CP 2020-03-18 (Special Called)o I'll""'
City of Coppell, Texas
Meeting Agenda
City Council
255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 6:00 PM Council Chambers
Place 1
Place 2
Place 3
City Manager
Special Called Meeting
Mayor Pro Tem
Place 4
Place 5
Place 6
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Special
Called Session at 6:00 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 E. Parkway Boulevard, Coppell,
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be
convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice
from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign any order of business
at any time prior to adjournment.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items:
Regular Session
I. Call to Order
II. Citizens' Appearance
III. Consider a Resolution extending a Mayoral Declaration of a State of
Emergency as a result of the CO-VID19 virus; and, providing for interim
City of Coppell, Texas Page 1 Printed on 3/15/2020
City Council Meeting Agenda March 18, 2020
public safety measures; and, providing an effective date; and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
Karen Selbo Hunt, Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of
the City of Coppell, Texas on this 15th day of March, 2020, at
Ashley Owens, Deputy City Secretary
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require
special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and
amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs,
services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services
seventy-two (72) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service, and/or meeting. To make
arrangements, contact Kori Allen, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (972)
462-0022, or (TDD 1 -800 -RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989).
Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun),
a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing
law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.
Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried
handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun
licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.
City of Coppell, Texas Page 2 Printed on 3/15/2020
File ID: 2020-5013
Verson: l
File Name: SC Meeting 3/18/20
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File Number: 2020-5013
Type: Agenda Item
255EParkway Boulevard
Status: Agenda Ready
In Control: City Council
File Created: 03/13/2020
Final Action:
Title: Consider a Resolution extending a Mayoral Declaration of a State of
Emergency as a result of the CO-VID19 virus; and, providing for interim public
safety measures; and, providing an effective date; and authorizing the Mayor
to sign.
Attachments: COND19-DCEmorgonoy-2020-03-13.pdf
Related Files:
History of Legislative File
Enactment Date:
Enactment Number:
Hearing Date:
Effective Date:
«°~ Acting Body: Date: Action: Sent To: Due Date: Return Result:
"w". Date:
Text mfLegislative File 2O2O'SO13
Consider m Resolution extending m Mayoral Declaration of State of Emergency as m result of
the CO-VID19 virus; and, providing for interim public safety measures; and, providing an
effective date; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
City mooppell, Texas Page/ printed on 311512020
WHEIRt,"AS, beginning in Dcccrnher 2019, au nowl coronavirus, now designated SAKS-CoV2 which causes the
disease "(")VM -19, has spread Ifirough ffic world and has now been declart.-d a global pandemic bythe World
I Icalth ()rganization-, and
WHERI,,"AS, symptoitis of'C(-,')VIL)- 19 include J�ver, coughing, and shortness ofbi-calh. In sorne cases, 111c Virus
has catised dcath.- and
WHE"RUAS, reasonable incasures niusl be taken to contain COVIE)-Ifsand prevent its spread thixnighout-the city
ofCoppeit and Dallas GAIIII , including he quaranflne ofiflidiVidIMIS, L
Y !,MLIJ)S cd` individuak, and property and,
additionally, including cornpelling individuals, groups, ("d, individuals, or property to undergo additional I'malth
measures that prevent or coritrof the spread ofdiseasel- and
PROCLAIM at, p q on the 13" day ol'March 2020, a local state ofdisastei-, and
L That a local state ot'dimster lor public healltill emergency is hcrc[�y declared Jor tfw city of'( - oppell,
Texas, pursua nt to section 41 8.108(a) ofthe Texas Government Code,
2. Pursuani to section 4] K 108(b) of the (iowrninrent C'Iode, the state of disaster for public health
emergency shall continue through March 20, 2020 unless conthmed or renewed by tile City C'OU1161
of Coppell, 'l"'exas.
3, Pursuant (o section 41 . 108(c) of(fic (rovernnicni Code, this dec larat ion of a local state ol"disaster
fior public health etnergcncy shall bc gimi I'm-ompt and general fmiMicity aurid shall be filed prounptly
Nvith tile City secrelary,
4. Pursuant to section 4 18.1 08(d) of the Goverrunctil (1 odc, this declaratioti of as local state (A'disaster
activalles the City of'Coppell emergency rnamagement phill.
.5. Purstuint to section 41 I 08(g) of the Government ( "ode, the order issued on this (late shall govern
gathcrirqo,s in the city as provided in the aflached exhibit A.
I furificr direct the ("iter Manager, or lain designee, to Undertitke whatever reasonahie action and to
conduct \vhatever disasler mitigation rneaSUres neceawryo p
ry tea the gene all health,'ety, a
elre of the Cilizens ofCoppell, 7
T Thal this proclarnation shall uake elfccl, immediate, i't-0111 alynifter its is
1A."(2 LA R E'D this 13"' daY ot'March 2020, .1� 'Al � 4000FO L/
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t1rel Scibo int
MI , I ("Ity, OfCoppelf
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Robed E, Hager 411iristel Pettinos
Ci 41yAltrorj iey' City Secrctary
1 $4 V C I V 4) r
IIA IT" ORDI'T, ISSUI�',D: March 13, 202()
Summary: The virus th,,it causes 2019 (,ororiavirus Disease (COVID-19) is casily transmitted
thrOUgh IM'SOil to J)el'SOn contact, especially iri group settings, alld it is esscritial ifia( tfi,c Spre"Id of
the virus be slowed to protect the ability of Public and private health care providers to handle the
in0ux of new patients and safi-,,guard public health and saicty. Because of the risk of the rapid
sprcad oftlic VirLIS, aancl 111C r)ccd to Protect file ]]'lost vulncrablc rucillbers cal" the conunuility, this
Order proltibits cominunity gatherings, of 50(") persons or niore, anywhere in the city of C"loppell
beginning at I I a.ni. on March 13, 2020, an(] continuing seven days through 11:00 a.in, oil March
20, 2020�, as Liclincd by Scolcm 3 licreill. For all other gatherings, the City of' C"oppell, [lie Office
of the Dallas, C'ourity Judge, and the lleahli Authority strongly recori'micilds tollo,in g the social
distancing protocols attached to this Order, i.1lCIUdi1l1 canceling, rescheduling, or not attending
everits witli rilore fliaii 250 persons. Additionally, the C,ily ofC..'oppell, the Offi-we of file Dallas
County Judge, arld 1hc I leallh Authority strongly urges high-risk in(fividuals, as defilled b' the
(,',enters for Disease Control and J)'rewn6on (CDC), to cancel, reschedule, or not attcrid events that
will have or will likely luivv 10 or inore poop .1c,
1. I'llective as, of, 111, 00 a.m. oil ]�'riday, Marell 13, 2020, alld colitli'luitig until I 1:00alll. oil
March 20, 2020, PUblic or private Comulunity Gatherhigs (as (let ined in Section 3 below")
arra, " j1pell.
re Prohibited ailywhere iii ti'le city of'Co
2. In addiflori, the C'it:y of Coppell, the Office ot, the Dallas (','ourity Judgc arid the Dallas
COLItIty DC Part 111011, Ot1--lect1th and flutnaii Services ('11calth AL11hority") sirmigly,
reconnilejids canceling
rescheduliiig, or riot at-temlirig events, with inore than 250 persmis.
The City of C,oppell, the Office of' the Dallas County Judge, and tile I [Calth Authority
strongly Urges org.,inizations that serve higil-risk popLlkiti,011S to Ca11CCl gatheritigs of morc
thail 10 people, These recolliniendatioi-is are hased on the social distancing practices,
attached to this Order as well as the "Iniplenientation of' Mitigation Strategies for
C'01111111,111idCS With 1,0C,11 COVID-19 T'rarisinissiOn" ISSUed by the. tJiiited States ('enters
1,61- Disease Control aild Prevention (-CDC`)�The City ot'CoTell, the Office ofthe Dallas
(.."oulity Judge, alid the I Icalth Authorit)t Cir` es people to not attend ii(ml-essential gathcritlj..,s
during the duration ofthis Order in order to help, slow dowil tile Spread ofthe D- 19
m. 1ya:litaaticar.rs:
a. )°"or purposes of" this Order, as "C0111111LITlity GhithCring" is any indoor Or OUtdoor.
CVC11t Or COrIVC11111g, SUbJect to the exceptions and chirificatiotis bellow, that brijigs
to ether or is likely to britig together five-huildred (500) or more persons at the
s,arne finis in as sirigle room or other single con 1-med or ciiciosed spa e;, sucl) as an
Exhibit A 1 3/13/2020,
aUdit0riLIT11, tlMitl"C, St8diLlfll (indoor (,)I- madoor), areni or event`, center, meeting
hall, conference center, large cafeteria, or any other confined indoor or confined
OUtdoor space.
l'). An oLitch,)or "C,C)III II'lUni (y GatherIlIg" Under this C)rder is linlited to events in
confined outdoor spaces, which means an owdoor space that (i) is enclosed by a
ience, physical harrier, or other strLICtUrC and (ii) where people are present and they
Z11V Within arrWs length of one another for extended periods.
c. This Order also does not prohibit gatherings of people in multiple, separate
enclosed spaces in a single huilding such as a multiplex movie theater, school
or office tower, so long as 500 people are not present in any single space atthe
same time. This Order also does not prohibit the use of enclosed spaces where
500 or ruore people may be present at different tilues (luring the day, so ];long
as 500 or more people arc not present in the space at tile same tillle. For any
gathering covered lly this subsection C, tile ("'ity of Coppell, the Office of tile
Dallas ounty Judge, and the Health Authority Str0lkgJ,)' encourages
compliance with the attached Social Distancing Recommendations, including
providing hand sanitizer aild tissues and increasing cleaning of Commonly
touched surfaces.
d. F'or pLirposes M'clarity, a "Conlmtllllt�' Gathering" does not include the following
so long as visitors arc generally not, Nvithin arm's length of orae another lbr extended
i. (i) spaces where 500 ()1- niore persons may be in tnansit, or waiting Farr transit
SUCh as airports, txIs stations or terminals; (ii) office space or residcntial
bui Wings; (iii') grocery stores, shopping malls, or other retail estlblishnients
wherc large nurnbers ol'pcople, are present bt,a it is unt.istial for thern to be
witi-iin ann's, 1crigth of acre another for extended perio&, and (iv) hospitals
and medical facilities. In all such settings, file City ofCoppell, the ()flice of
the Dallas County 'judge and the Health Authority recormlicnds l'ollowing
the attached Social Distancing Rcconinicndations, and pci-sonal hygielfic
measures sawh as hand sanitizer aand tissLics shotIld he provided when
This Order shall be effective until i I AM, a,tn. ot) March 20, 2020, or t.intfl it is either
rescinded, stiperseded, or amended pursti,.int to applicatfle, law.
111c City ofC',oppell riltist promptly provide copies ol'this Order by posting on the of
("oppell website, In �lddidon, the owner, manager, or operator ofany facility that is likely
to be impacted by this Order is strongly cricoLiragcd to post «a copy ofthis Order onsite and
to prov,idc as copy to any menibcr of' the public asking lbr as copy. It' any subsection,
sentence, clat,ise, phrise, or
word,this Order ()I- any i',ipplication of it to any person,
StRICCLIN, gUtherh1g, Or Circunistance is held to be invalid 01!- 1111C(MMitUtional by ,I decision
Ofa COUrl then such decision will not aflect, the validity ofthe
remaining portions or applications, of this Order,
Exhibil A 2 3/13/2020
DALLASC'OUNTY "EALIMANDIJUMAN S,MVK,',EN Social Distancing Recomaientlations
1) Vulnerable Populations: Limit Outings
* 60 yems oW and older.
* People with Certain health conditions such as heall disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney
disease and weakened unn,nine systems.
lAw vu1nmeNe poplat As, don't go h) gadwrings QW 10 pcqic or nKnv) unless A is cswnOal. I l'
you can MccommuM, you should. Avob peq4e who are sick.
2) %VorkpMce aim! Businessec IdiniudzC EXPOSure
Suspend nonessential employee travel.
Minimize the number orempkyccs vawking within ai-rn's length inclucluq�
rninunizing, or canceling Impe n1cetings. and Coll le'l-cl ices.
Urge ernployees lo stay honic when they are, sick and maxitnize flexil')ifily in sick leave bencfils.
Do not require a doctor's note for employms who am sick.
• Corisidler use OfICICCOMML[Iing
• Some people need to be at work to provide esseluial services of great benel"Jit to (lie community.
They Can take steps in their workplace to, ininnnize risk.
3) lairge Gatherings: Cancel Non-essential Lvenits
• Recornmend cancelling or postponing large gatherings, such yts concerls, sporliag evcnis,
conventions Ol- large Conr ri'l un it.)" events.
• Do not attend any events or gatherings it sick,
• For events that aren't cancelled, we reconilylen&
o flaving hand washing capabilities, handsanitizers and tissues available.
() Frequently cleaning hWh Umch surface areas like counter topsand hand rails,
n Fh&hg mays to create physical space to mininiize close contact as mueh as possible.
4) Schools: Safety 14'irst
• Do not Nave your child aacrid sduxA if sick.
•117you have a chid with chromichealth conditions, cormuh the,child's doctor about school
6—Schook shoidd equip A classrooins with hand sanitizers and tissues.
• Recornniend irschedtding or cancellOg inechurn to large events them are ruA essential.
• Exphwe remote leaching and online opticlils to continue learning,
• Schools shOLdd develop as plan Ru city"ide school Mures, and 11imilies should Imepmv Ar
Potential closures,
5)Transit. C,',Ieaiiing,,tii(],I't-otection
• hmvme deanirig ofvchicles, and high touch surl4ceareas.
• Nov We hand washingland sanili/ers and tissues ill stations and oil vehicles.
FAM A 3 3M 3Q020
6) Health C'are Settings: Avoid its possible, protect the vuhlerable
• 1,ong term carc facilities should ha'Ve a (""OVID-19 plan in accordance with CDC, or state
FAMg teM1 care facilities should screen all staffand visiums for illness aararf turn away those wah
The general pubhc shoukI avAd going W niedical settings such as hospitals, nursing hames and
long4en-n care facilities, even il"you are not ill.
Wyan ore ill, enH your heahli care provider ahead oftime, and you may be able to be serve(] by
Do mg visit emergency "xims urdess it is essential.
Visitors, should not go to long4erril Care facilities unless absolutely essential.
Follow guidance and directions ofall facilities.
7) Evetymie: Du 3aour purl
The bum waxy Rn aH D& las County residents to ret we their risk oaf getting sick,as with seasonal colds or
the flu, still applies lo prevent COVID-I 9:
• Wash hands with soap and waterfiver at least 20 seconds.
• Cough or sneeze Lao ymn- Clow or a Ame. 'Mn"V we AMW AMC trash.
• Say home Wyou mr sick,
• Avoid loaching your face,
• Try alterndtives hi WNg hands, Ile an claw bump or wave,
• If you have recently retunred fram as COLHATY, state, or region With Ongoing (.:Ovtf)-19 infections,
nionitor your heakh and MHuw the instructions of public heahh officials and CDC guArnwe.
• There is no recommendation to mmar masks at this thne to prevent yourselffrom getting side.
You can also prepare Or We possible disruption caused by an outbreak, Preparedness, actions include:
• Prepare to Work frorn horne ifthat is possible I'or yourJob, and your emplayer.
• Make sure ),on have as supply of all enouial nwdicatians Rw yow WnQ
• Prepare a childcare plan if You or as caregiver are tick.
• Muke arrangements almut I= yvur 6un Hy Nvi I I manage as school Closure.
• Phn Rw how you can care For as sick family inco:iber without geltingsick yourself.
• Take care ofeach other and check in by phone with friends, fam i ly and neigh bors that z'irc
v u I ncratblc to serious i I Iness or death i fthey, get CC:OV 1 19.
• Keep corrunon spaces dean to help mahoWn as heal1hy environinent for you and others.
Frequently louched surlace", 'should he cleaned reg ulady \vith disinfecting sprays, wipes or
common household cleaning pr(r)(Jucts,
EAMN A 4 3M 3QD20