AG 2017-10-30 (NTECC) Serving the cities of: Addison Carrollton Coppell Farmers Branch * * * * NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING * * * * B OARD OF D IRECTORS OF THE N ORTH T EXAS E MERGENCY C OMMUNICATIONS C ENTER,I NC. M ONDAY,O CTOBER 30,2017 1:00 P.M. ND F ARMERS B RANCH C ITY H ALL,2F LOOR 13000W ILLIAM D ODSON P ARKWAY C ITY C OUNCIL S TUDY S ESSION R OOM F ARMERS B RANCH,T EXAS 75234 A GENDA 1.Call to Order. 2.Receive and discuss Executive Director’s report regarding matters affecting NTECC policies, operations, personnel and finances, including but not limited to, topics relating to project status and dispatch operations. 3.Conduct a workshop to discuss NTECC’scurrent mission, vision and values, any revisions thereto, and development of policies, practices and plans supporting same. 4.Adjournment The Board reserves the right to go into closed executive session at any time during the meeting pursuant to the Texas Government Code §551.071(2) to seek confidential legal advice from the Corporation’s attorneys regarding any agenda item listed hereon. CERTIFICATE –I certify that the above agenda giving notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at theCity Hall of _________________________________________,Texas on the__________ of_______________________ 201__ at ______.m. _________________________________ City Secretary This location of the meeting is wheelchair accessible. Access to the building and special parking are available at the main entrance facing William Dodson Parkway. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please contact Sandy Issel, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director, NTECC, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at 469-289-3200. 1649 W. Frankford Rd. Suite150 Carrollton, TX 75007