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CM 2020-02-25
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B.Mayor Pro Tern Mark Hill reported on the Woven Health Clinic which closed out 2019 with 3,000 unique patients and 12,000 visits.They recently received three grants which provided funding for Latina Women Mental Health Treatments. C.Councilmember Wes Mays reported on Metrocrest Services.The annual Keyholder Breakfast will be held on April 3.They are expecting approximately 600 people in attendance,so they encourage you to purchase tickets soon. Homeless support is up 20%this year.They conducted a Point in Time Homeless Count on January 22.The results identified 367 students,48 of which were Coppell ISD students.This activitiy helps Metrocrest Services understand their service area and to provide for the needs of the families. 14. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no Council action or deliberation permitted. Nothing to report. 15. Necessary Action from Executive Session Councilmember Gary Roden read the following motion into the record, seconded by Councilmember Nancy Yingling:To approve the commemorative naming of the Black Box Theater at the Coppell Arts Center in honor of Wheelice"Pete"Wilson.The motion passed by an unanmimous vote. 16. Adjou ment There eing /o further business before the City Council,the meeting was adj.0 ed . 8:51 p.m. a 1 L:II��/ 1 41 Ka fen Seib• Hunt, Mayor A-(17; T: Christel Pettinos, City Secretary City of Coppell,Texas Page 6