AG 1988-03-08 Notice of Meeting
March 8, 1988
MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. (Open to the public)
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, TX 75019
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell,
Texas, will meet in a regular called session at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 8, 1988 in the Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider
the following items:
CALL TO ORDER (Open to the public)
Item 1: Discussion and consideration of approval of minutes -
February 16, 1988
February 23, 1988
Item 2: Mayor's Report
Item 3: CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES - Consider citizens who wish to speak
before the City Council
Item 4: Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from
Sections 10-4-4, 10-4-18 and 10-5-2 (f) of the Sign Ordinance
which concerns movement control signs, off-premise signs and
monument signs.
Item 5: Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from
Section 10-4-18 of the Sign Ordinance which concerns
off-premise signs.
Item 6: Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from
Section 10-4-2 and Section 10-4-18 of the Sign Ordinance which
concerns signs located in the public right-of-way and
off-premise signs.
Item 7: Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from
Section 1A 12 of Appendix A of the Subdivision Ordinance
which concerns access of residential driveways.
Item 8: Consider approval of a zoning change from (A) Agricultural to
(LI) Light Industrial, Case #ZC-510, located on the south side
of Cotton Road (east) and approximately 250 feet from the
centerline of Freeport Parkway, at the request of Mr. C. E.
Item 9: Consider approval of a zoning change from (C) Commercial to
(C.S.U.P.) Commercial with a Special Use Permit for an
automobile service center, Case #S-1031, located at the
northwest corner of Denton Tap and Sandy Lake Road, at the
request of Skyhawk Venture.
Item 10: Consider approval of a preliminary plat for the Meadows
Addition, Section 6, located at the southeast corner of Samuel
Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard, at the request of Meadowglen
Item 11: Consider approval of a Final Plat for the Valley Ranch Plaza
Addition, located at the southwest corner of MacArthur
Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of Albert Halff
and Associates.
Item 12: Discussion of Highway 121 being updated to Freeway status
including interchange, overpasses and access roads.
Item 13: Discussion and consideration to temporarily suspend the
Council liaisons to the Economic Development Board.
Item 14: Discussion and consideration of a Park and Ride location in
Coppell, and authorizing DART to start a site investigation
for such location.
Item 15A: Consider approval of a Resolution adopting the order calling
the election of munichpsi officers on Saturday, May 7, 1988.
15B: Consider approval of charges to the City Council Budget in the
amount of $543.54.
Item 16A: Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83.
1. Discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving
privileged communications between Attorney and client.
16B: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney.
1. Discussion concerning possible litigation.
16C: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f) discussion concerning
purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
1. Discussion of acquisition of right-of-way with Minyards.
16D: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning
1. Discussion concerning evaluation and duties of City and
ConsultinE Engineer.
Lou Duggan, Mayor
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin
board at the City ~all of the City of Coppoll, Texas on the 4th day of
March, 1988 at 4:30 p.m.
Dorothy Timmons, Secretary
AGENDA 030888