BM 2018-05-24 CRDCCit Of Coppelf, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Y M p I Coppell, Tums COPPELL 75019-9478 Minutes Coppell Recreation Development Corporation Thursday, May 24, 2016 6:30 PM Council Chambers Special Called Public Hearing Mark Tepper President Mahbuba Khan Secretary Marvin Franklin Board Member Slid Mathew Vice-president Karen Hunt Board Member The Coppell Recreation Development Corporation held a Special Called Public Hearing in the Council Chambers of Coppell Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, TX on Wednesday, May 24, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance included President Mark Tepper, Vice -President Biju Mathew, Secretary Mahbuba Khan, Board Member Karen Hunt, Board Member Marvin Franklin, Deputy City Manager Noel Bernal, and Chief of Staff Amy Swaim. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: Call to Order President Mark Tepper called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM. Cky acoppell, Texas Page I Coppell Recreation Development Minutes May 24, 2018 Corporation PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the construction, acquisition and equipment of a performing arts center and construction,acquisition and equipment of related parking facilities, related roads,streets and water and sewer facilities and other related improvements that enhance any of the items listed above. Subbu Venkat, 933 Brentwood, spoke against the Arts Center, stating that using sales tax dollars for life park or library or art center is commendable, but doesn't feel that the Arts Center is necessary in Coppell. Brad Henderson, 463 Cambria, spoke against the Arts Center; feels that there are a lot of issues with the current Community Theater. Arts Center is not a necessity and is too costly. Tina Brown, 228 Aspenway Dr, spoke in favor of the Arts Center, is a member of the Coppell Community Orchestra, stating that the community is hungry for art and this project will enhance the community. Janna Tidwell, 313 Parkview, spoke in favor of the Center, is a community volunteer involved in facilitating others art and would like to see a space for various art to be displayed. Elaine Hammett, 681 Thompson, spoke against the Arts Center, stating that the Community Theater could be improved upon; thinks the proposed location is bad for the Old Town residents and merchants; also thinks the cost and amount to maintain new facility would be unreasonable. Jean Shiflett, 662 Cribbs, spoke against the Arts Center; she appreciates the enthusiasm behind the arts, but does think a massive theater is needed in Coppell; would like more transparency from the City with information regarding the Arts Center; concerned about parking, storage, operating costs, and possible corporate sponsorship. Pete Wilson, 214 Samuel, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; has been involved at the Coppell Theater for several years and believes now is the time to move forward and that the Arts Center would allow for growth. Dave Greenberg, 408 Pecan Hollow, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; believes Arts Center will enhance the community, though he is concerned about the cost of the project. Scott Spray, 622 Cribbs, spoke against the Arts Center; feels that there is a need for the Arts Center, but the cost of this project is not reasonable and not a good use of taxpayer money. Says there should be focus on current City facilities primarily. Taria Greenberg, 408 Pecan Hollow, spoke in favor of the Arts Center and feels that the project will enhance the community. Bethany Henze, 721 S. Coppell, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; she expressed her excitement about the project and how it will enhance the community. City of Coppell, Texas Page 2 Coppell Recreation Development Minutes May 24, 2018 Corporation Kent Darwin, 327 Spanish Moss, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; he stated that the Arts Center will bring artists and business to the City and may entice others to move to Coppall. Mike Kincade, 428 Parkview, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; stated that the Community Theater has served the community well, but the building is in bad shape and there is a need for a new theatedperformance hall. Joan Ming, 614 Cribbs, spoke against the Arts Center; she appreciates and is in support of art, but wonders if the project is an economic drain for the City and thinks more long-term issues should be considered, such as competition with neighboring cities and attraction of facility to outsiders. Joe Shirley, 582 Villawood, spoke against the AM Center, stating that he is in favor of the Arts, but not of wasting money; the City can accomplish the same goal by properly utilizing current public places to display art. Thomas Burrows, 138 Wynnpage, spoke against the Arts Center stating that there are several things around that City that should be a priority to fix before considering this project Davin Bernstein, 228 Hollywood, spoke against the Arts Center. He stated that he didn't understand why CRDC was holding the Public Hearing instead of Council; objects to the design proposed for the facility. Sherilyn Fox, 266 Suzanne, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; has a child that is actively involved in theater around the Metroplex and would love to see this project for the children In the community that don't have the opportunity to travel outside of the city to perform. Gary Tanel, 316 Crooked Tree, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; believes that this is a "quality of life" project that will enrich the community. Debra Wood, 542 Lee Dr, spoke in favor of the Arts Center. Ms. Wood read a letter sent by resident, Maggie Lucas, that stated that the project supports the Coppell Vision, the 2030 plan, and the Economic Development strategic plan. She feels that the schools do a good job of supporting the arts and thinks that support should be fell in the community. Joel Busby, 764 Cameron, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; he is highly in favor of the project, but is concerned that the architecture is in contrast of the Old Town look. Theodore Randall, 114 Tennyson, spoke in favor of the Arts Center; thinks the project supports a small town like Coppell and that renovating the current Community Theater would put limits on involvement; believes the Arts Center is a good opportunity for residents to volunteer and would Inspire local kids in their creativity. President Mark Tepper presented a letter from Angela Webster in favor of the Arts Center; she believes it's an asset to current arts group in the City and that it promotes the growth of the City and is economically positive for Old Town. W'ryar Co..0,, Teres page 3 Coppell Recreation Development Minutes May 24, 2018 Corporation Adjournment Motion by Board Member Franklin to adjourn the Public Hearing, seconded by Vice -President Mathew. AYE: Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:16 PM. F(reside'nZIllark T r Brittany A. ausey, Administrative Support Asst. Cltyel Coppell, Texas page4