OR 92-540 personnel policies to govern employees of CoppellAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING PERSONNEL POLICIES TO GOVERN THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF COPPELL; ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPING NEW POLICIES AS WELL AS FOR REVIEW AND AMENDMENT OF EXISTING POLICIES; APPOINTING A COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE TO ASSIST WITH THE REVIEW AND AMENDMENT PROCESS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council and the City Manager of the City of Coppell have determined the need and desirability of reviewing the City of Coppell personnel policies to ensure that policies are consistent with current City practices and statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved and commissioned a study and comparison of the City of Coppell personnel policies with various comparable area cities' policies by Dr. Paul Geisel and graduate students of the University of Texas at Arlington; and WHEREAS, the report and recommendations of Dr. Paul Geisel indicated the need and desirability of making revisions and amendments and developing new personnel policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved a plan which provided for comprehensive input and participation by employees, management, and City Council in the development of these revisions, amendments, and new policies; and WHEREAS, such revisions, amendments, and new policies have been compiled and have been presented to the City Council in a document entitled, "City of Coppell Employee Policy and Procedure Handbook" and attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that these policies are in the best interest of the City of Coppell and all employees of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Coppell employee policy and procedure handbook attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby adopted to govern the matters contained therein for the City of Coppell. ~Al C £ /t/ T £ /) L /:1 L FILEP There is hereby additional amendment policies as follows: SECTION 2. established a process for continuing and revision and development of new personnel The City Manager shall appoint an employee subcommittee to be known as the "Employee Personnel Policy Review Committee" (EPPRC), which shall be composed of representatives of each major division of the City organization as the City Manager may determine is necessary for obtaining employee suggestions and opinions for policy development or amendment to the City of Coppell Employee Policy and Procedure Handbook. The City Council shall appoint two Council members and one citizen who has knowledge and experience in personnel matters to serve as a subcommittee to be known as the "Personnel Policy Review Committee" (PPRC), which shall review all proposed additions, amendments, and/or revisions and shall submit a recommendation for adoption or amendment to the City Council for approval. At the request of the City Manager, this subcommittee shall also provide interpretation and clarification of policies. The City Council will be provided documentation and information necessary to keep them informed of all interpretations and recommendations of the PPRC. Co The City of Coppell's policies and procedures shall initially be reviewed within approximately six months of the effective date of the adoption of this ordinance and thereafter on at least an annual basis. However, additions, amendments, and revisions may be developed and implemented at any time it is determined to be in the best interest of the City of Coppell and the City organization. SECTION 3. Any amendment to the City of Coppell Employee Policy and Procedure Handbook, whether additions, deletions, or changes, shall be adopted by ordinance in the form of supplements or reprints of pages. These supplements or reprinted pages shall be inserted in their proper place in the handbook. One copy of the handbook shall be maintained up-to-date as a part of the official records of the office of the City Secretary, and in the event any question is raised as to whether a policy or any part of the handbook is complete and up-to-date, the copy on file in the office of the City Secretary shall be final and conclusive. Any amended page of the handbook shall, when published, carry the number of the adoptive ordinance making the amendment. SECTION 4. The City Manager shall provide opportunity for orientation and training for all employees, and they shall have access to copies of all policies and procedures hereby adopted and approved by the City Council. All policy and procedure handbooks provided to the employees shall be the property of the city of Coppell and shall be returned to the City of Coppell upon termination or upon request by a supervisor or the management of the City of Coppell. SECTION 5. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, and all prior adopted personnel policies except the policy dealing with personal leave, Chapter IX, Section 2, of the existing personnel policy, are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect beginning April 13, 1992. the DULY PASSED by the City Co,~uncil of the City of Coppell, Texas, day of /L_~ ,~,~/ , 1992. APPROVED: MAYOR / ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY SECreTARY~ ord.pp ! I ! I ! I I i ] i I i ! i ! I The City With A Beautiful Future EMPLOYEE POLICY PROCEDURE HANDBOOK I/ CITY OF COPPELL EMPLOYEE POLICY AND PROCEDURE HANDBOOK INTRODUCTION .............. Empio~n~ 6p~o~t~nit~ Equal .............. Nepotism ........................ Sexual Harassment ................... Americans with Disabilities Act ..... ' ...... Management Authority .................. EMPLOYMENT .................. PerformanCe Pro~ati~n~r~ ~e~iod ............ Recruitment/Selection/Promotion ............ Outside Employment ................... Exit Interview ..................... Personnel Records ................... Employment Status ................... Transfers ....................... COMPENSATION ........................ Performance Evaluation System ............. On-Call Time ...................... Call-Back ................ Temporary A~sig~m~n~ ~a~ ................ Longevity Compensation ................. Comp Time ....................... Overtime ........................ Classification/Compensation .............. Separations ...................... EMPLOYEE LEAVE ....................... Personal Leave ..................... Holidays ........................ Bereavement Leave ................... Leave of Absence .................... Military Leave ..................... Civil Leave ...................... Administrative Leave .................. EMPLOYEE GROUP BENEFITS ................... Tuition Reimbursement ................. Group Hospitalization, Medical & Life Insurance .... Travel Policy ..................... Training ........................ Worker's Compensation ................. Texas Municipal Retirement System ........... Unemployment Insurance ................. Elective Benefits ................... EMPLOYEE CONDUCT ...................... Discipline ....................... Grievance ....................... Health/Fitness ..................... Safety ......................... City Property/Equipment Use .............. Gifts ......................... Inclement Weather Policy ............... Political Activity .................. - Controlled Substance/Alcohol Abuse/Drug Testing .... Valid Driver's License ................. General Office Procedure ................ Conflict of Interest .................. "Notice" All reference to Vacation and Sick Leave shall be interpreted to mean Personal Leave until the Personal Leave policy is revised. IN~ODU~ION Equal Employment Opportunity ................ Nepotism .......................... Sexual Harassment ...................... Americans with Disabilities Act ............... Management Authority .................... - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: AUTHORITY: J PAGE: of: PREPARED BY: Equal Employment REVISED DATE: Personnel Policy Task Force SOP NUMBER; REPLACES: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 A:L~DMII~.DIR~-~DRF1091 .SOP POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to not discriminate against any person in recruitment, examination, selection or appointment, salary compensation and benefits, testing and training, promotion and transfers, awards, daily working conditions, retention, discipline, or any other aspect of employment or personnel administration because of religious opinions or affiliations, or because of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability. 1.02 The City of Coppell prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee or applicant for filing a bona fide complaint under this policy or for assisting in a complaint investigation. 1.03 Any employee who violates the prohibitions or the letter or spirit of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. KEY WORDS 2.01 Equal Employment 2.02 Discrimination AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 :5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Discrimination - Distinctive and unfair treatment, bias, or prejudice in making employment related decisions in areas outlined in applicable State and Federal legislation. RESPQNSIBILITY/A~HORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of Department Directors/Supervisors to understand the laws prohibiting discrimination and ensure all employment decisions are in compliance with applicable State and Federal laws. 7.01 N/A EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Nepotism AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan 1). Ratliff 1.0 A: ~ADMIN,DIR~-IDRF 1091 .SOP POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that no person related within the second degree by affinity (marriage) or within the third degree by consanguinity (blood) to the Mayor, any member of the City Council, or the City Manager shall be appointed to any office, position, or other service of the City, but this prohibition shall not apply to officers or employees who have been employed by the City continuously for more than two (2) years prior to the election of such member of the Council, Mayor, or City Manager. Ao The City Manager shall not approve the appointment to any Supervisor's work group, any person who is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity to that Supervisor. Specific approval of the City Manager must be obtained prior to employment of any applicant who has a member of his/her immediate family on the City's payroll. Relatives of City employees will not be hired, promoted, demoted, transferred or reinstated if any such action would place them at an advantage or disadvantage with respect to other employees or is likely to create conditions of direct conflict. Provided there is no violation of the Nepotism Policy, the fact that an applicant has a relative on the City payroll shall not be a consideration in determining which applicant will be hired when all other qualifications are equal. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 In the event of promotion, reorganization, marriage between two City employees, or any other action that may create the possibility of inequity or impropriety, the following shall apply: If the affected employees are employed in different departments or different divisions of a department, those employees will be permitted to remain with the City. If the affected employees are employed in the same division of a department, and they wish to remain City employees, one must seek a transfer to another division of that department or to another department. This decision shall be made and agreed upon by those employees involved. An employee seeking a transfer will be considered for any City position for which he is qualified but cannot remain in the existing division for more than ninety (90) days. Qualifications being equal, the transferring employee shall be given preferential treatment. If a suitable position cannot be found by the end of this period, one of the two must terminate or be subject to reassignment if another position is available. Reassignment is subject to the discretion of the City Manager and the individual's skills. 3. If the two affected employees cannot or will not agree, seniority will determine which employee will be terminated. KEY WORDS 2.01 Nepotism 2.02 Affinity 2.03 Consanguinity DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Texas Revised Civil Statue Ann. article 5996h DEFINITIONS 5.01 Affinity Kinship - Two persons are related to each other by affinity if they are married to each other or the spouse of one of the persons is related by consanguinity to the other person (Relationships by marriage). 6.0 7.0 8.0 Consanguinity Kinship - Two persons are related to each other by consanguinity if one is a descendant of the other or if they share a common ancestor. (An adopted child is treated as the natural child of the adoptive parent for this purpose. Relationships by blood). RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It shall be the responsibility of each Supervisor and/or Director to ensure that the philosophy of this policy is administered as stated. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Personnel Department ..... A. Shall determine the degree of relationship for any applicant to any other employee of the City of Coppell. EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ] SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Sexual Harassment AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY; Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan 1~. RatUff 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to prohibit any form of sexual harassment as defined under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, of its employees in the work place. The City of Coppell recognizes that sexual harassment is a violation of Federal and State Laws. The City will not tolerate any infractions of this policy by its employees or any outside parties. 1.02 The City of Coppell prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee for filing a bona fide complaint under this policy or for assisting in a complaint investigation. 1.03 Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior toward others that is not welcome, and that has sexual connotations. 2.0 KEYWORDS 2.01 Sexual 2.02 Harassment 2.03 Offensive 2.04 Intimidation 2.05 Retaliation 2.06 Civil Rights 3.0 4.0 5.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 This policy applies to all departments of the City of Coppell. REFERENCES 4.01 Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964. 4.02 State of Texas Retaliation Act of 1973. 4.03 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Guidelines on Discrimination Because of Sex. DEFINITIONS 5.01 Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as patting, pinching, touching, leering, and obscene gestures. It also includes any other conduct of a sexual nature including sexually explicit language, jokes, etc. These are considered sexual harassment when: Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, uncomfortable, or offensive working environment; or, Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; or, Co Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting such individual. 5.02 Some possible examples include but are not limited to: Suggestive comments, gestures, threats, or insults Flirting, touching, advances, or propositions Sexually degrading words to describe an individual or sexually oriented jokes The display, in the work place, of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, such as nude photographs 6.0 7.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Employees are expected to report incidents of sexual harassment in violation of this policy immediately. 6.02 It is the responsibility of each Supervisor/Department Director to ensure compliance with this standard operating procedure. 6.03 Retaliation - The City will make every possible effort to ensure that a person who complains of sexual harassment does not later become a victim of retaliation by the accused or by anyone else in the work place. Such incidents should be reported at once and will be addressed by the City in the strongest possible manner. Confidentiality - The City will take all possible measures to assure that confidentiality is maintained with respect to all complaints of sexual harassment. 6.05 Disciplinary Action - Sexual harassment is considered misconduct that could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 6.06 Employee responsibilities: Any employee who believes that they have been subjected to any form of sexual harassment should promptly take steps as outlined in 7.0 below: 6.07 Management responsibilities: Every supervisor is responsible for maintaining their work place free from sexual harassment. Supervisors must use a great deal of discretion in their social relationships with other employees, particularly their own subordinates. This must be done in order to avoid compromising their ability to function as an impartial supervisor who can treat all employees fairly. Supervisors should avoid "romantic" social relationships with their subordinates, these only build a potential liability following the conclusion of the relationship. PROCEDURES 7.01 Any employee who believes they have been subjected to any form of sexual harassment should promptly take steps as outlined below: 1. Report the incident immediately to your Supervisor/Director. 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 If the immediate supervisor is the offending party go directly to your department director. (Even if the supervisor is not the offending party you can go directly to your director.) If at any time you do not feel comfortable with reporting the problem at any of these levels, you may go directly to Personnel or the City Manager. If you are not comfortable with reporting the problem to someone of the opposite sex, you should notify the Director of Personnel who will arrange for someone of your same gender to speak with you. All complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated. It is recommended that if a complaint is going to be made that it be made as soon as possible after the incident. This is to help with the timeliness and accuracy of the investigation that will begin as soon as the incident is reported. If after a reasonable length of time you are not satisfied with the action being taken at the level you have reported the problem to, you may go to the next level of management. Any complaint of sexual harassment will receive the immediate attention of the supervisor or manager to whom it was made and will be reported immediately to the Director of Personnel and the City Manager through the chain of command. If the report is made directly to Personnel, notification of the incident will be reported back immediately to the appropriate person in the chain of command as well as to the City Manager. All complaints of sexual harassment shall be investigated as soon as possible. When complaints of sexual harassment involve alleged acts of sexual assault, the investigation will be coordinated with the Police Department by the Director of Personnel. It is the practice of the City of Coppell to listen to all complaints, identify the problem, and take appropriate action. Each supervisor will discuss this policy with all of their employees and assure them that they are not required to endure insulting, degrading, or exploitative sexual treatment. 8.0 7.06 7.08 7.10 Every supervisor will assure their employees that the City supports the State of Texas Retaliation Act which protects a public employee who reports an alleged violation of law. This Act provides that a state or local government body may not suspend or terminate the employment of, or otherwise discriminate against, a public employee who reports a violation of law, such as sexual harassment. Investigations will normally include talking with the individuals and witnesses involved. All information that is gathered in an investigation will be handled as confidential. Details of the investigation will not be released to third parties or to anyone not directly involved with the investigation unless the City deems it to be in its best interests or when disclosure is compelled by law. At anytime during an investigation an employee feels uncomfortable reporting the details of an incident to a supervisor of the opposite sex, they will be given the opportunity to report the details to someone of the same sex. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to see that this opportunity is provided. If it is not possible to find someone of the same sex in the chain of command within a particular department the Director of Personnel will be responsible for providing such an individual. The facts of the investigation must be reported through the supervisory channels to the director of the department. Once an investigation has been completed a report of the findings will be forwarded to the City Manager for review and consideration of proposed action. If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, prompt disciplinary action, as approved by the above mentioned individuals, will be taken. No matter what level of disciplinary action is taken the supervisor will ensure that the harassing conduct is immediately stopped. This may include a general re-education of all of the supervisors and employees of what sexual harassment actually consists of. EXHIBITS N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Americans With Disabilities Act AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan 1). Ratliff A:~ADMII~I.DIRH-IDRF1091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and to ensure that no person is discriminated against based on any disability. The City offers equal employment opportunity to qualified individuals and strictly prohibits the discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of disability. The Personnel Director will be responsible for coordinating the City's efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the Americans With Disabilities Act: Vivyon Bowman, Personnel Director 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 (214) 462-0022 Ext. 280 1.02 The City of Coppell shall provide a reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental impairments of an otherwise qualified individual if such reasonable accommodation will enable the individual to perform the essential functions of the position at issue and shall not deny employment opportunities on the basis of the need to provide reasonable accommodation to the individual's physical or mental impairments. 1.03 Employees who have a complaint involving potential violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act should utilize the grievance procedure outlined elsewhere in this policy and procedure handbook. 2.0 3.0 4.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Americans With Disabilities 2.02 Disability AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Individual with a Disability - A person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is generally regarded as having such an impairment. 5.02 Physical Impairment - Refers to any physiological disorder, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of several body systems. 5.03 Mental Impairment - Any mental or psychological disorder. 5.04 Reasonable Accommodation - The provision of access to employee work and non work areas; making essential equipment useable for the disabled employee. Reasonable accommodation must be determined for the specific individual on the nature of his/her disability and the specific job. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of the Personnel Director as the Americans with Disabilities coordinator to work toward gaining compliance with the ADA legislation and to assist all affected City departments in gaining compliance. 6.02 It is the responsibility of the Department Director/Supervisor to assist the ADA coordinator in gaining compliance with ADA and implementing needed training tO departmental personnel PROCEDURE 7.01 N/A 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Management Authority AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan O. RatUff 1.0 POLICY A:~.DMIN.DIR\I-H)RF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell, pursuant to the City Charter, that the general and final authority for personnel administration rests with the City Manager with the exception of matters reserved to City Council by State law or the City Charter. 1.02 The City of Coppell reserves the authority to modify, revoke, suspend, interpret, terminate, or change any or all policies and procedures published pursuant to its authority in whole or in part, at any time. The issuance of these policies and procedures does not constitute a contract between the City and its employees for any duration of employment. 1.03 Policy administration rests with City management and thus City management reserves sole authority to administer City operations. Management authority includes but is not limited to the following: Ao Discipline or discharge. Direction of the work force. Hiring, promotion, assignment or transfer of employees. Determination of the mission goals and objectives of City Departments. Determination of the method, means, and allocation/assignment of personnel needed to carry out the City's mission. Introduction of new or improved methods or facilities or changes of such. Determination of reasonable schedules of work and establishment of methods and processes by which such work is performed. 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 Requiring the performance of duties as stated and intended in the job description, with the understanding that every duty connected with the City's operation and enumerated in a job description is not always specifically described. I. Determination of position availability by: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Hiring and promoting. Authorizing lateral reassignments. Authorizing delay in position utilization due to budget, facilities, or any other business necessity directly or indirectly related to the delay. Authorizing temporary assignment into a vacancy. Reduction in work force (layoff). Deletion of positions, reclassification of positions, reassignment of employees to different positions with different pay as required by business necessity. Individual City departments may develop policies and procedures that are consistent with City policies and procedures, subject to review and approval by the Personnel Department, City Attorney, and the City Manager. Policies and procedures apply to all employees of the City of Coppell, both on and off duty where applicable, and unless otherwise indicated, restricted by proper authority, or prohibited by State and/or Federal law. Only the City Manager or his designee through expressed delegation has the authority to enter into any employment agreement, promises or commitments contrary to these policies and procedures and all such agreements, promises, and/or commitments entered into by the City Manager or his designee shall not be enforceable unless it is in writing. Any statement in a policy and/or procedure found to be illegal, incorrect, and/or inapplicable shall not affect the validity and intent of the remaining content of said policy and procedure. Titles utilized shall not govern, limit, modify, or affect the scope of meaning or intent of any provision. Use of the masculine gender or absence of gender is for convenience only and shall include both the masculine and feminine gender. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Authority 2.02 Management Authority 2.03 City Policy DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCES 4.01 City of Coppell Home Rule Charter. 4.02 Applicable State and Federal Law. DEFINITIONS 5.01 MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY - The expressed, implied, and/or written right or power granted to specific individuals in managerial and/or supervisory positions to command, enforce, determine, or judge, by City Charter, administrative decision, and/or applicable State and Federal law. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of the Personnel Department to ensure that each affected City employee (excluding temporary, seasonal employees) receive a copy of the policies and procedures upon implementation of said document at his/her initial employment orientation. 6.02 It is the responsibility of each Department Director and/or immediate Supervisor to ensure the policies and procedures are clearly explained, fairly administered, and equitably enforced. 6.03 It is the responsibility of each affected employe to retain, read, understand, and update his/her policies and procedures when provided applicable revisions and additions. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Personnel Department .......... Shall provide a copy of policies and procedures to each 8.0 7.02 Employee ....................... 7.03 Department Director/Supervisor ... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A affected City employee and provide a cursory review of requirements at the initial employment orientation. Shall review contents of the policies and procedures, ask questions when necessary to ensure understanding of enclosed policies and procedures and maintain document when updated. Return policy and procedures in good condition upon separation of employment. Shall provide training and/or answer questions regarding the City's personnel policies and procedures and ensure compliance with said policies and procedures. Performance Probationary Period ............... Recruitment/Selection/Promotion ............... Outside Employment ..................... Exit Interview ....................... Personnel Records ...................... Employment Status ...................... Transfers .......................... - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Performance Probationary Period AUTHORITY: REPLACES; PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: A~an I~. A:~kDMIIq. DIR~-IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to require a newly hired regular employee to satisfactorily complete a six (6) month performance probationary period of active duty to assure an employee's ability to meet acceptable standards of work performance and behavior for the employee's respective position. A probationary employee, required to successfully complete off-site formal training for job- related certification or licensing, shall be required to complete an additional performance probationary period equal to the length of the required training/licensing program. The performance probationary period, as outlined herein, assists the City in maintaining an effective, productive, and efficient work force to provide quality services to the citizens of Coppell. 1.02 An employee who is transferred, promoted, reinstated or demoted will be required to satisfactorily complete a probationary period up to six (6) months. The immediate supervisor may recommend completion of probation when the employee has attained sufficient job knowledge and sldlls to satisfactorily perform all responsibilities of the job. 1.03 An employee is required to complete a six (6) month probationary period before being eligible for transfer. 2.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 Demotion - Performance Probationary Period Disciplinary Probation Employment (New or Rehired) Performance Probationary Period New Employee (Newly-Hired or Rehired) Reinstatement - Performance Probationary Period Performance Probationary Period 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Probationary Period, Performance Promotion - Performance Probationary Period Regular Status - Performance Probationary Period Transfer - Performance Probationary Periods DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.0 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Disciplinary Probation. Refer to City of Coppell Standard Operating Procedure entitled "Discipline". 4.02 Performance Evaluation Probation. Refer to City of Coppell Standard Operating Procedure entitled "Performance Evaluation System". DEFINITIONS 5.01 Active Duty. Active Duty is the execution of job duties, standards, and expectations for the position employed, performed in an independent manner. 5.02 New Employee. Throughout this Standard Operating Procedure, the term "new employee" is utilized to denote both a newly-hired or rehired employee for a specific position. 5.03 Regular Status. That period of employment after successful completion of the performance probationary period. RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY 6.01 Personnel Director. The Personnel Director is charged with the responsibility of implementing and monitoring this Performance Probationary Period Standard Operating Procedure and shall take those actions necessary to assure an orderly administration of this Standard Operating Procedure. Exceptions to this Standard Operating Procedure as authorized herein must be coordinated with and approved by the Personnel Director. 6.02 Department Director. It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure. 6.03 Supervisor. Supervisors are responsible for instructing employees in job duties and responsibilities and communicating performance standards for their respective positions. Supervisors accomplish this through job orientation, job instruction, 7.0 coaching, informal discussions with the employee, and/or formal probationary performance reviews. This Standard Operating Procedure allows the employee's supervisor to: (1) train, instruct, review, and counsel the employee in the operations of the department, the expectations of the supervisor, and the performance level required; and (2) to point out inadequate job performance or attitude(s) in a manner appropriate for understanding and self-correction. Departments shall use the probation period to closely observe and evaluate the work of the employee(s) and to encourage his/her effective adjustment to the position. Supervisors shall prepare a written performance review of the employee's job performance as outlined in the Standard Operating Procedure entitled "Performance Evaluation System". The evaluation(s) shall include a recommendation(s) as to retention of the employee per established procedures. Employee. Each employee is responsible for knowing and understanding the expectations and standards for his/her respective position. In addition, each employee is also responsible for performing the job in a safe, productive, and effective manner and within the instructions and established standards for the position. Furthermore, employees are expected to maintain acceptable standards of conduct in their employment. During the probationary period, it is the responsibility of the employee to correct any deficiencies or inadequacies in job performance, attitude, or conduct. PROCEDURES 7.01 New Full-Time or Regular Pal~-time Employees. All new full-time or regular part-time employees are required to successfully complete a performance probationary period of six (6) months active duty in the position for which they were hired. The performance probationary period for Police Officers and Firemen or other appropriate positions will not end until completion of all academy and department training periods and six months active duty in the respective position. 7.02 Transfers / Reclassifications / Demotions / Promotions / Reinstatements. All full-time or regular part-time employees who transfer from one classification to another shall serve a performance probationary period of up to six (6) months from the date of each position/classification change. Likewise, employees who are either promoted or demoted shall also serve a performance probationary period of up to six (6) months from date of promotion/demotion. Transferred or promoted employees who are unable to perform satisfactorily in their new positions may, at the sole discretion of the City and if approved by the affected Director(s), be reinstated to their former positions provided a vacancy exists. In the case of reinstatement, the employee will not be required to complete a performance probationary period. 7.03 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 Seasonal / Temporary, ParVTime Employees. Seasonal and temporary part-time employees do not serve a probationary period but are considered at-will during their full term of employment. Termination of Probationary Employment. Probationary employees have no property entitlement to their position and are not protected by the formal levels of discipline. Probationary employees are subject to all policies and procedures of the City. These probationary employees are considered at-will and may be subject to termination at any time with or without cause. A probationary employee may be terminated from the City at any time during the probationary period without right of appeal or hearing except in cases involving discrimination, in which case, the employee may appeal in writing to the City Manager within five (5) working days following notice of failure of probation. The decision of the City Manager shall be final. Change In Assignment of Probationary Employee. No probationary employee may request or make application for reassignment, promotion, or voluntary transfer during the probationary period unless it is determined and approved by the affected Department Director(s) and Personnel Director. In such case, the employee will serve a six-month (6) performance probationary period in the new position beginning with the date of the position change. Absences During Performance Probationary Period. During the performance probationary period, a new or demoted employee shall not be eligible for leave except in the case of illness. New or demoted employees shall be eligible to request compensatory time off, emergency leave, or recognized holidays during the performance probationary period as approved per established City/Departmental policy/practice. Transferred or promoted employees serving probationary periods retain their eligibility for all types of leave established by City policy. Probationary Performance Evaluations. All probationary employees will receive a performance evaluation(s) in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure entitled "Performance Evaluation System". These reviews are designed to evaluate each employee's performance and to communicate that performance to the employee. Extensions to Probationary Period. The six-month performance probationary period may be extended only under the following extenuating circumstances: At the end of the six-month probationary period, performance probation may be extended for an additional three (3) months when a probationary employee's performance has been marginal due to extenuating circumstances. Such extension will be at the discretion of the Department Director and the Personnel Director. 8.0 7.10 7.11 A probationary period may be extended for time spent on an approved Leave of Absence or approved Military Leave. The approved extension will equal the length of time away from work. Successful Completion of Probation / Regular Status Granted. An employee will be granted regular status in the new position if the employee satisfactorily completes the performance probationary period. All employees who have successfully completed the performance probationary period and gained regular status shall be eligible for a merit increase in accordance with current established policies and procedures. Failure of Probation. An employee is considered to have failed probation when, in the judgment of the Department Director, it is determined that the employee's fitness, job performance, quality or quantity of work, or combination thereof does not meet minimum job performance standards and expectations for the position. Failure of probation may occur at any time within the probationary period and shall not be considered part of the disciplinary process. A new employee who fails probation will be terminated from the City's employment except as provided herein. If desirable and feasible, the employee may be administratively transferred to a more suitable position at the sole discretion of the City. As previously stated, a transferred or promoted employee who fails probation may, at the sole discretion of the City, be reinstated to his/her former position provided there is a vacancy and if approved by the affected Director(s). Department Directors shall ensure the thorough written documentation of all cases of failure of probation. Appeal of Failure of Probation. An employee terminated' during the probationary period shall have no right of appeal or heating except on the claims of discrimination or other actions prohibited by law or violations of City policies and procedures, in which case the employee may appeal in writing as provided through established procedures. EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Recruitment/Selection/Promotion AUTHORITY: REPLA C ES; PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Ratliff A: ~ADMIlq. DIR~XiDRF1091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY: 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to select, hire, and promote employees solely based on their knowledge, skills and abilities, experience, and other qualifications as they may relate to the duties and responsibilities of the position for which they are applying without regard to race, ethnic group, national origin, religion, creed, color, sex, or political affiliation or disability. It is the desire and intent of management to provide promotional opportunities for employees of the City by providing assistance to interested employees in developing career plans and applicable training/educational opportunities. 1.02 Except for the executive and professional positions listed in Exhibit 8.01, and other new positions as may be designated, all vacant or new positions shall first be posted internally for a period of two weeks and consideration given to current city employees. These positions shall be conspicuously posted in all municipal facilities. Posting shall include a list of the weighted evaluation factors as established for the position vacancy. Evaluation factors are derived from and based upon the essential job functions, responsibilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, training/education, and experience contained in the approved job description. In the event that a minimum of three (3) qualified internal applicants cannot be certified by the Personnel Director other sources shall be utilized. 1.03 In order to recognize the value of knowledge of the City of Coppell's organization and/or demographics, and in-house experience these factors will be included to the list of factors, "knowledge of City" with a weighted value of five (5) percent and past performance evaluation factors with weighted value of five (5) percent. 1.04 Except where provided by City Charter or Council, the recruitment method for executive vacant positions shall be determined by the City Manager. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 1.05 A position vacancy shall exist upon the resignation, promotion, or transfer of an incumbent or when a position is created and funded within the adopted budget which did not previously exist. KEY WORDS 2.01 Recruitment Selection Promotion Evaluation Factors Position Vacancy Applicant DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED: 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES: 4.01 A. City Charter B. Adopted personnel policies and procedures DEFINITIONS: Regular Full-time Employee - An employee in a budgeted position who works a minimum for forty (40) hours or more per week on a regular basis. Regular Part-Time Employee - An employee in a budgeted position who works regular hours of less than forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis. Temporary/Seasonal Employee - An employee who is employed for only a specific period of time (such as for the summer or fill-in while a vacancy is being filled) or for a special task or project. Temporary/Seasonal employees may work full-time or part-time; however, their total hours per year may not exceed one thousand (1,000). Exempt Position: A position that performs professional, executive or administrative duties and is classified as exempt by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This classification is paid on a salaried basis and is not eligible for overtime pay. 6.0 7.0 Ee Nonexempt Position: A position that is required to be paid overtime at the rate of time and one half (i.e. one and one-half times) their regular rate of pay or, when agreed to by employee, accrue comp time at one and one-half times hours worked for all hours worked beyond forty (40) hours in a work week, or in total hours scheduled in a work cycle in accordance with applicable Federal wage and hour laws. F. Management - Supervisors G. Career Plan - Format provided by Personnel H. Promotion - Advancement in compensation of 5 % Qualified applicants All applications which meet or exceed posted qualifications as determined or confirmed by the Personnel Director Evaluation factor - The criteria by which the Supervisor will assess the relative worth of knowledge, skills, and abilities of the applicants for any position. Weighted Value - The relative and comparative worth of the evaluation factors expressed as a percentage of 100% of the total of all job ~evaluation factors.~ Ce In Basket Exercise - Practical exercises that demonstrate the ability of an applicant to handle particular situations he/she might typically find in one's in basket i.e. prioritize, delegate, disseminate information, check for conflicting, independent, dependent, or confidential items. Me Current eligibility list - List made up of candidates that previously passed written examination and/or assessment center. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY: 6.01 It is the responsibility of all Directors to ensure compliance with the policy in accordance with these procedures. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 City Manager, A. Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Director(s), and/or Supervisor(s) May request the creation/addition of a new position by preparing a job description (Personnel Requisition - Section I) and seeking approval through the budgetary process. One copy is forwarded to the 7.02 7.03 Personnel Dept. Initiating Department Be Ce Personnel Department and one copy is maintained in the Department. Shall determine if it is a new position, and provide the Personnel Department with Section III - Evaluation Factors for Applicants for the new position. Shall determine whether the position is Executive and Professional (see Exhibit 8.01) or will need to be posted/recruited internally (all municipal locations) for a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to any advertising outside the City of Coppell. This determination should be reflected on the Personnel Requisition - Section II form (Exhibit 8.06) and sent to the Personnel Department. Shall provide the Personnel Department with information regarding testing, interviewing, practical exercises, essential job functions, and assessments tests, or any other testing that might be necessary. This will be provided on the Personnel Requisition - Section II form (Exhibit 8.03). Shall begin advertising and testing procedures providing the initiating department with the results. Shall attach a completed evaluation form (Exhibit 8.04) for each applicant informing the Personnel Department of their choice(s). 7.05 7.06 Personnel Department Initiating Department Personnel Department Ao Shall contact applicants for final interviewing. Shall make the selection. Shall formally notify the selected candidate. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 Executive and Professional Positions Personnel Requisition - Section I - Position Description Personnel Requisition - Section II Personnel Requisition/Evaluation Factors for Applicants - Section III Evaluation Form for Applicants Personnel Requisition - Section II Advertising/Prospective Applicants Definitions and Instructions for Completing Section I, II, HI, Evaluation Forms, and Executive and Professional List Executive: Professional: Exhibit 8.01 EXECUTIVE AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Department Directors (Police, Fire, Personnel, Planning, Public Works, Finance, Engineering, City Secretary). Civil Engineer Battalion Chief/Fire Marshal Deputy Fire Chief Chief Building Inspector Environmental Health Officer Assistant Finance Director Accountant Purchasing Agent Tax Assessor/Collector Utility Billing Supervisor Library Manager Reference Librarian Circulation Supervisor Children's Librarian Technical Services Librarian Municipal Court Supervisor Planning & Zoning Coordinator Police Captain Garage Superintendent Streets Superintendent Parks & Recreation Manager Water Superintendent PERSONNEL REQUISITION - SECTION I Position Description Exhibit 8.02 Position/Job Description Tire: Department: Supervisor: Job factors/Weighted Values prepared by: Requesting Authority: (Director) Funding: (Dept. Acct., Month/Fiscal Year) If new position/job description complete the following: 1. Job responsibility (general description): 2. Job Scope (Supervisory or budgetary responsibility): 3. Essential Functions/Marginal Functions: 4. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: 5. Education, Experience and Certification Requirements: Authorization(s): (~ames and date) Director: Personnel Department: Finance Department: City Manager: Date: Date: Date: Date: Exhibit 8.03 PERSONNEL REQUISITION - SECTION H RECRUITMENT/SELECTION PROCESS SELECTION PROCESS: 1. Written Test: (a) Prepared by: (b) Administered by: (c) Date of test: (d) Evaluation factors: (e) Study/Reference Material: (f) Location of Test: Interviews: (a) [] Individuals (b) [] Panel Names and basis for inclusion on interviewing panel II. Evaluation Factors (to be used during interview): o III. Personnel Requisition - Section H Recruitment and Selection Cont' Exhibit 8.03 Practical Exercises/Assessment Center Exercise No 1. prepared by: Date and time given: Yes No Location: Evaluation factors: Exercise No 2. prepared by: Date and time given: Location: Evaluation factors: Exercise No 3. prepared by: Date and time given: Ix)cation: Evaluation factors: Personnel Requisition - Section H Recruitment and Selection Cont' Exhibit 8.03 IV. Physical Ability and Assessment Evaluation (to be determined by Director and/or Supervisor): Evaluation factors: [] lifting, [] running, [] walking, [] strength, [] endurance, [] dexterity, [] balance, [] heights, [] confined quarters, etc. Prepared by: Administered by: Evaluated by: Time/Date: Location: List of evaluation method and acceptability for each area marked with specific related requirements to the job (to be determined by Director and/or Supervisor and included below)~ re: lifting - pick up 50 lbs from ground and place in back of pickup 10 times - related to job duty. i.e. placement and removal of barricades. re: running - one mile in 7 minutes - related to emergency response to two story structure or area inaccessible to vehicles re: re: Other testing: The Director will be responsible for describing other tests which will be required and indicate at what stage of process the test will be administered and the relevance to the position (i.e. drug test, polygraph, etc.) '- EXHIBIT 8.Oq SECTION IH Personnel Requisition/Evaluation Factors for Applicants Position: Fire Captain Evaluation Factors: (Prepared by) Clay Phillips Date: 12/31/91 SAMPLE Weight~ Evaluation Factors2 Indicators and Methods of Assessment~ A. Knowledge 5 1. Fire Suppression Tech - Emergency Rescue Practices/Op. 5 2. Accepted Personnel Practices - 5 3. Knowledge of City 5 4. Emergency Medical Practices 5 5. Training Principles Advanced Fire Certification Advanced Fire Certification Superv. Exp, As$o¢, Degree Experience, Testing EMT Certification Intermediate Instructor Certification B. Skills: 1. Communication 10 a. Written 10 b. Verbal 10 2. Interpersonal/People Skills 15 3. Leadership 10 4. Decision making 10 5. Planning and organization ~5 6. Adaptability/Flexibility Testing/Assessment Project Interview In Basket/Interview Test & In Basket/Interview Test/Assessment Scenario/Interview Test/AssessmentScenari0/Interview/Pl'o_iect InBasket/A ssessment/Scenario/Interview C. Abilities (pass/fail): 1. Physical P/F a. Vision ~ Corrected Medical Exam P/F b. Heating ~ Medical Exam P/F c. Cardiovascular endurance __ Physical Test P/F d. Strength ~ Physical Test 5 2. Past Performance Evaluations Job Evaluation, Records D. Other (pass/fail): P/F 1. Drug Test Medical P/F 2. Polygraph Test P/F 3. Background Investigation Investigation 10o Grand Total 100% 1. Weight - Value of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities as determined by Supervisor or Director. 2. Evaluation Factors - Based on job description. 3. Indicators & Method of Assessment - Proposed manner by which evaluator will determine level of knowledge, skill, or ability. -- EXHIBIT R.05 Evaluation Form for Applicants (attach to application and return to Personnel Department for each applicant) Position Applicant: Department Evaluation~ Rating2 Weight3 Total4 Factors 1. Knowledge X = 2. Skills X -- 3. Abilities X = 4. Past Performance X = 5. Other X Comments: 100% Grand Total Recommendation: [] Hire [] Reject [] Hold for future consideration Evaluation by: Date: Approved by: Date: (Director's Signature) 1. Evaluation Factors listed Section III Personnel Requisition/Evaluation Factors for Applicants 2. Rating - Insufficient (0 pts.); Meet Requirement (1 pt.); Exceed Requirement (2 pts.) 3. Weight - Weighted Value of Factor Expressed as percentage. 4. Factor Total - Assigned % Value times Rating + Total. Exhibit 8.06 PERSONNEL REQUISITION - SECTION II RECRUITMENT/SELECTION PROCESS Ao RECOMMENDED RECRUITMENT: 1) Begin: 2) End: 3) To be posted (Public - Dates to & from): On-house - Dates to & from): 4) Recommended Advertisements (~me, ~ddress, contact person): Bo Prospective Applicant(s) Name: Address: Teiephone: Recommended By: Contacted: (Attach additional pages if needed) Co Prospective Applicant(s) Name: Address: Telephone: Recommended By: Contacted: (Attach additional pages if needed) Do Prospective Applicant(s) Name: Address: Telephone: Recommended By: Contacted: (Attach additional pages if needed) Exhibit 8.07 Definitions and Instructions for Completing Section I, II, III, Evaluation Forms, and Executive and Professional Lists 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.05 8.07 Executive and Professional Positions - This document is a list of executive and professional positions that are exempt fi.om recruitment inside the City for an initial two (2) week period prior to advertising outside the City of Coppell. Newly created positions may be added to this list as needed. Personnel Requisition - Section I Position Description - This document is utilized to provide a position/job description. It is to be completed by the person who determines the job factors i.e. job responsibility, job scope, example of duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required, education, experience and certification requirements and the importance of each factor. Personnel Requisition - Section II - This document is prepared by the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Director and/or Supervisor who initiates the position and was designed to allow an applicant to know in advance what will be required in order to qualify for this position. This document establishes who is preparing/administering the written test, when and where the test will be given, and the evaluation factors that will be used. This document advises what study/reference materials a potential applicant should use in preparation for testing. Also identified is whether there will be an individual or panel interview and what factors will be considered when evaluating an applicant. An applicant will be aware if the testing will be over practical exercises through the assessment center and what exercises will be involved if there is a physical ability and assessment evaluation. Practical exercises might involve a situation that a person in this position would be required to handle. Personnel Requisition/Evaluation Factors for Applicants -Section III - This document is prepared by the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Director, and/or Supervisor and is on file in both the Department initiating the position and in the Personnel Department. This document indicates what method of assessment (certification, exam, test, education level, interview, physical test, etc.) will be used in evaluating an applicant and the importance (by weighted value) of each area of evaluation (i.e. decision making, planning and organization, physical abilities, etc). Evaluation Form for Applicants - This document is prepared by the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Director, and/or Supervisor that conducts the interviewing process and is prepared for each applicant. This document is an applicant's individual scoring sheet that determines the total percentage based on one hundred percent in the areas of knowledge, skill, abilities, past performance, and other. This form is to be completed by the Department initiating the position and is designed to inform the Personnel Department when to begin and end advertising for a position, where to advertise (whether in-house or publicly), where to advertise, and if there are any prospective candidates of which the Department may be aware. Definitions and Instructions for Completing Sections I, II, III, Evaluation Forms, and Executive and Professional List. CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Outside Employment I AUTI-IORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Ratnfr A:~DMIN.DIItAI-IDRI~ 1091 .SOP 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that an employee may engage in an outside employment activity or enterprise provided that he/she receives prior written approval from the Department Director. Such outside employment shall neither constitute a conflict of interest, adversely affect the employee's job performance with the City of Coppell, nor unfavorably reflect upon the City. 1.02 The employee may not be covered by the City's worker's compensation insurance unless the employee is required to perform official city employment activities while engaged in such outside employment. 1.03 A Department Director must receive written approval from the City Manager prior to engaging in an outside employment activity or enterprise. KEY WQRDS 2.01 Outside Employment 2.02 Employment DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES N/A 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Outside Employment: A job, activity, or enterprise which constitutes a form of employment or business outside the responsibilities of employment with the City of Coppell. 5.02 Conflict of Interest: Any activity, enterprise, or employment which conflicts with the City's policies, procedures, or standards of employment. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY City of Coppell policies, procedures, and standards of employment. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY .ACTION 7.01 Employees shall .... A. Request authorization of outside employment from the department direction prior to entering into the requested outside employment by completing the Authorization for Outside Employment form (Exhibit 8.01) Department Directors shall ................ Authorize outside employment in accordance with this policy. In the event a request for outside employment is denied, provide written comments on the Authorization for Outside Employment form. Bo Furnish the requesting employee a copy of the Authorization for Outside Employment indicating approval/denial and forward a copy to the Personnel Department for the employee's personnel file. Ce Direct any requests for their own outside employment to the City Manager by completing the Authorization for Outside Employment form prior to entering into the requested outside employment. 7.03 The City Manager shall ... A. Authorize or deny outside employment for directors. Forward a copy of the completed Authorization for Outside Employment to the requesting director and the Personnel Department. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 Authorization for Outside Employment AUTHORIZATION FOR OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Exhibit 8.01 City Employee Name: City Department: Place of Outside Employment (Name and Address): Provide description of type of business and your responsibilities: Does your outside employer provide any employee benefits such as Worker's Compensation, Medical and Dental Insurance, Unemployment Compensation, etc. ~ Yes ~ No If yes, please list benefits: Employee Signature Department Director's Approval (If denied, please provide comments below) City Manager's Approval Denial CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Exit Interviews AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: A~m O. A:'u~,DMIN.DIR~IDRFI 0~ 1 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that an employee who is separated from employment with the City shall be provided an exit interview prior to his/her last day of work to discuss the reason(s) for the separation except where extenuating circumstances apply. 1.02 If an employee refuses an exit interview, he/she will forfeit eligibility for rehire. 1.03 Final payment of compensation may be withheld pending return of City property, completion of necessary paperwork and other requirements of termination. Information discussed during the exit interview regarding an employee's employment history shall not be released to anyone with the exception of the City Manager. KEY WORDS 2.01 Employment 2.02 Exit Interview AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 5.02 5.03 Employment - Active full-time or part-time work in exchange for compensation. Separation - Termination of active employment through resignation, retirement, layoff, or involuntary termination. Exit Interview - An arranged meeting with Personnel Department to finalize all compensation due, return of City equipment, explanation of continued and review of employment history. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director's responsibility to notify the Personnel Director of all separations, arrange for exit interview appointments, and complete check lists for separated employee's (Exhibit 8.01). PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Resigning/Retiring Employee ..... shall notify Department Director in writing of date of resignation and reason. 7.02 Department Director ...... shall notify Personnel Director of any and all separations, arrange for exit interview appointment and advise employee of same, and complete Separation Check List and forward to Personnel Department prior to exit interview. 7.03 Personnel Director (or designee)... shall meet with each separated employee to finalize all compensation due, explain benefits, and review employment history. Personnel Department ...... shall process all pay-related forms to Personnel Department and process all other paperwork in accordance with department procedures. 7.05 Department Directors ....... shall follow appropriate policy for written notification to any employees affected by layoffs or involuntary termination. 7.06 Separated Employees ..... shall return all City property, attend exit interview appointment, and complete all required paperwork. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ~ SOP NUMBER: -- Personnel Records _ AUTHORITY: REPLACES: _ PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; .REVIEW DATE; - PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ntan o. aatufr 1.0 POLICY A:'~ADMIN.DIR~ItDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to maintain official personnel files in the Personnel Department for each City employee which contain information relative only to employment with the City. 1.02 The release of information contained in personnel files is controlled by the provisions of the Texas Open Records Act. The Personnel Director may release impersonal statistical information as deemed appropriate. 1.03 Personnel files are open for inspection as follows, subject to procedures established by the Personnel Department: Ao An employee or his duly authorized agent may examine the entire contents of that employee's personnel file. Upon written request complying with the provisions of the Texas Open Records Act, any person may examine all information contained in any employee's personnel file, except information which is deemed confidential by law and information which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if disclosed. Co A City employee having supervisory authority over the employee or an employee with a bona fide "need to know" may examine material in an employee's personnel file if approved by the Personnel Director. By order of a court of a competent jurisdiction, any person may examine such portion of any employee's personnel file as may be ordered by the Court. 2.0 3.01 4.0 5.0 6.0 An employee of the City who objects to material in his/her personnel file on the grounds that it is inaccurate or misleading may file a statement relating to the material. Unauthorized removal or alteration of any documents from a personnel file will subject the employee responsible to appropriate discipline, including termination. 1.05 No information shall be released on an active or inactive employee except through authorization of the Personnel Department. 1.06 Medical records for all employees shall be maintained in separate files and treated as confidential. KEY WORDS 2.01 Personnel Records 2.02 Personnel Files DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Texas Open Records Act DEFINITIONS 5.01 Official Personnel Files: The file maintained on each employee in the personnel department which contains information relevant to employment with the City, including employment information, performance, and salary history. 5.02 Departmental Personnel Files: The file maintained on each employee in which the employee works. 5.02 Texas Open Records Act: State legislation which mandates the definition and control of government records. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of the Personnel Department to maintain personnel records of each individual employed by the City of Coppell. 7.0 PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY 7.01 Employees may ......... 7.02 Department directors and supervisors may .... 7.03 The City Secretary shall ........... 7.04 The Personnel Department shall ..... ACTION Bo Eo Request an inspection of Ms/her personnel file at reasonable intervals by completing the Record Request Form (Exhibit 8.01) and forwarding it to Personnel. Visit the Personnel Department during the time indicated by Personnel, subject to supervisor's approval for time away from the workplace. Request copies of information from his/her file, but Personnel may require additional time to furnish the copies requested. Request information be included in his/her personnel file by forwarding it through his/her department director. Such requests are subject to Personnel Department review for appropriateness. Include written comments in Ms/her personnel file relative to information contained therein. Request the inclusion of information into a Personnel File of their employees, subject to Personnel Department approval. Review the Personnel files of prospective internal applicants and employees under their departmental jurisdiction. Forward any requests for information or other official documents requesting information in an employee's personnel file to the Personnel Department. Maintain all personnel files of City employees. Review all information to be included in the personnel files for appropriateness. 8.0 Verify that all requests for information or official documents requesting information from an employee's personnel file have been routed through the City Secretary's office. Request an opinion from the City Attorney before honoring requests for information or other official documents requesting information from an employee's personnel file. Respond to requests for employee inspections of personnel files within a reasonable period of time by completing the Inspection Authorization form (Exhibit 8.01) and returning it to the requesting employee. The City Attorney shall ... A. Review all requests for information from personnel files and render an opinion as to legal requirements for compliance. 7.06 All City personnel shall ... A. Refer inquires regarding verification of employment, job reference inquiries, and any other verbal or written requests for information regarding information of this nature to the Personnel Department for response. Bo Forward a copy of any letters of recommendation on current or previous City employees to the Personnel Department for inclusion in the personnel files. EXHIBITS 8.01 Personnel Record Inspection Request/Inspection Authorization form. PERSONNEL RECORD INSPECTION REOUEST Exhibit 8.01 DATE I hereby request to inspect my personnel file. I hereby request my designated representative, to be allowed to inspect my personnel record. (Signed) NOTE: Requests for inspection of records will be granted at reasonable intervals only, and you will be informed of the time scheduled for the time frame scheduled for the inspection by the Personnel Department. You will need to obtain approval from your supervisor to be away from your job for this purpose. INSPECTION AUTHORIZATION Your request to inspect your personnel records is granted. You (or your designated representative) may view your record on between (m.) and .(m.) in the Personnel Department. Please bring this authorization with you at that time. Your request to inspect your personnel records is denied for the following reason(s): If you have any questions, please call Department. in the Personnel __ CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Employment Status AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan O. Rafliff 1.0 POLICY A:~ADMIN.DIRkHDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to classify City employees for the purpose of employment status, entitlement to continued employment, benefits, and termination procedures as follows: A. Performance Probationary - An employee during the performance probation period of initial employment, promotion, transfer, or reemployment. Bo Regular full-time - An employee in a budgeted position with an officially scheduled work week of forty (40) hours in one position (except for Fire shift personnel) and has completed six (6) months of active satisfactory full-time service with the City. Regular part-time - An employee in a budgeted position with an officially scheduled work week of less than forty (40) hours who has completed six (6) months of active satisfactory scheduled service with the City. De Temporary/Seasonal - An employee who is employed for only a specific time period and/or for a special assignment. Although temporary/seasonal employees may work full time or part time during the period specified, his/her total hours per fiscal year may not exceed one thousand (1,000) hours or receive overtime payment unless otherwise required under provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 as amended. Eo Exempt - An employee who performs executive administrative, or professional functions, as allowed under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and is paid on a salaried basis regardless of the number of hours worked in a pay period and is not eligible for overtime pay. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Nonexempt - An employee who is not classified as exempt as allowed under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is eligible for overtime payment. KEY WORDS 2.01 Classification 2.02 Regular full-time 2.03 Regular part-time 2.04 Temporary/Seasonal 2.05 Exempt 2.06 Nonexempt AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCES 4.01 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 as amended. DEFINITIONS 5.01 N/A RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of the Department Director to ensure all employees clearly understand his/her designated classification, the benefits available to him/her, and the requirements of said classification. 6.02 It is the responsibility of the Finance Department to ensure each employee classification authorized within each City department is funded in accordance with the fiscal year budget approved by City Council. PROCEDURE RF~PONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Supervisor/Director .... Shall ensure all employees clearly understand his/her designated classification, benefits, and requirements of said classification. 8.0 7.02 Finance Department ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Shall ensure each employee classification,authorized within each City department, is funded in accordance with the fiscal year budget approved by City Council. CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Transfers AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. ~.atuff Personnel Policy Task Force 1.0 POLICY - A:L~,DMIN.DIRH-IDRF1091 .,~OP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that transfers will be allowed within a division of a department or from one department to another when they are in the best interest of the City and/or employee. A lateral transfer is further defined as a move from one position to another position within the same pay grade. Transfers are used to allow employees to move to positions with greater career potential, to change career fields, to move to a position for which the employee is more suitably qualified, to vary work location or conditions, to accommodate shifts in work loads across City departments, or for disciplinary reasons. 1.02 Employee transfers are classified as: Voluntary (employee initiated) Involuntary/Disciplinary (supervisor initiated) Administrative (reassignment between departments - Supervisor and approved by the Director) initiated 1.03 The forms of transfer are as follows: A. Lateral Transfer 1) 2) 3) 4) Voluntary transfers Involuntary transfers Disciplinary transfers Administrative (reassignment transfers) 2.0 3.0 4.0 B. Transfers to a lower position 1) Voluntary demotions 2) Performance demotions (see Policy 3) Disciplinary demotions (see Policy C. Transfers to a higher position 1) Promotions (see policy 1.04 Transferred employees Ao An employee making a Lateral transfer will continue to receive the same salary. This includes transfers to another position within the same pay range. Bo An employee making a voluntary transfer to a lower position will begin at Step A of that pay range unless the receiving Director recommends a higher step. In no case may the lower position salary exceed the previous position salary or the top of the lower position range. An employee making a transfer tO a higher position is considered to have received a promotion. See Policy # 1.05 All transferred employees shall be required to serve a performance probationary period of six (6) months from the date of transfer (see Performance Probationary Period Policy #~). KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 Voluntary transfer Involuntary transfer Administrative transfer Lateral transfer Disciplinary transfer Voluntary demotion DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Voluntary Transfer - A transfer initiated by an employee which may involve a transfer to a higher position (promotion to a higher pay grade), a lateral transfer (within the same pay grade), or a transfer to a lower position (to a lower pay grade). 5.02 Involuntary/Disciplinary Transfer - A transfer initiated by a Supervisor and approved by a Director which involves either a lateral transfer or a transfer to a lower position (performance or disciplinary demotion). 5.03 Administrative Transfer - A transfer initiated by a Supervisor and approved by a Director which involves a reassignment between divisions or departments, and which will predominantly be used when job rotation procedures are in place. A rotation program must be approved in advance by the City Manager. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Director and Supervisor to see that this policy is carried out as outlined. 6.02 It is the responsibility of each employee to become familiar with the requirements and procedures for an employee-initiated transfer. PROCEDURES 7.01 In order for a transfer to take place, a vacant position shall have been posted by the Personnel Department. Employees shall meet all job requirements, unless waived by the City Manager, and shall complete all interviewing and testing required in the job announcement. 7.02 An employee who wishes to transfer shall notify his/her Supervisor, in writing, prior to making application. 7.03 After making application for a transfer through the Personnel Department, the employee shall follow the appropriate procedures as outlined in the Recruitment/Selection/Promotion Policy (Policy # ). The transferring employee shall give at least two weeks' notice to the releasing department prior to the actual transfer. The releasing Director may waive this requirement. 7.05 To initiate an Involuntary/Disciplinary transfer, the appropriate procedures as outlined in the Disciplinary Policy (Policy # ) shall be followed. 8.0 7.06 To initiate an administrative transfer, written notification shall be given to the transferred employee, the Personnel Department, and the City Manager. EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A COMPENSATION Performance Evaluation System ................ On-Call Time ........................ Call-Back .......................... Temporary Assignment Pay .................. Longevity Compensation ................... Comp Time .......................... Overtime .......................... Classification/Compensation ................. Separations ......................... - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Performance Evaluation System AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: A~an D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY 2.00 A: ~ADMIN .DIR~IDRF 1091 .~OP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to utilize a Performance Evaluation System to assist the employee and supervisor in communicating job expectations, measuring the employee's level of past performance, recognizing employee achievements and exemplary performance, and strengthening the supervisor- employee relationship. The Performance Evaluation System provides necessary information for management decisions including career development and training, assignments, advancements, transfers, disciplinary actions, retention, compensation, etc. The purpose of the Performance Evaluation System as outlined herein is to achieve optimum employee performance resulting in quality customer service. 1.02 All performance evaluation information shall be written where applicable and forwarded to the Personnel Department for retention in the employee's official personnel file. KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 Appeals Procedure - Performance Evaluation Appraisals - Performance Evaluations - Performance Non-Probationary Performance Evaluation Performance Appraisal System Performance Evaluation System Probationary Performance Evaluation 4.00 5.00 6.00 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Employee's respective job description for current position. 4.02 Employee's respective "Employee Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance and Goals", PA-1. 4.03 Employee's respective "Job Factors" considered in the job rating. DEFINITIONS 5.01 Audit. The calculation process performed by the Personnel Department based on the established rated categories on the Performance Appraisal System Evaluation Form (PA-4) to determine the overall performance level of an employee. This audit also determines the amount of a compensation increase, if any, based on the City's current salary administration regulations. 5.02 Business Day. Regular day of business is Monday through Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding City-designated holidays). 5.03 Performance Appraisal/Evaluation/Review. These terms shall be used interchangeably to denote the review of an employee's performance by supervisor(s). RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY 6.01 PERSONNEL MANAGER. It shall be the responsibility of the Office of the Personnel Manager to ensure city-wide compliance with and consistent interpretation of this Standard Operating Procedure. 6.02 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS. It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure by members of the Director's respective department concerning the performance evaluation system as provided herein. 6.03 SUPERVISOR(S). Supervisors have the responsibility and authority to supervise and evaluate employees under their command; to document subordinates' job performance, conduct, and behavior; to properly conduct evaluations of subordinates in as timely a manner as possible; and to address performance appeals submitted to them as provided herein in a professional manner in an attempt to resolve such issues at the lowest possible supervisory level. EMPLOYEE(S). All employees are expected to perform their jobs in a safe and efficient manner and to be knowledgeable of and maintain established performance standards and requirements as outlined in the respective Employee Essential Job Functions, Standards and Performance, and Goals; Performance Evaluation Job Factors; Job Description, etc. PROCEDURES / PRACTICES 7.01 PURPOSE. As summarized in the opening Policy Statement of this Standard Operating Procedure, performance evaluations are utilized to provide a tool which not only assists the employee and supervisor in communicating/measuring the employee's level of past performance but also provides a tool to assist with management decisions regarding employment. To further expand on the Policy Statement, the Performance Evaluation System as outlined herein is intended to address the following needs: Ao To facilitate two-way communication between each employee and the supervisor to achieve optimum employee performance. This entails communicating and discussing established essential job functions, standards of performance, and goals the employee is expected to perform; past performance over a given period time, i.e., how the employee is performing against those standards; and what action, including training, can be taken which might result in improved individual performance or behavior. To monitor performance during the probationary period following initial employment or a change in current job assignment to assure the probationer understands what work he/she is required to perform; to communicate established standards of adequate performance; to relate how well the probationer is learning the essential job functions of the job and developing the work knowledge and skills necessary for adequate performance; to identify any other factors, besides development of necessary knowledge and skills, which are impeding progress toward adequate performance; and to the extent that it can be determined at any point in time what the outlook is for successful completion of probation. Upon completion of the probationary period, the system provides documentation for the official City personnel records. 7.02 C. To strengthen the supervisor-employee relationship. To evaluate the performance of regular (full-time or part-time) employees and provide them with a clear assessment of their job performance to date and indications of improvements to be made. To effect change in employee performance or behavior when such is unsatisfactory and to document actions to try to effect the change when informal communication has not succeeded; to provide clear information as to what improvements must be achieved; and to specify what action will be taken if improvements are not achieved. Fo To provide a tool to assist management with decisions regarding employment, including but not limited to, career development and training, assignment, advancement, transfers, disciplinary actions, retention, compensation, lay-offs, etc. G. To recognize the employee's achievements and exemplary performance. To provide a basis for monetary/compensation adjustments according to the City's current compensation plan, i.e., merit, step, or lump sum increases. EXEMPLARY PERFORMANCE. As stated above, the Performance Evaluation System is utilized to recognize the employee's achievements and exemplary performance. Communication of incidents of exemplary performance to the employee at the time of occurrence is extremely important as this provides positive feedback and tends to reinforce productive performance. Such recognition must be reserved for instances that are, in fact, recognizable as superior to normal day-to-day good performance. Recognition which is not genuine is quickly perceived as such by the employee and detracts from the impact of future recognition which may be deserved. It is recommended that such incidents of exemplary performance be documented in writing by the supervisor. The record should also be used in the performance evaluation discussions and may be used to support recommendations for promotion, special assignments, or compensation increases. The Employee Performance Report (PA-2) or the respective Department's in-house documentation suffices for this record. 7.03 7.04 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS / EVALUATION CRITERIA. ho A commitment by all employees to the City of Coppell's performance standards will make Coppell a better place in which to work and help ensure a safe and efficient business operation. Performance standards applying to employees of the City of Coppell are established within each Department, consistent with overall City directives. All relevant performance factors should be applied to every employee in a given job classification and employees evaluated accordingly. Such standards and factors may include the Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance, and Goals (PA-l); Job Description, and Job Factors. Any supervisor who is charged with the responsibility of evaluating subordinates shall be required to attend appropriate training to assist them in properly evaluating their subordinates. TYPE OF EVALUATIONS / FREQUENCY. The City of Coppell wants employees to know how they are doing on the job. To accomplish this task, employees receive performance evaluations based on progress and performance since the last review date. ho Probationary Employee Performance Appraisal. The following procedure shall facilitate communication between each probationary employee and the supervisor to achieve optimum performance during the probationary period [Also refer to Standard Operating Procedure entitled "Initial Probationary Period"]: Employee Orientation [Employee Essential Job Functi0n$, Standards of Performance and Goals, PA-l]. Whenever an employee begins a new position, the employee shall receive a thorough explanation of the Performance Evaluation System by his/her immediate supervisor. This includes explanation of all documents, policies and procedures, etc. Essential job functions, goals, performance measures, and standards of performance relative to the employee's position will be explained to the significant employee by the supervisor. Similarly, when essential job functions are added or changed, these essential job functions and corresponding performance measures and standards and evaluation factors shall be re-established. The Employee Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance, And Goals (PA-l); Job Description; and Job Factors shall be used to accomplish this task. Probationary Progress Evaluations. During the probationary period, periodic evaluations shall be conducted to review the employee's progress to date in the current position and are not compensable. These shall be conducted as follows: ao Directors. Progress evaluations shall be completed every two (2) months on probationary Directors by the City Manager. The schedule is set for the second, fourth, and sixth month. All Other Employees. A monthly evaluation [Employee's Performance Report, PA-2] is completed by the employee's immediate supervisor each month during the probationary period after an employee is hired into a new position (newly-hired, promoted, demoted, transferred, reclassification). The schedule for each month of the probationary period [in most cases, six (6) months]. 3. Completion of Probationary Period. ao Upon completion of an employee's probationary period, the following three (3) documents shall be completed: (1) Performance Appraisal System, PA-4; (2) Employee Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance and Goals, PA-1; (3) Completion of Probation Report, PA-3. If the employee does not successfully complete probation or is terminated during the probationary period, the preceding performance reports should be attached to the Completion of Probation Report (PA-3) and forwarded to the Personnel Department. Co Upon successful completion of the probationary period, the employee and the immediate supervisor shall again discuss the respective Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance, and Goals document (PA-l) which shall be updated if needed and signed/dated by both the employee and supervisor(s). The employee should fully understand that he/she will be held accountable for the accomplishment of these essential job functions, standards, and goals at his/her next appraisal date. The original shall be forwarded to the Personnel Department with one copy each provided to the employee, employee's supervisor(s), and department file. The Personnel Department shall process any compensation increases warranted and file the original evaluation for retention in the employee's official personnel file. Non-Probationary Evaluations. The City of Coppell provides employees at least two (2) performance evaluations each year to employees who have successfully completed their probationary period and have gained regular status within the City organization [with the exception of Department Directors who shall be receive only one evaluation per year, namely, the Annual Performance Evaluation.]. Additional reviews may be performed at the discretion of supervisors. Non-probationary employees shall receive the following performance evaluations: Annual Performance Evaluation [Performance Appraisal System, PA-4]. When probationary status is successfully completed, an employee's annual evaluation date is designated as the employee's anniversary date of employment in his/her current position (new- hire, promotion, demotion, transfer, reclassification). This annual performance evaluation requires the completion of two (2) documents: Employee Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance, and Goals, PA-l; and the Employee Performance Report, PA-4. After auditing by the Personnel Department, this annual performance evaluation will reflect any applicable increase in compensation. Semi-Annual Evaluation [Employee's Performance Report. PA-21. The semi-annual performance evaluation is conducted six months following the Annual Performance Evaluation; this semi-annual evaluation represents a progress review only, and the results or rating is not compensable. Other Interim Evaluations. Other interim reviews are recommended as deemed necessary by supervisors to foster communication, assure a common understanding of purpose, and to assist in detecting and solving problems as they develop. Employee Self-Evaluation. Each employee is encouraged to periodically perform an informal self-evaluation of his/her performance to assist in maintaining established performance standards. Such self-evaluations will help the employee have input during formal evaluation reviews. Record of Unsatisfactory Job Performance, PA-5 / Follow-up To Record Of Unsatisfactory ~Iol~ Performance, PA-6. This evaluation document shall be completed if it becomes apparent at any point in the employee's job tenure that his/her performance has dropped below acceptable levels. The purpose of this document is to identify procedures to effect change in employee performance or behavior when performance/behavior is unsatisfactory and to document actions taken to effect the change. This procedure is intended to address inadequate or unsatisfactory job performance/behavior for whatever reason. Single, isolated cases of misconduct are not covered unless they are serious (example: theft, willful destruction of City property, etc.). However, repeated misconduct and/or severe isolated incidents can result in unsatisfactory performance and would then come under the scope of this procedure as well as disciplinary procedures, if applicable [Refer to Standard Operating Procedure entitled "Discipline"]. This procedure requires written documentation which may be used as a basis for action against the employee. The following applies to such written documentation: ao Written documentation should have a primary purpose of modifying the employee performance or behavior and a secondary purpose of substantiating disciplinary actions; bo Written documentation should begin when 'informal~ counselling has failed; Written documentation represents the supervisor's concern for the employee's present unsatisfactory job performance or behavior. This concern is subject to change by subsequent events, and such changes should also be documented and added to the original documentation before the case is closed. If unsatisfactory performance/behavior entails specific rule(s) violations, then specific details should be provided, i.e., dates, places, etc. Previous oral counselling should be listed. The employee should be requested to sign the copies to acknowledge receipt of the notice. 7.05 If the employee refuses to sign, this should be noted and witnessed by a third party. If the employee does not concur, the matter may be appealed as provided herein [Refer to Section 7.07 of this S.O.P.]. Copies of the document shall be forwarded to the Personnel Department. On the date specified, performance during the intervening period will be reviewed with the employee and the document (Follow-up to Record of Unsatisfactory Job Performance, PA-6) shall be completed; Entries on this form are largely self-explanatory. If satisfactory performance has been restored, the purpose has been accomplished, and no further special action is needed unless performance again deteriorates. This information should be taken into consideration during the annual appraisal period. If unsatisfactory performance has not been restored, disciplinary action shall be taken. PROCESSING OF NON-PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. ho Bo Scheduled Evaluations. Evaluation dates for probationary employees are maintained at the department level. The Personnel Department shall provide the Department Directors with a list denoting upcoming non- probationary employee evaluations one month prior to the due date. Immediate Supervisor. After careful review of the subordinate's performance, the supervisor shall complete the appropriate evaluation document and other required document(s), if any, signing/dating the form(s). The rating supervisor will then discuss the review with the next level of supervision prior to formal review with the employee. It should be noted that the evaluation document is completed by the supervisor with the sole intent of communicating to the employee his/her relative job performance. Successive Supervisor(s). The document shall then be forwarded for review through each supervisory level. The Department Director shall review and approve the evaluation prior to the formal review with the employee. Each supervisor may make appropriate comments and shall sign/date the evaluation indicating his approval. Any disagreements should be investigated and, if possible, resolved at the lowest possible level prior to the document being forwarded to the Personnel Department for auditing. The review will be returned to the immediate supervisor through established departmental procedures. Evaluation Interview. In a private conference, preferably arranged at least 24 hours in advance, the rating supervisor will conduct the formal review with the employee. The employee will be allowed to review his/her performance evaluation. The supervisor and employee together will then discuss the employee's performance during the review period, including discussing each rating factor and the rating received. In addition, they will establish performance goals and clarify performance expectations for the next review period. At the close of the formal review, the employee shall date/sign the evaluation document. If the employee feels, he/she has been unfairly evaluated, the employee may communicate his/her comments in the section provided on the evaluation form. The signed, original evaluation document will be forwarded, via established departmental procedures, to the Personnel Department for auditing and retention in the employee's official personnel file. The employee will be given a copy of the completed evaluation document. A copy will be maintained by the employee's respective department, and supervisors should maintain copies of evaluation documents for reference during the next review period. Audit / Retention by Personnel Department. To ensure that merit recommendations concerning the annual performance evaluation are completed correctly, departmental performance evaluations shall be forwarded through established departmental procedures to the Personnel Department after the formal review with the evaluated employee. After auditing, the Personnel Department will complete the appropriate section on the first page of the annual evaluation (PA-4), noting warranted compensation changes; a copy of this page will be returned to the department director and the evaluated employee. The Personnel Department will subsequently process any compensation changes, if warranted. Upon completion of an audit, if it is determined by the Personnel Department that the overall evaluation reflects job performance which is below standards, the Personnel Department shall so indicate on the evaluation document, and forward to the employee's respective department, thereby advising the department that the rated employee should be placed on probation. The 7.06 7.07 department will take appropriate action regarding this unsatisfactory job performance as provided herein. If this were the Annual Performance Evaluation, the withholding or delaying of an increase on the basis of performance shall be delayed at least until adequate performance has been restored. It is appropriate to delay increases for an additional period of time not to exceed 90 days to assure that the improvement is not temporary. If no improvement is shown, appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken. The Personnel Department will file the signed, original evaluation document for retention in the respective employee's official personnel file. MERIT STEP AND LUMP SUM INCREASES. Under most City pay systems, employees are eligible for merit increases after specified periods of time. The guidelines provide that, in general, progressively better performance should be expected for increases and the opportunity for increases rests solely upon the employee receiving an acceptable performance evaluation. Bo All performance standards, measures, goals, and areas of improvement needed for receiving an increase should be explicit and clearly presented to the employee at the beginning of the review period. Co Any compensation increase granted, in accordance with the City's current compensation plan, shall be made retroactive to the date of the Annual Performance Evaluation (employee's anniversary date of employment in current position). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION APPEALS PROCEDURES. The purpose of this procedure is to expeditiously address an employee's particular concern or disagreement with the supervisor's rating of job performance. A. Appeal to Immediate (Rating) Supervisor. An employee seeking reconsideration of his/her performance evaluation shall do so by submitting a written request with all attached documentation to his/her supervisor within five (5) business days after the completion of the performance evaluation. The request for appeal shall consist of the following: Areas of performance in which the employee feels he/she has been unjustly rated; Bo Co Do bo Documented evidence of contradictory performance appraisals and supporting documentation during the last evaluation period; and c. The remedy or solution sought by the employee. Upon receipt, the rating supervisor shall provide a written response to the employee within five (5) days. Appeal to Successive Levels of Authority (if any). If the employee feels that his/her appeal has not satisfactorily resolved, the employee may appeal in writing to successive levels of authority within five (5) days of receipt of previous level supervisor's decision. Each supervisor shall provide a written decision to the employee within five (5) days of the appeal. Appeal to Department Director. If the employee feels the issue has not been satisfactorily resolved, the employee may appeal the evaluation to the Department Director within five (5) business days of receipt of previous level supervisor's decision. The Department Director shall arrange a meeting within five (5) days with the employee and supervisor(s) to discuss the appeal of the evaluation. Afterward, the Director shall issue a written decision within five (5) business days to the employee. Appeal to City Manager. If the employees feels the issue has not been satisfactorily resolved, the employee may further appeal his/her evaluation to the City Manager. The appeal must be in writing and submitted to the City Manager via the Personnel Department within five (5) business days of receipt of the Department Director's decision. Upon receipt, the City Manager shall utilize an Evaluation Appeals Panel to review the evaluation being appealed. The Evaluation Appeals Panel shall be comprised of three (3) members as follows: no One (1) member of City staff of the City of Coppell selected by the appellate employee; bo One (1) member of City staff of the City of Coppell selected by the Department Director; and One (1) member shall be a Department Director from a different department selected by the Personnel Director. 8.00 Panel members shall not have a prior involvement in the evaluation process and shall conduct a thorough and objective review of the evaluation being appealed. The Personnel Department shall convene a meeting of the Evaluation Appeals Panel within five (5) business days of receipt of the appeal. The Personnel Director shall attend the meeting and record the proceedings. The Panel shall unanimously appoint one of its members to act as recording secretary for the proceedings. The Panel shall review documentation and/or testimony by the appellate employee and/or the employee's Director. After conducting the hearing, the Panel shall dismiss the employee and Director so as to conduct its findings and decision-making process. The Panel shall render its findings and recommendation in writing to the City Manager via the Personnel Manager within five (5) days of the hearing. After reviewing the findings and recommendation of the Evaluation Appeals Panel, the City Manager shall render a decision which shall be final and bindings on all concerned. Written notification of the City Manager's decision shall be made within five (5) days to the appellate employee, respective Director, and Personnel Manager. The completed evaluation appeal packet shall be forwarded to the Personnel Department for retention in the employee's official personnel file. If the employee's appeal is upheld by the City Manager and a compensation increase is warranted, the increase shall be retroactive to the effective date of the performance evaluation. EXHIBITS. The following are prescribed forms utilized in the Performance Evaluation System; substitutes shall not be utilized. Any completed, signed, original(s) shall be forwarded to the Personnel Department for retention in a respective employee's official personnel file with one copy each provided to: the employee, supervisor(s), and departmental file. 8.01 Employee Essential Job Functions, Standards of Performance, and Goals. PA-1. This document, reflecting the performance standards expectations, and goals for each position, is reviewed with the employee upon employment, at completion of the initial probationary period, and at each annual performance evaluations. Upon each review, the document is signed and dated by the employee and his/her immediate supervisor. 8.02 8.03 8.05 8.06 8.07 Employee's Performance Report, PA-2. This document is utilized to evaluate the employee's performance/behavior for each probationary progress evaluation and at semi-annual evaluations. Employee's Completion of Probation Report, PA-~. This document is utilized at the employee's completion of the initial probationary period. Performance Appraisal System Evaluation Form, PA-4. This document is utilized to evaluate the employee's performance/behavior for the completion of initial probationary period and the annual performance evaluations. Record of Unsatisfactory. Job Performance, PA-:5. This document is utilized at any point it becomes apparent that an employee's performance has dropped below acceptable levels. Follow-up To Record Of Unsatisfactory Job Performance. PA-6. This document is utilized as a follow-up record to the Record of Unsatisfactory Job Performance (PA-5). Job Factors. This document establishes the weighted evaluation factors for each position within the City. EMPLOYEE JOB City of Coppell DUTIES, STANDARDS, EXHIBIT B.01 & GOALS EMPLOYEE NAME: POSITION: SUPERVISOR: DEPARTMENT' DATE PREPARED:. EMP #: PRIMARY JOB DUTIES AND GOALS PERFORMANCE MEASURES, STANDARDS AND GOALS Rating Supervisor's Signature Date I Employee's Signature I LEGEND for Distribution of Completed Evaluation: Original: Personnel Department One Copy Each: IDate Rated Employee; Supervisor(s); Department File -- PA-1 / 02-01-92R Page 1 of ~ EMPLOYEE City of Coppell PERFORMANCE [] Probationary OR [] Semi-Annual EMPLOYEE NAME:. POSITION: RATING PERIOD: FROM: DEPARTMENT' THROUGH: EXHIBIT 8.02 REPORT EMP #: TO BE INSTRUCTIONS Rating Supervisor(s) shall evaluate the employee's job performance based on established job duties, standards, and goals for the employee's position. The Rating Supervisor(s) is required to comment on job performance deficiencies or areas of superior performance. The evaluation shall be reviewed through the employee's successive supervisory levels [through the Department Director] prior to the formal review with the employee. The evaluation shall be returned to the Rating Supervisor who shall conduct a formal review with the rated employee. The completed evaluation shall be processed through established Department procedures with copies distributed in accordance with the legend below. The original will be forwarded to the Personnel Department for retention in the employee's official personnel file. COMPLETED BY RATING SUPERVISOR(S): Employee's Job Performance: [] Does Not Meet Standards [] Is Questionable [] Meets Standards Comments: Record areas of superior performance or specify job performance/behavior deficiencies. Specific goals or improvement to be undertaken during next evaluation period which might assist the employee to improve performance. [Attach additional sheets if needed.] COMPLETE FOR PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEE ONLY: I recommend that this employee be: [] Retained For Further Training OR [] Terminated Rating Supervisor's Signature Date Department Head's Signature Date Department Director's Signature Date Employee's Signature Date LEGEND for Distribution of Completed Evaluation: Original: Personnel Department One Copy Each: Rated Employee; Supervisor(s); PA-2 / 02-01-92R Department File EMPLOYEE City of Coppell COMPLETION OF PROBATION EXHIBIT B.03 REPORT EMPLOYEE NAME: POSITION: RATING PERIOD: FROM: DEPARTMENT- THROUGH: EMP #: INSTRUCTIONS o Rating Supervisor(s) shall make a recommendation concerning the employee's continued employment with the City based on the employee's job performance/behavior and probationary evaluations conducted to date. The Rating Supervisor(s) is required to comment on job performance below and/or above minimum required standards. The evaluation shall be reviewed through the employee's successive supervisory levels [through the Department Director] prior to the formal review with the employee. The evaluation shall be returned to the Rating Supervisor who shall conduct a formal review with the employee rated. The finalized Completion of Probation Report shall be processed along with other required documents [see attachment list] through established Department procedures with copies distributed in accordance with the legend below. The original will be forwarded to the Personnel Department for retention in the employee's official personnel file. EMPLOYEE'S OVERALL PERFORMANCE [] Does Not Meet Standards [] Meets Standards LEVEL: RECOMMENDATION THAT EMPLOYEE BE: [] Retained [] Terminated Rating Supervisor's Signature: Department Head's Signature: Department Director's Signature: Employee's Signaturer Date' Date' Date: Date: REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: Performance Appraisal System, PA-4; and Employee Job Duties, Standards and Goals, PA-1. LEGEND for Distribution of Completed Evaluation: Original: Personnel Department One Copy Each: Rated Employee; Supervisor(s); Department File -- PA-3 / 02-01-92R EMPLOYEE City of Coppell ANNUAL EVALUATION EXHIBIT B.O[t FOR EMPLOYEE NAME: POSITION:. RATING PERIOD: FROM: DEPARTMENT' THROUGH: EMP #: INSTRUCTIONS o Rating Supervisor(s) shall evaluate the employee on applicable factors only. After a careful review of rating categories for each factor, the supervisor(s) shall mark the category that best reflects the employee's performance. The Rating Supervisor(s) shall provide comment on factors rated below and/or above minimum required standards. The evaluation shall be reviewed through the employee's successive supervisory levels [through the Department Director] prior to the formal review with the employee. The evaluation shall be returned to the Rating Supervisor who shall conduct a formal review with the employee rated. The employee shall be afforded the opportunity to make written comment(s) in the designated area. The completed evaluation shall be processed through established Department procedures with copies distributed in accordance with the legend below. The original will be forwarded to the Personnel Department for auditing and retention in the employee's official personnel file. Rating Supervisor's Signature: Department Head's Signature: Department Director's Signature: Employee's Signature: Date: Date: Date: Date: FOR PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT USE ONLY: Overall Performance Rated Score.' [] Overall Job Performance Does Not Meet Standards; A PA-5 must be initiated by Rating Supervisor. Signature/Date:. SALARY INCREASE: [] Yes [] No From: To: Amount: $. LEGEND for Distribution of Completed Evaluation: Original: Personnel Department One Copy Each: Rated Employee; Supervisor(s); PA-4 / 02-01-92R Department File Page I of 5 City of Coppelh Employee Annual Evaluation Employee: Emp #: Form EXHIBIT 8.04 Evaluation Period: - - ! - COMMENTS BY RATING SUPERVISOR{S): AREA(S) OF SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE: Required for Categories Rated Below and/or Above Minimum Required Standard~. AREA(S) FOR IMPROVEMENT: Record specific job performance deficiencies or job behavior requiring improvement. Record specific goals or improvements to be undertaken during next evaluation period which might assist the employee to improve performance. EMPLOYEE COMMENTS: - PA-4/02-01-92R Page 2 of 5 EXHIBIT 8.04 Pa~3of5 EXHIBIT B.04 , --~ ' ~ ~ · o o ~ ~ °o -~ ~ _ ~.-,~ .................................................................................................. _ Page ~ of 5 EXHIBIT 8.Oq o g' .~, _ Page 5 of 5 RECORD OF City of Coppell UNSATISFACTORY JOB EXHIBIT 8.05 PERFORMANCE EMPLOYEE NAME: POSITION: SUPERVISOR:. DEPARTMENT' DATE PREPARED: EMP #: EXPLAIN IN WHAT WAY JOB PERFORMANCE IS UNSATISFACTORY. BEEN TAKEN TO CORRECT THIS. EXPLAIN WHAT ACTIONS PREVIOUSLY HAVE WHAT MUST THE EMPLOYEE DO TO RESTORE SATISFACTORY JOB PERFORMANCE? ACTIONS THE SUPERVISOR AND/OR DEPARTMENT WILL TAKE TO ASSIST THE EMPLOYEE: BY WHAT DATE MUST THIS BE ACCOMPLISHED? WHAT ACTIONS(S) WILL BE TAKEN IF SATISFACTORY JOB PERFORMANCE IS NOT ACCOMPLISHED? Rating Supervisor's Signature Date Employee's Signature IDate LEGEND for Distribution of Completed Evaluation: Original: Personnel Department One Copy Each: Rated Employee; Supervisor(s); Department File -- PA-5 / 02-01-92R FOLLOW-UP TO RECORD City of Coppell OF UNSATISFACTORY JOB EXHIBIT 8.OB PERFORMANCE EMPLOYEE NAMF- POSITION:. SUPERVISOR: DEPARTMENT' DATE OF ORIGINAL DATE PREPARED: EMP #: RECORD {PA-5). UNSATISFACTORY JOB PERFORMANCE IDENTIFIED ON ORIGINAL PA-5: HAS SATISFACTORY JOB PERFORMANCE BEEN RESTORED? [] YES [] NO EXPLAIN:. WHAT FURTHER ACTION, IF ANY, IS NEEDED? Rating Supervisor's Signature I Date I Employee's Signature LEGEND for Distribution of Completed Evaluation: Original: Personnel Department One Copy Each: IDate Rated Employee; Supervisor(s); Department File -- PA-6 / 02-01-92R ~hibit 8.07 Position Title: Department: JOB FACTORS FORN Factors Considered in Rating Job ~ Weight 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Job Knovledge Quality/Quantity of york Tea~vork/Cooperation Dependability Public Contact TOTAL Director Immediate Supervisor Employee NON-SUPE~¥ISORY Date Date Date Exhibit 8.07 Position Title: Department: JOB FACTORS FOHN Factors Considered in Rating Job X Weight 1. Job Knowledge 2. ~aality/~uantity of work 3. Teamwork/Cooperation Dependability 5. Public Contact Organizational Skills 7. Leadership Skills 8. Operational Economy 9. Evaluating Subordinates 10. Judgement 12. 13. 16. 15. TOTAL Director I~aediate Supervisor F~ployee Supervisory Date Date Date - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ~ SOP NUMBER: On-Call Time AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~aan o. 1.0 POLICY A:~ADMIN,DIR~HDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide for after-hour service needs when required by allowing some departmental operations to designate nonexempt employees to be on call. 1.02 Employees are expected to respond to departmental after-hour service needs when designated to be on call as required by procedures established by each department where on-call personnel are utilized. 1.03 During all time after regularly scheduled working hours when an employee has been designated to be available for on call and subject to call back, the employee is free to pursue personal activities but may be requested to respond to call back (via paging, phone, or radio) within designated guidelines set by Department. This on-call status is not considered time worked and is not compensable unless he/she responds to a call back. Each department shall establish internal procedures for handling emergency services which could require call back of all employees necessary to provide the needed service, regardless of on-call status. Employees requested to report to work to provide emergency service shall be compensated in accordance with the City's call-back policy. 1.05 An employee will be considered officially scheduled and designated as on-call only when approved by his/her Supervisor in accordance with procedures established by his/her department. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 2.01 On call 2.02 After hours service 2.03 Non exempt employee DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Fair Labor Standards Act DEFINITIONS 5.01 5.02 5.03 On-call Status - Time spent by an employee designated as restricted or unrestricted and subject to call back to perform after hours on emergency services. After hour Service - City services deemed by the Supervisor/Department Director needing to be performed by an employee(s) after their regularly scheduled working hours. Emergency Services - Unplanned circumstances which necessitate the call back of employees. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Departmental Director to maintain available personnel on call when necessary through established departmental procedures to ensure after-hour service needs are met. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY 7.01 Department Director ..... ACTION Shall establish departmental policies and procedures necessary to maintain on-call personnel available to ensure after-service needs are met in an efficient, effective manner. 8.0 7.02 Supervisor ..... 7.03 Employee ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Shall, through established departmental policies and procedures, notify all personnel designated to be on call (within a reasonable time) as to their need to be placed on call and provide specific written instructions, where practical, as to the requirements of the on-call status. Must acknowledge availability for on-call status when notified by his/her supervisors and provide all information necessary to ensure contact can be made and call back will be handled in an expeditious mallner. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Call Back AUTHORITY; REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan i). Ratllfr 1.0 POLICY 2.0 A:~ADM]H.D1R\HDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to ensure all nonexempt employees who are designated to be on call and other employees if applicable, respond within a reasonable time established by their department when called back to perform after hour services or emergency services when contacted. 1.02 Nonexempt employees who are called back to the work place will be paid at the overtime rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times regular rate of pay for actual hours worked and are guaranteed a minimum of two hours of such pay for each call back within the same 24 hours after their regularly scheduled working hours or on a regular day off. Time worked immediately after regularly scheduled working hours at the request or approval of the Supervisor will not be considered call back and shall be paid at their regular rate of pay until overtime requirements are met. Continuing work on a call back that extends into a day off shall not entitle the employee to additional premium pay for the second 24 hour period. 1.03 Travel time to and from a call back is considered compensable within this policy. 1.04 Employees exempt from overtime are not eligible for compensation under the provisions of this policy. 1.05 Departments may establish guidelines for varying levels of response to call back situations depending upon nature and importance of services to be completed. KEY WORDS 2.01 Call back 2.02 Regular day off 2.03 Nonexempt employees 2.04 Emergency 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCF_~ 4.01 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Call back - an unscheduled or emergency return to work outside of officially scheduled work hours or on a holiday or day off at the request of a Supervisor. It does not mean overtime scheduled as required or change in work schedule. 5.02 Day off - time of that is regularly scheduled and usually coincides with normal work schedule. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director is responsible for maintaining qualified personnel available for call back when after hour services are required. 6.02 Supervisor is responsible for providing written instruction to employees (if possible) as to requirements for accomplishing after hour services needed as well as ensuring an acceptable response maintained to accomplish services needed. 6.03 Employee is responsible for responding within time frame required to a call back for after hour services and be fit and able to accomplish duties required. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Department Director ..... A. Shall establish departmental policies and procedures to ensure on call personnel, as well as other personnel which may be needed, respond to call back in a reasonable time frame to provide services required (usually in cases of emergency). 8.0 7.02 Supervisor ..... 7.03 Employee ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Shall, within established departmental procedures, notify all on call personnel, and other personnel where applicable, to respond to a call back for services and provide instructions needed to accomplish required services. Shall acknowledge his/her availability and ability (physical/mental) to accomplish services needed within the time frame required by their departmental policies and procedures when notified by their Supervisor. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ~ SOP NUMBER: Temporary Assignment Pay A.I,L_Tti_Q_~_TY~ REPLACES: PAGE; of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: A~aa I). Raalff 1.0 2.0 3.0 A:L~DMIN .DIR'~HDRF1091 .SOP POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to compensate any employee who is temporarily assigned to serve and actually performs the additional duties and responsibilities of a higher level position when designated by his/her Department Director. 1.02 Employees temporarily assigned to perform duties of a higher level position for the purposes of learning the position as on-the-job training will not be compensated at a higher rate. 1.03 Employees temporarily assigned to perform duties of a higher level position shall be paid at the base rate of the higher level position or five percent (5 %) above their current salary, whichever is greater. Employees temporarily assigned to perform in the capacity of a Department Director, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, and City Manager shall do so at a rate of pay negotiated with the City Manager or City Council when applicable. KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 Temporary Assignment Pay Compensation Job Responsibility DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments. 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 REFERENCES 4.01 Section 141.033 of Texas Local Government Code DEFINITIONS 5.01 UActually serve" When an employee assumed\s the actual duties and responsibilities of a higher level position upon being designated by his/her Department Director. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director is responsible for ensuring all employees eligible for temporary assignment pay actually serves in the assigned position. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 8.0 7.01 Department Director ..... Ao 7.02 Supervisor ...... A. EXHIBITS 8.01 Payroll Status Change Form Shall establish a list of all positions for which employees are eligible to receive temporary assignment pay and forward to the Personnel Department and Payroll. Shall document all employees performing temporary assignments to a higher level position and provide information to Personnel Department along with compensation required for the payroll status change form. NAME: PAYROI.I. #: STI~I~.RT SOCIAL SECURITY NO. ~ NEW FOR CITY, STATE, ZIP NEW :~ZtPLOYm D^T~ O~ ~mTH ADDRESS Tm.~.PHO~ ONLY CHANGE FROM TO (DOES NOT APPLY TO NEW EMPLOYEE) JOB DEPARTMENT GRADE/STEP ~,.PAY _.~ REASON FOR CHANGE [] HIRED [] lVlERIT INCREASE [] I.I~.N'GTI-{ OF [] RE-EVALUATION [] RE-HII~Rr) [] RESIGNATION SERVICE RAISE OF CURRENT [] PROMOTION [] RETIREMENT [] COMPLETION OF JOB [] DEMOTION [] LAYOFF PROBATION [] OTHER [] ~.,~s~__~ [] D~Sa-L~an COMMENTS, IF NECESSARY ~ms ADVANCE PAY AUTOHRIZED ~o IF. AVE OF CHARGED TO VACATION ~o ABSENCE FROM: / / ~TO: / / J ?'~ APPROVAL DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE COPIES TO: 1. PERSONNEL 2. PAYROLL PERSONNEL DATE 3. DEPT. HEAD ~ CITY MANAGER DATE - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Longevity Compensation AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Ratllff 1.0 A: ~ADMIN .DIRLHDRF 1091 .SOP POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that regular employees shall receive longevity pay at the rate of $4.00 per month. 1.02 Part-time regular employees who work a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week shall receive longevity pay at one-half the rate of regular full-time employees. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ~ SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Comp Time AUTHORITY: REPLACES; PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan O. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A:~DMIIq.DIR~IDRF 1091 ,SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide compensatory (Comp) time (per signed Compensatory Time Agreement) in lieu of overtime payment. Employees whose work regularly includes public safety -- i.e., law enforcement, fire fighting, EMS, and related activities, are subject to a four-hundred eighty (480) hour cap on accrual of compensatory time. Overtime hours worked beyond the 480 accrued hours must be paid. Bo All other nonexempt employees are limited to a maximum accrual of two- hundred forty (240) hours of compensatory time before mandatory overtime payment is required. C. Exempt employees are not eligible for compensatory time. Compensatory time shall be accrued at a rate of one and one-half (1 th) hours for every hour of overtime worked for non-exempt employees. An employee who has accrued compensatory time and requests use of the time must be permitted to use the time off within a "reasonable period" after making the request, if it does not "unduly disrupt" the work of the department. Compensatory time off may be used the same as leave time. It is the Director's decision whether to use leave time or comp time. Upon leaving employment with the City, a nonexempt employee will be paid for unused comp time. Payment will be figured by one of the following two methods, whichever is higher; The average regular rate received by such employee during the last three (3) years of employment. 2. The final regular rate received by such employee. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Compensatory Time DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Fair Labor Standards Handbook 4.02 29 C.F.R. Section 553.27 4.03 29 C.F.R. Section 553.23(c) DEFINITIONS 5.01 Compensatory Time - A flexible means of compensating an employee for overtime hours worked by providing time off in lieu of monetary overtime remuneration. 6.0 5.02 Compensatory Time Agreement - A record of consent to accept compensatory time off in lieu of overtime payment. (The decision to accept comp time is an individual decision.) RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure. 7.0 PROCEDURES 8.0 RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Department Director ......... (or designee) to be worked. he Give prior approval for overtime hours 7.02 Employee ....... ho When the decision has been made to accept compensatory time in lieu of overtime payment, shall, upon agreement with Department Director/Supervisor, sign a Compensatory Time Agreement (See Exhibit 8.01 or 8.02), and forward a copy to the Personnel Department. Work overtime hours, but log them as comp time accrued on employee time sheet. 7.03 Finance Department ..... ho Maintain record of accrued (available) comp time for individual employees. Employee ........ ho When comp time has been accrued, a request to use the time off (as the need arises) should be submitted to the Supervisor. 7.05 Department Director (or designee)... ho Approves or denies the request upon receipt from the employee. EXHIBITS 8.01 8.02 B.03 Compensatory Time Agreement - Nonexempt Employees Compensatory Time Agreement - Nonexempt Fire Personnel Compensatory Time Agreement - Nonexempt Public Safety Employees COMPENSATORY TIME AGREEMENT NONEXEMPT EMPLOYEES Exhibit 8.01 I, , do hereby agree that I will accept compensatory time off in lieu of overtime for any time worked over my normal work schedule of 40 hours per week. I understand that compensatory time shall be accrued at a rate of one and one-half (1 ~/~) hours for every hour worked over the designated work schedule of 40 hours per week and further understand that the maximum accrual of compensatory time is 240 hours, at which time mandatory overtime payment is required. I understand when schedule adjustment time is used during the same pay period it is earned that it will be paid hour for hour. I further understand that compensatory time cannot be accrued at the rate of one and one-half (1%) if any employee benefits time, such as holiday or personal leave, has been utilized and is equal to or exceeds the overtime hours worked. I understand that I will not be permitted to work overtime without the prior approval of my Supervisor and/or Department Director. Employee Signature Supervisor Signature Date xc: Personnel Department COMPENSATORY TIME AGREEMENT NONEXEMI~ FIRE PERSONNEL Exhibit 8.02 I, , do hereby agree that I will accept compensatory time off in lieu of overtime for any time worked over my normal work schedule of 212 hours per 28-day work cycle. I understand that compensatory time shall be accrued at a rate of one and one-half (1%) hours for every hour worked over the designated work schedule of 212 hours per 28-day work cycle and further understand that the maximum accrual of compensatory time is 480 hours, at which time mandatory overtime payment is required. I understand when schedule adjustment time is used during the same work cycle it is earned that it will be paid hour for hour. I further understand that compensatory time cannot be accrued at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) if any employee benefits time, such as holiday or personal leave, has been utilized and is equal to or exceeds the overtime hours worked. I understand that I will not be permitted to work overtime without the prior approval of my Supervisor and/or Department Director. Employee Signature Supervisor Signature Date xc: Personnel Department EXHIBIT B.03 COMPENSATORY TIME AGREEMENT NONEXEMPT PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES I, , do hereby agree that I will accept compensatory time off in lieu of overtime for any time worked over my normal work schedule of 86 hours per 14-day work cycle. I understand that compensatory time shall be accrued at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) for every hour worked over the designated work schedule of 86 hours per 14-day work cycle and further understand that the maximum accrual of compensatory time is 480 hours, at which time mandatory overtime payment is required. I understand that when schedule adjustment time is used during the same pay period it is earned, it will be paid hour for hour. I further understand that compensatory time cannot be accrued at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) if any employee benefits time such as holiday or personal leave has been utilized and is equal to or exceeds the overtime hours worked. I understand that I will not be permitted to work overtime without the prior approval of my Supervisor and/or Department Director. Employee Signature Supervisor Signature Date - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Overtime AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan I>. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A:~.DMJN.DIR\HDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to establish working hours in accordance with State law and the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 1.02 The normal work week for nonexempt employees (including law enforcement employees) and/or work cycle for fire shift personnel will be designated by the City Manager for purposes of overtime payment. 1.03 Employees shall be informed of their work week schedule or work cycle schedule including meal periods, rest periods, and any changes deemed necessary by the Department Director and/or immediate Supervisor. Employees may be requested to work overtime whenever it is deemed necessary by his/her Department Director or immediate Supervisor. Overtime shall be assigned by the Supervisor to employees in the particular job for which overtime is required. No employees shall be permitted to work overtime without prior approval of his/her Supervisor and/or Department Director. In the case of Police and Fire departments, overtime shall be worked when required by the Chief of the Department in accordance with applicable State law. 1.05 For purposes of overtime compensation only hours physically worked in excess of forty (40) hours for nonexempt personnel (including law enforcement personnel) and the maximum number of hours permitted by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and applicable State law for the work cycle designated by the City Manager for fire shift personnel shall be considered for overtime payment. Overtime payment shall be calculated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular rate of pay. 1.06 Department Directors shall establish guidelines for completing time records in his/her departments. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 1.07 An employee who completes another employee's time record or falsifies his/her own time record will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination. 1.08 Personnel employed in an executive, administrative, or professional position shall be considered exempt employees in accordance with FLSA and thus not eligible for overtime compensation. 1.09 Department Directors and employees may establish agreements to provide for compensatory time in lieu of overtime payment (See Comp Time Policy). KEY WORDS 2.01 Overtime payment 2.02 Nonexempt employee 2.03 Work week 2.04 Work cycle AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCES 4.01 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 as amended 4.02 Sections(s) 142.0015 Texas Local Government Code DEFINITIONS 5.01 Overtime payment - payment at a rate of one and one-half (1%) times a nonexempt employee's (including law enforcement personnel) regular rate of pay for all hours physically worked in excess of the total number of hours allowed in a seven (7) day work week or applicable work cycle for fire shift employees as designated by the City Manager and in accordance with FLSA. 5.02 Work week - Total of forty (40) hours scheduled in a seven (7) day period as designated by the City Manager in accordance with FLSA for purposes of overtime calculation. 5.03 Work cycle - Total 212 hours scheduled in a 28 day period as designated by the City Manager in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and applicable State law for purposes of overtime calculation. 5.04 Nonexempt employee - Any employee who is not classified as exempt as allowed under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is eligible for overtime payment. 6.0 7.0 5.05 Exempt employee - An employee who performs executive, administrative, or professional functions as allowed under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is paid on a salaried basis regardless of the number of hours worked in a pay period. An exempt employee is not eligible for overtime pay. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of the Personnel Department to determine which position will be classified as exempt and nonexempt for purposes of overtime payment. It is the responsibility of the Department Director/Supervisor to inform employees of his/her work schedule and any changes therein, to authorize overtime hours worked, and to verify the accuracy of time records of his/her employees. 6.03 It is the responsibility of the Finance Department to ensure that all time is paid at the appropriate rates based upon actual hours worked. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 City Manager ...... A. Shall designate work week and work cycle for all City employees for purposes of overtime calculation. 7.02 Personnel Department ..... A. Shall maintain an accurate listing of positions classified as exempt and nonexempt and disseminate to each affected department any changes or updates made manually. 7.03 Finance Department ....... A. Shall provide official document for keeping time records and set procedures for processing documentation for payment. 7.04 Employee ........ A. Accurately record time worked on time record per departmental procedure. 8.0 7.05 Department Director/Supervisor ... .EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A AJ Shall set departmental procedures for keeping of time records and approval of overtime hours worked. Shall verify time records of employees for accuracy and prior approval granted for overtime hours worked and forward to Finance Department for payment, in accordance with guidelines and time schedules as required. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Classification/Compensation AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A:~ADMIN.D IR'~IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to establish a classification/compensation plan based upon the analysis of the duties and responsibilities of positions through use of objective job evaluation factors and designed to compensate each job at a rate of pay appropriate for the level and type of work performed by each job within an established pay grade and in relation to the City's competitive labor market. 1.02 An employee may request that his/her position be reviewed for proper classification/compensation through procedures outlined by the City Manager. 1.03 An employee in a position which is reclassified from one pay grade to another shall be entitled to serve therein with an unimpaired status if the job duties and responsibilities of the position have not significantly changed and the employee substantially meets the qualifications prescribed for the new job. All positions shall be designated by official job rifles on the City classification/compensation plan. These official job titles shall be used on all official records, payrolls, and City related communications. 1.05 Within the pay grades and salary ranges established by the City Classification/Compensation Plan, the City Manager is authorized to determine the appropriate pay grade, to which each position is assigned and the pay step to which an employee may be assigned based upon merit and within salary budget approved by the City Council. 1.06 Any employee who is designated as exempt from the pay plan shall be paid within maximums set in a budget approved by the City Council. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Classification/Compensation Plan 2.02 Merit Increase 2.03 Pay Plan 2.04 Salary 2.05 Pay Grade DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCE 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 Classification/Compensation Plan - A plan that classifies positions into established pay grades and salary ranges based upon a job factor evaluation process. 5.02 Job Evaluation - A process by which positions, job duties, and responsibilities are reviewed based upon job related factors (i.e. knowledge, education, experience, etc...) and assigned to pay grades with other positions of similar job duties and responsibilities. 5.03 Merit Increase - Increase in salary based upon merit derived through the performance evaluation process. 5.04 Anniversary Date - Date of employment or date of promotion. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the Department Director's responsibility to ensure that each position's job duties, responsibilities, and requirements are accurately stated in the job description established in the City's Compensation/Classification Plan. It is the Personnel Director's responsibility to ensure that the City's Classification/Compensation Plan is administered fairly and equitably based upon merit and competitively maintained within City labor markets through procedures established by the City Manager. 6.03 It is the responsibility of the City Manager to establish procedures for the administration of the City's Classification/Compensation Plan. 7.0 PROCEDURE RESPONSIBIL~Y 7.01 Employee ...... 7.02 Personnel Department ... 7.03 Finance Department ... ACTION Who successfully completes his/her initial or promotional performance probationary period and is eligible for a merit increase based upon the performance evaluation shall receive a merit increase up to a maximum of two (2) steps or a lump sum set by the City Manager. Shall be eligible for a merit increase based upon the performance rating on his/her anniversary date. Co Shall be eligible for a merit increase every twelve (12) months thereafter. Shall conduct a market survey annually to determine whether the City' s compensation plan is competitive within the market. Shall evaluate requests for reclassification and make recommendations to City Manager when adjustments are needed. Ce Shall maintain City Classification/Compensation Plan data current with changes in salary and approved requests for reclassification. Shall prepare compensation budget annually for review and approval by City Manager and City Council. Bo Shall maintain and provide current Compensation Plan and make adjustments based upon market survey information approved by City Council. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Separations AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; jPREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan I~. RatUff 1.0 POLICY A:~ADMIN.DIR~HDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that all separations of employees shall be designated as one of the following types: A. Resignation - An employee who intends to resign must notify his/her Department Director and/or Supervisor in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the last day of work. The Department Director and/or Supervisor is responsible for immediately notifying the City Manager. B. Retirement - An employee who intends to retire must notify his/her Department Director and/or Supervisor in writing as governed in conjunction with the requirements of the Texas Municipal Retirement System in order to expedite retirement payments. C. Dismissal - The indefinite severance of the employee from employment without pay as a result of a disciplinary complaint against the employee based on charges of just cause. D. Disability - An employee shall be separated when for physical or mental reasons he/she cannot perform the duties of the job with or without reasonable accommodations. 2.0 Reductions-in-Forc~ - An employee may be separated from City (Layoff) service when it is deemed necessary by reason of shortage of funds or work, the abolition of the position, or other material change in the duties of the organization, or for other related reasons which are outside the employee's control and which do not reflect discredit upon the service of the employee. F. Death - If a City employee dies, his/her designated beneficiary or estate shall receive all earned pay and payable benefits. 1.02 Employees who leave the service of the City of Coppell shall receive all separation pay which may be due to them with the following qualifications: A. Employees shall be paid for time worked upon separation from employment. Bo Upon the effective date of this policy, employees resigning or retiring must comply with notice requirements in order to receive separation pay of all payable leave accrued after the effective date of this policy or other payable benefits which do not require payment by law unless the employee submits a written request to the Department Director to waive the notice requirement and the Department Director gives approval in writing to waive the request. Co Employees who die while employed by the City shall have paid to his/her beneficiary, who is designated on the majority of his/her payable benefits, all payable benefits allowed by the City of Coppell. Deductions will be made from the final amount payable for any City equipment not returned, or returned in an unusable condition, or any other debt incurred by the employee against the City. Employees separating due to disciplinary action shall be paid all separation pay for which he/she is eligible upon exhaustion of all appeals available if requested. KEY WORDS 2.01 Separation Pay 2.02 Resignation 2.03 Retirement 2.04 Death 2.05 Dismissal 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCES N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 Separation Pay - Payment upon separation for all benefits and accrued leave for which an employee is eligible. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 The Department Director is responsible for ensuring all separating employees are reported to the Personnel Department. 6.02 The Personnel Department is responsible for ensuring appropriate notice requirements or approval waivers have been met and processed. 6.03 The Finance Department is responsible for determining appropriate separation pay for each employee. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Resigning/RetiringEmployee ... A. Shall submit required applicable written notice to Department Director. Department Director/Supervisor ... A. Shall submit notice provided by the separating employee or required documentation of terminating and/or deceased employee to Personnel Department along with other information necessary regarding equipment damaged or not returned and value of such equipment. Finance Department ... Shall process all documents for payment by the employee's final payroll period with the City. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A EHPLOYEE LEAVE Personal Leave ....................... Holidays .......................... Bereavement Leave ...................... Leave of Absence ...................... Military Leave ....................... Civil Leave ......................... Administrative Leave .................... _ CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Personal Leave AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: 1 of: 3 REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Department APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: A~m D. ~,atm'f 1.0 POLICY A:'iADMIN.DIR',.HDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to establish a program of personal leave which replaces previous policies which included vacation and sick leave. Other types of leave such as Holidays and Military Leave are not affected by this policy. All departments are affected by this policy and shall govern accordingly. Personal Leave shall be accrued by employees on a pay period basis, see Schedule 'A" for rates of accrual for regular full time employees, and Schedule "B" for Fire Personnel. 1.02 Upon implementation of this policy all accrued vacation leave will be converted on a one to one basis. All accrued sick leave shall be retained as sick leave and may be used whenever the employee is ill or has been injured off the job. 1.03 Upon termination or retirement, an employee shall be paid for all accrued Personal Leave at the rate of pay the employee was receiving just prior to leaving the City. Personal Leave shall begin to accrue at the end of the fu'st full pay period of employment, but employees shall not be allowed to use any accrued Personal Leave, except for in cases of illness, until he/she has successfully completed their probationary period. 1.05 Personal Leave is an earned benefit and shall be viewed as such. It is made available to eligible employees in order to provide vacation leave, leave for illness, personal business leave and family leave away from work without loss of compensation. Once earned, Personal Leave shall either be used or will be paid by the City at the rate of pay of the employee who has earned that benefit except as covered in Section 1.06 below. 1.07 1.08 1.09 Recognizing the importance of employees having timer away from work, employees shall use at least ten (10) days of Personal Leave during the Fiscal year. Failure to use the minimum required leave shall result in the difference between the amount used and the minimum required usage being deducted from accumulated Personal Leave on October 1 of the following year. All such deductions shall be made prior to determining the required leave usage for the following year. Most employees that were employed prior to the effective date of this policy have accrued Sick Leave as noted in Section 1.02 above, for use under the rules of the prior Sick Leave Policy. Employees will be allowed to take only those leave hours that are shown as available on the Time and Attendance Report. For all unscheduled Personal Leave, the employee must notify his/her supervisor as early as practical on the first day of absence. Whenever possible, Department head or immediate supervisor shall schedule Personal Leave (especially Personal Leave over one (1) day in length), giving due consideration to the ability of the remaining staff to perform the work of the Department. Employees should be permitted to take their leave at such time, in the judgement of the Department Head, as what will best serve the interest of the City and the employee under the following conditions: a) The maximum amount of Personal Leave which can be taken by an employee in any Fiscal year shall be limited to no more than one hundred-twenty (120) hours or fifteen consecutive working days for vacation purposes unless a written request is submitted to the City Manager for approval in advance. This limitation does not apply to the use of Personal Leave due to illness or injury. b) Approval and usage of Personal Leave may be taken in one (1) hour increments; usage of increments less than one (1) hour shall not be permitted. c) A break in employment of more than one (1) year shall cancel previous employment credit toward leave eligibility. d) Employees with adjusted employment dates due to transfer, layoff, etc..., shall be regarded as having continuous service and shall accrue Personal Leave accordingly. The adjusted employment date shall be considered a new date of employment. Permanent part-time employees, extra help or temporary employees shall not earn Personal Leave and will not be entitled to leave pay upon separation. 1.10 1.11 1.12 Permanent full-time who terminate before the end of a pay period shall not earn Personal Leave for that pay period. Official holidays occurring while an employee is on approved leave are considered as paid holidays and do not effect leave balances. Schedule of Personal Accrual per years of Employment. (Schedule "A") Years of Tenure with City 0 - 4th year 5th - 9th year 10th - 14th year 15th and over Accrued Rate Per Pay Period (hours/days) HOURS DAYS 6.77 22 8.31 27 8.92 29 9.85 32 Maximum Hours to be Carried into next Fiscal Year HOURS DAYS 240 30 320 40 400 50 480 60 Schedule "B" (Fire Personnel) Years of Tenure with City 0 - 4th year 5th - 9th year 10th - 14th year 15th and over Maximum Hours to be Accrued Rate Per Pay Carried into next Period (hours/shifts) Fiscal Y~ar HOURS SHIFTS HOURS SHIFTS 10.15 11 360 15 12.46 13.5 480 20 13.385 14.5 600 25 14.77 16 720 30 1.13 The City of Coppell reserves the right to question any excessive use of Personal Leave by an employee during the course of his/her employment with the City. In cases where abuse of Personal Leave is justified, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Holidays AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel PoUcy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. RatUff 1.0 POLICY 1.01 A: ~kDMIIq.DIR\HDRF 1091 .SOP It is the policy of the City of Coppell to extend paid holidays to all regular full- time, regular part-time, and probationary employees. Every other employee is extended the official holiday, but without pay. The following official holidays will be observed: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Holidays Christmas Holidays Personal Holiday Such other holidays as the City Council may declare. January 1 Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September Last Thursday in November and following Friday December 25 and either the day before (Christmas Eve) or the day after depending on where the holiday falls during the week. Employee's Choice (Floating) 2.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Official Holiday 2.02 Holiday Pay 2.03 Eligibility - Holiday 2.04 Benefits 3.0 4.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Fair Labor Standards Act 5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 HOLIDAYS: A holiday shall be defined as a period of eight (8) hours at regular rates except in the case of 24-hour shift employees in the uniformed fire service where the holiday shall be the equivalent of 12 work hours. Payroll procedures will provide guidelines addressing the administration of holidays for employees assigned to work schedules other than 8 or 24 hours per day. Scheduling of Holidays: Holidays occurring on Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday and holidays occurring on Sunday will be observed on the following Monday. Calculation of Holiday Hours: All holiday pay or hours are calculated on an hour for hour basis. 5.02 ELIGIBILITY FOR HOLIDAYS - All regular employees are eligible after the completion of one day of work. 5.03 REGULAR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES ELIGIBLE FOR HOLIDAY PAY - Regular part-time employees shall be eligible for holiday pay only if the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled work day(s) of the week. The employee shall be compensated for the number of hours he/she would ordinarily have been scheduled to work. Should a holiday fall on Saturday or Sunday and be rescheduled to the preceding Friday or the following Monday, regular part-time employees shall be compensated if the rescheduled holiday is a day they would ordinarily have been scheduled to work. 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.10 TEMPORARY AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - Temporary and seasonal employees will be paid their regular rates only if required to work on a holiday. No holiday pay is authorized for seasonal or temporary employees who do not work on a holiday. EMPLOYEES REQUIRED TO WORK ON A HOLIDAY - All employees who are required to work on a holiday shall be given an alternate day off or will be reimbursed for the holiday at their regular rate of pay. Methods of reimbursement for regular eight-hour employees, 24 hour fire shift personnel, police officers and emergency personnel are described in Section 1.07 through 1.14. REGULAR EMPLOYEES WHO WORK EIGHT-HOUR DAYS - All employees who work eight-hour days will receive eight hours pay at straight time for each of the official holidays during the year. POLICE OFFICERS SCHEDULED TO WORK ON A HOLIDAY- When the holiday occurs on a regularly scheduled work day, police officers may accrue the holiday (8 hours only) or receive pay for the holiday in addition to payment for the hours worked. The decision to accumulate a paid holiday or to receive holiday pay must be made at the time the holiday is worked and must be approved by the Department Director. Police officers who call in sick on a holiday they were scheduled to work will receive holiday pay for the day. In no event will double pay be authorized (i.e. Holiday pay plus Personal Leave) for any day not actually worked. POLICE OFFICERS SCHEDULED OFF DUTY ON A HOLIDAY- When the holiday and the regularly scheduled day off occur on the same day, police employees scheduled off duty for the holiday will accrue one day (8 hours) holiday leave to be taken at a later date or can be paid for eight (8) hours at the discretion of the Department Director. NON-EXEMPT EMERGENCY PERSONNEL CALLED BACK ON A HOLIDAY - Employees who work eight-hour days and are called in on an emergency basis to work a holiday for which they were not scheduled, will be paid for all hours worked on the holiday at call back rates. FIRE DEPARTMENT HOLIDAY ACCRI, IAL POLICY- Fire Department 24-hour shift personnel will accrue a maximum of four and one-half (4 1/2) shifts of holiday pay during each calendar year. In order to provide needed flexibility in scheduling holiday time off, the first time sheet of the calendar year for shift personnel will show an accrual of 108 hours of holiday time. 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT PERSONNEL NEW EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY ACCRUAL RATES - New employees hired in the middle of the year who will be working 24-hour shifts will accrue holiday time for the number of holidays remaining in the calendar year. FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT PERSONNEL USAGE OF HOLIDAY ACCRUED TIME - The four and one-half (4 1/2) holiday shifts assigned at the beginning of each calendar year to fire department shift personnel will be taken during that calendar year from January 1 through December 31 and will not be carried over without approval of the Fire Chief. FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT PERSONNEL REASSIONMENT OR .TERMINATION - Holiday time that has been taken prior to the date of separation must have been accrued, that is, the employee must have worked a full quarter for each 27 hours of holiday time taken. If the employee has not yet accrued the total number of days he/she has taken, unearned holiday hours will be deducted from the final paycheck. Should an employee terminate before taking earned holiday leave, reimbursement will be made on the final paycheck. INELIGIBLE FOR HOLIDAY PAY - Any employee who is on non-paid leave, or absent without authorized leave on the day immediately preceding or following a scheduled holiday shall lose pay for the holiday as well as wages for the days of non-paid leave. HOLIDAY OCCURRING DURING VACATION LEAVE - A holiday that falls within an employee's vacation period will not be counted as a day of vacation. TERMINATING EMPLOYEES - Terminating employees will not be allowed to use a holiday as their final day of employment. UNPAID LEAVE STATUS - An employee on an unpaid leave status the day prior to a holiday will not be paid for or accrue that holiday. PAID LEAVE STATUS - An employee on a paid leave status will be paid holiday pay in lieu of the leave status pay they would ordinarily receive at the time of the holiday. OTHER RELIGIOUS OR NATIONAL HOLIDAYS - Employees may request to take other religious and national holidays but any such request is subject to the approval of the supervisor. If approved, the employee must charge the time to their vacation leave or compensatory time. HOLIDAY PAY FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION - An employee on workers' compensation will receive holiday pay only when the employee would have been normally authorized to be paid for that holiday. 6.0 7.0 8.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director - It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure by members of the Director's respective departments concerning the administration and scheduling of holidays. 6.02 Supervisors - It is the responsibility of each Department Supervisor and/or their designee to schedule and maintain proper records for holidays. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employee .... A. Shall indicate on his/her time sheet any holiday occurring during his/her workweek. 7.02 Supervisor ..... A. Shall verify time sheet and eligibility for all employees. EXHIBITS 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 Example Time Sheet - Regular employees who work eight (8) hour days Example Time Sheet - Police Officers who work the holiday Example Time Sheet - Police Officers scheduled off for the holiday Example Time Sheet - Emergency Personnel called in on the holiday Example Time Sheet - Fire Personnel scheduled to work on the holiday Example Time Sheet - Fire Personnel scheduled off on the holiday EXH .< -- EXHIBIT a. O2 0 0 [.-< Z r~ EXHIBIT 8,03 ;.:~=.:. .:!:;:'.:!.!:i:!:!:! ......... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ..-.-.-.-.-.-. - ....... ;.:.:.:;;;:;;.;;;. .................. .................. :::::::::::::::::::::::: ........ .................. .................................................... .......... : ................. ~ ~[:.~ :....:~, .:.:.- .......... ..-.-............. ~:~:~:j:~:~:~:~:~: :::::::::::::~:: ................ ..,.,.,.,..,.. .... "" 'F'"'?F .:<~-.: :.:.u-: ':':?F':'~<':' '"'""~'"'"'" ':?'"'"'"" 0 EXHIBIT R.Oq 0 (:3 EXHIBIT B.05 0 ~ u EXHIBIT B.OD 0 0 CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Bereavement Leave AUTHORITY; REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~a~,,, D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 4.0 A:'~ADMIN.DIR',HDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to allow all probationary and regular full- time employees time off with pay not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours, three working days, per occurrence, or [thirty-six (36) hours for twenty-four (24) hour shift personnel in the uniformed fire service] in the event of death(s) in his/her family. For the purpose of authorizing bereavement leave "family" will be defined as: spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, stepparent, stepchild, grandparent or grandchild of an employee or an employee's spouse. 1.02 An employee may be required to provide information to document the absence. 1.03 Additional time off may be taken as vacation or, if no vacation time is available, as authorized leave without pay upon approval of the Department Director. KEY WORDS 2.01 Bereavement 2.02 Family DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Family - Includes spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, brother, sister, grandparent, and grandchild of an employee or an employee's spouse. 5.02 Director - The person in charge of the various designated City Departments. RESPONSIBIL~Y/A~HOR~Y 6.01 Employee - It is the responsibility of the employee to fill out a bereavement leave request form (Exhibit 8.01), as soon as possible to coincide with the proper pay period. This request can be completed after the occurrence if necessary. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employee .......... Fill out and submit a Bereavement Leave Request (Exhibit 8.01), to the Supervisor at the earliest possible time. 7.02 Supervisor ....... Shall forward the request to the Department Director for approval. 7.03 Department Director ....... Shall forward the request to the Personnel Director. 7.04 Personnel Director ....... De Shall send a copy to the Payroll Department. 7.05 Payroll Department ....... Eo Shall forward a copy of the approved and processed request form to the Personnel Department to keep in the employee's personnel file. EXHIBITS 8.01 Bereavement Leave Request Date: Department: BEREAVEMENT LEAVEREQUEST Exhibit 8.01 Employee: Job Title: Day(s) of Qualifying Event: Reason for Bereavement Leave: Below is a list of the family members which will entitle the employee to be eligible for Bereavement Leave with pay under the City of Coppell's Personnel Policies and Procedures. Please indicate whether family member involved in the request is related to employee or employee's spouse and the relationship as such. Relationship: Employee Spouse (check one) Spouse ~ Child ~ Parent ~ Stepparent Stepchild Brother Sister ~ Grandparent Grandchild Name of Deceased (Approved by Department Director) (Received by Personnel Department (Received by Payroll Department) Date Date CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Leave of Absence .AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: __ of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 AAADMIN.DIR\HDRFI091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that Leave of Absence will be granted in a non-paid status only after all other paid leaves are exhausted. Department Directors are authorized to grant leave of absence for not more than thirty (30) days. Any leave beyond thirty (30) days must be authorized by the City Manager. Leave of absence will not be authorized unless there is a reasonable expectation that the employee will return to employment with the City at the end of the approved period. 1.02 Consideration of benefits continuation during a leave without pay will be reviewed by the Personnel Director, subject to final approval of the City Manager. Vacation and sick leave pay cease to accrue during any leave without pay. 1.03 City of Coppell policy requires vacation, compensatory time, personal and other accrued holiday time, be used prior to authorizing a leave of absence (LOA) to an employee. However, if the LOA is due to illness, all sick leave must be used as well prior to authorizing a leave of absence. KEY WORDS 2.01 Leave of Absence DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All Departments of the City. 4.0 5.0 REFERENCES 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 Purpose of Leave of Absence: A leave of absence is appropriate for but not limited to the following reasons: a) b) c) d) e) Recovery from extended illness or temporary disability. Child care, care for the elderly, or extended care for immediate family members. Educational purposes when successful completion will contribute to the work of the City. Public service assignment. Personnel exchange programs which emphasize intergovernmental relations. 5.02 Non-Paid Leave of Absence: Non-paid leave of absence shall be authorized for not more than thirty (30) days by the Department Director. Unpaid leave of absence can only be granted when all possibilities of paid leave have been exhausted. 5.03 Extended Leave of Absence: For situations that could be considered non- preventable purpose, the City Manager may grant a leave of absence exceeding the thirty (30) day period, but in no case shall the leave period exceed six (6) months. The City Manager shall determine whether or not the situation constitutes a non-preventable purpose. Authorized Leave of Absence: A leave granted with the expectation that the employee will return to employment with the City at the end of the authorized leave period. 5.05 Proof of Request: The Department Director and/or City Manager may require a doctor's statement specifying when an employee is no longer able to perform his/her duties and the expected recuperation period as leave of absence applies to extended leave, temporary disability, or other requests for leave. ^) The Department Director and/or City Manager may require employees on leave to provide periodic medical statements from a physician as to whether or not the employee is able to return to work. B) The Department Director and/or City Manager may require that the employee on leave periodically contact a designated Supervisor to report on the his/her condition. 6.0 7.0 5.06 Disciplinary Action: Failure to provide required medical status reports, physician's statements, or to contact the office per the schedule required by the City is grounds for revoking the leave and for taking appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure, and the responsibility of each employee to understand its content. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employee ......................... Determines need for leave of absence. Insures all other forms of paid leave have been exhausted. Requests leave of absence from Supervisor/Department Director. 7.02 Supervisor/Department Director ..... Determines request does not exceed thirty (30) days. Receives documentation to support request for leave of absence. Insures request meets purpose guidelines. D. Informs employee. 7.03 City Manager ....................... Determines if request for leave exceeds thirty (30) days. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Receives written recommendation from Department Director. Insures request meets purpose guidelines and appropriate documentation is presented. May authorize leave of absence not to exceed a total of six (6) months. Informs Department Director. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Military Leave AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Rafllff 1.0 POLICY A:'~ADlvIIN.DIRVHDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that military leave shall be approved leave for regular full-time employees of the City who are members of the State Military Forces or members of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States. This leave shall be approved for leave of absence from an employee's duties without loss of time, efficiency rating, vacation time, or salary on all days during which they are engaged in authorized training or duty ordered by proper authority for a time not to exceed fifteen (15) working days in one fiscal year' Military training which exceeds fifteen (15) days must be approved by the City Manager. 1.02 Regular full-time employees of the City who are called to active duty with the State Military Forces or with the Armed Forces of the United States are entitled to be restored to employment subject to the provisions of the law upon honorable release from active duty. The City Manager shall determine whether reemployment will be in the same or a comparable job position. 1.03 Military leave is not training required by the City and is a benefit provided to assist employees in fulfilling their military obligation only. 2.0 3.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Regular full-time Employee 2.02 Fiscal Year 2.03 Authorized Training or Duty DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments. 4.0 REFERENCES 4.01 Vernon's Texas Codes of Annotated Government Code - Section 431.005 5.0 6.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Military Leave - Leave required of regular full-time employees of the City of Coppell who are members of the State Military Forces or members of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States. 5.02 Fiscal Year - City of Coppell's fiscal year October 1 through September 30. 5.03 Authorized Training or Duty - Duty ordered by the proper authority (i.e. Armed Forces, State Militia, etc). 5.05 Active Duty - Full time service in the Armed Forces with regulations and duties and pay and subject to appropriate regulations. 5.06 Eligibility - The City Manager has the discretion to grant up to fifteen (15) additional days in cases of State or Federal Emergencies. 5.07 Procedures for Use - All regular full-time employees who are members of the State Military Forces or Armed Forces of the United States shall be eligible to request this type of leave. 5.08 Official Document - Orders, official correspondence, or other verified notification signed by the Commanding Officer. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director is responsible for ensuring compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure. Scheduling for work of an employee should be such that his/her work schedule does not affect weekend duty to the Armed Services. 6.02 City Manager (or his designee) shall have the authority to approve military leave and the placement of the employee upon return if the employee is called into active duty. 7.0 PROCEDURES Responsibility 7.01 Employee 7.02 Department Director 7.03 Personnel Department 7.04 City Manager (or designee) Action A. Bo The employee, upon receipt of official armed forces request for training or call to duty documents, must submit a written request for approval of military leave. Copies of the official request documents must be attached to the written request. The request must be submitted to the employee's Department Director, thirty (30) days prior to beginning the first day of requested leave. It is the employee's responsibility to request this leave time in advance and to insure any weekend duty training does not conflict with his/her scheduled work time. If so, this should be brought to the Supervisor's attention immediately. The Department Director shall submit the request to the Personnel Department along with his/her written recommendation within five (5) working days from receipt. Shall review the request to insure that military leave time is available. After the review has been completed, the request shall be forwarded to the City Manager's office within five (5) working days. Shall review the request and make the decision for approval or denial of the request within fifteen (15) working days from receipt. After the decision has been made, the documents should be returned to the Department Director for dissemination to the employee. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 Military Leave Request Form -- EXHIBIT 8.01 City of Coppell Military Leave Request Form Employee Name: Department: Division: Date of Request: Member of What Armed Service Division: Requested Dates: Type of Training or Duty Assignment: Date(s) Employee Will Be Away From and Return to Work: Employee Comments: Are Official Call to Duty Documents Attached? Yes No Department Director's Comments: (Employee's Signature) Personnel Director's Comments: (Department Director's Review) City Manager's Comments: (Personnel Director's Review) Approved Denied City Manager's Signature (or Designee) - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Civil Leave AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; A~.. D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A:~DMIN.DIR~HDRFI091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide Civil Leave without loss of compensation to all employees required to serve on jury duty, appear in court due to a valid subpoena in a civil, criminal, legislative, or administrative proceeding. The employee must provide documentation of the requirement for jury duty, subpoena compliance with his/her leave request. Acceptable documentation includes: a subpoena, jury notice, letter of request from an attorney of record or prosecuting attorney on request of a hearing officer. 1.02 Court appearances for testimony, investigation, and court preparation as a result of official duties as a City of Coppell employee (police, fire, inspections, animal control, etc.) are compensated as actual hours worked and are not classified as paid leave. 1.03 Employees receiving payment from an outside employer for court appearance(s) shall be required to use vacation leave or compensatory time, or personal holiday. Civil Leave may be used by the employee with the approval of the Department Director for the purpose of voting in a national, state, or local election provided that the employee is scheduled to work throughout the duration of the voting period. 1.05 An employee who is on civil leave shall report for City duty for the remainder of the day upon completion of court or jury service or voting. 1.06 Payment for jury duty shall be retained by the employee. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Civil Leave 2.02 Voting 2.03 Jury Duty AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCE 4.01 Section 276.004 of Texas Election Code DEFINITIONS 5.01 Civil Leave - Time needed to vote, serve on a jury, appear in court due to a valid subpoena in a civil, criminal, legislative, or administrative proceeding, or certain duty-connected testimony, investigation, or court preparation. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It shall be the responsibility of the Department Director/Supervisor to ensure civil leave is utilized in accordance with the policy. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employee... A. Shall notify his/her supervisor in advance if he/she will need time away from the work place for civil leave. Shall provide his/her supervisor with acceptable documentation such as subpoena, jury notice, letter of request from an attorney of record or prosecuting attorney when requesting civil leave for such. Shall report to work for partial hours prior to or upon completion of activity requiting civil leave. 7.02 Supervisor/Director... A. Shall authorize/deny civil leave upon employee's request. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Administrative Leave AUTHORITY: REPLACES; PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~aan i). Ratliff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 A:~DMIN.DIR\HDRFI091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that administrative leave with pay may be granted to an employee as a matter of discretion by the City Manager when no other paid leave category is available or applicable and leave without pay would not be appropriate. 1.02 Department Directors may grant administrative leave with pay only in matters pending a disciplinary decision. KEY WORDS 2.01 Administrative Leave AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCE 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE - Leave granted at the discretion of management without loss of accrued leave benefit. 6.0 7.0 8.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It shall be the responsibility of the Department Director/City Manager to determine when administrative leave is applicable and utilized in accordance with the policy. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY 7.01 Director/City Manager... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A ACTION Shall determine when administrative leave is applicable. BJ Shall ensure administrative leave is utilized in accordance with the policy. EMPLOYEE GROUP BENEFITS Tuition Reimbursement .................... GrouD Hospitalization, Medical & Life Insurance ....... Travel Policy ........................ Training .......................... Worker's Compensation .................... Texas Municipal Retirement System .............. Unemployment Insurance ................... Elective Benefits ...................... - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Tuition Reimbursement AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Abm 1). Rafllfr 1.0 POLICY A:'~ADMIN.DIRVI-IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to offer tuition reimbursement to all regular full-time employees who have completed their initial probationary period for new hires with the City and who wish to enroll in college level courses for academic credits (not continuing education courses). Tuition reimbursement is offered for both undergraduate and graduate courses. Tuition reimbursement is not available to employees for course work necessary to qualify for the position presently occupied. 1.02 The following are conditions of eligibility for receipt of tuition reimbursement: Ao Courses taken must be job-related and must be a requirement of an official degree plan. (If a degree plan is not yet available, it is the responsibility of the employee to submit the relevant college catalog (which outlines the requirements for a specific degree to be used as documentation). Bo Maximum amount of tuition and lab fee reimbursement will be the tuition and fees set by the area State Supported Colleges (including all mandatory fees, and up to $100 per semester for text books, but excluding supplies, and parking). Reimbursement shall be paid at: 1) One-hundred percent of tuition and fees for making a grade of "A" in graduate or undergraduate courses; 2) Eighty percent of tuition and fees for making a grade of "B" in graduate or undergraduate courses; and 3) Fifty percent of tuition and fees for making a grade of "C" in an undergraduate course. No reimbursement will be paid for a grade of "C" in a graduate level course. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Not receiving payment for the course through any other source of public assistance (i.e. grants, scholarships, veterans' benefits, public safety programs, social security benefits, etc.). De Appropriate paperwork, (grade report and receipts), must be submitted to the Finance Department within thirty (30) days of the grade report. KEY WORDS 2.01 Tuition Reimbursement DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 Tuition: The dollar amount paid for course credit as set by the area State Supported Colleges including all mandatory fees and up to $100 per semester for text books, but excluding parking, and supplies. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Initiating Employee .... A. Employee must fr. initial request with Department Director prior to (or at the time of registration to ensure that the intended course of study will qualify for reimbursement). 7.02 Initiating Department ..... A. After approving the acceptability of a given course of study, the Department Director must submit to the Personnel Department an acknowledgement of the initial request and approval. 8.0 7.03 Employee ..... 7.04 Finance Department ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Bo Upon completion of the course with a qualifying grade (1.02 B), the employee must submit the grade report and a copy of receipts to: 1) the Department Supervisor for bookkeeping purposes; 2) the Personnel Department for the employee's permanent file; and 3) the Finance Department for payment. The Finance Department will see that appropriate reimbursement is received by the employee. CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Group Hospitalization, Medical & Life Ins. AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE; of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan !~. llatliff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 A: ~ADMIN.DIR~I-IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to offer comprehensive self-insured medical insurance coverage as well as dental and life insurance to all eligible regular full- time employees at no cost to the employee; however, the City of Coppell does reserve the right to pass along all or a portion of the costs of insurance coverage to its employees in the event that insurance costs become prohibitive. 1.02 All eligible regular full-time employees may purchase medical and dental coverage for their spouse and eligible dependent(s) at their cost. 1.03 All eligible regular part-time employees may purchase medical and dental coverage for themselves as well as their eligible dependent(s) at their cost. The City of Coppell encourages all participating employees (full and part-time) to make an extra effort to control their medical expenses in order that the City can continue to maintain an effective level of benefits at the lowest possible cost. KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 Group Hospitalization Life Insurance Eligible Dependents Regular Full-time Employee Regular Part-time Employee 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All Departments REFERENCES 4.01 City of Coppell Master Benefit Plan Document DEFINITIONS 5.01 Regular Full-Time Employees - All employees whose normal work schedule is forty hours per week or more in the case of Fire shift personnel and excluding temporary and seasonal employees. 5.02 Regular Part-Time Employee - All employees whose normal work schedule is twenty hours per week or more and excluding temporary and seasonal employees. 5.03 Eligible Dependent - An employee's spouse or any unmarried natural or legally adopted children or stepchildren whose primary residence is the employee's household and is age 19 or under or age 23 or under and a full-time student attending an accredited educational institution. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Personnel Department .... A. Personnel will conduct an orientation for all new full-time employees, identifying Group Insurance Benefits. Personnel shall provide a new employee with necessary materials to complete in order for the employee and his/her eligible dependents to receive Group Insurance Coverage. 8.0 7.02 Employee .......... 7.04 Personnel Department .... 7.05 Finance Department ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Ao An employee shall complete necessary material to receive or make changes to their Group Insurance for employee and dependent (if applicable) and return to Personnel. Once appropriate forms are completed, personnel shall send documents to Finance for the necessary deduction from payroll to take place. Department shall process any changes made by an eligible employee to their Group Insurance Coverage and return this information to Personnel Department. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: Travel Policy SOP NUMBER; AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~a~. I). RatMf ! .0 POLICY A:'gkDMIN .DIR'~HDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide necessary funding for approved conventions, educational meetings, business trips, meetings and other business- related activities. 1.02 TRANSPORTATION Ao Air travel arrangements are to be made by each department or Agency with budgeted funds through the City's travel agent. Air travel shall be at the most discounted fare basis whenever possible. In instances of approved private vehicle use, reimbursement will be for mileage at the current IRS maximum rate plus toll and parking fees. Receipts are required for toll and parking fees. Co Receipts are required for taxi cabs, limos, or other modes of transportation. Do The City will pay for rental vehicles upon written approval of the City Manager or his designee. E. Gasoline Credit Card: The Director may request, in writing, addressed to the Finance Director, a requisition for the use of a gasoline credit card. Gasoline credit cards will only be issued for travel approved in a City vehicle. Copies of the charge tickets must reflect the City equipment number and are to be turned into the Department of Finance along with the credit card on retum. 1.03 1.05 1.06 Charges for other than gasoline products or emergency repair will not be honored. LODGING Reservations for lodging are to be at the single room rate, unless approved for double occupancy. Reservations for lodging are to be arranged in advance by individual departments or agencies. Room service charges will not be paid by the City. MEAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ALLOWANCE The meal allowance for travel outside the Metroplex area, but within the State of Texas, should not exceed $30 per day or up to that amount, with appropriate receipts. The meal allowance for travel outside of the State of Texas, but within the Continental United States, should not exceed $40 per day with receipts; if it exceeds this amount, upon written approval by the City Manager, the amount shall be reimbursed. Tips will be paid at the accepted practice rate not to exceed twenty (20) percent. The meal allowance for travel inside the Metroplex area shall be paid according to the receipt provided by the employee not to exceed $10 per meal. An allowance of $10 per day, without requirement for receipts, will be allowed to cover vending machine purchases, bellboy tips, and other miscellaneous costs. This allowance applies only to travel outside of the Metroplex. LONG DISTANCE PHONE CALL~ One long distance phone call not to ex~.d five minutes to an individual's home is allowed for each day of the trip. Long distance business phone calls will be totally reimbursed. NON-ALLOWABLE EXPENSES Expenses or charges for the following shall be at the expense of the individual: B. C. D. In-hotel pay television; Dry cleaning and laundry; Health club and spas; Expenses of a spouse. 1.07 1.08 1.10 1.11 AIRLINE OR OTHER PROMOTIONS An employee of the City or its Agencies shall not participate in any airline or other promotion offering free trips or tickets if the funds of the City or its agencies have provided the basis for the employee to be eligible to participate in the promotion. If an employee has received or used such a ticket, he or she is responsible to reimburse the City for the full face value of said ticket. TRAVEL FOR THE COUNCIL The Office of the City Secretary may be responsible for travel and lodging arrangements for the City Council members while on City business. AFFIDAVITS OF EXPENDITURES AND RETURN OF UNEXPENDED FUNDS Upon return to the City, a complete accounting of all expenditures of City funds is to be filed within five (5) working days on the City's or its Agencies' Expense Statement form. Receipts for hotel bills and registration fees should be attached to the statement. All unexpended advance funds must be returned with the statement. Authorized expenses in excess of advance funds received will be reimbursed. OBTAINING TRAVEL APPROVAL AND CASH ADVANCES The Director is responsible for cleating all travel with the City Manager or his designee before proceeding to make arrangements for a trip. Members of the City's Boards and Commissions shall be responsible for clearing all travel with the respective liaison. In the absence of a liaison, coordination is through the City Manager or his designee. UNBUDGETED EMPLOYEE TRAVEL The Director or the Agencies' Directors shall submit an item for the City Council's agenda requesting a budget adjustment if funds are not available for the requested travel. The nature of the trip, the title of the position involved, and the estimated cost should be shown. Upon approval by the City Council, funds will be provided in accordance with the travel policy. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 1.12 TRAVEL OUT OF STATE Directors or Supervisors are allowed one out of state convention or training school trip per year as approved in the budget. Requests for more than one (1) out of state trip shall be approved by the City Manager. All other employees are allowed travel only within the State of Texas unless the travel has been budgeted, and the City Manager approves the trip. 1.13 EXPENSES FOR ITEMS NOT STATED IN POLICY The City Manager's approval must be obtained prior to any expenditure of funds for items or charges which are not specifically addressed in the travel policy. Examples might be charter flights, rental of equipment, hire of secretarial services, etc. KEY WORDS 2.01 Travel Policy DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 Resolution No. 111186.1 DEFINITIONS 6.0 7.0 N/A RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this policy. PROCEDURES 7.01 Applicable City Employee ...... Complete and sign Travel and Training Advance Request form (Exhibit 8.01); forward the original to 8.0 7.02 7.03 Immediate Supervisor ....... Department Director ........ Ao 7.04 City Manager ........ 7.05 Finance Department ...... EXHIBITS 8.01 Travel and Training Advance Request Form immediate Supervisor (Note: Directors will forward form directly to the City Manager). This form shall be completed so as to provide sufficient time for obtaining all required signatures and forwarding to Finance by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday preceding the week of travel. Review travel request and, if approved, sign and forward the original to the Department Director. Review travel request form. If request is for in-state travel and, if approved, sign the original and forward to the Finance Department for processing. If request is for out-of-state travel, and, it approved, sign and forward the original to City Manager. Review travel request and, if approved, sign and forward the original to the Finance Department for processing. Upon receipt of a travel request, process and forward check to applicable employee. EXHIBIT 8.01 CITY OF COP P ELL TRAVEL ~ TRATNXNG ADVANCE REQUEST . Department: Division: Acct. Name: SSN $ Date: Destination: Date of trip: Will spouse accompany Y__ N__ Pre-Registration: Y__ N__ AHOUNT: $ Is travel advance needed? (attach completed registration for~; Y N AMOUNT $ please allow 10 days for processing) Reason for Travel: ********************* TRAVEL ITINERARY WORKSHEET (TENTATIVE} ******************** PLACE: HOTEL MODE OF TOTAL TRANSP. SPOUSE HOTEL DATE CITY & STATE TRAVEL MILES EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE MEALS TOTALS: TOTAL AMOUNT OF ADVANCE REQUESTED I, DATE S I ONED ] DATE SIGNED APPROVAL DATE S I ONE D DATE S I GNED ACCOUNTING USE ONLY DATE PAID APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY: DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE TIEMS EXPLAINED ABOVE ARE DUE AND PAYABLE. PAYMENT OR CREDIT FOR THE ABOVE HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED FROM ANY CITY OR NON-CITY SOURCE. (employee) Imm Supervisor Dept. Director City Manager ~spplicable) CHECK JAN. 1992 - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Training AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~ 1). Ratnrf A:~ADMIN.DIRH. IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to offer training to its employees to enhance or acquire new skills for the performance of their jobs or furore advancement. It is the Department Director's responsibility to stay abreast of any stated training requirements and ensure their employees are offered this training. All training will be contingent upon availability of funds. 2.0 KEY WORDS 3.0 2.01 Training DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments 4.0 REFERENCES 4.01 Travel Policy 5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Training: Instruction received in a variety of forms including but not limited to attending seminar(s), institutes(s), in-house training courses, credit courses at colleges/universities, etc., for the enhancement of or aquisition of skills for the performance of an employee's job or for future advancement. 6.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 Department Director. It is the responsibility of the Department Director or his designee to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure. 7.0 Supervisor. Supervisors are responsible for instructing employees in job duties and responsibilities. Supervisors accomplish this through job orientation, job instruction, coaching, and informal discussions with the employoe. 6.03 Employee. Employees are responsible for making sure they meet criteria/guidelines for eligibility stated in the training program description and obtaining their supervisor's approval prior to enrolling in approved training programs. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Each Department Director or designee ... Determine and budget funds to meet training requirements set out by law and/or the department in order that an employee may enhance or acquire new skills for the performance of their job or future advancement. Be Circulate and/or designate within their department the official posting and/or display area(s) for various approved training seminars/classes. Indicate approval in lower left-hand comer of communication to be posted by initials, date, and the word ~approved~, which can either be stamped or written. 8.0 7.03 Employee .................................. EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A ho Bo Assign the responsibility for maintenance and/or removal of written communications approved for official posting and/or display. All training requests must be approved by the Department Director and comply with the City's Travel Policy. File initial travel/training request with his/her supervisor prior to enrollment in a training program. Upon approval of his/her training/travel request, track all receipts. Upon return to the City, submit the appropriate documents as required by the City's Travel Policy. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Workers' Compensation AUTHORITY: REPLACES; PAGE: of: REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; A:'~ADMIH.DIR\HDRF1091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide worker's compensation insurance for all personnel directly employed by the City for occupational injuries and illness suffered during the course and scope of employment with the City in compliance with the Texas Workers Compensation Laws. 1.02 In addition to the benefits provided by workers' compensation insurance, the City of Coppell may also provide optional salary continuation benefits during an employee's recovery period from a legitimate and specific occupational injury or illness occurring during the performance of the employee's job requirements of the City and within the guidelines of established City and departmental policies and procedures. Benefits will be limited to the amount allowed under the Texas Worker's Compensation Act without consideration of salary continuation benefits when any of the following circumstances occur: Injury is caused by the failure of the employee to use safety devices provided by the employer. Injury results from the intoxication of an employee or the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. The employee has failed to meet the requirements for reporting work- related injuries as established by administrative regulation. D. There is a violation of written City and/or departmental policies. 1,0~3 1.05 1.06 1.08 Each work-related accident or injury will be examined by the Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee in an effort to search for preventive safety measures and to actively involve the City's employees in working to eliminate unnecessary injuries and accidents. Horseplay, failure to follow established City and/or departmental safety practices or policies, failure of timely reporting, or carelessness may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. The Personnel Director may require an employee injured in the course and scope of employment to submit to examinations at City expense by a physician or psychologist chosen or approved by the Personnel Director and/or the City's worker's compensation carrier to determine the employee's ability to perform his/her job responsibilities in addition to any medical treatment secured by the employees under Worker's Compensation laws. In cases of legitimate on-the-job injuries or illnesses, optional salary continuation may be authorized by the Personnel Director for up to 90 work days. At the end of 90 work days, each situation will be reviewed by the Personnel Director, and, if salary benefits are authorized for continuation beyond the 90 work days, the case will be reviewed each 90 days thereafter, up to a maximum of one year. At the end of one year, benefits will be limited to the amount allowed under the Texas Worker's Compensation Laws. Where salary continuations are opted by the employee and authorized by the Personnel Director, an exchange of worker's compensation benefits payments for payroll checks will be required, as set out in the Standard Operating Procedure. Under no circumstances can an employee receive both worker's compensation benefits and salary continuation. Temporary, part-time, seasonal, and employees who have not completed their initial probationary employment period are ineligible for salary continuation benefits. The City reserves the right to contest any claim alleged as worker's compensation and to require a full investigation and determination by the Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee and/or the City's worker's compensation carrier. Until alleged worker's compensation is verified as compensable by the worker's compensation carrier and/or the Personnel Department, the injured employee will be required to use his/her accrued leave until it is exhausted and then be placed on a leave of absence without pay. Once an injury has been deemed compensable, the Personnel Department shall authorize reinstatement of any accrued leave utilized and/or repay any leave that has been taken as unpaid. 2.0 3.0 1.10 1.11 1.12 Salary continuation benefits are forfeited if an employee A) Fails to keep medical appointments. B) Is found to be working for pay at any job (including outside employment) not approved by the Personnel Director. c) Resigns or is discharged for any reason or retires or dies while receiving salary continuation. D) Fails or refuses to comply with or follows or disregards or violates the treating physician's instructions regarding treatment of the on-the-job injury. Refuses to perform limited, partial, or part-time duty in the same or comparable pay classification to that which he is regularly assigned when such has been authorized by the treating physician and offered by his Department Director. Every effort will be made to return injured employees to his/her prior positions as soon as they are medically released. In cases where an employee is released for restricted (light) duty, the Personnel Department will coordinate the employee's return to work with that employee's Department Director. In the event there is no suitable work available in the employee's department, the employee may be assigned to another department in the City. While a genuine effort will be made to locate restricted duty for injured employees released in that capacity, the City reserves the right to require an employee to be medically released with no restrictions before returning to active duty should it be deemed necessary by the Personnel Director. KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 Worker's Compensation Texas Worker's Compensation Act Salary Continuation Benefits On The Job Injury DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments and Divisions 4.0 5.0 REFERENCES 4.01 4.02 Texas Worker's Compensation Act effective January 1, 1991 City of Coppell Safety Policy and Procedure DEFINITIONS 5.01 Worker's Compensation Claim: A request for benefits by an employee as a result of an injury on the job. 5.02 Texas Worker's Compensation Commission: The authority responsible for the compliance and enforcement of the State Worker's Compensation Law. 5.03 Texas Worker's Compensation Act: The state worker's compensation laws effective January 1, 1991. Salary_ Continuation Benefit: Benefit provided by the City which allows employees an option to elect continuation of salary benefits during recovery from a legitimate on-the-job injury to supplement the difference between workers' compensation benefit and the employee's regular wage. 5.05 Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee; An employee committee established for the purpose of investigating injuries and accidents in an effort to search for preventive safety measures. 5.06 Compensable Injury: An injury determined by the City's workers' compensation carrier to be a legitimate, work-related injury eligible for worker's compensation benefits prescribed by law. 5.07 Restricted Duty: Performance of job responsibilities with physical limitations prescribed by treating physician. 5.08 Active Duty: Full-time and complete performance of duties and responsibilities established in the City's job descriptions and performance standards. 5.09 First Report of Injury_ (TWCC-1): Report required by Texas Worker's Compensation to. officially notify the Commission and worker's compensation carder of injury. 6.0 7.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY It is the responsibility of each employee to report all injuries to their respective supervisors immediately and to obey all City and departmental safety policies and practices. It is the responsibility of each City director to report all injuries to the Personnel Department. It is the responsibility of the Personnel Department to process all worker's compensation claims within the timeframe prescribed by law. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Any employee involved in or witness to an on-the-job injury or accident shall ..... Ae Report the accident or injury to his/her supervisor and/or department director immediately and complete an Employee Report of Accident form (Exhibit 8.01). Report medical information back to the supervisor and/or director as soon as treatment is received and return to work immediately following treatment if medical report permits. Follow medical treatment prescribed, including keeping medical appointments. Contact his/her supervisor each day of convalescence prescribed by medical provider and be within reach by telephone during business hours. If an employee is a registered patient in the hospital due to a compensable on- the-job injury, this procedure will not be required. Shall submit a written request for salary continuation to the Personnel Department and request an appointment to disucss benefit lie options, should the recovery period extend beyond eight days. This meeting must be initiated on or before the Friday following the seventh calendar day of injury in order to receive consideration for salary continuation. Report to the Personnel Department in person each Friday following the seventh calendar day of injury. A medical progress report from the employee's physician must be provided to the Personnel Department at that time. If an employee is not ambulatory, he/she must telephone Personnel on each appointed Friday and mail in the progress report. Failure to report to Personnel as prescribed in this policy shall result in the loss of salary continuation benefits. Endorse his/her worker's compensation check(s) over to the City of Coppell and deliver to Personnel. This only applies to injured employees who have opted for and been approved to receive salary continuation benefits. Return to restricted duty as medical progress permits, provided there is suitable work available. Provide any medical releases deemed necessary by the Department and/or the Personnel Department prior to returning to work. Meet with the Employee Accident and Review Committee to discuss the circumstances surrounding the 7.02 7.03 Supervisor and/or director shall ....................... Personnel Department shall .... Bo Do Eo accident or injury in an effort to determine what action might be taken to prevent the recurrence of similar accidents or injuries. Arrange for medical attention as required. While the City reserves the fight to have an employee evaluated by a provider of the City's choosing at the time of injury, this does not pre-empt the employee's fight to see a physician of his/her own choosing under the guidelines set out in the Texas Worker's Compensation Act. Complete the First Report of Injury Form (TWCC-1, Exhibit 8.01) and deliver to the Personnel Department within 24 hours of the time and date of injury. Thoroughly review and investigate each accident and/or injury. Meet with the Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee in connection with each accident and/or injury. Keep the Personnel Department informed of any developments in connection with all worker's compensation claims. Process First Report of Injuries, Medical bills, and follow up reports as required by law. Coordinate worker's compensation claims with the City's worker's compensation carrier, the involved department and the employee. Maintain records on all worker's compensation injuries. Approve salary continuation benefits. Monitor all lost time injuries for policy compliance and required legalities. 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 Employee Report of Accident 8.02 First Report of Injury form (TWCC-1) EXHIBIT B.OI EMPLOYEE'S REPORT OF ACCIDENT DATE/TIME OF ACCIDENT OR INJURY DEPART1VfENT LOCATION OF ACCIDENT OR INJURY DESCRIBEHOW ACCIDENT/INJURY OCCURRED NAME OF INJURED PERSON(S) DESCRIBE INJURY WITNESSES: YOUR COMMENTS DATE COMPLETED Signature of Employee Mail top two pages of this form to: TEXAS WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION Central Office, 4000 South IH-35, Southfield Building Austin, Texas 78704-7491 Send the specified copies to your Workers' Compensa- tion Carrier and the injured employee. Please read instruction sheet CAREFULLY, giving special attention to items marked with an asterisk (*). EXHIBIT B.132 TWCC CLAIM # ICARRIER'S CLAIM tl EMPLOYER'S FIRST REPORT OF INJURY OR ILLNESS ~ Name (Last, Fimt, M.I.) 2 Sex F 3 Social SeoJrll)' Number 14 Home Phone 5 Date of B,rth (m-d-y) 6. Does the Employee Speak English? If No, Specify Language YES ~ NO ~ 7. Race 8 Ethmc~ty Wmle ~ Black ~ Hispamc Asian ~ Native American 9 Madmg Acldress Strew! o~ P.O. Box C~ty State ZiP Cocte County 10 Mardal Status Mamed ~ W~dowed ___ Separated -- Single 11. Number of DepenOent Children J 12 Spouses Name 13 Doctor s Name 14 Doctor's Mading Ad,tress (Street or P.O Box) C~t¥ State Z~p Cocle Date of In 16 Tim ot Iniun/ 17. Date Lost Time 18. Nature of Injury* I 19. Par1 of Body Injured or Exposed" I 20 How and Why Injury/illness Occurred' 21. Was employee 22 Works~le Locabon of Injury (sta~rs. Clock, etc )' clomg his YES regular iDb? NO [] 23 Aclclress Where Injury or Exposure Occurred Name of busmess if inci0ent occurred on a business site Street or P.O Box County C~ty State ZIP Cocle 24 Cause ol Injury (fall too!. macmne, etc )' 25. List W~tnesses 26 Re!.~ ~0 wo,t, Uale o~ i 27 D~ emptoyee 0~e'~ 20 Superwso~ $ Name! 2.o Date expe~e¢ -- -- ] t YES ----' NO ~ months __ years ____ I months __ years Employee Payroll Ctas.sihcatK~'~ CoDe 35 Occupation Ot Injure~ Worker . 37. Full Work Week is: 38. Last Paycheck was: - I 39. Is employee an Owner. Partner, Rate of Pay at this Job 1 or Coml3orate Officer'~ I Hourly $ Weekly I Hours Days $ for Hours or Days ~ YES ~ NO ~' / ~440 Name an(J Tree of Parson Completing Form 41 Name of Business 43. Busmess Locahon {If d,flerent from ma~l~ng adclress) Number and Street 42 Busmess Malhng Acldress and Telephone Number Street m' P.O Box Te(ephone ( C,ty State ZIP Code City State ZIP Code ~ FeOeral T~ 11t~1~13~I N~ll3er 45 P(~l&~ Sl~-~Kla'0 1~3(1~$1rk3 Cla. S..s.t,c.a~10n (SiC~ C.,4:x~' i4 ~gq) I 4~ S{3eOIK: SIC ~' 14 O~ti 48. WoOers' Combensat*on I~&urance Company 149 Pohcy Nurnt)er 47 Texas. C4~01ro~e, laxpa'fa' No 50 DlCl you request acctclent prevenhon serwces in the pas! 12 months? YES" NO - If yes. 0,~ you recewe li3em')' YES -- NO ~ 51. S,gnature and T,tie (READ INSTRUCTIONS ON INSTRUCTION SHEET BEFORE SIGNING) X Date Rule 12C 2 Ha~, Forms & Serwces ReorOer NO 14-4162 TWCC-~ (2-9t) 2 13'9~ - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Texas Municipal Retirement System AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Rafliff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 A:\ADMIN.DIR\HDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS). 1.02 All full-time regular employees and those part-time regular employees who occupy positions designated as those requiting 1,000 or more hours per calendar year must participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS). 1.03 The amount of an employee's benefit at time of retirement is determined by years of continuous service, age, final average salary, and the retirement option selected. Employees who leave employment with the City of Coppell prior to retirement will, upon request, be refunded their portion of the retirement account, plus interest earned on their contribution. However, should an employee gain employment with a participating city without a break in service, a refund will not be made. Instead, the employee's account balance will be transferred to the new City. KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 Texas Municipal Retirement system TMRS Retirement DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 REFERENCES 4.01 Texas Municipal Retirement System Handbook of Information . DEFINITIONS 5.01 Texas Municipal Retirement System - Established in 1948, the Texas Municipal Retirement system is a retirement and disability pension system for municipal employees in the State of Texas. TMRS is located at 1200 N. 1-35, P. O. Box 2225, Austin, Texas 78768, Telephone 512/476-7577. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the joint responsibility of the Personnel Department and the Finance Department to administer the City's TMRS Plan; Personnel being responsible for orientation of employees and Finance being responsible for payroll deductions and the City's contributions, and processing of forms and refunds. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employee shall ...... Ao Complete Form TMRS-16 on employment with the City Submit beneficiary change form if a change in beneficiary is desired. Notify City of Coppell at least 45 days in advance of retirement from the City to ensure that applications for service retirement (TMRS- 15) are received in the TMRS office at least 30 days (and not more than 90 days) prior to the effective date of retirement, and the effective date must be the last day of a calendar month. 8.0 7.02 Personnel Department shall .... 7.03 Finance Department shall ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 Form TMRS-16 Do Orientate all new employees in regard to TMRS and provide them. with a TMRS handbook. Assist employees with completion of required forms and forward forms to payroll for processing in a timely manner. Deposit employee payroll contributions and the City's contribution with TMRS. Process all forms to TMRS in a timely manner on receipt from Personnel. Process withdrawal requests no later than the fifteenth day of the month following separation. (For example, an employee terminating his/her employment on May 5 would receive payroll money in May. Therefore, a withdrawal request could not be processed until no later than lune 15.) Prepare financial reports required by TMRS in a timely manner. Distribute deposit reports to employees as received'from TMRS. m EXHIBIT 8.01 - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Unemployment ln~'urance AUTHORITY; REPLACES: PAGE: __ of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan O. Ratllff 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 POLICY 1.01 A: ~ADMIN .DIR~,HDRF1091 .SOP It is the policy of the City to cover all employees under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Insurance program for which the City pays into this program on a claim by claim basis. This program provides payment for unemployed workers in certain circumstances. KEY WORDS 2.01 Unemployment Insurance DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCES 4.01 Texas Unemployment Commission DEFINITIONS N/A RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of the Personnel Department to file required information for the proper adjudication of employee unemployment claims. 6.02 It is the responsibility of the Department Director/Supervisor, when required, to provide all necessary employment information for the proper adjudication of employee unemployment claims. 7.0 PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY 7.01 Personnel Department 8.0 EXHIBITS 8.01 Notice of Employee Separation ACTION Shall file necessary employee information with the City's unemployment carrier for the proper adjudication of any employee unemployment claims made (See Exhibit 8.01). Shall notify affected Department Director(s) of additional information as needed for proper adjudication of an employee's unemployment claim. NOTICE OF EMPLOYEE SEPARATION The following employee was separated TODAY: (NAME) (Date) (SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER) EXHIBIT B.01 URGENT MAILIMMEDIATE~ UPON SEPARATION OFANYEMPLOYEE TO: R. E. HARRINGTON, INC. 4851 Keller Springs Rd. Suite.201 Dallas, Tx. 75248 (JOB TITLE & DESCRIPTION) Rate of Pay: Starting Wages Reportej:l to State of -~ '~ REASON FOR SEPARATION (check one and explain under remarks) 0'1 - LACK OF WORK E] 0100 No other informaho~ F1 0101 ReduchOr~ in fOrce [] 0102 JO~ elimmateO [] 0103 Reorgamzet~on [] 0106 Erx~ of temporary employment ID 0107 Erx:l of seasona} employment [] 0108 Prolecl complete~ [] 0109 Casual [] 0111 Parhelly unernployed reduced Ilours [] 0113 On cell [] 0116 Temporary [] 0120 Plant closed ~2 - NOT ~EPARATED [] 0200 Not se~oarated l-1 0~(~t Dtsciphnary lay off r-i 0211Ct'lange tn other employment [] 0214 Inclemenl weather m. QUIT r~ 0300 Reason unknown ~ 0301 At:)anOof~,ec[ r'l 0302WalkeCl off tob [] 0303 Dicl not return from leave F1 0304 D~i not return from tayot! [] 0305 Personal--not job related [] 0306 School [] 0307 Ma.iage n 030~ Relocate ~1 0309 Family o~ligabons D 0310 Ur~Dle 1o obtam babysitler [] O311 Transportat ,on [] 0315 Accept another lob m 0316 Go ~nto own bus, ness ~ 0321 Matermty ~-t 0326Enter md~l&ry [] 0330 D~ssah~actio~--work hours [] 0331 Dissahsf Kt ~on ---sela ry [] 0332 D~ssabsfaction--workmg com:ht~ons [] 0333 Dtssebstact~on--performance rev~.w [] 0334 n~sebsfact io1-~ --a uper ¥~sor [] 0335 Dlssetl$facllorI--company DOhCi~ First day worked Last day worked ~1 - DI~:::HARGE 0400 NO other informatio~ ~01 I~u~r~t~on ~ V~lali~ ~ c~ny ru~ ~ ~lic~ ~ V~lat~ ~ ~fety ru~ ~ ~0~ un~ infl~e of elc~ol ~ ~o~ un~r reliance ot drugs ~10 ~lruction ~ ~m~ny pro~--willful ~11 ~truCtion of ~m~ny pro~y ~m~s ~12 Fightmg on core.ny ~ro~y ~13 L~vi~ wo~ ~15 Falsih~n of ~plo~t ~l~etion ~16 D~ho~s~--fals*f~ ~m~ny ~o~s ~17 Dish~ty~u~ut~r~ r~al oi ~m~ny ~Y D~h~ty ~other A~nt~m~unre~ded A~nt~m~xC~l~ end/or u~uthor~ Tardi~ss--fr~nt Fm~d to maintain ~ ~tus Ex~ ~mish~ Q~h~ ~ wo~ ~37 Q~ntity ~ work P~r ~or~nce Pro~tt~aW--not quelil~ tot pb Lack of I~hmcal know~ I~bih~ to ~rk--ill~ss Fadure to ~ phystcat 07 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE [] 0700 NO other ~nformation [] 0701 Illness [] 0702 Malernity [] 0705 Injury--work connected [] 0713~Injury--not work connected [] 0710 Md~tary [] 0711 Family Ol:)hgalions [] 0712 Pe~onal [] 0713 School [] 0714 Other REMARKS Rate of Pay: Ending g~ - ~ACATION [] 0500 NO Other reformat,on [] 0~)1 Scheduled vaCation wllh Day [] 0~02 ShutOown for vecat~on [] 0503 Shutdown for vaCal~O~, eligible for vacation paF [] O~ ShotOown Jor vaCal*orl: ehg,ble for Dart~al vacation pay [] O6OO [] 0801 ID O8O2 [] 0803 [] O8O6 [] 0~07 [] 0811 [] 08t2 [] 0813 [] 0816 [] 0~17 Ge - RETIREMENT NO Other informal;on Voluntary--with pension (contributory) Voluntary--w~th pension (non-contr~butorw Voluntary --withou~ pension Contractuall--w~tl~ pension (con*.nbutOry~ C~ltractual--with pension Inon-contrlbutO~) Contractual--without pans~on D~sebihty --job related m - LA~OR DISPUTE [] 0600 No other informat,on [] 0601 Member ot stnkmg umOn 0 0602 Refused lo cross p~cket line O 0603 Stnke--other umon O 0604 Company lockout [] 0605 Unsanction strike ~. MISCELLANEOUS [] 9000 NO m~o~mation whatsoever [] ~001 RefuSal Io work [] 9002 Change of status [] 9003 Transfer to new IOCal~on 0 9099 Death REMUNERATION PAID AFTER SEPARATION: Pension $ Vacation Pay $ r'l Financed Wholly by Employer Allocated ~ to ~ [] In Part by Employer Severance Pay $ /3 F ........ d ~;-~ti_/ by, En.,(,.~-~. Allocated ~ to ~ If this separation is issued by a Branch Office or Terminal, show address.below. Company Name ,-!. ~, Main Office Address . ~ Branch Office Address Completed by: V;v/£ ,,? ~ UC-4 (REV 1-76) UNIT NO. Title FOR R.E. HARRINGTON USE ONLY u.c..o.I I I I I I I I I I D vis on I I I I I I I State COde III Date Received Il I I I I I Code ~..~ Notice amt. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Elective Benefits AUTHORITY: REPLACES; PAGE; of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A:'u~DlvilN.DIR'tI-IDRFI 0~ 1 .SOP 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide payroll deductions for certain elective benefits paid for by the employee, including Credit Union, Savings Bonds, Deferred Compensation, and certain individual insurance programs. 1.02 Participation in elective benefits is strictly voluntary on the part of City employees and are provided by the City as a service only. 1.03 Any business dealings or transactions related to elective benefits are the sole responsibility of the employee. KEY WORDS 2.01 Benefits 2.02 Payroll Deductions DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 Employee-paid benefits - Services available to City employees through payroll deductions. 6.0 7.0 5.02 Payroll deductions - An authorized deduction from an employee's payroll check. 5.03 Credit Union - City Employees Credit Union. 5.04 Savings Bonds - U. S. Savings Bonds. 5.05 Deferred Compensation - PEBSCO or ICMA tax shelter savings plans. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the employee's sole responsibility to elect participation in employee-paid benefits, to authorize payroll deductions, and to handle all business dealings and transactions. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY AUTHORITY 7.01 Personnel Department shall .... Provide all employees with information on elective benefits available through payroll deduction during the orientation session. Maintain forms and assist employees with processing of forms relative to elective benefits. Assist employees with general information on elective benefits. 7.02 Employee shall ............ Complete necessary forms and payroll authorization forms for any employee-paid benefits he/she elects. Be responsible for all business dealings and/or transactions. 8.0 7.03 Finance Department shall ..... EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Ao Be responsible for monitory payroll checks to verify correct payroll deductions. Process payroll deductions as authorized by employees. E~IPLOYEE CONDUCT Discipline ......................... Grievance .......................... Health/Fitness ....................... Safety ........................... City Property/Equipment Use ................. Gifts ............................ Inclement Weather Policy .................. Political Activity ..................... Controlled Substance/Alcohol Abuse/Drug Testinq ....... Valid Driver's License ................... General Office Procedure .................. Conflict of Interest .................... - ,. CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Discipline AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan I~. l~atUff 1.0 POLICY A:~ADMIN.DIRhqDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to maintain an effective, productive, and disciplined workforce through a progressive disciplinary program wherein each employee is responsible for maintaining acceptable standards of job performance and personal conduct. The purpose of the disciplinary system contained herein is to establish a framework for a uniform and orderly procedure for the administration of discipline. Warning and sufficient time for improvement should ordinarily precede formal discipline; however, the City reserves the fight to take immediate formal action, up to and including termination, if it determines, in its discretion, that circumstances warrant it. 1.02 The City of Coppell has a strong commitment to the concept of progressive discipline. Such a system is designed to correct the deficiencies and build commitment; emphasize employees' responsibility for their own performance and conduct/behavior; provide a framework for a uniform and orderly procedure for the administration of discipline; and recognize the fights of employees. 2.0 KEY WORDS: Appeal - Discipline Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board Demotion/Reduction in Pay - Discipline Disciplinary Conference Disciplinary Review Discipline Dismissal/Termination - Discipline Just Cause - Discipline 3.0 4.0 5.0 Oral Warning - Discipline Reprimand - Discipline Suspension from Duty - Discipline Termination/Dismissal - Discipline Warning, Oral - Discipline Written Reprimand - Discipline DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED: 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES: 4.0 Initial Probationary Period S.O.P. # DEFINITIONS: 5.01 Administrative Leave. The severance of the employee from employment with or without pay (as the offense/violation dictates) for a definite or indefinite period. 5.02 Alcoholic Beverage. Means alcohol, or any beverage containing more than one- half (1/2) of one percent (1%) of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted. 5.03 Appeal. The complaint of an employee to the person designated in this Standard Operating Procedure to review, conduct a hearing, make a recommendation, or render a decision regarding the disciplinary termination, suspension or demotion of an employee by the Director who supervises such employee in accordance with this Standard Operating Procedure. 5.04 Authorized Leave. Department Director. Any absence approved by the City Manager or a 5.05 Business Day. Regular day of business is Monday through Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding City-designated holidays). 5.06 Controlled Substance. Any substance, including a drug and an immediate precursor, listed in Schedules I through V or Penalty Groups 1 through 4, as provided in Section 481.001, et seq, Texas Health and Safety Code, as amended. 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 Counselling Conference. A meeting between the employee and immediate Supervisor or other supervisor regarding work performance, job deficiency, or job description; and where there is a discussion of corrective job expectations, assignments, and violations of departmental, city, state, and federal rules and regulations. Demotion / Reduction in Pay. position or pay. The reduction or downgrade of an employee's Director. The person in charge of the various designated City Departments. Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board. A board consisting of three (3) members as provided herein which conducts disciplinary appeals hearings for the purpose of reviewing documentation and/or testimony for the purpose of formulating its findings & recommendation for submission to the City Manager as authorized in this Standard Operating Procedure. Disciplinary Conference. A meeting between the Personnel Manager, Director, and employee to review the disciplinary action of the employee. No legal counsel shall be allowed during this conference. Dismissal/Involuntary Termination. The indefinite severance of the employee from employment without pay as a result of a disciplinary complaint against the employee based on charges of just cause. Not all dismissals are disciplinary in nature, and the appeals provisions of this Policy apply only to disciplinary dismissals. Employee. Regular full time or part time worker (excluding temporary or seasonal when necessary). Hearing. An adversarial or inquisitorial proceeding conducted by the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board during which the involved parties (Personnel Manager, Director, supervisors, and/or employee), appointed representatives, or witnesses may be heard for the purpose of receiving evidence and testimony concerning the appeal of discipline of an employee as authorized in this Standard Operating Procedure. Job Abandonment. Unauthorized leave over 24 working hours or 24.1 for shift personnel. 6.0 5.16 Just Cause. An act or acts of an employee which constitute unsatisfactory behavior or conduct relative to job performance and fitness for public employment as listed in this Standard Operating Procedure. . 5.17 Probationary_ Employee. An employee who has been employed, transferred and/or promoted for six (6) months or less, except for personnel involved in certification training who have been employed for a year or less. 5.18 Reprimand. A written warning to the employee from a supervisor or Director concerning the employee's job performance, behavior or conduct. 5.19 Suspension. The severance of the employee from employment without pay for a fixed number of days as a result of a disciplinary complaint against the employee based on charges of just cause. 5.20 Warning. A verbal or oral counseling session regarding job performance, conduct/behavior, etc. RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY: 6.01 Departmental Authority. The Director of each department is authorized and directed to administer guidelines and procedures contained in this Standard Operating Procedure. Because of the variety of services performed by the City, it may be necessary for departments to establish codes of conduct, rules, job descriptions, policies and procedures to accomplish departmental responsibilities. Departmental codes of conduct, rules, policies and procedures must be in writing and may be more restrictive than City policy and/or State and Federal law. Each Director has the responsibility and authority to instruct, correct, and discipline any employee who does not act in accordance with established rules and regulations or provides unsatisfactory job performance or conduct/behavior. 6.02 Supervisor Responsibility/Authority. Supervisors have the responsibility and authority to supervise & evaluate employees under their command; administer departmental and City policies & procedures; and document subordinates' job performance, conduct, and behavior that either does not meet standards or violations of policy, rules & regulations, or laws. 6.03 Employee Responsibility. Each employee is responsible for maintaining acceptable standards of job performance and personal conduct. An employee who violates a departmental code of conduct, rules, policy, procedure, etc., is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with this Standard Operating Procedure. 7.0 PROCEDURES: 7.01 General Provisions Regarding Discipline. When job performance, conduct, or behavior of an employee falls below a desirable standard, supervisors should point out the deficiencies at the time they are observed and document for performance appraisal purposes. Warning and sufficient time for improvement should ordinarily precede formal discipline; however, nothing in this section shall prevent immediate formal action, up to and including termination, whenever the City, in its discretion, determines that circumstances warrant it. Members are subject to disciplinary action for any violation(s) of City or Department rules and regulations, either written or verbal. The disciplinary measures of the City of Coppell are based upon the philosophy of progressive discipline, and to the greatest extent practical, the City of Coppell shall use a progressive discipline system which may include the following degrees of discipline action: 2. 3. 4. 5. Oral Warning Written Reprimand Suspension from Duty Without Pay Demotion Dismissal/Termination of Employment All forms of discipline shall be documented in writing with a copy placed in the permanent records of the employee. Employees are entitled to due process in a disciplinary situation including a full and fair investigation. Employees are given the opportunity to explain actions prior to final decisions on discipline in accordance with this Standard Operating Procedure. Disciplinary action shall be supported by sufficient evidence and conducted in compliance with City of Coppell Standard Operating Procedures and Department procedures and made in writing to the employee involved. The notice shall describe the cause of the action and, except in cases of dismissal, shall state the likely consequences of unsatisfactory performance and/or conduct. Though not an admission of guilt, members are required to acknowledge receipt of this notice or be subject to dismissal. Fo Ge The following criteria shall be considered in determining what disciplinary action is to be taken: severity and kind of the violation/offense; the consequences of the violation and the effect it has upon. the discipline; impact of the offense on other employees, the City, and citizens; the employee's past job performance, conduct, & behavior; and previous occurrences of similar offenses. Although disciplinary action is corrective in nature, progressive discipline is not always negative as the discipline may also include positive, corrective measures including but not limited to: training, counselling, reassignments, medical examinations, etc. Pending Investigations. When an employee is suspected of an alleged violation of a departmental or city rule(s) & regulation(s), policies, etc., or city, state, or federal law which, if proven, would justify possible disciplinary action. The employee may be placed on administrative leave with or without pay as the circumstance dictates, pending the outcome of the investigation and the imposition of disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may be taken against a non-probationary employee only for Just Cause which includes act(s) of an employee which constitute unsatisfactory behavior or conduct relative to job performance and fitness for public employment to include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Falsifying City records; 2. Fighting or provoking or instigating a fight on City premises; o Sleeping on the job during working hours, with the exception of Fire Shift personnel; Neglect or carelessness resulting in injury, waste, or destruction of City property; 5. Excessive or unauthorized absence or tardiness; Failure to return to work after authorized leave unless valid excuse is given or leave is extended; Possession, influence and/or use of an alcoholic beverage and/or controlled substance, as defined herein, while on duty; 7.02 8. Refusal to discontinue outside employment that conflicts with the interest of the City; 9. Misrepresentation at the time of hire, false statement on employment application; 10. Theft and other offenses involving moral turpitude; 11. Dishonesty; 12. Forgery; 13. Willful destruction of City property; 14. Other reasons may be considered if necessary for carrying out assigned duties and responsibilities; 15. Failure to follow a direct lawful order of a superior, supervisor, or Director; 16. Failure to return to work after disciplinary suspension; 17. Failure to observe the established rules, policies, and procedures of the City and employing Department; 18. Failure to observe state, and federal regulations; 19. Violation of the sexual harassment policy; 20. Horseplay, safety violations, and carelessness. Disciplinary_ Procedures for Non-Probationary Employees A. The following procedures cover disciplinary actions being taken against non-probationary employees for just cause. Disciplinary action is recommended when: 1. All previous counseling conferences and/or opportunities for employee performance improvement have failed. 2. Violations of departmental, city, state, and/or federal rules and regulations have occurred. BJ Co Eo The employee's supervisor shall document allegations of unsatisfactory job performance, misconduct, and violations of departmental, city, state, and federal rules & regulations and shall provide a copy to the affected employee. Said documentation shall be forwarded through the employee's chain-in-command to the Department Director along with a recommendation of disciplinary action to be taken. The Department Director shall review all documentation and shall find whether the recommended discipline is warranted. The Director shall insure that the involved employee is afforded the opportunity to present an explanation for his/her action or lack of action. If the Director finds that discipline is warranted and the disciplinary recommendation involves a suspension, demotion/reduction in pay or termination, the Director shall schedule a Disciplinary Conference within three (3) working days and notify all involved parties in writing of the scheduled conference. If the disciplinary recommendation involves a reprimand only, then the Director shall make his/her determination without necessity of a Disciplinary Conference. If during the Disciplinary Conference the Department Director finds that additional information and/or documentation is warranted, the Director may suspend the conference and place the employee(s) on administrative leave pending further investigation into the matter. No legal counsel will be included in disciplinary conferences. The Director of each department shall be the final administrator of all decisions regarding discipline subject to the employee's right to appeal, if applicable, as provided in this Standard Operating Procedure. Written notice of the Director's decision must be given to the employee, stating the following: The allegations of the incident(s) resulting in the disciplinary action The rule(s), regulation(s), policy(s), procedure(s), law(s), etc. violated The type of disciplinary action to be taken, i.e., reprimand, suspension, demotion/reduction in pay, or dismissal/termination of employment Except in cases of dismissal, shall state the likely consequences of unsatisfactory performance and/or conduct 7.03 e Although not an admission of guilt, members are required to acknowledge receipt of this notice or be subject to dismissal Whether the employee has the right to appeal the,decision of the Department Director; if the employee has the right to appeal, the time frame in which such request for an appeal has to be submitted The action taken will be final if the employee fails to appeal, if applicable, within the specified time frame He The Department Director shall file his/her written decision with the Personnel Department for review of the Director's decision along with all supporting documentation to ascertain compliance with all departmental or city rules & regulations and/or city, state, or federal laws within one (1) business day after the final decision has been reached. The Personnel Director shall recommend to the City Manager that any disciplinary decision, which is found not to be in compliance with departmental, city, state, or federal rules and regulations, be remanded. The employee may appeal in writing the decision of the Department Director regarding a termination, demotion/reduction in pay, or suspension of more than three (3) days, within five (5) business days, in accordance with established procedures contained herein. Disciplinary_ Procedures for Probationary Employees. Each employee is hired on a probationary basis for six (6) months (with the exception of Police, Fire, or other positions requiring certification or licensing). Supervisors will conduct monthly performance evaluations in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure entitled ~Performance Evaluation System". If at any time the employee's performance is below standard, the supervisor has the following options: Hold a counseling conference to apprise the employee of performance deficiencies in writing, clearly stating specific means for improvement without further disciplinary action or extended probation; Hold a counseling conference to apprise the employee of performance deficiencies in writing, clearly stating infractions and supporting documentation of previous meetings held to discuss alternatives for performance improvement. The employee may be given the opportunity to improve performance for an extended probationary period of ninety (90) days in addition to the initial probationary period; . o Recommend termination of the employee due to his/her inability to meet performance requirements to the Department Director. The termination must be a written notice explaining the reason(s) for termination. Probationary employees, as defined herein and as provided by the City of Coppell Policies and Procedures Manual, shall be subject to all disciplinary actions set forth in this policy, including but not limited to reprimands, suspensions, demotions/reduction in pay and termination, without regard to the just cause standard provided to employees who have completed their probationary period. Probationary employees have no right of appeal for disciplinary action, including termination. Appeal Procedures. Ao An employee has the right to appeal for a disciplinary hearing of the director's disciplinary decision of termination, demotion/reduction in pay, or suspension of more than three (3) working days. The request for appeal hearing must be in writing and submitted to the City Manager through the Personnel Department within five (5) business days. The appeal for a disciplinary hearing must contain the following information: The type of disciplinary action being appealed and the effective date of the action; The specific reason the discipline is unjust or otherwise in error; The remedy or solution sought; and, The submittal date and signature of the aggrieved employee. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Personnel Department shall forward a copy of the hearing request to the City Manager and arrange for a hearing within a reasonable time frame, utilizing the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board to review the discipline and make its recommendation to the City Manager. The Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board shall be comprised of three (3) members as follows: a. The employee appealing the discipline shall select one (1) member of the City staff of the City of Coppell. bo One (1) citizen shall be selected by the City Manager from a list of eligible citizens who meet the Charter requirements for service on a board or commission and who make application to serve on the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board. The City Council shall review applications for the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board and submit a list of eligible names to the City Manager for his/her selection. In the event that no citizen's panel is established due to lack of applicants for this service, the City Manager shall make the selection from the current memberships of the various City Boards and Commissions. No citizen may serve more than a twelve (12) month period nor serve on more than one (1) hearing in a twelve (12) month period. Co The employee's Director shall select one (1) member of the City staff of the City of Coppell. The Board shall conduct a heating to review documentation and/or testimony by the employee, Director, Personnel Manager, or witnesses called by any of the preceding parties. After conducting the hearing, the Board shall dismiss all parties with the exception of the Personnel Manager so as to conduct its findings and decision-making process. The Board shall render its findings and recommendation to the City Manager via the Personnel Manager in writing within five (5) business days of the hearing. ge The hearing portion of the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board shall remain closed. The appellate employee may be represented by counsel of his/her choosing during the hearing. After reviewing the findings and recommendation of the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board, the City Manager shall render a decision which shall be final and binding on all concerned. If the City Manager elects not to follow the majority recommendation of the Disciplinary Advisory Appeals Board, a report must be submitted to the City Council providing 8.0 7.05 the rationale and information related to the decision. Written notification of the City Manager's decision shall be made within five (5) business days to the employee, respective Director} Personnel Manager, and members of the Disciplinary Appeals Advisory Board. Suspension Following Indictment. he If the City Manager determines that suspension is in the best interest of the City and the public, the City Manager may suspend with or without pay an employee indicted for a felony, or accused by information of official misconduct, oppression or other serious criminal violations until the indictment or information is dismissed and tried and, if tried, until the trial and appeal (if any) are completed. Bo A suspended employee may be entitled to reinstatement to the position held before suspension (if available) without loss of benefits if the indictment or information is dismissed, the employee acquitted, or the conviction reversed on appeal. The suspension of an employee reinstated under this sub-section is not a disciplinary suspension. EXHIBITS: 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Grievance AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY Director: Alan 1). RatUff A:~ADMIN.DIR\HDRFI091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 2.0 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to employ a uniform and equitable method of resolving employee grievances in a timely manner and at the lowest possible supervisory level. As outlined herein, employees are assured that grievances will be heard and, if warranted, corrective action will be taken without reprisal, coercion, or discrimination against the employee. 1.02 This grievance procedure does not apply to disciplinary, performance evaluation system, and other actions for which an appeals process is provided under other Standard Operating Procedures. KEY WORDS: 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Appeal - Grievance Conference - Grievance Formal Grievance Grievance Conference Grievance Appeal Grievance Hearing Grievance Procedures - Informal/Formal Grievance Review Grievance Conference Grievance Review Hearing - Grievance Informal Grievance Review - Grievance 3.0 4.0 5.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED: 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES: 4.01 Home Rule Charter, City of Coppell, Section 4.09, Personnel System, Subsection C.3. The adopted rules shall provide for "Procedures providing for due process for the hearing and adjudication of grievances." DEFINITIONS: 5.01 Business Day. Regular day of business is Monday through Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding City-designated holidays). 5.02 Director. The person in charge of the various designated City Departments. 5.03 Grievance. A claim, charge, or protest by an employee asserting some injustice or wrong growing out of an alleged misunderstanding, misinterpretation, violation, or misapplication of the provisions of the City Personnel Manual; management policy or regulation; or administration or department regulations which affect wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment. 5.04 Grievance - Informal. A grievance presented orally by an employee to his/her immediate supervisor to which the supervisor may render a verbal decision. 5.05 Grievance - Formal. A grievance presented in writing by an employee to his/her immediate supervisor, requiring a written decision; Grievance appeals require utilization of a Formal Grievance. 5.06 Grievance Conference. A meeting between the Department Director, employee, and employee's supervisor(s) to review the grievance submitted by the employee. 5.07 Grievance Review. A meeting between the employee and employee's supervisor(s), if any, to review the grievance submitted by the employee. 5.08 Grievance Hearing. An adversarial proceeding convened by the City Director during which the involved parties (Personnel Director, Director, supervisor(s), and/or employee) appointed representatives, or witnesses may be heard for the purpose of receiving evidence and testimony concerning the appeal of a grievance of an employee as authorized in this Standard Operating Procedure. 6.0 7.0 5.09 Management. Administrators of the City, including but not limited to: A. City Director; B. Deputy City Director; C. Assistant City Director; D. City Attorney; E. Department Director(s). RESPONSIBILITY / AUTHORITY: 6.01 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR. It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with this Standard Operating Procedure by members of the Director's respective department concerning the grievance process as provided herein. 6.02 SUPERVISOR(SI. It shall be the responsibility of supervisors to address grievances submitted to them as provided herein in a professional manner in an attempt to resolve such issues at the lowest possible supervisory level. PROCEDURES / PRACTICES: 7.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS REGARDING GRIEVANCES: Applicability. The provision of grievance shall apply to employees in all classes, and employees have the right to file grievances without jeopardizing their positions or fear of reprisal. Abuse of Grievance System. If the grievance system is abused by an unreasonable number of submittals by one individual or group obviously designed to thwart orderly processing or if the grievances are patently irrelevant or incomprehensible, they shall be rejected as "non-grievable' and returned to the grievant(s). Management has the responsibility to inform an employee of any limitation of a given level of Supervisor/Management's authority to fully resolve the grievance. In this regard, Supervisor/Management shall: Fe Supply the employee with the necessary information to process the grievance to the proper agency or authority. Advise an employee when any matter under submission is determined by Management as not grievable as established herein. The 'grievance' paperwork submitted by the employee shall be returned to the employee along with a memorandum explaining why the matter is not grievable and what alternative procedures, if any, the employee may follow to process his/her complaint. If a grievance is determined to be non-grievable, that decision may be grieved; a decision favorable to the employee in this latter grievance shall serve to reinstate the original grievance in whole. When a group of identical grievances develop, only one (1) grievance form shall be submitted. The grievants may select not more than two (2) spokespersons who thereafter will be their representative "grievant". The acceptance of the decision by the spokesperson(s) at any step (or final decision if the grievance moves through the fourth step) will be binding on all parties. All formal grievances shall be documented in writing on the approved City 'grievance form'; forms shall be readily accessible in employees' respective departments as well as in the Personnel Department. The grievance form shall be forwarded through the grievance process along with any supporting documentation. Upon completion of a grievance, the original grievance form/packet shall be forwarded to the Personnel Department for inclusion in the permanent employment record of the grievant with appropriate distribution of copies as indicated on the form. Scheduling. A grievance will normally be presented and processed on City time, and a grievant attending a grievance meeting in his/her own behalf on City time will not lose pay. In scheduling the time, place, and duration of any grievance meeting, the employee and Management will give due consideration to all the participants' responsibilities in the essential operations of the department. However, the final decision for scheduling hearings rests solely with Management. No overtime compensation will be given to any grievant. Representatives, witnesses, or other participants will receive overtime pay if ordered to be present by Management. 7.02 WAIVERS AND TIME LIMITS: he Failure by Management to reply to an employee's grievance within the specified time limits automatically directs the grievance to the next level. Such automatic referral to the next level shall not be construed as removing the responsibility of Management at the next level from heating the grievance and responding within applicable time limits if it is within the authority of that level to settle such grievance. Any level of review or any time limits established in this Standard Operating Procedure may be waived or extended for good cause and only by mutual agreement confirmed in writing. If an employee fails to appeal from one level to the next level within the time limits established herein, the grievance shall be considered settled on the basis of the last decision and the grievance shall not be subject to further appeal or reconsideration. By mutual agreement, the grievance may revert to a prior level for reconsideration. If a grievant fails to appear for a scheduled grievance meeting, such failure without an excuse approved by Management shall entitle Management to decide on the grievance without the presence of the grievant or to schedule another meeting at that level (in which case the time requirements for hearing and decision are automatically waived). Failure to appear at two (2) meetings on the same grievance without an approved excuse automatically terminates that grievance, and it is deemed denied. The grievance shall then not be subject to further appeal or reconsideration. When a grievant is on approved leave, the time limits established in this procedure shall be suspended for the period of the leave. Ge No grievance shall be finally dismissed for an unexcused failure to appear at a scheduled hearing unless the principal parties have been given 24-hours notice of the heating. 7.03 Grievance Procedures: ho A grievance shall be recognized if it is brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor either informally or formally within five (5) business days of the incident's occurrence. If the grievance is between the employee and the immediate supervisor, the initial step may be to the next higher level supervisor, if any. Be To be recognized, a grievance must state which policy, rule, regulation, etc., is involved in the matter and the nature of the remedy sought by the employee. Co The City of Coppell has a strong commitment to resolve employee grievances in a timely manner at the lowest possible supervisory level and provides for both informal (oral) and formal (written) grievances as provided herein. D. Steps in Grievance Procedure: 1. Step One - Initiation of Grievance to Immediate Supervisor. At the employee's option, a grievance may be presented to the immediate supervisor either orally or in writing. As stated above, the grievance must be presented within five (5) business days of the incident's occurrence. The supervisor will meet with the employee or employee's representative to review and discuss the employee's grievance within five (5) business days of receipt of grievance. Informal (Oral) Grievance. If the grievance is presented orally, the procedure is informal and may be settled by an oral answer given within five (5) business days. Formal Grievance. If the grievance is presented in writing, the procedure is declared formal which requires the utilization of the appropriate 'grievance form' and that the decision must be provided to the employee in writing within five (5) business days after submission. At each supervisory level, employees are required to indicate on the approved Grievance Form whether they accept or will appeal the decision of a formal grievance. e o Step Two - Grievance Review [Appeal to Successive Levels of Authority (if any)]. If the issue cannot be resolved at Step One, the employee or the employee's representative-may present a formal grievance (in writing) through each successive level of authority up to the Department Director within five (5) business days of receipt of the previous level supervisor's decision. Within five (5) business days of the receipt of the grievance, each successive supervisor shall conduct a Grievance Review with the employee to review and discuss the grievance in an attempt to resolve the issue. Each supervisory level shall provide a written decision to the employee within five (5) days of the Grievance Review. Step Three - Grievance Conference [Appeal to Department Director. ao If the issue is not resolved in Step Two, the employee or the employee's representative may appeal the formal grievance to the Department Director within five (5) business days of receipt of previous level supervisor's decision. Upon receiving such request, the Department Director shall conduct a Grievance Conference within five (5) business days. If, during the Grievance Conference, the Director finds that additional information and/or documentation is warranted, the Director may suspend the conference to be rescheduled within a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) business days. The Director shall provide a written decision within five (5) business days of the conference to the employee, stating the following: (1) Complete details of the incident(s) resulting in the grievance action to include the rule(s), regulation(s), policy(s), procedure(s), law(s), etc., surrounding the grievance action; (2) The decision of the Department Director with appropriate action to be taken, if any; (3) Whether the employee has the right to appeal the decision of the Department Director; if the employee has the right to appeal, .the time frame required by Policy (5 days) in which such request for an appeal has to be submitted; and (4) The action taken will be final if thc employee fails to appeal, if applicable, within the specified time frame. Step Four - Appeal to City Director. ao If the grievance is still in dispute after Step Three, the employee or employee's representative may further appeal the formal grievance to the City Director or his designee for resolution. Such appeal must be in writing utilizing the approved grievance form and submitted to the City Director within five (5) business days of receipt of Department Director's decision. bo Upon receipt of grievance, the City Director shall convene a hearing within five (5) business days, utilizing the Grievance Board to review the grievance and makes its recommendation to the City Director. (1) The Grievance Board shall be comprised of three (3) members as follows: (a) Co) (c) The grievant shall select one (1) member of City staff of the City of Coppell; One (1) member of City staff of the City of Coppell shall be selected by the employee's Director; and One (1) Director from a different City of Coppell Department shall be selected by the City Director. (2) Members of the Grievance Board shall have had no prior involvement in the grievance and shall conduct a thorough and objective hearing of the grievance. 8.0 (3) The Grievance Board shall conduct a hearing within five (5) business days during which board members shall review documentation and/or testimony by the grievant or grievant's representative, grievant's supervisor(s), Director, Personnel Director, or witnesses called by any of the preceding parties. After conducting the hearing, the board shall dismiss all parties with the exception of the Personnel Director so as to conduct its findings and decision-making process. The Board shall render its findings and recommendation to the City Director via the Personnel Director in writing within five (5) business days of the hearing. (4) The hearing portion of the Grievance Board shall remain closed. The grievant may be represented by counsel of his/her choosing during the hearing. After reviewing the findings and recommendation of the Grievance Board, the City Director shall render a decision which shall be final and binding on all concerned. Written notification of the City Director's decision shall be made within five (5) business days to the grievant, respective Director, Personnel Director, and members of the Grievance Board. EXHIBITS: 8.01 City of Coppell Employee Grievance Form. EXHIBIT B.OI CITY OF COPPELL EMPL~)YEE FORMAL GI~IF~VANCE I NAME: EMP #: I DATE OF INCIDENT: PosmoN: DEPARTMENT: EXPLANATION OF MY GRIEVANCE [Must include policy, rule, etc., involved] G R I E V A N C REMEDY SOUGHT: E Employee'a Signature/Date: Supervi$or'a Signature/Data Racy'd: S Waiver/Time Extension Agreed Upon Thru: Emp Initial: Supv Initial: T IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR'S DECISION AND COMMENTS: E P SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE/DATE: EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE RECV'D: I EMPLOYEE: I...r-I ACCEPT [] APPEAL THIS DECISION. EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE: S APPEAl.TO DIVISION HEAD/SECOND LEVEL SUPERVISOR: Supervisor's Signature/Date Racy'd: T Waiver/Time Extension Agreed Upon Thru: Emp Initial: Supv Initial: SUPERVISOR'S DECISION AND COMMENTS: E P 2 suP~VisO,'S SIGNATURE/DATE: EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE RECV'D: EMPLOYEE: I...[] ACCEPT [] APPEA£ THIS OEC~SION. EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE: S API=EAL TO DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: Director's Signature/Date Recv'd: T Waiver/Time Extension Agreed Upon Thru: Emp Initial: Supv initial: DIRECTOR'S DECISION AND COMMENTS: E P 3 DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURE/DATE: EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE RECV'D: EMPLOYEE: I...;-] ACCEPT [] APPEAL THIS OECISION. EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE: S APPEAL TO CITY DIRECTOR: City Director's Signature/Date Racy'd: T Waiver/Time Extension Agreed Upon Thru: Emp Initial: Supv Initial: E GRIEVANCE BOARD CONVENED: Date: / Time: P crrf DIRECTOR'S DECISION: 4 CITY DIRECTOR'S SIGNATURE/DATE: EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE RECV'D: NOTE: ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY. DISTRIBUTION LEGEND: Original: Personnel Department for Retention in Employee's Employment File One Copy Each: Employee; Supervisor(s); Department File; Personnel Director; Grievance Board COP/04-13-92 - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT; SOP NUMBER; Health/Fitness AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE; of: REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARE Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan I~. Rattlfr 1.0 POLICY A: ~,DMIN.DIR\HDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to provide a safe work environment for all employees. It is the responsibility of each employee to maintain the standards of physical and mental health fitness required for performing the essential functions of his or her position, either with or without reasonable accommodation. 1.02 The City recognizes that employees with a potentially life-threatening and/or infectious illness or physical disabilities (including, but not limited to, cancer, heart disease and AIDS) may wish to continue to engage in as many of their normal pursuits as their condition allows, including their employment. As long as these employees are able to perform the essential functions of his/her job with reasonable accommodations and medical evidence indicates that their conditions are not a direct threat to themselves or others, supervisors should be sensitive to the employees' conditions and ensure that they are treated consistently with other employees. 1.03 Reasonable precautions should be taken to ensure that an employee's medical condition does not present a direct health and/or safety threat to others. 1.04 The City of Coppell reserves the right to require an employee to submit to medical and/or psychological evaluation based upon job performance. CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Safety AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan 1). gsfllrr A:ki, DMIN .DIRH-IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.0 POLICY 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to strive to conduct its operations with the utmost regard for the safety of City employees and the public. Therefore, the City's policies and established safety practices are to be adhered to at all times by department directors, supervisors, crewleaders, and all employees. It is the shared responsibility of department directors, supervisors, crewleaders, and employees to make sure all job assignments are clearly understood and that all safety rules are observed. 1.02 The Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee will consist of employees recommended by their Department Directors and approved for appointment by the Personnel Director. The Committee shall investigate each work-related accident in an effort to identify the cause of the accident or injury, search for preventive safety measures, and recommend ways to avoid future accidents and injuries. The primary objective of the committee is to actively involve the City's employees in working to eliminate unnecessary injuries and accidents through regular inspections and safety training. 1.03 Employees are responsible for exercising care and good judgment in preventing accidents and for observing safety rules when performing their duties. An employee who causes or contributes to a preventable accident or who is found to have been negligent in the observance of safety rules is subject to disciplinary action. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 2.02 2.03 Safety Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee Accidents DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 City of Coppell Worker's Compensation Policy DEFINITIONS 5.01 Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee: An employee review committee established for the purpose of investigation of injuries and accidents in an effort to search for preventive safety measures. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 All City of Coppell employees, including department directors, supervisors, and crewleaders are responsible for compliance with this policy. It is the responsibility of the Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee to investigate all work-related accidents and/or injuries and to recommend preventive safety measures. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employees shall ..... Report all accidents to his/her supervisor and request first aid or medical attention if needed. Report any unsafe work conditions, equipment or practices to their supervisor as soon as detected. Use protective clothing and/or safety devices and equipment provided. Attend scheduled safety meetings and activities. 7.03 Directors, supervisors and crewleaders shall ... Supervisors or department directors shall ....... Department directors shall ................. Personnel Department shall ................... Eo Ao Ao Complete an Employee Report of Accident form immediately following an accident and submit it to their supervisor: Use good judgment in completing assignments in the safest possible way. Ensure compliance with City and departmental safety practices and procedures. Report any unsafe working conditions to the Personnel Department. Promote good safety through training meetings and departmental safety procedures. Develop and implement safe work procedures. Complete an Accident Investigation Report on all accidents or injuries and forward a copy to the Personnel Department within 24 hours of the date and time of the accident. Recommend employees to the Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee to represent their department in the commitment to reduce accidents and injuries. Coordinate activities of the Employee Safety Accident Review Committee Approve and formalize the appointment of employees recommended by the department director to serve on the Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee. 8.0 Employee Safety and Accident Review Committee shall .......... Ao EXHIBITS 8.01 Employee Report of Accident 8.02 Accident Investigation Report Investigate and review each ,work-related accident and/or injury; provide management with a written report of each investigation, which shall include recommendations to lessen future risks; promote safety throughout the City organization and operate in accordance with the bylaws of the Committee. EXHIBIT 8.[11 EMPLOYEE'S REPORT OF ACCIDENT DATE/TIME OF ACCIDENT OR INjL~Y DEPARTMENT LOCATION OF ACCIDENT OR INJURY DESCRIBEHOW ACCIDENT/INJURY OCCURRED NAME OF INJURED PERSON(S) DESCRIBE INJURY WITNESSES: YOUR COMMENTS DATE COMPLETED Signature of Employee EXHIBIT 8.02 Company ACCIDENT INVES~GATION REPORT Division Location Injured Person Dept. Length of Employment Type of injury Date Day Time Performing regular job? Nature of injury Part of body injured Description of accident Cause(s) of accident Corrective actions(s) needed When completed Witness(es) Signature By whom? Date CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; J City Property/Equipment Use AUTHORITY: REPLACES: Assignment & i/se of City Vehicles Policy (7/7/89) PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan D. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY 1.01 1.02 A:~ADM~N.DIR~IDRF1091 .SOP It is the policy of the City of Coppell to attempt to provide each employee with adequate tools, equipment, vehicles and facilities for the City job being performed, and the City requires all employees to observe safe work practices and lawful and courteous operation of vehicles and equipment. No personal use of any City property, materials, supplies, tools, equipment or vehicles is permitted without prior written approval by City Manager and/or written employment agreement. 2.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 City Property 2.02 Equipment 2.03 Materials DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 Employment Agreement: employment. 3.0 4.0 5.0 An agreed upon set of terms as condition of 6.0 5.02 ¢ity-0wned Vehicle: Any vehicle owned, leased, rented or otherwise under the custody or control of the City. 5.03 Take-Home Vehicle: A City-owned vehicle taken from the Ci~ premises after normal working hours to remain in home storage overnight. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Department Director to ensure compliance with the standard operating procedures. 6.02 A City vehicle is to be assigned to a position or employee when it would be more economical than payment of a car allowance or mileage reimbursement and will not detract from the duties required. 6.03 To be eligible for assignment of a take-home vehicle, an employee must be subject to emergency call back during off duty hours to locations other than the employee's normal work station. No personal use of a take-home vehicle is permitted except to commute to and from home or work. A City vehicle is not to be used for personal business such as going to the bank, grocery store, etc. without prior written approval of the City Manager. 6.05 No alcoholic beverages are allowed in City vehicles. 6.06 No passengers may be transported in take-home vehicles except as required by official duties. 6.07 In order to ensure and allow immediate or emergency response at all times, the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Director of Public Works, Director of Emergency Management and City Manager shall have use of their vehicles at all times that these vehicles are within an area which allows a response within 45 minutes to their respective work stations. 6.08 If deemed appropriate and is in the best interest of the City, and recommended by the City Manager, and if approved by the City Council, use of a City owned vehicle may be included within a written contract of employment and may be exempt from this policy and procedure or certain conditions of this policy or procedure. 6.09 The City's vehicles are classified as "exempt" and "non-exempff as prescribed by law. 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 The employee to whom a "non-exempff vehicle is assigned for take-home will incur a Federal Income Tax liability for the fringe benefit of commuting to and from work in a City vehicle. Most pickups, vans and automobiles are classified as "non-exempt" vehicles. Exempt Vehicles include: Clearly marked police and fire vehicles Delivery trucks with seating only for the driver Flat bed trucks Cargo vehicles with a gross vehicle weight over 14,000 pounds Passenger buses with a seating capacity of at least 20 passengers Ambulances or hearses Bucket tracks or ~cherry pickers" Cranes and derricks Forklifts Cement mixers Dump trucks and garbage trucks Refrigerated trucks Tractors Combines School buses Specialized utility repair trucks Moving vans Unmarked law enforcement vehicles operated by an officer or arson investigator who is a full time employee authorized to carry a fn'earm, execute search warrants and make arrests All police and fire vehicles used by employees on call 24 hours are exempt from the fringe benefit liability. All vehicles except those listed above are classified as "non-exempt" and the employee who uses a "non-exempt" vehicle for take-home will incur a Federal Income tax liability for commuting in a City vehicle. An automobile allowance or mileage reimbursement will be a working condition fringe benefit when it will be more economical for the City than provision of an automobile and will not detract from the duties required. The recipient of an automobile allowance will be responsible for the record keeping necessary for Federal Income Tax. Mileage reimbursement will be the amount allowed as deductible by the Internal Revenue Service. 7.0 6.16 Supervisory personnel is responsible for ensuring all operating procedures are updated as needed. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 City Manager/Finance Director, Department Director/or Designee .............................. The City Manager may approve the assignment of a vehicle to a specific employee or position for City business use and/or take-home. The assignment of vehicle or automobile allowance will be determined through the annual budget process and must be approved by the City Manager. Co Finance will include automobile allowance with the first payroll of a month for that month. Do Monthly mileage reimbursement requests approved by the appropriate Department Director, should be turned in to Finance the first week of a month. Checks will be provided on the second Friday afternoon of the month for the previous month. Eo Develop and implement standard operating procedures governing the use and operation of the City's property and equipment in conjunction with other policies which may be applicable City-wide. 8.0 7.02 Supervisor ................ 7.03 Employees ................. EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Ae Ae Be Informs employees of the policy requirements and verifies compliance with those requirements. Review and be knowledgeable of the City of Coppell's standard operating procedures as well as departmental policies and procedures, if applicable, which outline the proper use of City property and equipment, and to comply with those procedures while performing functions assigned while on duty. Shall insure that a certificate of insurance is loca~ in the vehicle at all times. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Gifts AUTHORITY: REPLACES: ' PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; Alan 1). Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A: ~ADMIIq. DIR\HDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to ensure fair and equitable treatment to all citizens and individuals conducting business with the City. Therefore, all City employees are prohibited from soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any gift, gratuity, benefit or anything of value from any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association receiving City services, currently conducting business with or having done business with the City of Coppell which could be interpreted as an influence on an employee's job or decision making ability. 1.02 Supervisors shall not accept gifts from employees. 1.03 Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Inclement Weather Policy AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE; of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PREPARED BY: Personnel ?ollcy Task }'orce APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan 1). Rafllff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.01 1.02 1.03 A:LttDMIIq. DIR\}IDRF1091 .SOP It is the policy of the City of Coppell that all employees are expected to make a sincere effort to report to work during inclement weather conditions. If an employee determines that the driving conditions constitute a danger to life and property, the employee must notify management of this condition and make arrangements to report should weather conditions improve. Any time taken due to inclement weather will be charged to the employee's accrued vacation leave balance. When weather conditions are such that the City Manager declares the administrative offices officially closed due to severe weather conditions, administrative and clerical employees will be excused for the day without penalty or loss of pay or accrued leave. The responsibility for designating those emergency service personnel who are required to be on the job regardless of weather conditions will rest with the department Director and City Manager. KEY WORDS 2.01 Inclement Weather DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City departments with personnel. REFERENCES 4.01 N/A the exception of designated emergency service 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Commencement: start of 5.02 Warrant: justify 5.03 Constitute: to make up; form 5.04 Accumulated: amassed; gathered; piled up RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 It is the responsibility of the employee to prudently decide whether or not to attempt to come to work in inclement weather. 6.02 It is the responsibility of the City Manager to decide when weather conditions warrant the closing of City offices. 6.03 It is the responsibility of the City Manager and City Directors to determine which staff members constitute emergency service personnel who need to report to work regardless of weather conditions. PROCEDURES RESPONSIBILITY ACTION 7.01 Employee ................ Advises supervisor that weather conditions warrant employee staying home. 7.02 Supervisor ............. Ao Makes certain job responsibility is covered. 7.03 City Manager ............ Ae Decides when weather conditions warrant closing of City Offices. City Manager/Personnel Manager or Designee Advises Directors who, in turn, advise their department personnel that City offices have been closed due to inclement weather conditions. Also, local radio stations and television stations should be so advised. EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Political Activity AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE; EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: Alan O. Ratliff 1.0 POLICY A:~ADMIH.DIRkHDR,F1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that no employee of the City shall engage in a political campaign involving the office of Coppell City Council or become a candidate for office on the Coppell City Council or become a candidate for office on the governing body of any local area political subdivision which has overlapping jurisdiction with the City of Coppell, including but not limited to, such political subdivisions as Coppell Independent School District, Dallas County, or Coppell Municipal Utility District. 1.02 An employee would not be considered as engaging in a political campaign if in a private setting, he expressed support for a candidate on his own time, while not in city uniform nor in an office or building of the city. 1.03 Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. __ CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Controlled Substance And Alcohol Abuse - AUTHORITY: REPLACES: PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~ 1). llatlitl 1.0 POLICY 2.0 A:LADMIIq. DIRkI-IDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to maintain a safe and drug-free working environment for all of its employees to protect City property, equipment, and operations, and to fulfill its obligations to the general public. 1.02 The City of Coppell acknowledges that its success now, as well as in the future, is dependent upon the physical and psychological well-being of its employees. Therefore, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, reporting for work in an unfit condition because of, or use of a drug or the abuse(s) of alcohol which may negatively affect or alter an employee's mood, senses, perception, responses, performance, personality, judgement, reactions, or motor functions is prohibited while an employee is on City property or on City business. Any violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination. 1.03 The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, use, or consumption of con- trolled substances or alcohol on the job may create serious risks for the involved employee, fellow employees, the City, and the general public. The purpose of this policy is to assist in the reduction of such risks. KEY WORDS 2.01 Alcohol 2.02 Controlled Substance 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.03 Drug 2.04 Testing DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 This Policy applies to all employees of the City of Coppell (the "City"). This Policy also applies to all applicants for employment with the City of Coppell. All employees will receive a copy of this Policy. REFERENCES 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 Title 6, Chapters 481-485 of the Texas Health and Safety Code Texas Workers' Compensation Commission Texas Criminal Code Texas Code of Criminal Procedures DEFINITIONS 5.01 "IN UNFIT CONDITION/IMPAIRED" - The employee's behavior and/or ability to work are affected by a drug or alcohol, or the combination of them, in any detectable manner. 5.02 "DRUG" - Any drug or controlled substance, the manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or consumption of which is illegal, or a prescribed or over-the- counter drug which is legally obtained but not being used for its intended purpose, or a prescribed or over-the-counter substance which is legally obtained and used for its intended purpose but the use of which causes the employee to be impaired or in an unfit condition. For the purpose of this policy, the definition of controlled substances shall include, but not be limited to, all controlled substances, drugs, chemical precursors, simulated controlled substances, volatile chemicals, abusable glues, aerosol paints, marijuana, and alcohol as those terms are now or shall hereafter be defined in Title 6, Chapters 481-485 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, or any successor Code thereto. Alcohol is defined as ethyl alcohol. Alcohol, as used herein, includes any beverage, mixture or preparation containing ethyl alcohol. 6.0 RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 PREEMPLOYMENT A. Hiring The City of Coppell will not hire any applicant for employment found to be engaging in the use or consumption of controlled substances or the abuse of alcohol, unless such controlled substance is prescribed for the user by a physician, and then only if such controlled substance is being used/consumed for the purpose intended. B. Screening Required All applicants selected for employment shall be required to consent to, in writing, and pass a controlled substance screening, as a prerequisite to employment. When requested by the testing laboratory, applicants must provide the appropriate sample for testing. C. Failing controlled Substance Screen Applicants for employment who do not consent to, in writing, and pass the required controlled substance screening will not be hired. Further, such applicants for employment will not be reconsidered for employment for a period of twelve (12) months following a failed or refused controlled substance screen. D. Confidentiality of Results All preemployment drug tests shall be collected and maintained on separate forms and in separate files and be treated as a confidential medical record and shall be accessible only by designated personnel representative(s). The results shall be the private and confidential property of the City and will not be shared with anyone except the applicant or with Managers and Supervisors who have a need to know about necessary restrictions and accommodations on the work or duties of the employee or with first aid or safety personnel when appropriate or as required by a court order or to protect the interests of the City. 6.02 E. Screening Procedures Exhibit 8.01, attached hereto, describes the City of Coppell's pre- employment drug screening procedures. POLICY FOR CURRENT EMPLOYEES Ao Fitness for Duty Entering City property or reporting to work in an unfit condition because of the use or consumption of controlled substances or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Any employee acting contrary to this probation will be subject to immediate discharge. Bo Prohibitions The use, consumption, possession, purchase, distribution or sale of controlled substances or alcohol while on City business or on City property, except for prescribed medications, will subject the employee to discharge. Ce Medication Exception Exceptions to the use or consumption of controlled substances while on City business or on City property may be granted if (1) the controlled substance is prescribed as a medication for the user by a licensed physician; (2) the medication is being used in the manner for which it was intended; (3) the employee's ability to function in his or her job responsibilities in unaffected by use of the medication; and (4) the employee's supervisor is notified in advance by the employee that the employee will be using the medication. Do No Exception for On the Job. There shall be no exception to the prohibition of being on City property or acting on City business in an unfit condition. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) It is the City's desire to provide assistance to those employees who voluntarily request assistance with a personal alcohol or drug dependency problem(s). Coverage for the EAP will be first considered under benefits available in the City insurance program. Employees are responsible for acknowledging their substance abuse problem and for seeking and accepting counseling or rehabilitation assistance before it impairs their performance of conduct and jeopardizes their employment. If an employee has a substance Fo abuse problem, the employee must first contact, or be referred to the Personnel Department representative by the employee's supervisor for counselling and possible referral ~or appropriate treatment. Employees who need to enter into a substance abuse treatment program will be allowed to enter a City-approved program one time without endangering their jobs provided they follow all prescribed treatment programs. This option is not available, however, in lieu of disciplinary action for employees who are detected abusing controlled substances or alcohol while on City business or on City property or who report to work in an unfit condition because of such abuse. When possible and appropriate, employees will be referred to less expensive out-patient treatment programs. During time off for participation an employee may use accrued personal leave, compensatory accrued time, or take time off without pay authorized in accordance with the City's personnel policy on leaves of absence. In most cases, participating employees will be returned to their former or comparable position when treatment is successfully completed. Some of the costs of the treatment may be covered by the City's health insurance plan. Failure to see the Personnel Director regarding participation before being admitted to a drug abuse treatment program will result in a reduction of health insurance benefits for treatment program costs. Continued employment is contingent on the employee's participation in any non-work time follow-up counselling or aftercare treatment programs. Return to Duty Testing (1) An employee who participates or who voluntarily seeks treatment for alcohol or controlled substance abuse will not be allowed to return to employment until the employee provides proof of attendance in and completion of an approved rehabilitation program and until the employee passes a controlled substance or alcohol abuse test, whichever is appropriate, as otherwise described in this policy. (2) An employee who is subject to return to duty testing may return to employment on condition that the employee consent to and be subject to periodic unannounced controlled substance or alcohol screenings for twenty-four (24) months thereafter. A positive test, admission or Ge II. detection of current alcohol or illegal drug use of dependency, refusal to consent to a test, or non- participation in aftercare programs will result in immediate discharge. Testing of Employees Current employees are subject to being tested for controlled substance or alcohol use under the following circumstances and with the prior approval of the employee's director or his designee and the City of Coppell. (1) In the event of an accident on the job or on City property. (2) When the involved employee's behavior or work performance gives reasonable cause or suspicion to believe the employee is affected by the use or ingestion of controlled substances or alcohol. Consequences of Failing Test Current employees who fail a controlled substance and alcohol screen required in accordance with this Policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. The results of the drug test will be considered a confidential record. Consent At no time will an applicant or an employee of the City be subjected to a drug test without written consent of the applicant or employee. IIowever, refusal by an applicant for employment or an employee to cooperate with the City physician or medical facility in taking the drug test or to give his or her written consent to the drug test will result in the same consequences as a failure of the drug test. The results of the drug test will be considered a confidential record. Searches When reasonable cause exists, the City of Coppell reserves the right to conduct unannounced searches for unauthorized substances anywhere on City property, including, but not limited to, lockers, desks, file cabinets and employees' personal vehicles parked on City parking lots. Personal searches shall be authorized and 6.03 conducted under the direction of the City Manager or his designee. Employees who refuse to cooperate during such unannounced searches shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Body searches of employees shall not be conducted by any City personnel other than by law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties. K. Off-Duty conduct (1) The City of Coppell reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, in the event an employee's off-duty involvement with controlled substances or alcohol is damaging to the City's reputation or business and/or is inconsistent with the employee's job duties or when such off-duty conduct results in impairment of the employee's job performance. (2) Any employee convicted of or pleading guilty to a criminal drug statute violation shall notify his or her supervisor in writing no later than five (5) days following such occurrence. For purpose of this policy, a plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a plea of guilty. (3) Any employee convicted of or pleading guilty to a criminal drug statute violation shall be subject to timely disciplinary action, including discharge. DRUG AWARENESS PROGRAM There is hereby established a Drug Awareness Program for all City employees of the City of Coppell. B. The City Personnel Director shall be responsible for: (1) collecting data regarding controlled substance and alcohol abuse; (2) presenting educational materials and seminars to City employees regarding controlled substance and alcohol abuse; (3) undertaking other tasks at the direction of the City Manager to increase employee drug awareness. 7.0 7.02 7.03 8.0 PROCEDURES 7.01 City Personnel Department ... The City Personnel Department or other authorized l~rsonnel shall coordinate the implementation of this Policy. Additionally, authorized personnel shall report the conviction of an employee for any criminal drug offense occurring within the workplace within ten (10) days of learning of such conviction to the agency or agencies with whom the City has such obligation. Will provide on limited or neutral references of prospective, post, or present employment of an applicant or employee. No drug or alcohol test results shall be given in reference inquiries. Manager and Supervisors ...... It is the responsibility of all managers and supervisors to act in accordance with and to enforce this Policy. Employees EXHIBITS It is the responsibility of all City of Coppell employees to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the letter and spirit of this policy. 8.01 8.02 Controlled Substance Screening Procedures Informed Consent And Release or Liability Medical Authorization Form, Consent Form for Substance Testing Exhibit 8.01 ExhibR 8.01 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SCREENING PROCEDURES Step 1 The appropriate Personnel Department representative will advise all applicants of the City's employment controlled substance testing procedures during the interview process. Step 2 A clinic will be selected to conduct the examination. Personnel Department will make the clinic selection. The Step 3 The patient will present identification containing a photograph and will complete and sign the INFORMED CONSENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION FORM, CONSENT FORM FOR SUBSTANCE TESTING. Do Step 4 The clinic will perform the collection of a patient's urine sample for controlled substance analysis. The following procedures will be observed in the administration of the screening test: THE PATIENT WILL: o Provide the clinic a urine specimen to be tested. Initial each specimen collection bottle or other similar documentation to accompany the specimen. Along with clinic nurse, initiate "chain of custody" by signing and dating the Chain of Custody Form. One (1) specimen will be placed with original copy of Test Requisition Form in tamper proof chain of custody pouch for forwarding to the City of Coppell's authorized laboratory for analysis. THE CLINIC WILL: Release the patient's specimen to the courier to deliver directly to the authorized testing laboratory. Page 2 THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT WILL: Obtain the patient's screening results from the clinic. Resolve concerns regarding the medical results of a positive test by: ao Phoning the examining clinic if medical questions, disagreement or uncertainty continues. Initiating any additional required testing of the patient's specimen. For job applicants, advise the applicant and appropriate City of Coppell supervisors whether the applicant did or did not meet the City's pre-employment physical requirements. THE SPECIMEN TESTING LABORATORY WILL: 1. Complete controlled substance screening of specimen. The initial test will be the Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT). Should this test be positive, the laboratory will use the Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for confirmation. Substances which will be tested for will include: Amphetamines Barbiturates Benzodiazephines Cannabinoids Cocaine and Metabolites Methadone Opiates Phencyclidine Propoxyphene Alcohol (when requested) Telephone the appropriate Personnel Department representative within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the patient's specimen with testing results and written confirmation to follow within forty-eight (48) hours. Page 3 Eo Lab will retain any confirmed positive test samples for a period of one (1) year. . Step 5: Applicant Notification of Rejection Employment will be denied when test results are positive. The applicant will be informed by the appropriate Personnel Department representative that his or her pre-employment screening indicates that he or she does not meet City employment requirements. If applicant requests further explanation, he/she will be advised that the urine specimen tested positive. The applicant will be eligible to resubmit an employment application after twelve (12) months from the date of rejection. Step 6: Confidentiality With Respect to Tests For job applicants, all test results will initially be restricted to the designated Personnel Department representative. The test results will be secured in the City Personnel Department. Otherwise, the results of any screening test, whether negative or positive, for applicants or current employees, will not be discussed with any other City employees, except on a ~need-to-know~ basis. Unless legally required, no other individuals will be advised of test results. Exhibit 8.02 INFORMED CONSENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION FORM CONSENT FORM FOR SUBSTANCE TESTING I hereby give my consent to a physical examination, including but not limited to the collection of a blood, urine, or breath sample to be submitted for an alcohol, drug, and screening test. Further, I hereby consent to the release of the test results to those City officials who make employment decisions for the City. I understand that any positive result from such test, like any other pre-employment investigation, which indicates my inability to satisfactorily perform the job for which I am applying or am currently employed may preclude my receiving or continuing employment, and that if I am applying for employment, the City shall be under no obligation to disclose to me the results of the test, or provide any reason for my not being employed. I release, relinquish, and remise the City of Coppell, its employees, agents, and representatives, from any and all causes of action or liability which I may have or which arises out of or a result of the examinations herein authorized. Furthermore, I understand that my failure to execute this voluntary consent will, if I am currently employed, result in my discharge. Applicant/Employee Signature Date - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; Valid Driver's License AUTHORITY: REPLACES: .PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 4.0 A: k~,DMIN .DIR'~HDRF 1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that any employee who operates a City vehicle in the course of his/her employment shall maintain a valid Texas driver's license and a good driving record. 1.02 Driving records shall be checked prior to employment and periodically throughout the course of employment. More than three (3) moving traffic violations in a twelve (12) month period shall be considered excessive and may result in failure to hire in the case of prospective employees and disciplinary action up to and including termination for active employees. 1.03 When a special classification of driver's license is required to operate City equipment, it is the responsibility of the employee to maintain the required license. KEY WORDS 2.01 Driver's License 2.02 Driving Records 2.03 City Vehicles DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments REFERENCES 4.01 N/A 5.0 6.0 7.0 DEFINITIONS 5.01 Valid State of Texas Driver's License - A current license issued.by the State of Texas authorizing the holder of the license to operate a motor vehicle. 5.02 Driving Record - A record of an individual's driving experience kept on file by the State, reflecting traffic citations issued to that person. 5.03 Classification of Driver's License - A special type of license issued by the State required by the state to operate certain types of motor equipment. Moving Violation - Any act committed in connection with the operation of a motor vehicle on a public street or highway which constitutes a hazard to traffic and is prohibited by State law or City ordinance. (Does not include violations exempt by statue). RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each employee required to operate a motor vehicle to keep his/her driver's license current and to maintain a good driving record. It is the responsibility of the Personnel Department to check driving records of prospective employees required to operate City vehicles in the course of his/her job and to periodically review the driving records of active employees required to operate City vehicles. It is the responsibility of the department director to ensure compliance with this policy. PROCEDURE 7.01 Employees shall .............. Maintain valid state of Texas driver's license. Bo Maintain a good driving record of no more than three (3) moving traffic violations in a twelve month period. Inform supervisor and/or department director of any problem in the status of his/her license or driving record. Do Maintain any special license classification required. 8.0 7.02 Personnel Department shall ... 7.03 Supervisors shall ... 7.04 Department directors shall EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A Co Order driving records for any prospective employees and provide result4 to appropriate department director. Periodically order and review driving records of those active employees who operate City vehicles. Alert department directors to any problems regarding dirving records and/or licenses. Relay any concerns or knowledge of problems with driving records or licensing to the department director. Ensure compliance with this policy. - CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER; General Office Procedure AUTHORITY; REPLACES: ' PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER: ~aan D. Rat~ff 1.0 POLICY A: E~,DMIN.DIRkHDRF1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell to establish general office procedure in an effort to maintain office efficiency and employee productivity. 1.02 All employees are provided a lunch period of one (1) hour or less. The scheduling and length of employee lunch periods will be determined by the Department Director to facilitate serving the public and permitting efficient departmental operations. Employees are required to take lunch periods away from his/her designated work station. 1.03 Employees may take two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods each work day. Such rest periods shall be considered a privilege and not a right. Employee use of the City telephones is for conducting necessary City business. Long distance calls in any department may be made only by personnel authorized by the respective department director and may be made primarily for official City business. Excessive local personal telephone calls by an employee are not permitted and may be cause for a reprimand if this privilege is abused. 1.05 Employees are to be punctual in maintaining scheduled working hours, keeping appointments, and meeting scheduled deadlines for completion of work. Each department may establish and maintain criteria and standards relating to timeliness. 1.06 In order to avoid adding to the increasing volume of mail, employees should not use the Company's address in receiving personal mail. 1.07 Company stationery should not be used for personal correspondence because any communication sent out on Company stationery might be considered an official communication. 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 KEY WORDS 2.01 Office Procedure 2.02 Lunch Period 2.03 Rest Period 2.04 Timeliness 2.05 Mail AFFECTED DEPARTMENTS 3.01 All City Departments. REFERENCE 4.01 N/A DEFINITIONS 5.01 N/A RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of each Department Director to establish and maintain criteria and standards for relating to general office procedure. PROCEDURE RESPONSIBILITY 7.01 Department Director ..... EXHIBIT 8.01 N/A ACTION Shall establish and maintain criteria and standards for general office procedure. CITY OF COPPELL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: SOP NUMBER: Conflict of Interest AUTHORITY: REPLACES; PAGE: of: REVISED DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE; REVIEW DATE; PREPARED BY: Personnel Policy Task Force APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER; ~ I). Ratliff 1.0 POLICY 2.0 3.0 A: LM)MIN.D1R\}IDRP1091 .SOP 1.01 It is the policy of the City of Coppell that no officer or employee of the City shall have financial interest direct or indirect in a contract with the City nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the City on any land, materials, supplies or service, except on behalf of the City as an officer or employee. Any willful violation shall constitute malfeasance in office and any officer or employee found guilty thereof shall be subject to removal from his office or position. 1.02 An employee of the City shall not accept other employment or engage in outside activities incompatible with the proper discharge of his/her duties and responsibilities with the City or which might impair his independent judgement in the performance of his duty to the City (See Outside Employment policy). 1.03 An employee of the City shall not provide services for compensation, directly or indirectly, to a person or organization who is requesting an approval, investigation, or determination from the City. KEY WORDS 2.01 Conflict of Interest 2.02 Employment 2.03 Contract DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED 3.01 All City Departments. 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 REFERENCE 4.01 City of Coppell Home Rule Charter Sections 11.05 and 11.06.. DEFINITIONS 5.01 Conflict of Interest - A conflict between a public official or employee's public obligations and his/her private interests. 5.02 Malfeasance - Misconduct by a public official or employee. RESPONSIBILITY/AUTHORITY 6.01 It is the responsibility of all City employees to govern themselves in his/her official capacity in accordance with all City policies and procedures as well as applicable state and federal laws. PROCEDURE 7.01 N/A EXHIBITS 8.01 N/A