AG 1985-05-28 NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell will meet in regular session at the Coppell High School Administration Building at 7:30 p.m. on the 28th of May., 1985 for the purpose of considering the following items: AGENDA CALL T0 ORDER INVOCATION PRESENTATIONS AND REQUESTS !. Consider approval of By-Laws for the Coppell Rconomic and Business Development Board; #207-A, Section V, 2. Presentation by John Gustafson of Texas Waste Ma.agement, updating the progress and future plans of Texas Waste Management and requesting an amendment to their Franchise Ordinance. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Zoning Application #85-15-03 to consider request of O.M. Singla on the following Classification; "SF" Single Family 12 to "SF-O" Single Family Zero-Lot-Line. (Tabled from May 14th, 1985 Council Meeting) 4. Consider requests for Variance from Section 9-22 paragraph (D) of the City Code Ordinance, which states that fences shall not be erected in front yards of reverse frontage lots. Request by Ms. Melinda Retty of 100 Winetree Cour. 5. Consider Approval of an amendment to the Sub-Division Ordinance. PLATTING ACTION 6. 'Plat Application #85-19-03 to consider approval of a Final Plat for Freeport Parkway located directly North of I.H. 635 and East of Grapevine Creek. Date of P & Z Hearing; April 18, 1985 P & Z Decision; Approval 7. Plat Application #85-08-03 to consider approval of a Final Plat for Waterside Estates, Phase I, located South of the proposed Parkway Boulevard, North of Sandy Lake Road and East of The Meadows of Coppoll Sub-Division. Date of P & Z Hearing; April 18, 1985 P & Z Decision; Approval w/Stipulation OTHER BUSINESS 8. Consider approval of an agreement for lease of the Coppell Public Library Building. 9. Consider Authorization to advertise for Bids for the construction of an elevated Water Storage Facility to be located at Southwestern & Coppell Road. 10. Approval of Minutes of; May 9th, 1985 - Special Called Session and May 14th, 1985 - Regular Council Meeting 11. Approval of Departmental Bills 12. Approval of Change No. I on renovation of Fire Station No. 1 CONSENT AGENDA 13. Approval of Lincoln Property Zoning Ordinance 14. Approval of Budget Amendment and Budget Transfer for hiring of Children's Librarian. 15. Approval of Transfer of Building Maintenance Budget to Vehicle Maintenance. Notice of Meeting City Council May 28, 1985 Page Two 16. Approval of Transfer of Building Maintenance Budget Accounts #204 and #301 to STREET AND PARKS Budget Account $204 and $301. STAFF REQUESTS AND MAYOR'S REPORT 17. Mayor's Report ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE SESSION(Closed to the Public) 18. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney 19. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. Lou Duggan, Mayor I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Ball in the City of Coppe11, Texas on the 24th day of May, 1985, at 10:00 a.m. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary