AG 2020-08-24 (NTECC) Serving the cities of: Addison Carrollton Coppell Farmers Branch `* * * * NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING* * * * B OARD OF D IRECTORS OF THE N ORTH T EXAS E MERGENCY C OMMUNICATIONS C ENTER, I NC. M ONDAY,A UGUST 24,2020 9:00A.M. V IDEO CONFERENCEMEETING TO BE CONDUCTED VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS Because of the local disaster declarations issued for both Dallas and Denton Counties affecting the City of landlord, CyrusOne, NTECC is practicing social distancing in order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. The public is encouraged to join in the meeting in accordance with the instructions below. Any member of the public who desires to submit any comments or provide information relating to items on the agenda for this meeting may email them to Sandy Issel at the following e-mail address: sandy.issel@ntecc.org INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE MEETING: Go to the NTECC website at www.ntecc.org. At the bottom of the home page, click on the link that says August 24, 2020 9:00 a.m. Notice of Special the meeting via Microsoft Teams. A GENDA 1.Call to Order. 2.Discuss and take action on the payroll protection program -Action Needed. TheBoardreservestherighttogointoclosedexecutivesessionatanytimeduringthemeeting pursuanttotheTexasGovernmentCode §551.071(2)toseekconfidentiallegaladvicefromthe CERTIFICATE I certify that the above agenda giving notice of meeting was posted on the City of Coppell's websiteonorbefore the 10thofAugust, 2020 at12:10p.m. Ashley Owens Deputy City Secretary This meeting will not take place in person. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please contact Sandy Issel, Assistant to the Executive Director, NTECC, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at 469-289-3200. 1649 W. Frankford Rd. Suite150 Carrollton, TX 75007