December 14, 1993
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
FRANK TRANDO, Interim City Manager
MEETING TIME: Executive Session 6:00 p.m. (Closed to the Public)
Work Session Immediately Following (Open to the Public)
Regular Session 7:30 p.m. (Open to the Public)
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular
Called Session on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, at 6:00 p.m. for Executive Sessioh, Work
Session will follow immediately thereafter and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The
purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items:
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Call to order
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
2. Convene Executive Session
A. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with Attorney.
1. Phillip Robertson Jr. vs. City of Coppell, et al.
2. Discussion regarding Pat'Walker, former employee.
B. Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding real property.
1. Right-of-way easement.
C. Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding personnel
1. Discussion regarding the appointment of George W. Nichols as an
Alternate Commissioner to the Board of Adjustment.
D. Closed Meeting: Conference w/employees.
Section 551.075, Texas Government Code - Conference with employees.
1. Briefing by City Attorney regarding Police Department.
3. Item deleted at last minute.
WORK SESSION (Open to the Public)
4. Convene Work Session
A. Floodplain status of Johnny Thompson property.
B. Conceptual design of Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to Denton Tap
C. Discussion of sales tax collections by GTE.
D. General discussion of agenda items.
5. Reconvene Regular Session
6. Invocation
7. Pledge of Allegiance
8. Citizen's Appearances
9. Consideration and approval of a Proclamation naming December 17, 1993 as Coppell
Band Appreciation Day and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
10. Presentation of the 1993 award winners for the Christmas Spirit Awards Contest for
individual home and neighborhood Christmas light displays.
11. Presentation of award to the City of Coppell by Jenny Nelson of the Parkland Blood
Donor Center for the most pints of blood donated by a community in 1991/92 based on
blood drives coordinated by Ken Griffin of the City of Coppell and Brenda Jones of
Riverside Church of Christ.
12. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of S-1070(R), Special Use Permit for a
drive-through restaurant located near the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and
Beltline Road, at the request of Boston Chicken (Public Hearing left open from
November 9th City Council Meeting).
13. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of S-1074 from C to C.S.U.P. (The
White Glove Express Car Wash), located along the east side of Denton Tap Road, 500
feet south of Braewood Drive, at the request of Mr. Lenny Paulsen.
14. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of ZC-550 (Warren Crossing
Addition) from MF-2 (Multi-Family) to SF-9 (Single Family), located at the northwest
comer of Beverly Drive and Warren Crossing, at the request of Winklemann &
15. Consideration and approval of a (Secondary) Final Plat for Warren Crossing located at
the northwest comer of Beverly Drive and Warren Crossing, at the request of
Winklemann & Associates.
16. Consideration and approval of the (Secondary) Final Plat for the Coppell Library
Addition, located along Heartz Road, approximately 1,500 feet south of Parkway
Boulevard, at the request of Ayres and Associates.
17. Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat (resubmittal) for Waterside Addition,
Phase III, located at the northwest comer of MacArthur Boulevard and Parkway
Boulevard, at the request of Dowdey Anderson and Associates.
18. Consideration and approval of a Preliminary Plat for North Lake Woodlands, Block 1,
Lots 5-10, located along Rolling Hills Road, south of Bethel School Road, at the request
of Robert L. Wright.
19. Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat for Riverside Church of Christ located
at the northwest comer of Beltline Road and North Lake Drive (east of Denton Tap
Road), at the request of John C. Hawkins & Associates, Inc.
20. Necessary Action resulting from Executive Session.
21. Interim City Manager' s Report.
22. Mayor's Report.
23. Liaison Reports.
24. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
A. Consider approval of minutes: November 9, 1993
B. Consideration and approval to award Bid Q-1193-02 for Cleaning and Related
Services in the amount of $25,035.12 to North Star Services for a period of one
(1) year commencing February 1, 1994 through January 31, 1995.
C. Consideration and approval to award the Banking Services and Depository
Contract to 1st Bank for the two year period beginning December 1, 1993 and
ending November 30, 1995, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
D. Consideration and approval of an ordinance regulating water wells in the City of
Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
E. Consideration and approval of a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation
Board to approve park development projects utilizing up to $80,000 in funding
approved by Council on September 14, 1993.
F. Consideration and approval to direct staff to authorize the design and
advertisement to bid the installation of athletic lighting to two (2) small soccer
fields at Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park, west of Denton Tap Road.
G. Consideration and approval to award Bid Q-1093-04 for a palletized street striping
unit to Kelley-Creswell in the amount of $25,440.00.
H. Consideration and approval of a resolution authorizing and directing staff to
proceed with the execution of a grant for participation in the Clean Cities 2000
Program in cooperation with the cities of Colleyville, Southlake, and Grapevine.
I. Consideration and approval of the Agreement for Media Consultant Services
between Kay Tiller and the City of Coppell, for $12,000.00, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
J. Consideration and approval of a final plat for River Ridge Addition, located south
of Sandy Lake Road, west of Riverchase Boulevard, at the request of C.C.M.
Engineering Corp.
K. Ratification and approval of the Developer's Agreement for Southwestem
Boulevard, executed by The Prentiss/Copley Investment Group, with regard to
Park West Commerce Center, arid authorizing the Mayor to sign.
L. Consideration and approval of a Final Plat for Latter Day Saints Addition, located
along the south side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 700 feet east of
Samuel Boulevard, at the request of Dowdey Anderson & Associates.
M. Consideration and approval of an ordinance approving a Franchise Agreement
between the City of Coppell and GTE Southwest, Incorporated, and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
N. (1) Consideration of accepting the resignation of Robert Brinkman, Alternate
Commissioner on the Board of Adjustment.
(2) Consideration of appointing George W. Nichols as a replacement to fill
the un-expired term of resigning Board of Adjustment Alternate
Commissioner Robert Brinkman (term expires October 1995).
O. Consideration of a request by the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association for
the City to begin maintenance of the MacArthur Boulevard median from Sandy
Lake Road northward to Deforest Road effective January, 1994.
P. 1. Consideration and approval of an agreement with the City of Carrollton
allowing the Dallas Gun Club, located in the City of Carrollton, to be
supplied water from the Coppell water system, and authorizing the Mayor
to sign.
2. Consideration and approval of an agreement with Dallas Gun Club
associated with water service and authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Q. Consideration of a variance from Section 10-8-3 B of the Sign Ordinance
regarding size of signs in residentially zoned districts which concerns real estate
signs. The variance, from the allowable 6 square feet to 32 square feet, is
requested by Mr. Dennis K. Winzeler of Vista Properties, Inc. for the Woodridge
property on MacArthur Boulevard in Coppell.
R. Consideration to support the design of a new rate-of-flow control facility by
Dallas Water Utilities and acknowledgement to fund the construction of the
facility once the design is complete.
S. Consideration of expressing grave, written concern to the agencies and individuals
involved in placing low-income housing in certain locationally troublesome areas
of the City, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
T. Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 16 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Coppell by adding Article 16-5, providing for Trinity
River Corridor Development Certification, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
U. Consideration and approval to grant a thirty (30) foot easement agreement to the
Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1 along Andrew Brown Jr. Community
Park, east of Denton Tap Road, and authorize the Mayor to sign.
V. 1. Consideration and approval to award contract to Rodman Excavation,
Inc. for the construction of Phase II improvements to Andrew Brown, Jr.
Community Park, east of Denton Tap Road, in the amount of $859,361
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
2. Consideration and approval to authorize a change order in the amount of
$13,000 to be deducted from Rodman Excavation, Inc. for reduction of
landscaping for Phase II improvements to Andrew Brown, Jr. Community
Park, east of Denton Tap Road.
Tom Morton, Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of
the City of Coppell, Texas on this 10th day of December, 1993, at 3:50 pm
Dorothy Timmons
City Secretary
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special
services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for
participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and/or
meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services forty-eight (48)
hours ahead of the scheduled program, service and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact
Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (214) 462-0022, or CFDD
1-800-RELAY, TX. 1-800-735-2989).
DECEMBER 14, 1993
An supplement agenda item is hereby added to the regular called session of the City Council of
the City of Coppell on Tuesday, December 14, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of
Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
Item 19A: Discussion and consideration of entering into a Tax Abatement Agreement with
1VH Designs and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
This item is being added to the above mentioned agenda. This matter came to the attention of
the City after posting the original agenda and requires action prior to the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the City Council.
Tom Morton, Mayor
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall of the
City of Coppell, Texas on the 11th day of December, 1993 at 4:00 p.m.
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special
services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for
participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and/or
meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services forty-eight (48)
hours ahead of the scheduled program, service and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact
Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (214) 462-0022, or (TDD
1-800-RELAY, TX. 1-800-735-2989).