The .Town Council of Coppell,Texas met this Sept. 1964
in regular session with the following members present,to witt;
WT. Cozby Mayor
W.H. Wilson Councilman
B.J. Harwell "
J.R. McDonald "
C,J. Dobecka "'
E.C.Gentry City Secretary
Absent C.T.Waters
Constuting a quorum where amoung other preceedings th following
Minutes for Aug. 1964 were read and approved,
Mr. Cozby presented a letter from Mr. J.M. Prickard M.D. director of Texas
Department of Public Health, discussing the septic tank inspection sevices offered by
the Dallas Co. Health Department, and other information concerning the danger of
polluting the different water sands ,and that it was illegal to discharge domestic
sewage on effluent from septic tanks into abandoned wells or into wells drilled
for that purpose, And also was enclosed ordinances governing the insallation and
specifations for septic tanks,On motion by Mr Wilson that Ordinance No. 18 be passed
seconed by Mr Harwell ,carried.
Motion by Mr. Wilson that contract from Badger Meter Mfg. Co. be acepted
and seconed by Mr. Harwell, carried.
Motion by Mr. Wilson that the following bills be paid out of General
Eugene Hodges, ,45. O0
Coppell Superette .10.77
Bill Waker .~13.50
Northlake S.C. .18.19
Wm Cameron $29.28
E.I. Du Pont 78.64
Grays Office Funrniture$12 .O0
Map Plat Book Dept. $ 3.00
Dallas Office Sup. $ .81
The Lewisville Leader 1.10
Nisbett Cabinet Shop $25.O0
Lowe and Robbins Printers
13. 50
Seconed by J.R.McDonald and Unam, carried
Motion by Mr, Wilson that Mrs Faye Rush be given the Job of sending out water
bills and keeping records of water accounts, and make deposits of water funds
in The Mercantile National Bank of Dallas seconded by B. J. Harwell, vote carried
by motion and second meeting adjourned
Passed and approved this - 8 day Sept, 1964
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
E. C. Gentry, Secretary
Read and approved this 5th day Oct. 1964
Read and approved this ~6'1~_ day ~. _ 196~