AG 2019-10-30 (NTECC) _ \ North Texas Emergency Communications Center Serving the cities of: '- j Addison Carrollton Coppell Farmers Branch r * * * * NOTICE OF POSSIBLE QUORUM * * * * NORTH TEXAS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER,INC. 1649 W.FRANKFORU Rn. SUITE 150 CARROLLTON, TX 75007 CUTOVER TO VESTA 9-1-1 SYSTEM OCTOBER 30,2019 8AM—4PM THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC OF A POSSIBLE QUORUM OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH TEXAS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATONS CENTER WHO MAY ATTEND THE EVENT LISTED ABOVE. THERE WILL BE NO OFFICIAL ACTION TAKEN AT THIS EVENT. CERTIFICATE— I cert ,that the above agenda giving notice of meeting was posted on the bullet board at the City Hall of �t,1 ,Texas on the c,3 — of Cr1-e.t✓ 20P1 at el: a,.m.. ` '54. ,,!/;. / .4._•%.__. ty Secretary This location of the meeting is wheelchair accessible. Access to the building and special parking are available at the main entrance off Frankford Rd. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please contact Sandy Issel, Assistant to the Executive Director,NTECC, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at 469-289-3200. 1649 W. Frankford Rd. Suite150 Carrollton, TX 75007