AG 1987-11-10 Notice of Meeting November 10, 1987 MEETING TIME: 7:30 pm (Open to the public) MEETING PLACE: Town Center 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, will meet in a regular session at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, November 10, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: AGENDA CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S REPORT Item 1: Mayor's Report BOARD APPOINTMENTS Item 2: Swearing In Ceremony of Board and Commission Members. A. Board of Adjustments 1. Lanny Mayo - 2 year term B. Library Board 1. John Hill - 2 year term 2. Edward W. Sircy - 2 year term CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES Item 3: Consider citizens who wish to speak before the City Council. OTHER BUSINESS Item 4: Consider approval of the final close-out and payment on the DeForest Road Water Line Project. ZONING, PLATTING, AND VARIANCES Item 5: PUBLIC HEARING - To consider approval of a zoning change, Case #PD-105, at the request of Meadowglen Properties, from (SF-9) Single Family-9, to a (PD-SF-9) Planned Development for Single Family-9, located at the southeast corner of Parkway and Samuel Boulevards. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - September 17, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Denied (5-1) Item 6: Sandy Lake Crossing (Firestone Tire and Rubber Company) A. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Consider approval of Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot 2, Preliminary Plat at the request of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, located approximately 183 feet west of the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - October 15, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approval (5-0) B. FINAL PLAT - Consider approval of Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot 2, Final Plat, at the request of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, located 183 feet west of the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - October 15, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approval (5-0) STIPULATIONS: That the final plans be approved by the City Engineer, prior to Council. C. VARIANCE - Discussion, consideration and approval of a request from Firestone for a variance from Section 10-5-3 B 3 of the Sign Ordinance concerning allowable square footage of attached signs. Item 7: VARIANCE - Discussion, consideration and approval of a request from McDonalds for a variance from Sections 10-5-2 A 2, 10-5-3 A, and 10-5-3 B 3 of the Sign Ordinance concerning size limitations for attached and detached signs. Item 8: VARIANCE - Discussion, consideration and approval of a request from Terra Land Development Company for a variance to delete the northern sidewalk along the northern row of Riverchase Drive from MacArthur Boulevard to proposed Fairway Drive. OTHER BUSINESS Item 9: Discussion, consideration and approval of a request from Northlake Woodlands Homeowners Association for a waiver of the fee ($100.00) established by Section 10-3-4 A of the Sign Ordinance. Item 10: Consider approval of charges to the City Council budget in the amount of $968.54. RESOLUTIONS, ZONING, PLATTING Item 11: Parks of Coppell, J/V A. RESOLUTION - Discussion and consideration of a Resolution and Agreement approving the donation of approximately 32.2 acre lake and park site to the City of Coppell to be included in the City Park System and authorizing the Mayor to sign. B. PUBLIC HEARING - Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #PD-103, at the request of Parks of Coppell J/V, from (SF-0) Single Family Zero Lot Line Homes and (SF-7) Single Family-7, to a (PD) for Single Family Homes, located near the northwest corner of DeForest and MacArthur, north of Parkwood II. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - August 20, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approved (6-1) STIPULATIONS: That the issue regarding the proposed City Park be resolved with the Park Board and the City Council. C. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Consider approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lake Park Addition, at the request of Parks of Coppell, J/V, located near the northwest corner of DeForest Road and MacArthur Boulevard. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - September 17, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Denial (5-1) EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public) Item 12: A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney. 1) Discussion concerning litigation in regard to lawsuits B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. 1) Discussion concerning Board and Commission appointments. C. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (f) discussion concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. 1) Discussion of purchase of ground storage tank site. OPEN SESSION (Open to the public) Item 13: Consider appointment of a member to the Park Board for a one year term. Item 14: Consideration of approval of a contract with Terra Corporate Joint Venture for the purchase of a site for the construction of a Water Pump Station and two (2) ground storage water tanks and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Item 15: Consideration of approval of a contract with Sunbelt Savings A~ociation of Texas for the acquisition of land from Sunbelt Savings Association of Texas in regard to Triland commitments within the Lakes of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. ADJOURNMENT Lou Duggan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on the 6th day of November, 1987 at 4:30 pm. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary AGENDA 111087 AGNII