BM 2018-06-04 PBCity of Coppell, Texas
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'x tooMinutes
Parks and Recreation Board
255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppel, Texas
Monday, June 4, 2018 6:30 PM 255 Parkway Blvd.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Jack Clark
Ed Guignon
Vice Chair
Maureen Corcoran
Earl Nesbitt
Maria Rohe
Ashish Vail
Earl Rogers
Nick Paschal
Lisa Reynolds
Joni Goh
Student Advisor
Nicole Smith
Student Advisor
The Parks and Recreation Board of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in the 2nd Floor
Conference Room at 255 E. Parkway Boulevard.
Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Brad Reid and Administrative
Services Manager Cecilia Gandara.
The purpose of this meeting was to consider the following items:
Regular Session (Open to the Public)
Call To Order
Chair Jack Clark, Vice Chair Ed Buignon, Boardmember Maureen
Corcoran, Boardmember Earl Nesbitt, Alternate Nick Paschal,
Boardmember Maria Rohe, Boardmember Earl Rogers, Alternate Lisa
Reynolds, Boardmember Ashish Vaidya, Youth Advisor Joni Goh, and
Youth Advisor Nicole Smith
Cry or Coppell, Teras P.,I
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 4, 2018
2. Citizens' Forum: Citizen's should complete a Citizen's Appearance Form. Pursuant to
the State Open Meetings Law, the Board is restricted in discussing or taking action on
items not posted on the Agenda. Action on your statements can only be taken at future
Chair Clark advised that no one signed up to speak.
3. Consider approval of minutes: May 7, 2018
A motion was made by Boardmember Corcoran, seconded by Vice Chair
Guignon, that this agenda item be approved. The motion carried by an
unanimous vote.
Chair Jack Clark, Vice Chair Ed Guignon, Boardmember Maureen
Corcoran, Boardmember Earl Nesbitt, Boardmember Maria Rohe,
Boardmember Earl Rogers, and Boardmember Ashish Vaidya
4. Consider approval of canceling the July Park Board Meeting.
A motion was made by Boardmember Corcoran, seconded by Boardmember
Nesbitt, that this agenda item be approved . The motion carried by an
unanimous vote.
Chair Jack Clark, Vice Chair Ed Guignon, Boardmember Maureen
Corcoran, Boardmember Earl Nesbitt, Boardmember Maria Rohe,
Boardmember Earl Rogers, and Boardmember Ashish Vaidya
5. Manager's Update - Tiffany Anderson, Community Engagement Manager
Tiffany Anderson, Community Engagement Manager, gave a presentation
related to the Community Engagement division's events.
6. Discussion related to Park Classifications and associated amenities
Director Brad Reid discussed the park classifications and associated amenities
related to neighborhood and community parks.
7. Youth Advisor's Report
B. Director's Report
A. Special Events
B. Project Update
Youth Advisor Nicole Smith reported that as a result of a resent survey
conducted at the High School, there is high interest for tealher ball by students.
A. Nothing to report.
B. Nothing to report.
Joint meeting with Council and Library Board will be held on August 9th at the
9. Chair Report
A. Future Agenda Items
A. No future items at this time.
Clly or Copp"Texas Page
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes June 4, 2018
ere being no further business to come before the Parks and Recreation
oard, [he meeting was adjourned at 7:13 pm.
k Clark, Chair
Pr paretl by:
ec is Gand , Administrative Services Manager
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