CM 2015-03-24CFFELL
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
5:30 PM
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 1 Place 4
Place 2 Place 5
Place 3 Place 7
City Manager
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas 75019-9478
Also present were City Manager Clay Phillips, Deputy City Managers Mario Canizares
and Mike Land, City Secretary Christel Pettinos, Deputy City Secretary Jean Dwinnell,
and City Attorney Robert Hager.
Council Chambers
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday,
March 24, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
1. Call to Order
Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present
and convened into Executive Session at 5:31 p.m.
Present 8 - Karen Hunt -,Cliff Long -,Bob Mahalik;Wes Mays -,Gary Roden -,Marvin
Franklin -,Mark Hill and Nancy Yingling
2. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Mayor Hunt convened Executive Session at 5:40 p.m.
Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations.
Discussion regarding property located south of Bethel Road and east
of S. Coppell Road.
City Council convened into closed executive session pursuant to Section
551.087 of the Texas Government Code to discuss property south of Bethel
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Road and east of S. Coppell Road.
Discussed under Executive Session.
Mayor Hunt adjourned Executive Session at 5:43 p.m.
3. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Mayor Hunt convened the Work Session at 5:46 p.m.
4. Regular Session
A. Report on Old Town Coppell.
B. Update regarding programming at the Biodiversity Education
C. Presentation regarding potential sponsorships of City Special
D. Discussion and presentation regarding Police Department
Cameras and License Plate Readers.
E. Discussion regarding City Council retreat.
F. Discussion regarding Council Agenda Items.
Presented in Work Session.
Mayor Hunt adjourned the Work Session at 7:12 p.m.
Mayor Hunt reconvened the Regular Session at 7:30 p.m.
5. Invocation 7:30 p.m.
Rev. William W. Eason, Associate Pastor, First United Methodist Church, gave
the invocation.
6. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Hunt and the City Council led the Pledge of Allegiance.
7. Citizens' Appearance
8. Consent Agenda
There was no one present wishing to speak.
A. Consider approval of the Minutes: February 24, 2015.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that Agenda Items A -F be approved on the
Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
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Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
B. Consider approval of the Third Amendment to the Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Main Street Coppell, and
authorize the Mayor to execute a Correction Special Warranty Deed
and other necessary documents.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that Agenda Items A -F be approved on the
Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
C. Consider approval of a Resolution cancelling the Election on May
9, 2015, and declaring the Election of Unopposed Candidates for
Mayor, Place2, Place 4, and Place 6 of the City Council of the City of
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that Agenda Items A -F be approved on the
Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Enactment No: 2015-0324.1
D. Consider approval to purchase Fire Department Emergency
Management vehicle 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe through Buy Board
Contract #430-13 as budgeted in the FY 2014-2015 General Fund in
the amount not to exceed $60,000.00; and authorizing the City
Manager to sign and execute any necessary documents.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that Agenda Items A -F be approved on the
Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
E. Consider approval to purchase Fire Department Battalion Incident
Command vehicle through the Tarrant County Contract, State Bid
Assistance 071-A1, as budgeted in the FY 2014-2015 General Fund
for the amount of $109,779.00; and authorizing the City Manager to
sign and execute any necessary documents.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that Agenda Items A -F be approved on the
Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
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Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
F. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD -273R -C,
Texaco, a zoning change from C (Commercial) to PD -273R -C
(Planned Development -273 Revised -Commercial), for a convenience
store, drive-thru restaurant and gas pumps on 0.97 acres of property
located at 890 S. Denton Tap Road and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that Agenda Items A -F be approved on the
Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Enactment No: 91500-A-666
End of Consent Agenda
9. Consider approval of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale
of City of Coppell, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series
2015; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the payment
of said bonds; approving an official statement; providing an effective
date; enacting other provisions relating to the subject, and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
Finance Director Jennifer Miller explained that the City's debt is analyzed each
year to see if there are ways to save. Ms. Miller introduced the City's Financial
Advisor, Boyd London. Mr. London reviewed the seven (7) bids received,
advised that the interest rate received is 2.0979%, resulting in a savings for the
City of over $2 million, that the City has AAA ratings from both Moody's and
Standard & Poors, and advised that the City has been well managed for over a
decade with more than 75% of the debt retired during that time.
Discussion ensued regarding Mr. London's predictions for the next couple of
years relating to bonds and interest rates and the reason more refunding
couldn't have been done with the rates so low.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Marvin Franklin, seconded by
Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Ordinance No. 2015-1410, and
authorizng the Mayor to sign. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Enactment No: 2015-1410
Consider approval of Case No. PD -272R -LI, Prologis Park @ Callejo,
a zoning change request from PD -272 -LI (Planned
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Development -272 -Light Industrial) to PD -272R -LI (Planned
Development -272 Revised -Light Industrial), to amend the Concept
Plan by reducing the parking requirement for warehouse use from one
space per 1,000 square feet to one space per 2,500 square feet and
to increase the number of proposed office/warehouse buildings from
five (5) to six (6) and adjustments to building sizes and heights on
approximately 110.2 acres of property located north of Sandy Lake
Road, south of SH 121.
Mayor Hunt opened the Public Hearing.
Director of Planning Gary Sieb made presentations regarding Agenda Items 10,
11, and 12. He reviewed the building and landscaping plans, reviewed both the
Preliminary and Final Plats, and advised there were no outstanding conditions
on either of the Plats.
There was no one present wishing to speak.
Discussion ensued regarding parking and the additional five (5') buildling
height request.
The Developer was present to answer questions of the Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Mark Hill to close the public hearing and approve Case No.
PD -272R -LI Prologis Park @ Callejo, a zoning change request from PD -272-1-I
(Planned Development -272 -Light Industrial) to PD -272R -LI (Planned
Development -272 Revised -Light Industrial), to amend the Concept Plan by
reducing the parking requirement for warehouse use from one space per 1,000
square feet to one space per 2,500 square feet and to increase the number of
proposed office/warehouse buildings from five (5) to six (6) and adjustments to
building sizes and heights on approximately 110.2 acres of property located
north of Sandy Lake Road, south of SH 121. The motion passed by a
unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
11. Consider approval of the Prologis Park @ Callejo, Revised Preliminary
Plat, to revise the preliminary plat to increase the number of lots from
eight (8) lots to nine (9) on 116.64 acres of land located north of
Sandy Lake Road and south of SH 121 and providing for the
extension of Freeport Parkway.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Mark Hill to approve the Prologis Park @ Callejo, Revised
Preliminary Plat, to revise the preliminary plat to increase the number of lots
from eight (8) lots to nine (9) on 116.64 acres of land located north of Sandy
Lake Road and south of SH 121 and providing for the extension of Freeport
Parkway. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
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12. Consider approval of the Prologis Park @ Callejo, Final Plat, to
establish nine (9) lots, dedicate fire lane and easements for Lot 4, and
to provide for the extension of Freeport Parkway on 116.64 acres of
land located north of Sandy Lake Road, and south of SH 121.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Mark Hill to approve the Prologis Park @ Callejo, Final Plat, to
establish nine (9) lots, dedicate fire lane and easements for Lot 4, and to
provide for the extension of Freeport Parkway on 116.64 acres of land located
north of Sandy Lake Road, and south of SH 121. The motion passed by a
unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Consider approval of Case No. PD -108R12 -H, Coppell Life Safety
Park, a zoning change request from PD -108R8 -H (Planned
Development -108 Revision 8 -Historic) to PD -108R12 -H (Planned
Development -108 Revision 12 -Historic), to allow the development of
educational buildings and a Life Safety Park on 2.03 acres of property
located at 820 S. Coppell Road.
Mayor Hunt opened the public hearings for Agenda Items 13 and 14.
Director of Planning Gary Sieb made presentations regarding Agenda Items 13
and 14. He reviewed the zoning case and the replat for the Life Safety Park at
820 S. Coppell Road. Mr. Sieb advised that all conditions had been met and
recommended approval.
There was no one present to speak.
Councilmember Bob Mahalik expressed his excitement for the Park and made
a motion, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Yingling to close the public
hearing and approve the zoning change request from PD -108R8 -H (planned
Development -108 Revision 8- Historic) to PD -108R12 -H (Planned
Development -108 Revision 12- Historic), to allow the development of
educational buildings and a Life Safety Park on 2.03 acres of property located
at 820 S. Coppell Road. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Consider approval of the Coppell Service Center (Life Safety Park),
Lot 2R, Block 1, Replat, being a replat of Lot 2, Block 1, of the Coppell
Service Center Addition to establish fire lanes and easements to allow
the development of educational buildings and a Life Safety Park on
2.03 acres of located at 820 S. Coppell Road.
A motion was made by Councilmember Bob Mahalik, seconded by
Councilmember Nancy Yingling to approve the Coppell Service Center (Life
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Safety Park), Lot 2R, Block 1, Replat, being a replat of Lot 2, Block 1, of the
Coppell Service Center Addition to establish fire lanes and easements to allow
the development of educational buildings and a Life Safety Park on 2.03 acres
of property located at 820 S. Coppell Road. The motion passed by a
unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin;Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Consider approval of Case No. PD -278-R, Coppell Heights Addition, a
zoning change request from R (Retail) to PD -278-R (Planned
Development -278 -Retail), to allow the subdivision of the existing
property into two lots (one building per lot) and provide for shared
parking, dumpsters, access and private utilities on 2.6 acres of
property located south and east of the intersection of S. Belt Line
Road and E. Belt Line Road.
Mayor Hunt opened the public hearings for Agenda Items 15 and 16.
Planning Director Gary Sieb made a presentation regarding the zoning change
request, advised that the shared monument sign would be removed and that
the property had previously been owned by one person and now has two
owners. Mr. Sieb recommended approval with conditions as recommended by
the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Applicant was present to answer questions of the Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Gary Roden to close the public hearing and approve the
zoning change request from R (Retail) to PD -278-R (Planned
Development -278 -Retail), to allow the subdivision of the existing property into
two lots (one building per lot) and provide for shared parking, dumpsters,
access and private utilities on 2.6 acres of property located south and east of
the intersection of S. Belt Line Road and E. Belt Line Road with conditions.
The motion passed by a 6-1 vote.
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden ;Council member Mark Hill and
Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Nay: 1 - Mayor Pro Tem Marvin Franklin
Consider approval of the Coppell Heights Addition, Lots 9C1 & 9C2,
Block A, Replat, to allow the subdivision of the existing property into
two lots (one building per lot) and provide for shared parking,
dumpsters, private utilities and access on 2.6 acres of property located
south and east of the intersection of S. Belt Line Road and E. Belt
Line Road.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Gary Roden to close the public hearing and approve the
Coppell Heights Addition , Lots 9C1 & 9C2, Block A, Replat, to allow the
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subdivision of the existing property into two lots (one building per lot) and
provide for shared parking, dumpsters, private utilities and access on 2.6 acres
of property located south and east of the intersection of S. Belt Line Road and
E. Belt Line Road with conditions. The motion passed by a 6-1 vote.
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden-,Councilmember Mark Hill and
Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Nay: 1 - Mayor Pro Tem Marvin Franklin
Consider approval of an ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas,
readopting, ratifying, republishing and extending Chapter 9 of the
Code of Ordinances, Article 9-19, Youth Camp Programs Standards of
Care; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Hunt opened the public hearing.
Recreation Programs Manager Sherry Belmont gave an update on the
programs offered and the standards of care given by the Recreation staff.
There was no one present wishing to speak.
A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik to close the public hearing and approve
Ordinance No. 2015-1411, readopting, ratifying, republishing and extending
Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 9-19, Youth Camp Programs
Stamdards of Care and authorizing the Mayor to sign. The motion passed by a
unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
Enactment No: ORD 2015-1411
18. Consider approval to award a bid and enter into a contract with Tiseo
Paving Company, in an amount of $4,826,657.36, for the construction
of North Freeport Parkway from West Sandy Lake Rd to SH 121,
providing a $350,000 early completion incentive clause, for a total
award of $5,176,657.36; as budgeted; and authorizing the City
Manager to sign any necessary documents.
Assistant Director of Engineering Mike Garza made a presentation to Council
regarding the proposed bid award. He advised that the original bid was to
complete the project in 205 days, but that Tiseo would receive incentive
dollars if the project is completed 50 days early.
Discussion ensued regarding possible concerns with Tiseo being awarded this
bid since they have worked on the Sandy Lake Road project for so long.
A motion was made by Councilmember Nancy Yingling, seconded by
Councilmember Cliff Long to approve the bid award and enter into a contract
with Tiseo Paving Company, in an amount of $4,826,657.36, for the
construction of North Freeport Parkway from West Sandy Lake Road to SH
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121, providing a $350,000 early completion incentive clause, for a total award
of $5,176,657.36, as budgeted and authorizing the City Manager to sign any
necessary documents. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
19. Consider approval to purchase Vigilant Solutions Stationary LPR
Package in the amount of $129,987.54 for the acquisition of two
stationary license plate reader platforms with accompanying hardware,
software, and training; and authorizing the City Manager to sign and
execute any necessary documents.
Assistant Chief Jim Cook made a presentation regarding the purchase of
Vigilant Solutions Stationary License Plate Reader Package in the amount of
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Nancy Yingling to approve the purchase of Vigilant Solutions
Stationary LPR Package in the amount of $129,987.54 for the acquisition of two
stationary license plate reader platforms with accompanying hardward,
software, and training; as budgeted, and authorizing the City Manager to sign
and execute any necessary documents. The motion passed by a unanimous
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Cliff Long;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember
Wes Mays;Councilmember Gary Roden -,Mayor Pro Tem Marvin
Franklin-,Councilmember Mark Hill and Councilmember Nancy Yingling
20. City Manager Reports - Project Updates and Future Agendas
City Manager Clay Phillips advised that a couple of citizens had expressed
concerns with the plans for the new pedestrian bridge. He explained that the
project is well underway and it is too late to make changes. Mr. Phillips
announced there would be a Food Truck event for the City's volunteers on
April 30th and a Council Work Session on March 31st to discuss the following:
1) para transit; 2) IT Infrastructure; 3) Comprehensive Land Use Plan
amendments; 4) the 84th Legislative Session; and 5) the upcoming Council
21. Mayor and Council Reports
Mayor Hunt announced the following upcoming events: 1) Food Truck Frenzy
on March 28th in Old Town Coppell from 6-9 p.m.; 2) the Eggstravaganza on
April 4th at Wagon Wheel Park beginning at 10:30 a.m.; and 3) Earthfest on
April 11th at City Hall Plaza.
Councilmember Yingling announced that invitations had been received for
"Easter in the Garden," which takes place at the same time as the City's
Eggstravaganza event.
22. Council Committee Reports concerning items of community involvement with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
Mayor Pro Tem Marvin Franklin announced that on March 19th a breakfast was
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held for the Metrocrest Keyholders. He announced that several City
representatives had attended and that discussion was held regarding the
partnership of the City to assist with the needs of seniors. Mayor Pro Tem
Franklin also read a "Thank You" note from a Coppell citizen.
23. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
Council Member Cliff Long announced that the Historical Society rescheduled
the Archeological dig planned for March 21st due to weather and then learned
that the property where the dig was to be held had been sold. He advised there
would be no dig this Spring, but would be rescheduled for the Fall.
24. Necessary Action from Executive Session
There was no action to be taken.
Mayor Hunt nnounced that there was no further business before the City
CIbuncil anWadjourned the meeting at 8:42 p.m.
#Kren Selb Hunt, Mayo
ChristeI Pettinos, City Secretary
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