OR 98-823 Amends Employee Policy & Procedures Handbook AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 98823 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CITY OF COPPEIJ. EMPLOYEE POLICY AND PROCEDURES HANDBOOK BY ADOPTING THE AMENDMENTS ATACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council Personnel Policies Committee and City Council have reviewed the attached policies and determined the need and appropriateness to adopt the attached amendments; and WI~IF~REAS, the City Council desires to adopt the attached amendments effective March 1, 1998; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELI., TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 93584 and the City of Coppell Employee Policy and Procedure Handbook, as heretofore amended, be and the same are hereby amended by adding the following polides, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", effective March 1, 1998. Revised Policies SOP # 1143 - Holidays SECTION 2. That all provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Coppell, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and all other provisions not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That should any word, phrase, paragraph, section or phrase of this ordinance be held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance SS15651 as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, and shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the/(; '/// day of / , (/-h ~r/rr / , 1998. A~PROVED: /-// ', /i C '~2CC~C~ -~ ' ATrlEST: KATHLEEN ROACH, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: PETER G. SMI~ORNEY (PGS/ttl 1/27/98) 2 SS15651 CITY OF-COPFELL STANDARD OPERATING pROCEDURES l] SUBJEC_ __ T: SOP NUMBER: Holidays 1143 AUTHORITY: REPLACES: Personnel Policy effective April 13, 1992 PAGE: I of 12 REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: February 2, 1998 March 1, 1998 Annual PREPARED B_y_Y: Personnel Policy Task Force AP~PROVED BY C~/~ANAGER: Jim Witt  U:sop1143 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the of the City of Coppeli to extend paid holidays to aft regular ful!-time, regular part-time, and probationary employees. Every other employee is extended the official holiday, bur without pay. The following official holidays w~l] be observed: ) New Year's Day January 1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Third Monday in January Memodal Day Last Monday in May . ;., Independence Day July 4 ~ Labor Day First Monday in Sept,ember Thanksgiving Holidays Fourth Thursday in N;~vember and following Fdday. Christmas Holidays December 25 ai~d either the day before (Christmas Eve) or the day after depending on where the holiday falls dudng the week, Personal Holiday Employee's choice subject to Supervisor's approval. Such other holidays as the City Council may declare. Rev. 2/98 ORD. 93584 117 2.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Official Holiday 2.02 Holiday Pay 2.03 Eligibility- Holiday 2.04 Bene~Ls 3.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.0l All City Depa.nments 4,.0 REFERENCES 4.01 Fair Labor Sm.ndards Act .. 5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 HOLIDAYS: A holiday shall be defined as a period of eight (8) hours at regular rates except in the case of 24-hour shift employees in the uniformed fire service where the holiday shall be the equivalent of 12 work hours. Payroll procedures will provide guidelines addressing the administration of holidays for employees assigned to work schedules other than 8 or 24 hours per day. Scheduling of Holidays: - holidays occurring on Sunday will be 1 Calculation of HolKday Hours: '- All holiday pay or hours are calculated on an hour for hour basis, 5.02 ELIGIBFLITY ~FOR HOLIDAYS - All regular~employee~ are eligible after the completion of one day of work. 5.03 REGULAR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES ELIGIBLE FOR HOLIDAY PAY - Regular part-time employees shall be eligible for holiday pay only if the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled work day(s) of the week. The employee shall be compensated for the number of hours he/she would ordinarily have .been scheduled to work. Should a holiday fall on Saturday or Sunday and be rescheduled to the preceding Friday or the following Monday, regular part-time 118 employees shall be compensated if the rescheduled holiday is a day they would ordinadly have been scheduled to work. 5.04 TEMPORARY AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - Temporary and seasonal employees will be paid their regular rates only if required to work on a holiday. No holiday pay is authorized for seasonal or temporary employees who do not work on a holiday. 5.05 EMPLOYEES REQUIRED TO WORK ON A HOLIDAY - All employees who are required to work on a holiday shall be given an alternate day off or will be reimbursed for the holiday at their regular rate of pay. Methods of reimbursement for regular eight-hour employees, 24 hour fire shift personnel, police officers and emergency personnel are described in Section 1.07 through 1.14. 5.06 REGULAR EMPLOYEES WHO WORK EIGHT-HOUR DAYS - All employees who work eight-hour days will receive eight hours pay at straight time for each of the official holidays dudng the year.' ' · 5,07 POLICE OFFICERS SCHEDULED TO WORK ON A HOLIDAY - When the holiday occurs on a regularly scheduled work day, police officers may accrue the holiday (8 hours only) or receive pay for the holiday in addition to payment for the hours worked. The decision to accumulate a paid holiday or to receive holiday pay must be made at the time the holiday is worked and must be approved by the Department director. Police officers who call in sick on a holiday they were scheduled to work wfil receive holiday pay for the day. In no event will double pay be authorized (i.e. Holiday pay plus Personal Leave) for any day not actually i worked. # 5,08 POLICE OFFICERS SCHEDULED OFF DUTY ON A HOLIDAY - When the holiday and the regularly scheduled day off occur on the same day, police employees scheduled off dub/for the holiday will accrue one day (8 hours) holiday leave to be taken at a later date or can be paid for eight (8) hours at the discretion of the ' Department Director. 5,09 NON-EXEMPT EMERGENCY PERSONNEL CALLED BACK ON A HOLIDAY Employees who work eight-hour days and are called in on an emergency basis to work a holiday for which they were not scheduled, will be paid for all hours worked on the holiday at call back rates. 5.10 FIRE DEPARTMENT HOLIDAY ACCRUAL POLICY - Fire Department 24-hour shift personnel will accrue a maximum of five (5) shifts of holiday pay dudng each calendar year. In order to provide needed flexibility in scheduling holiday time off, the first time sheet of the calendar year for shift personnel will show an accmal of 120 hours of holiday time. Roy. 2796 ORD. 93584 119 5.11 FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT PERSONNEL NEW EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY ACCRUAL RATES - New employees hired in the middle of the year who will be working hour shifts will accrue holiday time for the number of holidays remaining in the calendar year. 5.12 FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT PERSONNEL USAGE OF HOLIDAY ACCRUED TIME The five (5) holiday shifts assigned at the beginning of each calendar year to fire department shift personnel will be taken during that calendar year from January 1 through December 31 and will not be carded over without approval of the Fire Chief. 5.13 FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT PERSONNEL REASSIGNMENT OR TERMINATION Holiday time that has been taken pdor to the date of separation must have been accrued, that is, the employee must have worked a full quarter for each 30 hours of holiday time taken. If the employee has not yet accrued the total number of days he/she has taken, unearned hell'day hours will be dedudted from the final paycheck. Shouk:l an employee terminate before taking earned holiday leave, reimbursement will be made on the final paycheck. 5.14 INELIGIBLE FOR HOLIDAY PAY - Any employee who is on non-paid leave, or absent without authorized leave on the day immediately precedin9 or following a scheduled holiday shall lose pay for the holiday as well as wages for the days of non-paid leave. 5.15 HOLIDAY OCCURRING DURING VACATION LEAVE - A holiday that falls within an )) employee's vacation period will not be counted as a day of vacation. 5.16 TERMINATING EMPLOYEES - Terminating employees will not be allowed to use a holiday as their final day of employment unless scheduled and approved. 5.17 UNPAID LEAVE STATUS - An employee on an unpaid leave status will be paid : holiday pay in lieu of the leave status pay they would ordinadh/receive at the time ? of the holiday. 5.18 PAID LEAVE STATUS - An employee on a paid leave status will be paid holiday pay in lieu of the leave status pay they would ordinarily receive at the time of the holiday. 5.19 OTHER RELIGIOUS OR NATIONAL HOLIDAYS - Employees may request to take other religious and national herdays but any SUch request is subject to the approval of the supervisor. If approved, the employee must charge the time to their vacation leave or compensatory time. Rev. ORD. 93584 -" 120 5.20 HOLIDAY PAY FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION - An employee on workers' compensation will receive holiday pay only when the employee would have been normally authorized to be paid for that holiday. 6.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director - It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure by members or' the Director's respective departments concerning the administration and scheduling of holidays. 6.02 Supervisors - It is the responsibility of each Department Supervisor and/or their designee to schedule and maintain proper records for holidays. 7.0 PROCEDURES " RESPONSIBILITY AC"TIQN 7.01 Employee .... A. Shall request Personal Holiday via the attached form (see Exhibit 8.07). B. Shall indicate on his/her time sheet any holiday occurring during his/her workweek. 7.02 Supervisor ..... A. Shall verify time sheet and , . eligibility for all employees. EXHIBITS 8.01 Example Time Sheet - Regular employees who wg.~.k eight (8) hour days 8.02 Example Time Sheet - Police Offices who work the holiday - 8.03 Exanmple Time Sheet - Police Officers scheduled off for the holiday 8.04 Example Time Sheet - Emergency Personnel called in on the holiday 8.05 Example Time Sheet - Fire Personnel schedui~:l to work on the holiday 8.06 Example Time Sheet - Fire Personnel scheduled off on the holiday 8.07 Request for Leave Form 121