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BM 2015-06-01 PBfir
City of Coppell, Texas
Parks and Recreation Board
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas ]5019-94]8
Monday, June 1, 2015 6:30 PM 255 Parkway Blvd.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Jack Clark Ed Guignon
Chair Vice Chair
Maureen Corcoran Greg Garcia
Philip Houm Lisa Montes
Melinda Melnick Hilary Hodgson
Scott Yocum
Alternate Rachel Emerson
Student Advisor
Anand Singh
Student Advisor
The Parks and Recreation Board of the City of Coppell met on Monday, June 1, 2015 in
the 2nd Floor Conference Room of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell,
Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Brad Reid and Administrative
Support Supervisor Cecilia Genders.
The purpose of this meeting was to consider the following items:
Regular Session (Open to the Public)
1. Call To Order
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Chair Clark called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
Boardmembers present:
Chair Jack Clark, Vice Chair Ed Guignon, Boardmember Maureen
Corcoran, Boardmember Philip Houm, Boardmember Lisa Montes,
Alternate Hilary Hodgson, Boardmember Melinda Melnick, and Alternate
Scott Yocum
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Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 1, 2015
2. Citizens' Forum: Citizens should complete a Citizen's Appearance Form. Pursuant to
the State Open Meetings Law, the Board is restricted in discussing or taking action on
items not posted on the Agenda. Action on your statement can only be taken at future
Chair Clark advised that no one signed up to speak.
3. Consider approval of minutes: May 4, 2015
A motion was made by Vice Chair Guignon, seconded by Boardmember
Corcoran, that this agenda item be approved. The motion carried by the an
unanimous vote.
Aye: 6- Chair Jack Clark, Vice Chair Ed Guignon, Boardmember Maureen
Corcoran, Boardmember Philip Houm, Boardmember Lisa Montes, and
Boardmember Melinda Melnick
4. Update from Liaison to Coppell Sports Council
Boardmember Houm reported the activites from the Sports Council meeting.
5. Consider approval of postponing the July 6 Park Board meeting to July
A motion was made by Boardmember Corcoran, seconded by Vice Chair
Guignon, that this agenda item be approved. The motion passed with
Boardmember Houm voting in opposition.
Aye: 5 - Chair Jack Clark, Vice Chair Ed Guignon, Boardmember Maureen
Corcoran, Boardmember Lisa Montes, and Boardmember Melinda
Nay: 1 - Boardmember Philip Houm
6. Update and discussion related to the development of the Coppell Trail System
Park Operations Manager, John Elias, updated the Board on current and future
trail projects.
7. Division Manager's Report
Eric Clay, Tennis Center Manager, gave a presentation on facility events and
8. Youth Advisor's Report
Nothing to report
9. Directoes Report
A. Special Events
B. Project Update
Brad Reid reported that a shelter was opened at The Core for evacuees due to
flooding. The Red Cross is helping with these efforts. Friday night will be a
movie event showing "Back to the Future" at Town Center Plaza. The July 4th
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• Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 1, 2015
Fireworks and Celebration event is coming up, information will go out to the
10. Chair Report
A. Future Agenda Items
Nothing to report.
There being no further business to come before the Parks and Recreation
Board, the meeting was adjourned
t 7:44 Pm.
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