AG 1985-08-13 NOTICE OF MEETING August 13, 1985 MEETING TIME: 7:00 p.m. - Executive Session 7:30 p.m. - Regular Session MEETING PLACE: Executive Session: High School Administration Bldg. Regular Session: High School Administration Bldg. CALL TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION: (Closed to Public) ITEM #1: Article 625Z-17, Section Z (e) discussion with City Attorney ITEM #Z: Article 625Z-17, Section ?. (g) discussion concerning personnel PUBLIC SESSION: (Open to Public) INVOCATION PERSONNEL ITEM #3: Consider action based on matters discussed in the executive session. CITIZEN'S APPEARANCES ITEM #4: Consideration of citizens who wish to speak to the City Council. REQUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS ITEM #5: Presentations and considerations of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of $11,3Z5,000 General Obligation Bonds and discussion of other related matters. ITEM #6: Consider request for approval to waive the penalty and interest charges on deliquent taxes of V.C. Jenkins. ITEM #7: Consider request from Mr. Jim Jenne for approval for annexation of 15.44 acres of land into the Coppell Municipal Utility District #7. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM #8: Zoning Application #85-04-30 -request of Michael T. Curtis for a zoning change from "C" Commercial to "C-SUP (Auto Repair Garage)", Commercial with a Specific Use Permit for an Auto- mobile Repair Garage on propery located at 93Z S. Beltline Road. DATE OF P&Z JULY 18, 1985 RECOMMENDATION OF P&Z APPROVAL ITEM #9 Sign Variance #85-07-Z6 - request of Minyards Food Store for a variance to Section 10-6-Z(E) of the sign ordinance. DATE OF P&Z AUGUST 8, 1985 RECOMMENDATION OF P&Z APPROVAL PLATTING ACTIONS ITEM #10: Plat Application #85-05-Z3 - request of Nikor Commerce Center for preliminary plat approval on property located on Crestside Drive in the Cormell Northlake 635 project (Tabled from 7-Z3-85). DATE OF P&Z JUNE 20, 1985 RECOMMENDATION OF P&Z APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS ITEM #11: Plat Application #85-06-Z8 -request from Terra Land Development Company for preliminary plat approval of the right-of-way for Riverchase Drive. DATE OF P&Z JULY 18, 1985 RECOMMENDATION OF P&Z APPROVAL ITEM #12 Plat Application #85-06-Z4 - request of SBS Venture for final plat approval on Villages at Cottonwood Creek, Section Ill located at the northeast corner of Coppell Road and Thweatt Road. DATE OF P&Z JULY 18, 1985 RECOMMENDATION OF P&Z APPROVAL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ITEM #13: Consider approval of resolution designating the Coppell Public Library as a Community Library. ITEM #14: Consider approval of a resolution reconfirming the appointment of Robert E. Thomas as the City's representative to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Board. ITEM #15: Consider approval of an ordinance adopting updated service credits under the Texas Municipal Retirement (TMRS) act. ITEM #16: Consider approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 314 regulating the installation of traffic control devices. OTHER BUSINESS ITEM #17: Discussion on amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for resolution of matters similar to problems experienced on Bullock and Howell Streets. ITEM #18: Approval of Minutes - July 23, 1985. ITEM #19: Approval of Departmental Bills. ITEM #20: Discussion concerning City's Sign Ordinance. STAFF REQUESTS AND MAYOR'S REPORT ITEM #21: Request from Fire Chief Jackie Mayfield for a budget amendment and approval to purchase an auxilary power generator for the Central Fire Station. ITEM #22: Request from Fire Chief Jackie Mayfield for a budget amendment approval to purchase an encoder for the paging system at the Central Fire Station. ITEM #23: Request from Fire Chief Jackie Mayfield to restructure the Emer- gency Medical Service fees. ITEM #24: Request from Fire Chief Jackie Mayfield to develop specifications and advertise for bids for an ambulance as approved in the 1984 Bond Election. ITEM #25: Mayor's Report ADJOURNMENT I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall in the City of Coppell, Texas on the 9th day of August, 1985 at 3:00 p.m. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary