AG 1988-02-23 Notice of Meeting
February 23, 1988
MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. (Open to the public)
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas 75019
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell,
Texas, will meet in regular called session at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
February 23, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to
consider the following items:
CALL TO ORDER (Open to the public)
Item 1: Consider approval of minutes - February 9, 1988.
Item 2: Mayor's Report
Item 3: CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES - Consider citizens who wish to speak
before the City Council.
Item 4: Consider approval of a Resolution declaring February 23, 1988
as "Students In Government Day In Coppell" and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
Item 5: Consider approval of a Resolution designating March 7-11, 1988
as "Texas Public Schools Week" in the City of Coppell and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Item 6: Consider approval of a Proclamation designating the month of
March, 1988 as "Youth Art Month" in the City of Coppell and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Item 7: Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell
authorizing the reprinting of the Code of Ordinances of the
City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Item 8: Consider approval of a Resolution providing for regular
license plates to be used on certain exempt police vehicles
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Item 9: Consider approval of an Ordinance amending Section 9-7 of the
Code of Ordinances regulating metal buildings and buildings
with metal roofs and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Item 10: Consider approval for the Park Board to distribute a survey
questionaire to the community to determine directions and
priorities for park development.
Item 11: Consider approval of a variance from Section 10-5-3 B 1 of the
Sign Ordinance concerning maximum sign area for the Skaggs
Alpha Beta grocery store.
Item 12: Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #ZC-508, located
approximately 400 feet west of the southwest corner of
MacArthur Boulevard and Beltl~ne Road, from (R) Retail to (LI)
L~ght Industrial.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approved (4-3)
With revision of the zoning on Tract 2, and the portion of
Tract 1 within 200 feet of the Beltline easement south, to (C)
Commercial, and the remaining Tract 1 be (LI) Light Industrial.
Item 13: Study and clarification of role and responsibility of Boards
and Commissions.
Item 14: Discussion and consideration of appointment of an Arboretum
Item 15: Consider adoption of a revised Resolution supporting the
"Interim Regional Policy Position" on the Trinity River
Corridor, and a "Common Vision" among all affected local
governments, as amended on January 28, 1988 and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
Item 16: Consider approval of charges to the City Council budget in the
amount of $426.32.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public)
Item 17A: Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83.
1. Discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving
privileged communications between attorney and client.
17B: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f) discussion concerning the
purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
1. Discussion of acquisition of right-of-way with Minyards.
Lou Duggan, Mayor
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin
board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the 19th day of
February, 1988 at 4:30 p.m.
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary
AGENDA 022388