AG 1988-12-13 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND AGENDA December 13, 1988 LOU DUGGAN, Mayor JIM COWMAN, Place 5 DEAN WILKERSON, Mayor Pro Tom, Place 1 MARK WOLFE, Place 6 WALTER PETTIJOHN, Place 2 JOHN A. NELSON, Place 7 TOM MORTON, Place 3 BILL SMOTHERMON, Place 4 ALAN D. RATLIFF, City Manager MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. (Open to the public) MEETING PLACE: Town Center - City Council Chambers 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppoll, TX 75019 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppoll, Texas will meet in a regular session on Tuesday, December 13, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTHER 1 Invocation (Open to the public) 2 Pledge of Allegiance 3 Approval of Minutes - November 22, 1988 4 Mayor's Report 5 City Council Liaison's Report 6 Citizen's Appearances 7 Discussion and consideration of approval of a Proclamation proclaiming the week of December 19th through December 23rd, 1988 as "Community Friends" week in the City of Coppoll and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 8 Discussion and consideration of waiving penalty in the amount of $77.89 and interest in the amount of $22.26 on property located at 136 Hill Drive. 9 Discussion and consideration of approval of a request from Irene Hilllard for the City Council to waive the Board of Adjustments filing fee for a variance she is requesting involving the 121 Cafe - requested by Councilman Pettijohn. 10 Consider approval of an Ordinance to annex the property located north of the Coppell city limits. ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTHER 11 Consider approval of an Ordinance creating the Cable Television Board and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 12 Discussion, consideration and approval of a variance request from Section 10-5-2 D of the Sign Ordinance which concerns placement of monument signs. This variance is being requested by Alf Bumgardner of Architectural Innovations who is representing Texaco. 13 Holding of a PUBLIC HEARING to consider approval of zoning change, Case #S-1038 from (C) Commercial to (C-S.U.P.), allowing the operation of a convenience store and gasoline sales located at 928 S. Beltline Road at the request of Texaco. Date of P&Z Meeting: November 17, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-1) with the deletion of the signage on the site plan; and with the condition that the applicant work with staff toward a resolution of the metal fascia part on the structure, and with the condition that the columns supporting the canopy be masonry. 14 Holding of a PUBLIC HEARING to consider approval of zoning change Case #S-1039 from (C) Commercial to (C.S.U.P.), located at 110 W. Denton Tap Road, Suite #114 to allow the operation of a restaurant at the request of "I Love Yogurt" store. Date of P&Z Meeting: November 17, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) 15 Holding of a PUBLIC HEARING to consider approval of zoning change case #S-1040 from (PD-R) to (PD-R.S.U.P.) to allow the operation of a restaurant located at 1001 Sandy Lake Road, Suite #108 at the request of Domino's Pizza. Date of P&Z Meeting: November 17, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) 16 Discussion and consideration of approval of a final plat for Shadow Ridge Estates Addition, 3rd Increment located at the northeast corner of Coppell Road and Plantation Drive. Date of P&Z Meeting: November 17, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) 17 Presentation, discussion and consideration of authorizing the City Manager to proceed with work on Capital projects which may be funded from balance of Capital funds. ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTHE[ 18 Discussion and consideration of approval to expend Park Special Revenue Fund for improvements, studies and projects recommended by the Park Board in the amount of $166,500.00. 19 Discussion and consideration of approval of an expenditure in the amount of $500.00 payable to Paul Dishman related to the Economic Development study. 20 Discussion and consideration of approval of a "Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule for Public Works ProJectsf' 21 Waive informalities, consider proposals, and assign three Worthington 10-LR-18A pumps with Reliance, WP-II, 82nB motors to the successful contractor for the Village Parkway Pump Station in the amount of $179,772.00. 22 Discussion and consideration of awarding or rejecting bids for the Village Parkway Pump Station and authorizing the Mayor to execute necessary contracts. 23 Discussion and consideration of Change Order No. Six (6) for the Beltline Road (South) Improvement project and authorizing the Mayor to sign upon City Council's approval. 24 Discussion and consideration of a recommendation for award of contract to McLean Construction Co., Inc. for the 24" Crosstown Waterline and miscellaneous waterline projects and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 25 Discussion and consideration of approval of extending an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for a period of six (6) months retroactive from August 1, 1988 through January 31, 1989 between Collin County and the City of Coppell, crediting overpayment for the first six months to this extended period, receiving balance billing after January 31, 1989 and authorizing the City Manager to sign. CONSENT AGENDA 26A Discussion and consideration of approval of final acceptance and payment in the amount of $17,377.00 of the Brown Park Football/Soccer Field construction. 26B Discussion and recommendation for award of bid in the amount of $41,892.OO for the purchase of police vehicles. 26C Discussion and recommendation for award of Bid 0039 in the amount of $6,029.00 for Painting of Coppell Town Center 26D Discussion and consideration of approval of awarding Bid 0036 to Schoolhouse Audio-Visual in the amount of $5,610.00 to improve existing P.A. System and provide additional sound capability in the City Council Chambers. ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTHER 26E Discussion, consideration and approval of City Council bills in the amount of $374.00. 26F Approval of an ordinance to correct a typographical error that omitted from the final computer printout a paragraph which was intended to be included in Ordinance 88-417 passed September 27, 1988 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public) 27 Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney concerning negotiations with Lomas & Nettleton and the City of Lewisville regarding the boundary agreement between the cities of Coppell and Lewisville. 28 Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney 1. Review pending litigation matters by City Attorney. 29 Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f) discussion concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property associated with a current economic development project. 30 Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83. 1. Discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communication between Attorney and client. (Open to the public) ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTHER 31 Discussion and consideration of approval of an agreement between Magnolia Investment Properties, Inc. and the City of Coppell related to terms and conditions of real estate and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 32 Discussion and consideration of an agreement between the City of Coppell and Lomas & Nettleton concerning the boundary agreement between the cities of Coppell and Lewisville and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 33 Discussion and consideration of a Water and Sewer A§reement between the cities of Coppell and Lewisville and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 34 Consider adoption of an Ordinance amending Ordinance 88-410 (Ordinance providing for establishment of mutual boundary line between the cities of Coppell and Lewisville) to attach thereto the agreement between the City of Coppell and Lomas & Nettleton and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 35 Discussion and consideration of approval of a preliminary plat and variances for the Northlake Woodlands East ~12 Addition located at the northwest corner of Mockingbird Lane and the St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad. Date of P&Z Meeting: October 20, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with the variances that delete the alley on Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9; and the waiver for Lot 1, Block F, fronting on Mockingbird Lane. ITEM DESCRIPTION APPROVED DENIED OTHER 36 Discussion and consideration of approval of a preliminary plat for the Creekview North Addition, Block 1, Lots 1-4 located east of Denton Tap Road and south of Meadowcreek Road at the request of Coppell Associates. Date of P&Z Meeting: October 20, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission:Approved (6-0) with the variance for the deletion of the alley. Adjournment Lou Duggan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on the 9th day of December, 1988 at 3:04 p.m. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary AGENDA121388 AGIII