AG 1989-02-28 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND AGENDA Febzuary 28, 1989 LOU DUGGAN, Mayor JIM COWMAN, Place 5 DEAN WILKERSON, Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 MARK WOLFE, Place 6 WALTER PETTIJOHN, Place 2 JOHN A. NELSON, Place 7 TOM MORTON, Place 3 BILL SMOTHERMON, Place 4 ALAN D. RATLIFF, City Manager MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. (Open to the public) MEETING PLACE: Town Center - City Council Chambers 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in regular ses8ion on Tuesday, February 28, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTH 1 Invocation (Open to the public) 2 Pledge of Allegiance 3 Approval of Minutes - February 7, 1989 February 14, 1989 Mayor's Report City Council Liaison's Report Citizen's Appearances Consider approval of a Resolution declaring February 28, 1989 as "Students in Government Day in Coppell" and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consider approval of a Resolution designating March 6-10, 1989 as "Texas Public Schools Week" in the City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from Section 10-5-3 B of the Sign Ordinance which concerns the maximum size of attached signs. The variance is requested by the Coppell Independent School District for the sign proposed for the new high school located at 185 West Parkway. ITEF DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTH] 10 Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from Sections 10-4-3 J, 10-4-3 K, and 10-9-1 of the Sign Ordinance which concerns off- premise signs, signs erected in the public right-of- way and the administrative fee for sign variance requests. The variance is requested by the St. Ann's Catholic Church Men's Club. 11 Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from Section 10-5-2 C of the Sign Ordinance which concerns the maximum size and height along with setback requirements for monument signs. The variance is required by Goodyear for the property located at 825 MacArthur. 12 Zoning change, Case No. PD-108 (Springs of Coppell): 115 acres from PD Recreation to (PD) for (O) office; (R) retail; (C) commercial and (LI) light industrial. PUBLIC HEARING WILL NOT BE HELD SINCE THIS APPLICATION IS STILL UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. 13 Holding of a PUBLIC HEARING to consider approval of a zoning change Case #ZC-516 from Retail to (PD-SF-7) located 190 feet south of the southwest corner of Coppell Road and Sandy Lake Road at the request of Thomas and Katherine McHale. Date of P&Z Meeting: 1-19-89 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (4-0) with the provisions that the remaining Retail Zoned property on the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Coppell Road be re-zoned to PD-SF-7 also prior to the final platting of this property that 13 lots on the southern border of the property be restricted to houses with a minimum of 1800 square feet. 14 Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Shadow Woods Estates Addition located 190 feet south of the southwest of Coppell Road and Sandy Lake Road at the request of Thomas and Katherine McHale. Date of P&Z Meeting: 1-19-89 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (4-0) with requested variances as noted on plat. 15 Consider approval of a Resolution granting consent for the annexation of two tracts of land, to wit: Tract A containing 265.692 acres of land and Tract B containing 22.593 acres of land by Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. ITEM DESCRIPTION ~T[ROVED DENIED OTH] 16A Discussion and approval of reconsiderat/on of a preliminary plat for Heartz Road located south of Parkway Boulevard and north of Sandy Lake Road at the request of ABQ Development Corporation. B Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Heartz Road located south of Parkway Boulevard and north of Sandy Lake Road at the request of ABQ Development Corporation. Date of P&Z Meeting: 1-19-89 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (4-0) with requested variances as noted on plat. Date of CC Meeting: 2-14-89 Decision of CC: Denied (5-0) & rescheduled to 2-28-89 with no additional fees to be paid by applicant for reftltng. 17 Discussion and consideration of Paragon Cable performing a quality test demonstrating the service presently being provided cable TV subscribers in the City of Coppell is meeting and/or exceeding any operating standards set by the FCC and those currently used in the cable industry. Additionally, Paragon Cable will pay an outside engineer selected by the City a reasonable fee to interpret Paragon Cable's "proofs" if the City Council desires and/or deems necessary. 18 Discussion and consideration of approving an increase in the Paragon Cable franchise fee from 3% to 5% and instructing staff to prepare necessary ordinances and documents to accomplish said increase in franchise fee. ]9 Discussion and consideration of waiving the water bills for the Bethel Cemetery property. 20 Discussion and consideration of requests by Johnny Thompson for the City to: a. place Mr. Thompson's entire property in the floodway; b. 1957 annexation of Mr. Thompson's property in the City of Coppell; c. 1979 zoning request of Mr. Thompson of 7 ac. of an 8.293 ac. tract; d. allowance of 2 more metal buildings on Mr. Thompson's property annexed in 1986; e. platting and security guard; and f. request for disannexation. ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED 21 Discussion and consideration of a raquest for expedited process to receive approval for a minor change in floor plan, to relocate the restrooms, due to conditions discovered during construction. Approved Case #S-1034 for (C-SUP) commercial special use permit for a restaurant with a private club/Gibbs Station. 22 Discussion and consideration of approval of a Smoking Ordinance and authorizing the Mayor to sign - requested by Councilman Morton. 23 Discussion and consideration of approving a Budget Amendment Ordinance to the FY 1988-89 Budget and authorizing the Mayor to sign. CONSENT AGENDA 24A Discussion and consideration of approving an amendment to the Water & Sewer Rate Ordinance #88-426 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 24B Discussion and consideration of approval of a Change Order (Change Order No. 2) for adding three additional median openings and five additional left turn lanes; and the west turnout of Parkway Boulevard at Denton Tap; to Denton Tap Road Improvements from Sandy Lake Road to Denton Creek as requested by ABQ Development Corporation and Univest Development Corporation and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Discussion and consideration of approval of use by the Coppell Lions Club the old municipal building located on Coppell Road and identified in the agreement executed August 11, 1987 between the City of Coppell and the Coppell Senior Citizens Association. 24D Discussion and consideration of approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances which concerns sign regulations and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 24E Discussion and consideration of entering into an agreement with TU Electric for installation of street lights on Beltline North/South and authorizing the Mayor to sign. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public) 25 Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) and (g) to discuss and obtain legal advice in regard to Water and Sewer service to newly annexed property subject of boundary agreement. 26 Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f) discussion concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. 27 Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83. 1. Discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communication between Attorney and client. (Open to the public) Adjournment Lou Duggan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on the 24th day of February, 1989 at 5:10 p.m. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary AGENDA022889 AGIII