AG 1992-12-08 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 1992 MARK WOLFE, BILL SMOTHERMON, Mayor Pro Tem, Mayor Place 4 PEYTON WEAVER, Place 1 LANNY MAYO, Place 5 DAVID THOMAS, Place 2 RON ROBERTSON, Place 6 TOM MORTON, Place 3 JIM GARRISON, Place 7 ALAN D. RATLIFF, City Manager MEETING TIME: Executive Session 6:00 p.m. (Closed to the Public) Work Session 6:30 p.m. (Open to the Public) Regular Session 7:30 p.m. (Open to the Public) MEETING PLACE: Town Center - City Council Chambers, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, TX 75019 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, will meet on Tuesday, December 8, 1992, at 6:00 p.m. for Executive Session, 6:30 p.m. for a Work Session, and 7:30 p.m. for Regular Session, in the City Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2. Convene Executive Session (Items marked with (*) are not scheduled for "Regular Session" discussion or consideration.) ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e), and Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. * Longbranch 2. Negotiation with D/FW Airport 3. * Sewer Encroachment 4. * Sandy Lake Property - Johnny Thompson 5. * Status Report of Pending Lawsuits/Claims B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g), discussion concerning personnel. 1. Police Reserves Officer 2. * City Attorney WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Convene Work Session: A. Radio Communications System - Chief McKinney B. Sewer Video - Steve Goram C. * Traffic Issue - Christmas Lights Havencrest - Gary Sieb D. Review of City-Wide Mapping - Ken Griffin E. General Discussion of Agenda Items REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 4. Reconvene Regular Session 5. Invocation 6. Pledge of Allegiance 7. Consider approval of minutes - November 10, 1992 ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION 8. Presentation of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to the City of Coppell for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1991. 9. Discussion and consideration of authorizing the use of the Town Hall facilities for a wine tasting event during Coppell FunFest, May 2, 1993 10. Discussion and consideration as to support or rejection of the proposed amendment to the Texas Municipal Airport Act being considered by the State Legislature, as requested by Councilman Tom Morton. 11. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a site plan amendment, Case #S- 1008A.1, located at the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of The Dimension Group. 12. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness, at the request of Historical Bethel Cemetery Association, to allow a log cabin (10' x 16') to store cemetery maintenance equipment and supplies, located at the east end of Christi Lane, south of Bethel School Road. 13. Report by Council Sub-Committee on study of need for calling an election regarding a 1/2 cent Sales Tax for Economic Development and a 1/2 cent Sales Tax for Park Development. 14. Consideration and approval of one (1) new and twelve (12) revised Employee Handbook Policies and establishment of effective date of January 15, 1993. 15. Citizen's Appearances 16. Mayor's Report 17. Liaison Reports CONSENT AGENDA 18. A. Consideration of formal acceptance of the Soccer Field Improvements Project at Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park and the final payment to American Grass Corporation, in the amount of $4,747.63, including the release of all retainage. ITEM# ITEM DESCRIIrFION B. Consideration for awarding bid//Q-1092-02 for an annual contract for the purchase of sing materials to Price Barricade an Signal for an estimated amount of $12,200.00: Road Runner Traffic Supply for an estimated amount of $6,545.00; Unistrut for an estimated amount of $4,821.00: Highway Sign and Paint for an estimated amount of $5,105.00; and Center Line Supply for an estimated amount of $5,026.00, which makes an estimated total of $33,679.00. C. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid Number Q-1092-06 for printing of Utility Bills to Vanier Business Forms for a total of $6,908.00. D. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid Q-1092-03 for rental of pocket pagers to Southwestern Bell in the total amount of $3,067.20. E. The award of Bid//Q- 0792-03 for the Grapevine Creek Trunk Sewer Main Branches I and H to KENCO, Inc. in the amount of $2,815,005.50. (This includes the base bid and Alternates#3,34,#5, and Change Orders//1 and #2), and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract. F. Consideration for granting a one (1) year extension to the contract for purchase of water meters to various firms not to exceed $38,300.00. G. Consideration of awarding Bid//Q-1092-04 for installation of two traffic signals at intersections of (1) Bethel Road/Coppell Road and (2) MacArthur Blvd. and Samuel Blvd., to Arjang Electric Systems, in the amount of $118,142.40, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract. H. Consideration of an ordinance approving an amendment to the budget in the amount of $1,000.00 for the City of Coppell for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1992 through September 30, 1993, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. I. Consider award of bid No. Q-1192-02 to the Citizen's Advocate as the City's official newspaper for a period of one year beginning January 8, 1993, with the City reserving the option to extend the bid contract for four (4) additional one-year periods as it deems to be in the best interest of the City, with the cost per line for legal notices, other notices, and maps or special drawings ranging from $.26 for 9-point type to $1.90 for 72-point type and 50% discount off of the current rate for items not listed. ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION J. Consideration of awarding Bid #Q-1092-05 for Gateway Business Park Phase I-B to Apac-Texas, Inc. in the amount of $1,271,887.65 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract. K. Consideration and approval of the adoption of an ordinance for a zoning change from (MF-2) Multi-Family-2 to (SF-7) Single-Family-7, Lakewood Addition, Case #ZC-536, located south of Parkway Boulevard, east of MacArthur Boulevard, and along the east and west side of Village Parkway, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. L. Consider approval of a final plat of Parks of Coppell, located at the southeast corner of Parkway Boulevard and Heartz Road, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. M. Consider approval if a final plat of Stonemead Estates (formerly Parks of Coppell, Section II), located at the northeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Parkway Boulevard, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. N. Consideration of approval of a Proclamation proclaiming December 1992 as "National Drunk And Drugged Driving Awareness Prevention Month", and authorizing the Mayor to sign. O. Consideration of adoption of an ordinance approving the Historic Preservation Ordinance and authorizing the Mayor to sign. P. Consideration of a proposal from Teague, Nall& Perkins for professional services to prepare computerized utility/aerial mapping services in the amount of $51,500.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Q. Consider approval of Resolution 112392.1 requesting the Texas State legislature to totally reject the "Fair Share Plan" because of its unfairness to many Texas cities and towns and to find a resolution that is equitable to everyone, both the advantaged and disadvantaged. ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION R. Consideration and approval of a Citywide Radio Communications Upgrade Project totaling $378,215.00 to include: 1) Approval to enter into an agreement with the City of Lewisville for the sharing of a trunkcd radio system for a cost of $30,000.00, and authorizing the Mayor to sign; 2) Approval to enter into an agreement with Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. for the renovation of the radio communications center, upgrading of civil defense warning system, and the purchase of mobile and hand-held radios for a total cost of $343,215.00; (3) Approval of consultant fees and related miscellaneous services required for renovation for a total cost not to exceed $5,000.; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. S. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid #Q-1192-01 for the purchase of a sanitary sewer video and grout unit from CUES, Inc., of Orlando, Florida for a total cost of $173,890.50. T. Consider approval of a final plat of Fairways @ Riverchase, located east of Riverchase Drive north of Riverchase Club, at the request of Thompson Interests. U. Consideration of approval of an ordinance amending Sections 4-2-2, 4-2-4, and 4-2-10 of Article 4-2 of Chapter 4 of the Cede of Ordinances known as the Police Reserve Force Ordinance to provide the same residency requirement for Reserve Officers as for full-time employees, to allow Police Reserve Officers to operate Police vehicles alone, and to remove the limitation on the number of authorized Police Reserve Officer positions, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. V. Approval and confirmation of Police reserve Officer Jerry C assel by Mayor and City Council. Adjournment Mark Wolfe, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on this 4th day of December, 1992, at 12:40 p.m. Dorothy Timmons City Secretary PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT FOR ADA COMPLIANCE The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the American With Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service and/or other meeting. To make arrangements, contact Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (214) 462-0022, or (TDD 1-800-RELAY, TX. 1-800-735- 2989). AGENDA.128