AG 1985-12-10 Notice of Meeting December 10, 1985 MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: High School Administration Building Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell will meet in a regular called session on Tuesday, December 10, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Administration Building. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC SESSION: (Open to Public) INVOCATION MAYOR'S REPORT Item 1: Mayor's Report CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES Item 2: Consider citizens who wish to speak before the City Council. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Item 3: Presentation of the Proposed Home Rule Charter from the Charter Commission, consider approval of an ordinance calling an election to Hecide on a Home Rule Charter and appointment of election officials. Item 4: Reconsideration of request to relocate the office facilities of the Municipal Court Department; approval of an amendment to the Municipal Court budget. Item 5: Consider approval of an ordinance abandoning the right-of-way of Allen Road. REQUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS Item 6: Presentation and request by Coppell Cablevision for a rate increase for cable TV service. Item 7: Consider approval for Schrickel & Rollins to prepare the necessary paperwork for the Phase III Park grant and authorization for the Mayor to sign the grant application. Item 8: Consider approval for a rate increase request from Texas Waste Management and discussion concerning contract. Item 9: Reconsideration of request from Lincoln Properties for annexation of approximately 129 acres into the Coppell Municipal Utility District. Item lO:Consider approval for a request for a temporary building for a concession stand and press box at the High School baseball field. Item ll:Consider approval for a request for "No Parking" signs on one side of Villawood Lane in Northlake Woodlands East. PUBLIC HEARING Item 12: Zoning Application #85-10-21.1 to consider a variance to Section 10-6-2(E)(1) - setting requirements of the total effective area of attached building signs - for Coppell Cleaners - Towne Oaks Centre on property located on the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 13: Zoning Application #85-10-31 to consider a zoning change at the request of Carmel at the Lakes of Coppell from "TH-I", Town House 1, to "PD-TH-I", Planned Development - Town House-l, on property located at the Southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 14: Zoning Application #85-10-21.3 to consider approval of a zoning change at the request of Wellington Place from "MF-2", Multi-Family-2 to "MF-2-S.U.P.", Multi-Family-2 with a Specific Use Permit for Stucco-type construction and use of 25% masonry on the second story on property located approximately 600 feet south of Sandy Lake Road on the east side of MacArthur Boulevard. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 15:Zoning Application #85-10-04 to consider approval of a zoning change at the request of Sandy Lake Plaza from "R", Retail to "R-S.U.P.", Retail with a Specific Use Permit for a restaurant use on property located on the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Moore Road. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 16:Zoning Application #85-09-20 to consider approval of a zoning change at the request of Southwestern Industrial Addition from "C" Commercial and "LI", Light Industrial to "C", Commercial on property located on the Northeast corner of Southwestern Boulevard and Coppell Road. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval PLATTING ACTIONS - PRELIMINARY Item'17: Plat Application #85-10-21.7 - requst of Connell/Skaggs Addition for approval of a preliminary plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 18: Plat Application #85-10-21.4 - request of Town Creek II Apartments for approval of a preliminary plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 19: Plat Application #85-10-22.1 - request of Rerview Plaza for approval of a preliminary plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval PLATTING ACTIONS - FINAL Item 20: Plat Application #85-10-01.1 - request of Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 9 for approval of replat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 21: Plat Application #85-10-01 - request of Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 10, for approval of a final plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 22: Plat Application #85-10-21.2 - request of WeIlington Place for approval of a final plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - December 5, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 23: Plat Application #85-09-23 - request of the Villages of Coppell, Phase II for approval of a final plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval Item 24: Plat Application #85-09-24 - request of River Chase Drive for approval of a final plat. Date of Planning and Zoning - November 21, 1985 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval OTHER BUSINESS Item 25: Action and discussion of the Park Department. Item 26: Discussion and consideration of supporting the relocation of Beltline Road east and west to a point approximately 300 feet south of its present location. Item 27: Consider approval of minutes of November 12, 1985 Item 28: Consider approval of departmental bills Item 29: Consider approval of railroad crossing agreement with the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company for the 12" waterline associated with the Moore Road Project and authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement. Item 30: Consider approval of a contract with Calvert & Company/Architects, Inc. for schematic design cost for the Municipal service center and authorization for the Mayor to sign this contract. Item 31: Consider approval of budget transfer from City Administration Department to Engineering and Inspections Department. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) Item 32: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney. Item 33: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. PUBLIC SESSION (Open to the Public) Item 34: Consider action based on items discussed in the Executive Session. Adjournment. Lou Duggan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on the 6th. day of Decmeber, 1985 at 4:00 p.m. Dorothy Timmoons, City Secretary 121085 EMERGENCY AMENDMENT TO THE AGENDA OF THE REGULAR CALLED SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS The following item is hereby added to the regular called session of the City Council of the City of Coppell to be held at 7:30 p.mn. on the 10th. day of December, 1985: AGENDA VARIANCES Item 24A: Consider approval to grant a side yard variance to Graham L. Pierce for construction of a two-car garage on his property at 413 Meadowcreek. Lou Duggan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on the 10th. day of December, 1985 at 12:30 p.m. Further, in accordance with Article 1008, V.A.C.S., I have delivered or caused to be delivered a copy of the above notice to each member of the City Council, the City Secretary and the City Attorney, such person either being served personally with said notice or such notice left at their usual place of abode. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary