AG 1985-09-10 NOTICE OF MEETING September 10, 1985 MEETING TIME: 7:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: High School Administration Building Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell will meet in regular called session on Tuesday, September 10, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Administration Building. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC SESSION: (Open to Public) INVOCATION MAYOR'S REPORT Item 1: Mayor's Report CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES Item 2: Consider citizens who wish to speak before the City Council REQUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS Item 3: Consider approval of request for annexation of property into the City of Coppell Municipal Utility District (MUD). Request made by J.H. Lacy, Trustee on property located on the Southeast corner of Thweatt Road and State Road. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 4: Zoning Application #85-07-21 - To consider approval of a zoning change by Boardwalk Group for three (3) tracts of land: (1) West tracts - I and II; zoning change from "SF-12" (Single Family-12) to "PD-R" (Planned-Retail Development) on properties located at the intersection of Sandy Lake Road and Lodge Road - (2) East tract - zoning change from "SF-12" (Single Family - 12) to PD-MF-1 (Planned Development/Multi Family-l) on property located at the Southwest corner of Sherwood Park Addition, Section II. Date of P&Z - August 22, 1985 Decision - Approval (3-0) Item 5: Consider Approval of a sign variance request by General Homes The applicant is requesting a variance to City of Coppell Sign Ordinance, Section 10-8-6(C) - (Signs shall be removed as soon as property to which they refer has been sold, or seventy-five 75% rented or leased, a sign permit is required}. Variances are requested at two (2) locations: 1) 304 Phillips Drive (Sherwood Park Addition) 2) 557 Parkway Blvd. (Parkwood Park Addition) Date of P&Z - August 22, 1985 Decision of P&Z - Approval w/stipulation (3-0) Item 6: Consider approval of a sign variance request by Village at Cottonwood Creek. Applicant is requesting a variance to Sign Ordinance, Section 10-7-2(A-2)-(Outlining minimum set back requirements and minimum square footage requirements for detached monument signs). The property is located at the intersection of Coppell Road and Thweatt Road. Date of P&Z - August 22, 1985 Decision of P&Z - Approval w/stipulation (2-0) Item 7: Consider approval of a sign variance request by Shadowridge Estates. Applicant is requesting a variance to City of Coppell Sign Ordinance, Section lO-7-2(A-2)-(Outlining minimum set back requirements and minimum square footage requirements for detached monument signs). The property is located on the Northwest corner of Denton Tap Road and Bethel School Road. Date of P&Z - August 22, 1985 Decision P&Z - Approval w/stipulation (3-0) PLATTING ACTION Item 8: Plat Application #85-08-15 - to consider approval of a final plat by Coppell Shake & Shingle on property located on Beltline Road, east of Northlake Drive. Date of P&Z - August 22, 1985 Decision of P&Z - Approval (3-0) Item 9: Plat Application #85-07-25 - To consider approval of a final plat by Gulf Oil Corporation on property located on South East Corner of Beltline Road and Denton Tap Road. Date of P&Z - August 22, 1985 Decision of P&Z - Approval w/stipulation (3-0) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Item 10: Consider ratification of a resolution authorizing the mayor to contract for the purchase of: (1). 1.0 acres of land on Moore Road to be used for a fire station site. (2). 3.67 acreas of land on Southwestern Boulevard to be used for a fire station site. Item 11: Consider approval of an ordinance establishing the position of City Secretary. STAFF REQUESTS AND MAYOR'S REPORT Item 12: Consider acceptance of a grant from Wells Fargo Bank towards the purchase of fitness equipment for Coppell Community Park. Item 13: Consider awarding of a bid for City of Coppell Bank Depository agreement. OTHER BUSINESS Item 14: Approval of Departmental Bills EXECUTIVE SESSION (CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC) Item 15: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney. Item 16: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion regarding personnel. PUBLIC SESSION (Open to the Public) Item 17: Consider action based on matters discussed in the executive session. Adjournment Lou Duggan, Mayor I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the Coppell City Hall in the City of Coppell, Texas on the day of September 6, 1985, at 2:00 p.m. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary EMERGENCY AMENDMENT TO THE AGENDA OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS The following items are hereby added to the regular agenda of the regular City Council meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. on the 10th. day of September, 1985: AGENDA ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11-A. Consider approval of an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the Municipal Budget for the fiscal year October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986. These items are added to the above mentioned agenda as emergency items. These matters came to the attention of the City after posting the original agenda and require action prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. Lou Duggan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on the 10th. day of September, 1985 at 4:00 p.m.. Further, in accordance with Article 1008, V.A.C.S., I have delivered or caused to be delivered a copy of the above notice to each member of the City Council, the City Secretary anbd the City Attorney, such person either being served personally with said notice or such notice left at their usual place of abode. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary