BM 2018-09-13 LBCOZBY LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY COMMONS LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES September 13, 2018 The Cozby Library and Community Commons Advisory Board met in regular session on Thursday, September 13, 2018 in the Conference Room of the library. 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Adrienne Morton at 7:02 p.m. Other board members present were Madeleine White, Wednesday Foster, Sherry Carr -Smith, Thomas Hargrove, Jan Lorrain and Youth Advisor Priya Marella. Staff in attendance were Library Director Vicki Chiavetta and Sr. Administrative Technician Kim McGrath. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JULY 12TH REGULAR BOARD MEETING: Madeleine White moved to approve the minutes and Wednesday Foster seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were approved. 3. CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES: None 4. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Staff greeted students returning to school by standing outside the library and handing out flyers to parents and children to make sure everyone understands the library guidelines and to publicize after-school library programs. Vicki explained that children under 10 are not allowed in the library unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. The library used Peachjar this year to get information out to the schools. Traffic problems in the parking lot after school were discussed. Vicki said the library is working with the Public Works Department to find a solution. There were positive figures for circulation and gate count in August. Digital materials were heavily utilized. The consortium with eBooks is going well and there are currently over 100,000 items available to patrons. The library is getting ready to move eAudiobooks over to the Bibliotheca cloudLibrary app, which means that our eBooks and eAudiobooks will now be in one app and patrons will no longer have to go to two different places. This will allow us to share collections with other participating Texas libraries and will increase the total number of audiobooks the library offers our cardholders. Vicki handed out copies of the Fall Catalog which has a new look this year. Staff spent much of August planning fall programs and putting together the catalog as well as looking ahead to spring events. The library was closed for Staff Development Day on September 4t1'. The event was held offsite at Main Event in Lewisville. The Human Library event is scheduled for Saturday, September 15t1i. SIMA Ballet Folklorico is also on September 15t1' at 2 p.m. The Storybook Walk Dedication is Thursday, September 2711' at 6:30 p.m. This was an Eagle Scout project and involved a collaborative effort between the Library, Parks Department, Engineering Department and the Friends of the Library. The Coppell Cultural Committee is planning a program this spring called "Meet Your Neighbor". Participants will talk on various subjects with the first topic being immigrants. 5. LIBRARY BOARD INTERVIEWS: Youth Advisor interviews are scheduled for October 8th at Town Center at 6 p.m. Adrienne, Sherry and Frank have agreed to help interview applicants. Interviews for Library Board will be on October 16t"' at Town Center. 6. YOUTH ADVISOR'S REPORT: Priya spoke about TILE (Talks for Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship). They would like to plan a series of three events at the library in 2019 and are working with Librarian Sarah Silverthorne to coordinate them. 7. FRIENDS OF THE COPPELL LIBRARY REPORT: Steve Charters spoke about North Texas Giving Day on September 20"'. The Alex London author visit is scheduled for October 22nd. The annual Friends Book Sale is November 16t" — 18"'. The Storybook Walk Dedication is on September 27"' The Friends have purchased phone chargers for patrons to check out at the desk. The Friends Group have donated pumpkins for the library table at the Farmer's Market in October. LIBRARY BOARD GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: No discussion. 9. OTHER ITEMS: Vicki announced that she will be taking the Deputy City Manager position in January. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Adrienne Morton adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m. A Adrienne Morton, Library Board Chair a Kim McGrath, Sr. Administrative Technician 2