AG 1988-01-12 Notice of Meeting
January 12, 1988
MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. (Open to the public)
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas 75019
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell,
Texas, will meet in a regular called session at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
January 12, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to
consider the following items:
CALL TO ORDER (Open to the public)
Item 1: Approval of minutes - November 24, 1987
December 8, 1987
Item 2: Mayor's Report
Item 3: CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES - Consider citizens who wish to speak
before the City Council.
Item 4: Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #S-1030, from
"C" Commercial to "C.S.U.P." Commercial with a Special Use
Permit for a restaurant, located at 150 Denton Tap Road, Suite
101A, at the request of Mr. Charles Lambert.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning - Approval (7-0)
Item 5: Consider approval of a Special Use Permit, Case #S-1008(A),
located at the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and
Beltline Road to allow the alteration of a site plan, at the
request of Alan Goldberg Architects.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning - Denied (7-0)
Item 6: Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #PD-105, from (SF-9)
Single Family-9, to (PD)(SF-9) Planned Development Single
Family-9, on property located at the southeast corner of
Parkway Boulevard and Samuel Boulevard at the request of
Meadowglen Properties.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning - Approval (7-0)
Item 7: Consider approval of a final plat for St. Ann's Catholic
Church, located approximately 600 feet north from the northeast
corner of Sandy Lake Road and Samuel Boulevard, at the request
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning - Approval (6-0)
With the provision that the funds for the building of the
sidewalk be escrowed.
Item 8: Consider approval of a final plat for Gateway Park at Coppell
Addition, located at the southeast corner of Beltline Road and
Southwestern Boulevard.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning - Approval (5-0-1)
Item 9: Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Freeport Parkway,
located along Freeport Parkway, at the request of Fortune Asset
Management Company.
Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - December 17, 1987
Decision of Planning and Zoning - Approved (6-0)
Item 10: Discussion, consideration and approval of variances to the
Floodplain Ordinance of the City of Coppell, requested for
Creekview Addition.
Item 11: Discussion, Consideration, and approval of a variance from
Table II of Appendix A of the Sub-Division Ordinance to allow
the construction of a residential driveway that is in excess
of 24 feet in width.
Item 12: Discussion, consideration, and approval a change in the regular
meeting day for the Park Board from the 2nd Monday each month
to the 1st Monday. This is to comply with Ordinance 86-366
Creating the Park and Recreation Board.
Item 13: Presentation, review and acceptance of Audit Report for Fiscal
Year 1987 presented by Arthur Andersen.
Item 14: Discussion and consideration of awarding Bid/Proposal 0009,
Cleaning Service Contract, Coppell Town Center, Inspections and
the Service Center.
Item 15: Discussion and consideration of awarding Bid 0010, Police
Item 16: Discussion and consideration of appointment of a Council member
to serve as exofficio to Metrocrest Hospital Authority.
Item 17A:Discussion, consideration and adoption of a Resolution
supporting the "Regional Policy Position" on the Trinity River
Corridor and a "Common Vision" among all affected local
governments and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
17B:Discussion and consideration of amending the Ordinance allowing
the assessment of an administrative fee for persons who fail to
register and secure a permit for their alarm system and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
17C:Dtscussion, consideration and approval of a Resolution
ratifying Mayor Pro Tem's execution and delivery of notice of
exercise of option concerning the Phase III Park Site purchase
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
17D:Consider approval of charges to the City Council budget in the
amount of $1,468.82.
Item 18: Discussion, consideration and approval of an Ordinance for Case
#PD-103 located near the northwest corner of DeForest Road and
MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of the Parks of Coppell
Joint Venture and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Approved by Planning and Zoning Commission - August 20, 1987
Approved by City Council - October 27, 1987
Item 19: Discussion, consideration and approval of an Ordinance for Case
#S-1001, located approximately 1,350 feet from the northwest
corner of Hackberry Road and Beltline Road, at the request of
Ed Bell Construction Company and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Approved by Planning and Zoning Commission - November 20, 1986
Approved by City Council - January 13, 1987
EXECUTIVE SESSION: (Closed to the public)
Item 20A: Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83
1. Discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving
privileged communications between attorney and client.
B: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney.
1. Discussion concerning possible litigation
A. Legal purposes of discussing right-of-way acquisition
- Minyards
B. Legal discussions regarding pending lawsuits
OPEN SESSION (Open to the public)
Item 21: Consider approval of agreement with Minyards concerning
drainage and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Lou Duggan, Mayor
I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin
board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the 8th day of
January, 1988, at 4:30 p.m.
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary
AGENDA 011288