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"'()'$(221?%!& =*"A%+'L+A"'!('I%H" $%&'"()"$(**!++,"-!./0%1&!2"(1"34546767  !"6 RESOLUTION NO. ____________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ADOPTING SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER OF COPPELL ISSUED ON JULY _____, 2020, PROVIDING AN EXTENSION OF THE MAYORAL DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY AS A RESULT OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS; PROVIDING FOR INTERIM PUBLIC SAFETY MEASURES; REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor of Coppellon Friday, March 13, 2020 declareda State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 Virus and issued a signed Order with Restrictions for community gatherings and assemblies; and WHEREAS, thecircumstances surrounding the COVID-19 Virus haveincreased the need for social distancing and precautionary public safety response; and. WHEREAS, the COVID-19 Virus continues to necessitate an extensive and prompt public safety response; and, the regulations set forth in the Mayoral Declaration may need to be extended and/or modified in order to continue to protect the general public; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020 Governor Greg Abbott publicly unveiled the Governor’s Report to Open Texas to implement the phased re-opening of businesses across the state with limited capacities while practicing safe measures as recommended in the CDC Guidelines; and the Governor has on June 25, 2020 amended his prior orders and extended GA 10, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27 and 28; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS THAT: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Coppell hereby approves and adopts the Supplemental Order of Coppell and extend such previous orders, except as amended herein, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, as if set forth in full. SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to amend this Resolution to conform to any additional amendments by the Texas Governor or Dallas County Judge to protect the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of Coppell. SECTION 3. Any prior resolution of the City Council in conflict with the provisions contained in this Resolution are hereby repealed and revoked. 1 TM 116469 SECTION 4. Should any part of this Resolution be held to be invalid for any reason, the remainder shall not be affected thereby, and such remaining portions are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall become effective 11:59 p.m. on July______, 2020 unlessit is either rescinded, superseded, or amended pursuant to applicable law or superseded by Governor’s orders. DULY PASSED and approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the _______ day of July 2020. APPROVED: ____________________________ KAREN SELBO HUNT, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: _____________________________ _________________________________ ROBERT HAGER, CITY ATTORNEY CHRISTEL PETTINOS, CITY SECRETARY 2 TM 116469 SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER OF COPPELL (SHELTER IN PLACE) DATE SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER ISSUED: JULY ___, 2020 WHEREAS, the Mayor of Coppell on Friday, March 13, 2020 signed a Declaration Declaring a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 Virus and issued an Order with Restrictions for community gatherings and assemblies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has amended and expanded such additional orders to control the spread of the COVID19 virus; and WHEREAS, the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 Virus have increased the need for social distancing and precautionary public safety response; and. WHEREAS, the COVID-19 Virus continues to necessitate an extensive and prompt public safety response; and, the regulations set forth in the Mayoral Declaration may need to be extended and/or modified in order to continue to protect the general public; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020 Governor Greg Abbott publicly unveiled the Governor’s Report to Open Texas to implement the phased re-opening of businesses across the state with limited capacities while practicing safe measures as recommended in the CDC Guidelines; and the Governor has on June 3, 2020 amended his prior orders and extended GA 10, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27and 28; and, WHEREAS, in coordination with Governor Abbott’s re-opened services plan, the DallasCounty issued an Order of Continuance of Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency that affirmed the activation of the Dallas County Emergency Management Plan and extended the Declaration of Local Disaster. WHEREAS, the number of positive COVID-19 cases has significantly increased in the last three weeks during the re-opening of businesses; and WHEREAS, health care and infectious disease experts have determined that face coverings dramatically reduce the spread of COVID19; and WHEREAS, this Order is necessary to protect the lives, health, welfare, and safety; and, WHEREAS, GA-27 and GA-28 have authorized the Mayor to issue this Order and the same was adopted by resolution of the City Council. THEREFORE, the prior Orders of City of Coppell are hereby EXTENDED and AMENDED as follows: UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 418.108, COPPELL MAYOR KAREN SELBO HUNT, ISSUED A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ORDER: 1 TM 116468 That effective as 11:59 p.m. on July ____, 2020,("Effective Date") and continuing until 11:59 p.m. on August _____, 2020,unless extended, modified, or terminated early by the City Council, the following is ordered: A. From the Effective Date of this Order, all business entities in the City of Coppell, Texas must develop and implement a health and safety policy ("Health and Safety Policy"). The Health and Safety Policy must require, at a minimum, that all employees or visitors to the business entity's premises or other facilities maintain six feet distancing to the greatest extent possible and shall also wear face coverings unless isolated in an individual office or room. The Health and Safety Policy required to be developed and implemented by this Order may also include the implementation of other mitigating measures designed to control or reduce the transmission of COVID-19 such as temperature checks or health screenings. Business entities must post the Health and SafetyPolicy required by this Order in a conspicuous location sufficient to provide notice to employees and visitors of all health and safety requirements. Failure to develop and implement the Health and Safety Policy required by this Order within five (5) calendar days following the Effective Date of this Order may result in a civil penalty fine not to exceed $500 for each violation. B. All people 3 years or older shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when in a public place where it is difficult to keep six feet away from other people or working in areas that involve close proximity with other coworkers. The CDC advises face coverings for people 2 years or older. Face coverings may include homemade masks, scarfs, bandanas, or a handkerchief. Coppell residents should continue to maintain social distancing of at least six feet while outside their home. Coppell employees are also required to wear face coverings under the same circumstances as the general public. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU NOT OBTAIN OR WEAR N-95 RESPIRATORS AS THEY ARE A NEEDED RESOURCE FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS AND FIRST RESPONDERS. Our healthcare workers and first responders on the front-line combating COVID-19 must have priority access to medical masks or other personal protective equipment. Face coverings do not need to be worn in the following circumstances: i. When exercising outside or engaging in physical activity outside ii. While driving alone or with passengers who are part of the same household as the driver iii. While pumping gas or operating outdoor equipment unless six feet minimum distancing cannot be maintained iv. When consuming food or drink Please note that face coverings are a secondary strategy to other mitigation efforts. Face coverings are not a replacement for social distancing, frequent handwashing, and self-isolation 2 TM 116468 when sick. All people should follow CDC recommendations for how to wearand take off a mask. Residents should keep up the following habits while in public: i. Washing hand before you leave home and when you return ii. Staying at least six feet away from others iii. Avoiding touching nose or face iv. Not using disposable masks more than three times, and v. Washing reusable cloth masks regularly to prevent the spread of the virus. C. For any outdoor gathering in excess of 100 people, other than those set forth in paragraph numbers 1, 2, or 4 of the Governor’s Order GA-28*, any gathering is prohibited unless the Mayor approves of the gathering. All people attending an approved outdoor gathering in excess of 100 people shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth and maintain six feet of social distancing. This Order has been approved and adopted by Resolution _____________. Effective as of 11:59 p.m. on July ____, 2020, and continuing until 11:59 p.m. on August ____, 2020: DECLARED and ORDERED this ________ day of June 2020. Karen Selbo Hunt,Mayor ATTESTED: Christel Pettinos, City Secretary * The following businesses are exempt from paragraph C: (a)Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, religious services, local government operations, child-care services, youth camps; (b)professional, collegiate, or similar sporting events, swimming pools, water parks, museums and libraries, zoos, aquariums, natural caverns, and similar facilities at no more than 50 percent of the normal operating limits; (c) amusement parks at no more than 50 percent of the normal operating limits. 3 TM 116468  !" #$%&'$( )*+,-.$%/ $%!&'()'$(**"++,'-". 0*11-,,2 3-4$5 6789:9;6<  !"# /%+"'0123"#4'5656789:9 77:898=>-?/$ @A-B=>-?/$ C-$/( /%+"';<4'-&*"4'=!!1 4' 80DA( E-F%-A$%( >"# %(?4'@")"#"?A"4';?'$(?!#(+4' 76G7G77 /%+"'$#"!"B4' )+/>-A H*%&5I*1 /%+"'02"4'/%?+'CA!%(?4' -%!+"4' J-KA E-%.DF- L+?/ $"=55-55-/ M$,+$AD*? K"C-.-?+-G!41-?/DA+%- E+BB$%( 0(!" 4' =*(? 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