AG 1985-06-11 NOTICE OF MEETING JUNE 11, 1985 CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell will meet in regular session at the Coppell High School Administration Building at 7:30 p.m. on the llth of June, 1985 for the purpose of considering the following items: AGENDA CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION 7 to request approval of a zoning change by il P Co. from "C" Commercial to "C-S.U.P." Commerc' a Spec lc Use Permit· The applicant is also reques 'ng a variance t Section 23.3 (lb) of the Zoning Ordinan equiring a mi 'mum side yard set back of thirty 1 .on the southeast corner of D P & Z ~ May 16 1985 n of P & Z ApprovAl · Co sider approval of a variance he Sign Ordinance No. 287, 2 n Section 10-8-4 (B): No non-conf r ' sign shall be repaired or renovated except to bring the lgn into compliance with School Rd and De t Tap Rd Dento d north of Beltline Rd. Sandy·Lake . DentoA Tap Rd Date of P ~ May 16, 1985 Decision o Z approval PLATTING ACTION rp~~roval 3. Plat Application #85-03-23 - to conside of a pre- liminary plat by Gulf Oil Product Co. on prlov~,~ty located on the southeast corner of Beltl' Rd. and De In Tap Rd. OTHER BUSINESS marketing program for the North Texa Region, in which Region includes Dallas County and the City Coppell. 5. Consider acceptance of resignation of C·ty 0f Coppell DART CONSENT AGENDA 6. Approval of Minutes - May 28th Regular Council Meeting. 7. Approval of Departmental Bills. 8. Approval of request of Johnny Weger Zoning Ordinance. Notice of Meeting City Council June 11, 1985 CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM Page Two 9. Approval of an ordinance creating the Coppell Economic and Business Development Board and establishing by-laws for this board. STAFF REQUESTS AND MAYOR'S REPORT 10. Authorization to develop. specifications and advertise for bi~ for an Auxilary Power Generator to power the City's Radio Repeater System. 11. Authorization to develop specifications and advertise for bids for an Auxilary Power Generator for Central Fire Station. 12. Approval of an amendment to the Street & Park Budget and a proposal to install "load limit" signs at existing bridges. 13. Mayor's Report. ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE SESSION(Closed to the Public) 14. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney. 15. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. Lou Duggan, MAYdR I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall in the City of Coppell, Texas on the 7th day of June, 1985, at 10:00 a.m. D~rothy Ti~~ry