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AQ- L$GD,DAD-5 VD.D5D*? *H AQ- W-?-%$, L+?/" $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"#34534646  !"# 7/&!0"$(1&%18!2"94646:5;;#< =!))'@"A(22"?B!%(?4 3Q- #+I,DG X*%&5 V-1$%AB-?A %-G*BB-?/5 $11%*.$," K(+';A(?4 =1 !%?3+"'$%!&'K(H"#?2"?! $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"#34534646  !"4 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kent Collins, P.E., Director of Public Works Date: January28, 2020 Reference: Contract Renewalfor Electrical Services 2030: Sustainable City Government Strategy, Goal 3 Excellent and Well-maintained City Infrastructure and Facilities General: In January2019, Nema 3 Electric, Inc. was awarded the City-wide Electrical Services Maintenance and Repair Contract with a contract value of $150,000 per year for five years. The overall contract term was effective February 1, 2019, with five annual renewals through January 31, 2024 This item represents the first renewal, effective February 1, 2020 with three renewals remaining. The contract includes service to 31municipal buildings including the provision of parts and materials. Introduction: This agenda item is being presented to consider approval of awarding renewal one (1) of RFP #163 Citywide Electrical Services to Nema 3 Electric, Inc. for a one-year period beginning February 1, 2020, in the amount of $150,000, as budgeted; and authorizing the City Manager to signany necessary documents. Analysis: In November 2018, the City of Coppell Facilities Division received proposals from Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) approved and licensed electrical contractors to provide citywide electrical maintenance and repair services, including the provision of parts and materials. Because this contract is for citywide service, the proposals were evaluated by a committeethatincluded representatives from Purchasing, Fire, Police, Parks and Public Works. Nema 3 was awarded a five- year contract with review and renewal annually.The Facilities Division has performed the annual review of Nema 3 and is recommending the first contract renewal. 1 Legal Review: The City’s standard form contract is being utilized and is reviewed periodically by the City Attorney. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this agenda item is $150,000.00, as budgeted. Recommendation: The Public Works Department recommends approval of this contract. 2 78%78%78%60%60% 144%144%137%220%113% From Lowest Current & 25% 80.0040.0060.0080.00 --- 110.00165.00120.00120.00160.00120.00 E-MC Electrical $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 89%89%89%56%56%56%56% 133% From Lowest Current & 15%15% 70.00 ---- 127.50127.50127.50105.00 105.00105.00105.00 RMI $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 86%86%86%86% 86%86%86%86% 166%166%166%166% From Lowest Current & 27%27% 83.5083.5066.5099.7599.7599.75 125.25 125.25 125.25 125.25 125.25125.25 Dalworth $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 78%78%78%56% 78%56%56%56% 108%108%108%108% From Lowest Current & 25% 80.0070.0052.0078.0078.00 78.00 120.00120.00 120.00 105.00 105.00105.00 Various $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TD Industries 41%41%41%41%47% 67%67%41%41%80%47%47% From Lowest Current & - * 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 55.00 75.0075.0095.0095.0045.0055.0055.00 Groves $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4%4% -4% 44%11%11%85%33%33% 78% -20%-20% From Lowest Current & 20%25% 65.0075.0075.0060.0070.0070.0024.0030.0030.0050.00 125.00 120.00 308 Construction $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 33%78%22% 33%22%88%88%25% -11% -19% 104%213% From Lowest Current & 25% 60.00 90.00 60.00 55.00 82.50 55.00 47.00 70.50 47.00 120.00117.50 137.50 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Environmental Lighting Service 33%33%33%33%20% 33%33%33%33%20%20%20% From Lowest Current & 25%25% 60.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 60.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 30.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 Nema 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% From Current 20%20% 45.00 67.50 67.50 67.50 45.00 67.50 67.50 67.50 25.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 Raines Electric $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ City of CoppellRFP #163 CITYWIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICES11/13/18 Proposed CostsMaster Electrician OvertimeWeekendHoliday Journeyman Electrician OvertimeWeekendHoliday Helper Electrician OvertimeWeekendHoliday Parts/Materials: Cost Plus %Non-Std Eqmt MarkupDalworth:No New Bldg Construction ???E-MC:2-hour min charge on Svc Calls for E-MC4-hour response on Regular and Emergency CallsGroves:*Provided Discount from Retail Cost Structure not a Cost + structure. Pricing provided via 2014 RFB pricing page.Raines:2-hour min charge Emergency CallsTDI:Onsite time verified w/ GPS app on TDI eqmtNema 3:Mike Barrett-Journeyman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o: Mayor and City Council From: Guy McLain, Assistant Director of Operations Via: Brad Reid, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: January 28, 2020 Reference: Approval of an amended and restated interlocal cooperation agreement between Coppell Independent School District and City of Coppell, Texas for the renovation and continued shared usage of the synthetic turf field, restroom/concession building and grandstand at Lesley Field, Coppell High School Ninth Grade Campus; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 2030: Sense of Community Strategy: Effective Community Partnerships Community Wellness and Enrichment Strategy: Recreation Programs and Services for all Generations. General Information: The City of Coppell entered into an agreement with the Coppell Independent School District (CISD) for the construction and use of a synthetic turf field at Lesley Field at the former Middle School West in March of 2011. renovation of the Lesley field turf, restroom/concession building, grandstand and fencing in order to continue the partnership and benefit the community. Introduction: A memorandum dated February 3, 2011, expounded the advantages of a partnership with the CISD for the benefit of the city youth sports participants especially those actively playing football and lacrosse. The advantages of entering into an agreement with the CISD were outlined in the memorandum and included: - Moving youth football and lacrosse to the all-weather surface moves the two associations that do the most damage to the grass fields. - An all weather surface could be used for both games and practices reducing damage to grass fields. 1 - Rainouts would be virtually eliminated with the exception of rainouts due to lightning or other hazardous conditions. - Costs associated with the project are less than what would be anticipated if the City needed to purchase additional land and construct fields with the necessary amenities for youth football and lacrosse. - If successful, the project could be duplicated at CMS North in the future to take further advantage of the positive outcomes. The Council approved the proposed Interlocal Agreement for Lesley Field and entered into a similar agreement in July of 2014 for the installation of a synthetic turf field, restroom/concession building and spectator seating at Middle School North. Both agreements are for a minimum of ten (10) years, the estimated life expectancy of the average synthetic turf field. The original infrastructure at Lesley field was constructed around 1968 and is well overdue for replacement. The three associations that play on these fields, football, lacrosse and soccer, have expressed concerns over the years with the condition of all of the proposed facilities up for renovation. Analysis: The Coppell Youth Football Association and the Coppell Lacrosse Association access both MSN and Lesley fields for practices and games working around CISD scheduled events. The breakdown of costs for the renovation of Lesley Field are as follows: - Synthetic Turf install cost, $417,052 (completed) - New Restroom/Concession Building, $997,697 - New Grandstand, $275,000 (600 800 bleacher seating, press box, speaker system) . This project was identified -year plan and is currently on the CRDC list of projects for 2019-2020. Legal Review: Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of participation in this project is $800,000. Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends proceeding with entering into an Interlocal Agreement with the CISD to partner in this project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emo To: Mayor and City Council From: Danny Barton, Chief of Police Date: January 23, 2020 Reference: Police Legal Advisor The Coppell Police Department began using the legal services of Warren Spencer in 2017. Warren Spencer is the legal advisor to the Texas Police Chiefs Association, by whom the Coppell Police Department is accredited, and has previously been the police legal advisor in the Cities of Plano and Frisco. His expertise in the legal application of the law to police operations such as search and seizure, arrests and detentions and probable cause is invaluable. Mr. Spencer currently works from the Coppell Police Department approximately one day a week and was always available by phone. Mr. Spencer has been invaluable in providing detectives, school resource officers, and patrol officers with legal guidance. Training bulletins are frequently drafted by Mr. Spencer for Command Staff approval. Those training bulletins are based on either current legal challenges or training needs of the police department. When time allows, Mr. Spencer vets training providers for Command Staff to ensure that Officers and Detectives are sent only to training classes that meet our legal standards and philosophies. Mr. Spencer has also provided policy guidance at the operational level. Scrutiny over police actions are as common and numerous as ever. Public trust hinges on the legitimacy of the police department and its actions. Simply stated, the margins of error have decreased, and the legal climate has been changing faster than ever. I asked Mr. Spencer for additional help in training our officers and detectives and to have an increased presence in the police department so that supervisors and officers can obtain his guidance when needed. Additional training and policy guidance will also be increased. The past two years, the Police Department has paid a set fee of $2600.00 for 28 hours per month. I feel that his guidance has been valuable to the department, however, 28 hours a month has proven too little given the legal landscape today. Mr. Spencer has agreed to 56 hours per month at a rate of $5200.00. The annual cost to the Coppell Police Department would be $62,400.00. This three-year agreement requires the signature of the City Manager due to its annual cost. 1 A GREEMENT FOR P OLICE L EGAL A DVISOR S ERVICES B ETWEEN C OPPELL P OLICE D EPARTMENT AND W ARREN S PENCER This agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between the City of Coppellpolice Department (“Department”) and Warren Spencer (“Spencer”) acting by and through their authorized representatives. Recitals: WHEREAS,Department requires the assistance of an experienced Police Legal Advisor in carrying out its responsibilities; and WHEREAS, Spencer desires to act as Police Legal Advisorto Department and is willing to perform all the services required hereunder in a professional manner as an independent contractor; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and terms and conditions herein contained, and of the execution hereof, the parties agree and bind themselves to the obligations and performance of the tasks as follows: Article I Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is for Department to obtain professional police legal advisor services to advise and assist Department in the course and scope of its performance of duties. Article II Term Term. The Initial Term of this Agreement shall begin on (month)_______, (day) __, 2020, and shall terminate three years after the beginning date. Following the Initial Term, this Agreement shall then automatically renew for three (3) additional twelve (12) month periods under the same terms and conditions set forth herein, unless sooner terminated as provided in Article 6 of this Agreement. Article III Scope of Services 3.1 Duties. Spencer shall have the following duties and responsibilities and shall perform the following services: 1. Advise all members of the Department in all aspects of relevant municipal and criminal law matters. 2. Provides training bulletins as mutually agreed upon between Spencer and Department administration. A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 1 3. Provide training as needed and agreed upon between Spencer and Department Administration. 4. Reports to the Chief and Assistant Chiefs of Police directly and receive assignments from the Chief and Assistant Chiefs. 5. Provide legal advice relevant to Department operations. 6. Conduct legal research as needed on topics relevant to police operations; submit oral and written opinions as needed. 7. Coordinate with City Attorney in all legal matters as necessary; assist with any civillitigation involving the Department as directed by Department and in coordination with City Attorney. 8. Review and approve as to formreports and documents, as coordinated with City Attorney and Department. 9. Review Department policies as requested. 10. Work with other assigned City legal counsel. 11. Attend work sessions and meetings with staff when requested, subject to availability. 12. Maintain at least fourteen (14) office hours at the Department per week, times and days to be agreed upon between Department and Spencer; office hours scheduling shall be flexible to accommodate the needs of Spencer and the Department; Spencer will be available for consultations by Department members outside of scheduled office hours per guidelines established by agreement between Spencer and Department. 3.2 Professional Competency. Spencer agrees that in the performance of these professional services, Spencer shall be responsible for the level of competency, and shall use the same degree of skill and the care presently maintained by other practicing professionals performing the same or similar types of work. 3.3 Reports. Spencer acknowledges that documents generated in the course of representation of a governmental body may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act. Spencer will exercise professional judgment and care not to generate documents that are subject to public information requests that are intended to be confidential or confidential attorney-client communications. This is particularly important in the presentation of invoices where incidental notation may tend to reveal litigation strategies or confidential information. This subsection shall not be interpreted to limit Spencer’s duty to provide full disclosure to Department as A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 2 necessary in Spencer’s judgment to represent Department with due professional care as required by applicable law or disciplinary rules. Article IV Schedule of Work; Equipment and Space 4.1 The parties agree to develop a schedule for the performances to be delivered by Spencer when assignments are made. Time is of the essence under this Agreement. Spencer shall make all reasonable efforts to complete services set forth herein as expeditiously as possible during the Agreement Period, and to meet the time lines for performance for the assignments established by the schedule agreed to by the parties. 4.2 Department agrees to provide Spencer with the necessary office space to perform his duties. The space will be such that it affords an opportunity for confidential discussions as needed. Department agrees to provide Spencer with the necessary infrastructure to perform his duties, including but not limited to: a phone, a computer with internet access for research purposes; the necessary software and subscriptions to research websites which Spencer needs in the performance of his duties; access to Departmental email to facilitate communications; access to Department and City facilities as necessary. Article V Compensation 5.1 Payments to Spencer. Spencer agrees to abide by the following payment structure and schedule: 5.2 Compensation for Time. Department shall pay Spencer a non-refundable retainer of $5200.00 per month for up to fifty-six (56) hours of office time. For legal services in excess of fifty-six (56) hours per month Department shall pay Spencer at an hourly rate of $100.00. Said hourly rate shall be billed in 6-minute increments. 5.3 Reimbursement of Expenses. Department will reimburse Spencer for reasonable actual expenses incurred in the performance of the services herein. Department will reimburse Spencer for travel expenses related to the services to be delivered under this Agreement, including reasonable mileage at the per mile rate authorized by the Internal Revenue Service or the City of Coppell, whichever is greater, and a per diem at the rate of $50, or the rate set by the City of Coppell, whichever is greater, for each day requiring overnight travel. Travel costs are not applicable to regularly scheduled office hours at the Department. Spencer must provide copies of original receipts as evidence of actual expenditures, if requested. Airfare will be purchased by Department in advance of travel. If Spencer has to arrange airfare he will be reimbursed at the actual expense for coach fares for commercial airlines. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties in writing in advance, in-state lodging or overnight accommodations will be paid by Department. If Spencer is required to pay for lodging he will reimbursed the actual expense of the lodging. Unless otherwiseagreed upon by the parties and approved in writing in advance, out-of-state lodging or overnight accommodations will be paid by Department. If Spencer is required to pay he will bereimbursed at the actual expense of the A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 3 lodging. All other expenses will be invoiced at actual cost. No mark-up will be allowed on reimbursable contracts, expenses or subcontract expenses. Whenever feasible, Department encourages cost savings by transmitting documents in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat formats, attached to email transmissions. 5.4 Invoice for Payment. All statements for legal services and expenses incurred shall be submitted to Department on a monthly basis within ten workdays after the month end. On submission of the statements, Spencer is certifying to the following: that invoices accurately describe the services performed, that the legal services have been performed in compliance with the Agreement, and that the charges and expenses shown on the invoice are reasonable, and either necessary, or advisable and have been approved by the Department, and do not exceed any limitation provided for in this Agreement. Invoices for work performed at hourly rates shall provide an accounting of the time charged and the respective charge for each increment of time. On each invoice, Spencer will identify the total due and payable. The invoices from Spencer to Department must be submitted to: _________________________ (Name) _________________________ (Title) _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ (Address) _________________________ (Phone) _________________________ (Email) Invoices shall, if possible, be submitted via email to the person designated by Department. 5.5 Prompt Payment. Upon receipt of an invoice required to be submitted under this section, Department shall pay Spencer said amount within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the invoice. If permissible, payment shall be made electronically by EFT or other similar electronic means. Article VI Termination 6.1 Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time by providing sixty (60) days written notice to the other party when it is in the party’s best interest. Spencer shall be paid his non-refundable retainer and hourly rate, if any, on work performed and expenses as specified in Section 5.2.2 up to the time of termination. Upon termination, all documents prepared or obtained under the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered to and become the property of Department. A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 4 Article VII Miscellaneous 7.1 Independent Contractor. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties that in satisfying the conditions of this Agreement, Spencer is acting independently, and that Department assumes no responsibility or liabilities to any third party in connection with these actions. All services to be performed by Spencer pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the capacity of an independent contractor, and not as an agent or employee of Department. Spencer shall be entitled to control the manner and means by which his services are to be performed, subject to the terms of this Agreement. As such, Department shall not: require Spencer to complete regular oral or written reports, require Spencer to devote his full-time services to Department, or dictate Spencer’s sequence of work or location (subject to office hours as discussed above) at which Spencer performs work. In the event of any lawsuit against the Department in which Spencer is named as a co-defendant for acting in the course and scope of his duties the Department will provide defense counsel for Spencer and will pay any judgments against Spencer, unless it is determined at trial that Spencer’s conduct individually violated clearly established law. 7.2 Spencer agrees and acknowledges that during the existence of this Agreement, Spencer shall be entirely responsible for the liability and payment of all taxes of whatever kind, arising out of the performances in this Agreement. Other than the payments described in this Agreement, Spencer agrees and acknowledges that he shall not be entitled to any state benefit on account of the services provided hereunder. 7.3 Assignment of Agreement.Spencer may not assign this Agreement or assign or delegate any right or duty under thisAgreement without prior written approval from Department. 7.4 Written Notice Delivery. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement by one party to the other party shall be in writing and shall be given and deemed to have been given immediately if delivered in person to the recipient's address set forth in this section, or on the date shown on the certificate of receipt if placed in the United States mail, postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, addressed to the receiving party at the address hereinafter specified. 7.5 Spencer’s Address. The address for Spencer for all purposes under this Agreement and for all notices hereunder shall be: Warren Spencer 200 Valley Court Euless, Texas 76039 Please note that the above address is confidential in that Spencer’s address is exempt from public disclosure pursuant to state laws regulating access to law enforcement officers’ home addresses. A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 5 7.6 Department’s Address. The address for Department for all purposes under this Agreement and for all notices hereunder shall be: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 7.7 Conflict of Interest. 7.8 Spencer covenants that he presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this Agreement. 7.9 Prior to entering into this Agreement, Spencer is required to inform Department of any real or apparent organizational conflict of interest. Such organizational conflict of interest exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a contract may, without some restriction on future activities, results in an unfair competitive advantage to Spencer, or may impact Spencer’s objectivity in performing the contract work. If any such conflict of interest shall arise during the Agreement Period, Spencer shall immediately and fully disclose the nature and extent of the conflict to the Department and resolve the conflict to Department’s satisfaction. 7.10 Taxes.This Agreement shall not be construed so as to supersede the laws of the United States or the State of Texas that accord Department, and all departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the State of Texas exemptions from the payment(s) of all taxes of whatever kind. To the extent allowed by law, Department will provide, upon the request of Spencer, all applicable tax exemption certificates. 7.11 Signatories. Having agreed to the terms herein, the undersigned signatories hereby represent and warrant that they have authority to enter into this Agreement. 7.12 Applicable Law and Venue. The laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement; and venue for any action concerning this Agreement shall be in the State District Court of Dallas County, Texas. The parties agree to submit to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction of said court. 7.13 Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only upon written Agreement signed by the parties. 7.14 Severability/Interpretation.In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not effect any other provisions, and the Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in it. A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 6 7.15 Compliance with Laws. Spencer and Department shall fully comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the work covered hereunder as they may now read or may hereafter be amended. (signature page to follow) A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page 7 EXECUTED this _______ day of _____________________, 2020. City of Coppell By: ____________________________________ Mike Land, City Manager EXECUTED this _______ day of _____________________, 2020. By: ____________________________________ Warren Spencer A GREEMENT B ETWEEN C OPPELL PD AND W ARREN S PENCER 2020-2023 – Page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o: Mayor and City Council From: Christel Pettinos, City Secretary Ashley Owens, Deputy City Secretary Date: January 28, 2020 Reference:Consider approval of a resolution granting a variance of twenty (20’) feet from the 300-foot prohibited requirement of a church;and a variance for one hundred and twenty (120’) feet from the 300-foot prohibited requirement for a public or private school or day care center; for the sale of alcoholic beverages with on-premise consumption at Ole’s Tex-Mex Restaurant, located at 600 E. Sandy Lake Road, Suite 106; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 2030: Sustainable City Government Introduction: Ole’s Tex-Mex Restaurant recently changed ownership and is now requesting a new Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) license. Previous ownership was granted the variance in 2007. However, since that time, there have been changes and developments in the area. Analysis: The reason for the variance is the location of the restaurant is twenty (20’) feet from the property line to the Islamic Center of Coppell, measured from door-to-door, and one hundred and twenty (120’) feet from the property line to The Learning Station Daycare, measured from property line-to-property line. Public Hearing notices were placed in the Citizens’ Advocate newspaper on January 17th and th 24. Legal Review: Agenda item was sent to the City Attorney on January 22, 2020. Recommendation: Approval is recommended. 1 RESOLUTION NO. ______________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, GRANTING A DISTANCE VARIANCE OF TWENTY (20’) FEET FROM THE 300-FOOT PROHIBITED REQUIREMENT OF A CHURCH; AND A VARIANCE FOR ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120’) FEET FROM THE 300-FOOT PROHIBITED REQUIREMENT FOR A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOL OR DAY CARE CENTER; IN ACCORDANCE TO STATE LAWS; FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITH ON- PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT OLE’S TEX-MEX RESTAURANT, LOCATED AT 600 E. SANDY LAKE ROAD, SUITE 106, COPPELL, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 6-16-2(H) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COPPELL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Article 6-16 of the Code of Ordinances places certain distance prohibitions from churches, schools, and day cares to businesses that sell or offer to sell alcoholic beverages; and WHEREAS, the City Council may grant a variance to such business upon proof that the best interest of the public is not served by strict compliance with the regulations; and WHEREAS, Ole’s Tex-Mex Restaurant(hereinafter, “Applicant”) is located within 300 feet of a church, school or day care; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has provided sufficient proof that such regulation constitutes waste or inefficient use of land, or create an undue hardship and is otherwise not effective or necessary after consideration of the health, safety and welfare of the public; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interest of the community will be served by a grant of such variance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That a variance of twenty (20’) feet from the 300-foot prohibited requirement of a church; and a variance for one hundred and twenty (120’) feet from the 300-foot prohibited requirement for a public or private school or day care center; for the sale of alcoholic beverages with on-premise consumption, shall be granted to Ole’s Tex- 1 Mex Restaurant, located at 600 E. Sandy Lake Road, Suite 106, Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, as provided in Section 6-16-2 (H) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell. SECTION 2. That the variance granted herein is in personam to the above-named Applicant and shall expire upon relinquishment of any permit authorized by the T EXAS A LCOHOLIC B EVERAGE C OMMISSION or its successor. SECTION 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide. th DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the 28 day of January 2020. APPROVED: ___________________________________ KAREN SELBO HUNT, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________________ CHRISTEL PETTINOS, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ ROBERT E. HAGER, CITY ATTORNEY 2  !" #$%&'$( )*+,-.$%/ $%!&'()'$(**"++,'-". 0*11-,,2 3-4$5 6789:9;6<  !"# /%+"'0123"#4'5656789:; 77:;986=>-?/$ @A-B=>-?/$ C-$/( /%+"'<=4'-&*"4'>!!1 4' 80DA( E-F%-A$%( ?"# %(@4'A")"#"@B"4'<@'$(@!#(+4' 78GG77 /%+"'$#"!"C4' H--AD?> F$?F-,,$AD*? /%+"'02"4'/%@+'DB!%(@4' -%!+"4' 0*?5D/-% $11%*.$, *I AJ- F$?F-,,$AD*? *I AJ- H$%FJ 872 77 0DA( 0*+?FD, H--AD?> /+- A* AJ- /$A- I$,,D?> /+%D?> E1%D?> )%-$&" 0(!" 4' >*(@ (# 4'E@B!2"@!'=!"4' D!!BF2"@! 4'E@B!2"@!'0123"#4' $(@!B!4' G"#%@H'=!"4' =#)!"#4'E))"B!%I"'=!"4' G% !(#&'()'J"H% +!%I"'/%+"''''' ?"#7 DB!%@H'K(C&4''=!"4''DB!%(@4''>"@!'-(4''=1"'=!"4'A"!1#@'A" 1+!4' %(@4' =!"4'' 80DA( 0*+?FD,78G<G77 -".!'()'J"H% +!%I"'/%+"'5656789:; 3DA,- 0*?5D/-% $11%*.$, *I AJ- F$?F-,,$AD*? *I AJ- H$%FJ 872 77 0DA( 0*+?FD, H--AD?> /+- A* AJ- /$A- I$,,D?> /+%D?> E1%D?> )%-$&" E+BB$%( /% B+'<2*B!4 >!))'A"B(22"@C!%(@4 =11%*.$, %-F*BB-?/-/" L(+'<B(@4 >1 !%@3+"'$%!&'L(I"#@2"@! 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J1 %?" 'L#( *"#%!& $(221?%!&'M"++?" '?B'D?#%AE2"?! ="? "'()'$(221?%!& =*"A%+'L+A"'!('I%H" $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"#34534646  !"4 RESOLUTION NO. ________________ ORDER OF GENERAL ELECTION May 2, 2020 th BE IT REMEMBERED THAT on this the 28 day of January 2020, at a duly posted meeting of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order, and the Council issued the following order: nd IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a general election be held on the 2 day of May2020, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of electing one Councilmember for Place 1, one Councilmember for Place 3, one Councilmember for Place 5, and one Councilmember for Place 7for a period of three years. The candidate for such office receiving a majority of all votes cast for all candidates for such office shall be elected to serve such term or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified. In the event any candidate for said office fails to receive a majority of all votes cast for all the candidates for such office, a run-off election shall be held. If a run-off election becomes necessary, the run-off election will be held on Saturday, June 13, 2020. The election shall be held as a Joint Election administered by the Dallas and Denton County Elections Administrators in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and a Joint Election Agreement with each of the respective counties. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the Election Contracts with the Counties of Dallas and Denton for the conduct of the election. Pursuant to the Joint Election Contract, the County Elections Administrator shall serve as Election Administrator for the election. Presiding Election Judges Page 1 and Alternate Presiding Election Judges appointed to serve at said polling places shall be those election officials furnished by the Elections Administrator from the list of proposed elections judges listed in an attachment to the Joint Election Contract. Notice of the election shall be posted on the bulletin board used to post notice of the City Council meetings and be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Said notice must be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks, with the first publication occurring no earlier than the thirtieth day and no later than the fourteenth day before the date of the election. A copy of the published notice that contains the name of the newspaper and the date of publication shall be retained as a record of such notice, and such person posting the notice shall make a record of the time of posting, starting date and the place of posting. Early voting by personal appearance for Dallas County and Denton County residents will be set forth in accordance to state law and as stated in the Joint Elections Contracts and posted on the City’s webpage. Application for ballot by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 21, 2020. Applications for early voting ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Dallas County residents Denton County residents Toni Pippins-Poole Denton County Elections Administration Chief Deputy Early Voting Clerk 701 Kimberly Drive, Suite A101 Dallas County Elections Department Denton, TX 76208 Health & Human Services Building 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 820 Dallas, Texas 75207 That the City Secretary shall present the election returns to the City of Coppell City Council at a City Council meeting for the canvassing of said election in accordance with the Texas Election Code. th DULY ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas the 28day of January 2020. Page 2 APPROVED: KAREN SELBO HUNT, MAYOR CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ATTEST: _______ CHRISTEL PETTINOS, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROBERT E. HAGER, CITY ATTORNEY Page 3 RESOLUCIÓN NÚM. _____________ CONVOCATORIA DE ELECCIONES GENERALES 2 de mayo del 2020 HÁGASE A MANERA DE RECORDATORIO que en este día 28 del mes de enero del año 2020, en una reunión debidamente notificada del Consejo de la Ciudad de Coppell, Texas, y estando presente el quórum, se convocó una reunión para llamar al orden y emitió la orden de la siguiente manera: POR ESTE CONDUCTO SE ORDENA que se convoquen elecciones generales el día 2 de mayo del año 2020, de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m., con el propósito de elegir a un concejal de la ciudad para que ocupe el Lugar 1, un concejal de la ciudad para que ocupe el Lugar 3, un concejal de la ciudad para que ocupe el Lugar 5 y un concejal para que ocupe el Lugar 7 por un período de tres años. El candidato para ocupar dicho lugar, a quien se le haya otorgado la mayoría de todos los votos decisivos para ocupar dicho lugar, será electo para prestar sus servicios durante esa gestión o hasta que su sucesor(a) sea debidamente electo(a) y llene las cualidades establecidas. En caso de que cualquier candidato a dicho cargo público no logre acumular la mayoría de los votos decisivos entre todos los candidatos a ocupar dicho cargo público, se llevará a cabo una segunda ronda de elecciones posterior a la primaria. Si llegase a ser necesaria una segunda ronda de elecciones posterior a la primaria, dicha ronda de elecciones se llevará a cabo el sábado 13 de junio del año 2020. Las elecciones deberán llevarse a cabo como una Elección Conjunta administrada por los Administradores de Elecciones del Condado de Dallas y Denton conforme lo establecen las cláusulas del Código Electoral de Texas y el Convenio de Elecciones Conjuntas. El Administrador de la Ciudad queda autorizada para formalizar los Contratos Electorales con los condados de Dallas y Denton para llevar a cabo las elecciones. De conformidad con el Contrato Electoral Conjunto, el Administrador de Elecciones del Condado actuará como Administrador de Elecciones para esta elección. Los jueces Página 1 electorales y sus suplentes nombrados para presidir en dichos lugares de votación serán los funcionarios electorales designados por el Administrador. El aviso de la elección se publicará en el tablón de anuncios utilizado para publicar los avisos de las reuniones de la Ciudad, y se publicará en un periódico de circulación general en la ciudad. Dicho aviso debe ser publicado el mismo día durante dos semanas consecutivas, siendo la primera publicación no antes de treinta días ni posterior al día catorce anterior a la fecha de realizada de la elección. Se conservará una copia del aviso publicado que contiene el nombre del periódico y la fecha de publicación como un registro de dicha notificación, y la persona que publica el aviso deberá llevar un registro del horario de la publicación, la fecha de inicio y el lugar de publicación. La votación anticipada en persona para los residentes del condado de Dallas y Denton se establecerá según se indica de acuerdo con las leyes del estado y como declarado en el Contrato Electoral Conjunto y publicado en la página web de la ciudad. Las solicitudes de las boletas electorales por correo deberán recibirse antes del cierre oficial del día 21 de abril del 2020. Las solicitudes de boleta para votación anticipada por correo deberán ser enviadas por correo a: Dallas County residents Denton County residents Toni Pippins-Poole Denton County Elections Administration Chief Deputy Early Voting Clerk 701 Kimberly Drive, Suite A101 Dallas County Elections Department Denton, TX 76208 Health & Human Services Building 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 820 Dallas, Texas 75207 La Secretaría de la Ciudad presentará los resultados de las elecciones a la Ciudad de Coppell en una reunión de la campaña electoral de dicha elección, de acuerdo con el Código Electoral de Texas. DEBIDAMENTE ORDENADO por el Consejo de la Ciudad de Coppell, Texas el día 28 de enero del año 2020. Página 2 APROBADO: KAREN SELBO HUNT - ALCALDE CIUDAD DE COPPELL, TEXAS ATESTIGUÓ: _______ CHRISTEL PETTINOS - SECRETARIA DEL CIUDAD CIUDAD DE COPPELL, TEXAS APROBADO POR SU CONTENIDO Y FORMA: ROBERT E. HAGER – PROCURADOR DE JUSTICIA DE LA CIUDAD Página 3  !" #$%&'$( )*+,-.$%/ $%!&'()'$(**"++,'-". 0*11-,,2 3-4$5 6789:9;6<  !"# /%+"'0123"#4'5656789:; 77:;98<=>-?/$ @A-B /%+"'<=4'-&*"4'>!!1 4' 0CA( D$?$>-% E-1*%A5 80CA( F-G%-A$%( ?"# %(@4'A")"#"@B"4'<@'$(@!#(+4' 78HIH77 /%+"'$#"!"C4' 0D E-1*%A /%+"'02"4'/%@+'DB!%(@4' -%!+"4' E-1*%A J( AK- 0CA( D$?$>-% *? 3-4$5 =/BC?C5A%$AC.- 0*/- E+,- I"II;2 G*?G-%?C?> ,*G$, 5$,-5 $?/ +5- A$4-5" 0(!" 4' >*(@ (# 4'E@B!2"@!'=!"4' D!!BF2"@! 4'E@B!2"@!'0123"#4' $(@!B!4' G"#%@H'=!"4' =#)!"#4'E))"B!%I"'=!"4' G% !(#&'()'J"H% +!%I"'/%+"''''' ?"#7 DB!%@H'K(C&4''=!"4''DB!%(@4''>"@!'-(4''=1"'=!"4'A"!1#@'A" 1+!4' %(@4' =!"4'' 80CA( 0*+?GC,78H<H77 -".!'()'J"H% +!%I"'/%+"'5656789:; 3CA,- E-1*%A J( AK- 0CA( D$?$>-% *? 3-4$5 =/BC?C5A%$AC.- 0*/- E+,- I"II;2 G*?G-%?C?> ,*G$, 5$,-5 $?/ +5- A$4-5" F+BB$%( /% B+'<2*B!4 >!))'A"B(22"@C!%(@4 L(+'<B(@4 >1 !%@3+"'$%!&'L(I"#@2"@! 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