desired as the result of discussions held in Closed Session. 17. Adjourn The Board reserves the right to go into closed executive session at any time during the meeting pursuant to the Texas Government Code §551.071(2) to seek confidential legal advice from the Corporation’s attorneys regarding any agenda item listed hereon. CERTIFICATE - I certify that the above agenda giving notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of _________________________________________, Texas on the__________ of _______________________ at _____________. ________________________________________ City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Access to the building and special parking are available at the main entrance facing William Dodson Parkway. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please contact the Farmers Branch City Secretary’s Office at least 72 hours in advance at 972-919-2503.