CM 2016-09-20City of Coppell, Texas CFFELL Minutes Tuesday, September 20, 2016 KAREN HUNT Mayor CLIFF LONG Place 1 City Council 6:00 PM Special Called Executive Session BRIANNA HINOJOSA-FLORES Place 2 GARY RODEN Place 4 CLAY PHILLIPS City Manager 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 1st Floor Conference Room WES MAYS Mayor Pro Tem NANCY YINGLING Place 5 MARVIN FRANKLIN Place 6 MARK HILL Place 7 Present 8 - Karen Hunt;Cliff Long;Brianna Hinojosa-Flores;Wes Mays;Gary Roden;Marvin Franklin;Mark Hill and Nancy Yingling Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in a Special Called Executive Session at 6:00 p.m., to be held in the 1st Floor Conference Room at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: Call to Order Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room 1. Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters. Discussion regarding personnel and the process for hiring/appointing City of Coppell, Texas Page 1 City Council Minutes September 20, 2016 a new City Manager. Discussed under Executive Session Mayor Hunt adjourned the Executive Session at 7:36 p.m.and reconvened into the Regular Session. 2. Necessary Action from Executive Session Nothing to report. Adjournment There ••i g no further business before the City Council,the meeting was adjo GJl /' ren S-Ibo Hunt, .or ATTE : (41 / f.a?----/ hristel Pettinos, C ty Secretary boor City of Coppell,Texas Page 2