JUNE 22, 1993
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem, Place 6
----------------- Place 3 JIM GARRISON, Place 7
FRANK TRANDO, Interim City Manager
MEETING TIME: Executive Session 6:00 p.m. (Closed to the Public)
Work Session Immediately Following (Open to the Public)
Regular Session 7:30 p.m. (Open to the Public)
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, will meet in Regular Called
Session on Tuesday, June 22, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow
immediately thereafter and for Regular Session at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council chambers of the
Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the
following items:
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Call to order
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
2. A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e), and Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83,
discussion with City Attomey concerning matter involving privileged
communications between attorney and client.
1. Briefing by Larry Jackson on Grapevine Boundary Dispute
2. TABC License Heating - Longbranch
3. Discussion of communication received from former employee
concerning Personnel Heating
WORK SESSION (Open to the Public
3. Convene Work Session
A. City Attorney to brief the Council on Executive Session Items.
B. Discussion of holding Council/Staff Retreat
C. Consumer Trade Fair
D. Design Contract for Sandy Lake Road From MacArthur to Denton Tap
E. Participation in Drainage and Roadway Improvements at the Intersection of
Moore Road and Sandy Lake Road
F. Discussion of Agenda Items
4. Reconvene Regular Session
5. Invocation
6. Pledge of Allegiance
7. Citizen's Appearance
8. Consider approval of a reception for applicants to the City's Boards and Commissions
to be held at Town Center, and setting a date.
9. A. Discussion and consideration of accepting the resignation of Bill Cappola from
his position on the Cable Review Board.
B. Discussion and consideration of appointing an individual to the Cable Review
Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Bill Coppola, whose
term expires in October of 1994.
C. Swearing in of Alternate Cable Review Board Member Margaret Quinn, who
was appointed by the Council at the June 8th Council meeting.
10. Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of
Ordinances by empowering the City to regulate water wells in the City of Coppell
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
11. Consideration and approval of a Deed Without Warranty to convey land located at
the Southwest corner of Andrew Brown Park, West of Denton Tap Road and
bordering Cottonwood Creek, totaling 4,454 square feet, to Centex Real Estate
Corporation and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
12. Discussion and consideration for authorization to enter into a design contract, scope
of services and compensation plan with Rady and Associates for the design of Sandy
Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to Denton Tap Road in the amount of $672,500.00
($502,500.00 General Fund and $170,000.00 Water Revenue Account) and
authorization for the Mayor to sign.
13. Discussion and consideration of allocating funds set aside in the Fiscal Year 1992/93
budget for drainage and roadway improvements to participate in the drainage solution
at the intersection of Moore Road and Sandy Lake Road and authorizing the City
Attorney to prepare a contract for the City's participation in the drainage solution
with the owner of the property at the northeast comer of Moore and Sandy Lake at
a "not to exceed dollar amount" to be determined by City Council.
14. Approval of an ordinance for the City of Coppell, Texas amending Section 8-3-1 of
the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell: Making it unlawful for any person
to park a vehicle on either side of Parkway Blvd. between MacArthur Blvd. to
Meadowglen Circle; on Parkway Blvd., between Alex Drive to Cowboy Drive; and
on Parkway Blvd. between Coppell Road to 150 feet east of Graham Drive; providing
a repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing penalties for violation of
this ordinance not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each
offense and providing an effective date and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
15. . Necessary action resulting from Executive Session.
16. Interim City Manager's Report.
17. Mayor' s Report.
18. Liaison Reports.
19. A. Consider approval of minutes of June 8, 1993 as submitted and corrected
minutes of May 11, 1993 (Page 3, Item 10) and May 25, 1993 (Page
2, Item 9).
B. Consider approval of recognizing September 11, 1993 as the City of Coppell
Consumer Trade Fair sponsored by the Coppell Chamber of Commerce, and
waiving permit fees for the installation of banners.
C. To consider approval of an ordinance for Case #ZC-547 to change the zoning
designation from (SF~12) to (C) Commercial on a parcel of land located at the
northeast comer of Sandy Lake Road and Moore Road, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
D. To consider an ordinance for Case #PD-110(A) to. amend the original PD site
plan on a parcel of land located at 324 Beechwood Lane, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
E. To consider an ordinance for Case #PD-130 to change the zoning designation
from (SF-12) to (PD-SF-7), on an parcel of land located 250' north of Sandy
Lake Road, along the east side of Moore Road, and authorizing the Mayor to
F. To consider an ordinance for Case #ZC-545(A) to change the zoning
designation from (MF-2) and (SF-12) to (SF-7) and (SF-9), on a parcel of
land located along the west side of Harris Street, north of Dakota Lane, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
G. To consider approval of an ordinance for Case #PD-129(R) to change the
zoning designation from (TC) to (PD-SF-9) on a parcel of land located at the
southwest comer of Parkway Boulevard and Denton Tap Road, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
H. To consider approval of an ordinance for Case #ZC-538 to change the zoning
designation from (TC) to (SF-7) on Tract I; from (TC) to (SF-7) on Tract II;
and (MF-2) to (SF-12) on Area A of Tract IV, from (MF-2) to (SF-9) on
Area B of Tract IV, located at the southeast comer of Parkway Boulevard and
Heartz Road (Tract I) ; the northeast comer of Parkway Boulevard and Denton
Tap Road (Tract 2); and northwest of the High School Access Road and north
of Parkway Boulevard (Tract 4); and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
I. Consideration for approval of Bid #Q-0593-01 for street striping within the
City limits to American Striping Company for the sum of $14,300.00 and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
J. Consideration for approval of Bid #Q-0693-01 for the purchase and
installation of three (3) school zone flashers to Sharrock Electric, Inc. for the
sum of $8,258.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Tom Morton, Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall
of the City of Coppell, Texas on this 18th day of June, 1993, at 4:00 p.m.
Dorothy Timmons
City Secretary
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require
special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and
amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs,
services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services
forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service and/or other meeting. To
make arrangements, contact Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated
official at (214) 462-0022, or (TDD 1-800-RELAY, TX. 1-800-735-2989).