AG 2018-11-13CFI LL
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
City of Coppell, Texas
Meeting Agenda
City Council
5:30 PM
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 2 Place 5
Place 3 Place 6
Place 4 Place 7
City Manager
255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
Council Chambers
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular
Called Session at 5:30 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow immediately
thereafter, and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 E.
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be
convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice
from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session or
called Executive Session or order of business at any time prior to adjournment.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items:
1. Call to Order
2. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney.
A. Consultation with City Attorney to seek legal advice regarding the firearm
and solicitors ordinances.
Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations.
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City Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
B. Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Airline
and west of Denton Tap.
Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding sale, purchase or
exchange of Real Property.
C. Discussion regarding real property located south of East Belt Line and
east of South Belt Line.
3. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
A. Discussion regarding Board and Commission Appointments.
B. Discussion regarding possible Blue Zone assessment process.
C. Discussion regarding Workforce Transit.
D. Discussion regarding Arts Center Change Order #1.
E. Discussion regarding Agenda Items.
Attachments: Blue Zone Agenda memo.pdf
Workforce Transit memo.pdf
Regular Session (Open to the Public)
4. Invocation 7:30 p.m.
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Consider approval of a proclamation naming November 30, 2018, as
"Macario Tristan Appreciation Day," and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Attachments: Proclamation.pdf
7. Citizens' Appearance
8. Consent Agenda
A. Consider approval of the minutes: October 23, 2018.
Attachments: CM 2018-10-23. df
B. Consider approval for the purchase of Thermal Imaging Cameras for each
Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus "air packs" from Casco Industries,
Inc., through Buyboard Contract No. 524-17, in the amount of $51,450.00;
as budgeted; and authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary
Attachments: Staff Memo -SOBA Thermal Imaginq Cameras.pdf
Casco Industries Quote.pdf
Consider approval to purchase sixty-eight (68) Taser Black X2's from Axon
Enterprise in the amount of $127,731.00 as budgeted in FY 18/19 and
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City Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
Attachments: Taser X2 Memo.pdf
Taser X2 Quote.pdf
D. Consider approval of an Ordinance for PD -285R -C, Andy's Frozen
Custard, to attach a Detail Site Plan for a 1,168 sq. ft. drive-through and
walk up restaurant, with no indoor seating, on 1.21 acres of property
located at 180 W. Sandy Lake, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Attachments: Cover Memo.pdf
Exhibit B - Detail Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit C - Landscape Plan & Tree Survey.pdf
Exhibit D - Building Elevations and Siqn Plan.pdf
Exhibit A - Legal Description.pdf
E. Consider approval of an ordinance for PD -214R8 -C, Arbor Manors Office -
3 Denton Tap, LLC, a zoning change request from PD -214R2 -C (Planned
Development -214 Revision 2 - Commercial) to attach a Detail Site Plan for
a 3,035 -square foot building on 0.701 acres of land (Lot 3), located on
Denton Tap Road, approximately 400 feet south of W. Sandy Lake Road;
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Attachments: Cover Memo.pdf
Exhibit A - Legal Description.pdf
Exhibit B - Detail Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit C - Landscape Plan.pdf
Exhibit D - Elevations.pdf
F. Consider approval of an Ordinance for PD -205R3 -HC, Vista Ridge
Addition, Lot 3R, Block D (The Plaza), a zoning change request from
PD -205R2 -HC (Planned Development -205 Revision 2 -Highway
Commercial) to PD -205R3 -HC (Planned Development -205 Revision
3 -Highway Commercial), to amend the Planned Development to attach a
Detail Site Plan to allow a 6,520 -square -foot medical building on 1.39
acres of property located north of the northwest corner of S.H. 121 and
Plaza Blvd; and authorizing the Mayor to sign
Attachments: Cover Memo.pdf
Exhibit A -Legal Description.pdf
Exhibit B - Detail Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit C - Landscape Plan and Tree Survey.pdf
Exhibit D - Elevations.pdf
Exhibit E - Signage.pdf
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City Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
Exhibit F - Renderings.pdf
G. Consider approval of an Ordinance for PD -221 R9R2-HC, Homewood
Suites, a zoning change request from PD -221 R9R-HC (Planned
Development -221 Revision 9 Revised -Highway Commercial) to
PD -221 R9R2-HC (Planned Development -205 Revision 9 Revision 2
-Highway Commercial), to amend the Planned Development to attach a
Detail Site Plan to allow a 129 -room suite (residence) hotel on 3.024 acres
of property located on Point West Boulevard, approximately 100 feet south
of Dividend Drive; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Attachments: Cover Memo.pdf
Exhibit A
- Legal Description.pdf
Exhibit B
- Overall Site Plan. pdf
Exhibit C
- Detail Plan.pdf
Exhibit D
- Landscape Plan.pdf
Exhibit E
- First Floor Plan.pdf
Exhibit F -Typical
2nd -5th Floor Plan.pdf
Exhibit G
-Sign Package.pdf
H. Consider approval to award bid # Q-1019-1, "Southwestern Water Tower
Rehabilitation" to Tank Pro, Inc. in the amount of$ 1,051,679 as provided
for in the bond proceeds and authorizing the City Manager to sign
necessary documents.
Attachments: Tank Rehabilitation Award Memo.pdf
Tower 1 Rehab Exhbiit.pdf
Tank Pro, Inc.pdf
Bid Tabulation Sheet - Southwestern EST Coppell.pdf
Letter of RecSigned.pdf
Boiler Plate Construction Contract.pdf
I. Consider approval to enter into a Project Specific Agreement with Dallas
County for maintenance and improvements to roads and drainage ways in
the amount of $150,000, as budgeted in the Infrastructure Maintenance and
Drainage Utility District funds; and authorizing the City Manager to execute
necessary documents.
Attachments: Dallas County PSA Memo revised.pdf
PSA City of Coppell 11 08 2018.pdf
Master Agreement.pdf
J. Consider approval of a renewal contract with Nortex Concrete Lifting and
Stabilization, Inc., to perform annual street repair/mud jacking program, in
the amount of $100,000.00 through an Interlocal agreement with the City of
Grand Prairie; as budgeted in the Infrastructure Maintenance Fund; and
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City Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
Attachments: Nortex Memo 201$.pdf
16137 Pavement Leveling Services - AMEND 3 - 11 1 2018.pdf
End of Consent Agenda
Consider approval of PD -259R -SF -7&9, Blackberry Farm, being a zoning
change request from PD -259 -SF -7&9 (Planned Development 259 -Single
Family -7 & 9) to PD -259R -SF -7&9 (Planned Development Revised
259 -Single Family -7 & 9), to revise the Detail Site Plan and Conditions, to
permit the development of 74 single-family lots and nine (9) common area
lots on 54.8 acres of land located on the north side of Sandy Lake Road,
approximately 750 feet northeast of Starleaf Road (extended), at the
request of Denton Creek Land Company Ltd. and Blackberry Farm Ltd.,
being represented by L. Lynn Kadleck, Kadleck & Associates.
Attachments: council cover memo.pdf
Letter Reguesting tabling until December.pdf
Staff Report PD -259R SF -7 & 9.pdf
Detail Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit A - PD Conditions.pdf
Consider approval of PD -273R2 -C, 7 Eleven, a zoning change request
from PD -273R -C (Planned Development -273 Revised -Commercial) to
PD -273R2 -C (Planned Development -273 Revision 2 -Commercial) to
establish a Detail Site Plan for a convenience store and gas pumps on
0.97 acres of property located at the northeast corner of S. Denton Tap
and E. Belt Line Roads (890 S. Denton Tap Road), at the request of VP
Fuel Mart, Inc. being represented by Matt Moore, ClayMoore Engineering.
Attachments: council cover memo.pdf
is all QIR aaA_1V10lei
Consider approval of an Ordinance designating Northpoint Hotel Group,
LLC, Reinvestment Zone No. 102 pursuant to Section 312.201 of the
Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
Attachments: Northpoint Hotel Group - PH and Ordinance Memo.pdf
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City council
Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
Northpoint Hotel Group - Ordinance.pdf
12. Consider approval of two Resolutions approving two Tax Abatement
Agreements between the City of Coppell and Northpoint Hotel Group, LLC,
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Attachments: Nort_hpoint Hotel Group - Resolution Memo - Aloft and Holiday Inn Express.pdf
Northpoint Hotel Group- Resolution - Aloft.pdf
Tax Abatement Agreement - Alft2df
Northpoint Hotel Group- Resolution - Holiday Inn Express.pdf
Tax Abatement - Holiday Inn Express.pdf
13. Consider approval of two Civic Center Agreements by and between the
City of Coppell and Northpoint Hotel Group, LLC, and authorizing the City
Manager to sign.
Attachments: Nort_hpoint Hotel Group-Civia Center Agreement Memo -Aloft and Holiday Inn Ex
Civic Center Aareement - Aloft
Civia Center Agreement - Holiday Inn Express.pdf
14. Consider approval of an Omnibus Settlement Agreement and Release and
Termination of Landscape Easement between the City of Coppell and
Main Street Coppell, Ltd., et. al., and authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Attachments: MSC Release Agreement - Memo.pdf
MSC Release - Omnibus Settlement Agreement and Release.pdf
Notice of Termination of 6-17-2013 License Agreement.pdf
15. Consider approval of Freeport Parkway Change Order #1 with Texas
Sterling Construction Company, in an amount of $156,234.26 and
authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary documents.
Attachments: Freeport C0#1 memo.pdf
Freeport - Underdrain Baakup CO#1.pdf
Freeport -Inlet Throats Baakup CO#1.pdf
Freeport - Change Order 1.pdf
Freeport - Line O Tie In C0#1 - Rangeline.pdf
16. Consider approval renewal of the contract for two separate contractors
performing a share of the ADA sidewalk repairs and annual street & alley
pavement repair program in the amounts of $900,000.00 to F&F
Construction and $600,000.00 to NPL Construction Company,
respectively, totaling $1,500,000.00; as budgeted in the Infrastructure
Maintenance Fund; and authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary
Attachments: Annual Street and Alley Memo 201$ Renewal 3.pdf
Council Street Alley List 2018.pdf
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City Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
NPL bid packageZpdf
F&F bid package parfial.pdf
17. Consider approval ofanAgreement between the City ofCoppeU(Ovvneh
and Byrne Construction Services (Construction Manager) for the
construction ofFire Station #4and Resource Center including
PneoonatruotionServices for $25.00Oand authorizing the City Manager bz
sign any necessary documents.
Bryn e_ Construction General Condffion.pdf
Standard Form of Agreement.p
18. Consider approval bzpurchase Fire Truck 8QuinUModel #3O02O5-751
Pierce Velocity 107' through an Interlocal Agreement with Houston
Galveston Area Council (H-GAC)inanamount not bzexceed $1.2OO.00O;
and authorizing the Mayor tosign.
����: Staff-Memo.pd�
Fire Truck -Quint PropgsaI_303954.3.pdf
19. Consider approval ofChange Order bzthe Guaranteed Maximum Price for
the construction ofthe City ofCoppeUArts Center, inthe amount of
$1.781.925.00for additional seating for the CoppeUArts Center; and
authorizing the City Manager tosign.
Attachments: Staff Memo - Art Center Change Order.pdf
Exhibit A Arts Cen
Exhibit B Arts Cen
20. Consider approval ofthe Legislative Agenda for the upcoming 8Oth
Regular Legislative Session.
2018 Legislative Agenda Talking Points Updated.pdf
21. Consider appointments to the City's Boards and Commissions.
Attachments: Available Positions 2018 blank.p f
22. City Manager Reports ' Project Updates and Future Agendas
23. Mayor and Council Reports
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City Council Meeting Agenda November 13, 2018
Report by Mayor Hunt on upcoming events.
24. Council Committee Reports concerning items of community involvement with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
A. Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition - Councilmember Roden
B. Woven Health Clinic - Councilmember Hill
C. Metrocrest Services - Councilmember Mays
25. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
26. Necessary Action from Executive Session
Karen Selbo Hunt, Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of
the City of Coppell, Texas on this 9th day of November, 2018, at
Ashley Owens, Deputy City Secretary
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require
special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and
amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs,
services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals makes requests for these
services forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service, and/or meeting. To
make arrangements, contact Kori Konon, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (972)
462-0022, or (TDD 1 -800 -RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989).
Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun),
a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing
law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.
Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried
handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun
licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.
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