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I1 %>" 'K#( *"#%!& $(221>%!&'L"++>" '>A'C>#%@D2">! <"> "'()'$(221>%!& <*"@%+'K+@"'!('H%G" $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"345545656  !"# 7/&!0"$(1&%18!2"95656:3##5; $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"345545656  !"5 MEMORANDUM To:Crime Control Board From:Jennifer Miller, Director of Finance Date:May 26, 2020 Reference:Consider approval of a contract with Texas City Servicesfor sales tax audit services. Introduction: This agenda item is to obtain Crime Control Board approvalto enter into a contract with Texas City Services for Sales Tax Audit Services. Analysis: The City has entered into two previous sales tax audit agreements in 2004 and 2014. Part of the audit is to ensure that companies are reporting the collections tothe appropriate City, collecting and remitting the proper amount of sales tax and using the proper sourcing criteria. With the proposed rule change to sales tax sourcing, it was determined that an audit would be beneficial in order to ensure that the companies are submitting the sales tax correctly. This is a two (2) year contractwhich the City Council approved on April 14, 2020and the CRDC Board is scheduled to approve in June2020.  !" #$%&'$( )*+,-.$%/ $%!&'()'$(**"++,'-". 0*11-,,2 3-4$5 6789:9;6<  !"# /%+"'0123"#4'56567899: 77:88=>?-@/$ AB-C>?-@/$ D-$/( /%+"';<4'-&*"4'=!!1 4' 80EB( 0*+@FE, >"# %(?4'@")"#"?A"4';?'$(?!#(+4' 7G8G77 /%+"'$#"!"B4' 00#H I; 77 : )+/?-B /%+"'02"4'/%?+'CA!%(?4' -%!+"4' D-.E-' *J BK- 0%EC- 0*@B%*, $@/ #%-.-@BE*@ HE5B%EFB L+/?-B J*% MN 77:78" 0(!" 4' =*(? 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Revenuescomefromthe¼-%salestax,whichareexpectedtodecreasesignificantlyinthecurrent environment.ExpendituresinFY2021includetheSchoolResourceOfficerprogram,jailservices,the neighboorhood/communitypolicingprogram,andthejointemergencydispatchcenter.Capitalreplacements include minor technology replacements. ActualAdopted FY 20 BudgetFY 21 Budget Description2018-192019-20AmendedProposed Sales Tax $6,143,858 $6,045,000 $6,045,000 $2,418,000 Sales Tax Recovery34,074000 Interest Income215,915125,000125,000100,000 Salary Reimbursement000331,875 Sale of City Property28,730000 Total Revenue $6,422,577 $6,170,000 $6,170,000 $2,849,875 Salary & Benefits $1,994,089 $2,476,306$2,476,306 $1,986,968 Supplies9,40019,04019,7189,000 Maintenance7,205057,6360 Services1,521,3221,961,2581,945,7031,591,310 Capital Outlay756,129397,623402,64835,000 Transfers Out521,367580,746684,626589,658 Total Expenditure $4,809,512 $5,434,973 $5,586,637 $4,211,936 Net1,613,065735,027583,363(1,362,061) Fund Balance Beginning Balance$8,490,706$10,103,771$10,103,771$10,687,134 Ending Balance$10,103,771$10,838,798$10,687,134$9,325,073 ЋЉЋЉΏЋЊ wĻǝĻƓǒĻƭЋЉЋЉΏЋЊ 9ǣƦĻƓķźƷǒƩĻƭ Interest Salary & Benefits Salary Reimbursement Income Supplies 47.18% 11.64% 3.51% 0.21% Services Sales Tax Transfers Out Capital Outlay 37.78% 84.85% 14.00% 0.83% Department: Crime Prevention DistrictDivision: Special Revenue Mission The Crime Prevention District facilitates the Coppell Police Department's efforts to maintain a safe community environment. This is accomplished by providing quality programs and services such as our School Resource Officers and Community Services Crime Prevention Officer programs. The district also provides funding for public safety communications, which is done in collaboration with our partner cities through the North Texas Emergency Communications Center (NTECC). Authorized Personnel Position/TitlePay Grade18-1919-2020-21 Deputy Police Chief43111 Police SergeantPD 4111 Police CorporalPD 3111 Police OfficerPD 2131313 Systems Administrator35111 Crime Analyst28111 Terminal Agency Coordinator26111 Total191919 FY2021 Key Goals Support the CISD and provide education to the younger citizens of Coppell with the School Resource Officer program, youth engagement programs, and various safety education classes, including the self-defense for women course offered to high school senior girls. Continue to engage our citizens through our perennially award-winning National Night Out program. Performance Measures 16-1717-1818-1919-2020-21 911 Calls Received 18,01518,00319,08320,22821,230 Schools with dedicated SRO 55666 Schools "Adopted" by Patrol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ate: May 4, 2020 To: Coppell Rambler From: Cayce Lay, Budget Manager City of Coppell Subject: Notice of Public Hearing Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on May 8, 2020: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED 2020-2021 BUDGET COPPELL CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT The Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District Board of the City of Coppell will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, at 5:30 p.m., at 255 E. Parkway Blvd, Coppell, TX, to receive public comment concerning the Proposed 2020-2021 budget. Due to the rapidly evolving COVID- 19 situation, letters and emails may be submitted by any citizen of the City wishing to express his or her opinion. Comments will be read into the record during the public hearing portion of the meeting. Letters may be addressed to the City of Coppell Finance Department, 255 E. Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, TX 75019, by email at finance@coppelltx.gov, or by calling the Finance Department at 972-304-3691 www.coppelltx.gov. A copy of the proposed budget will be available online and by request. Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at clay@coppelltx.gov. Thank you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