CM 1964-10-29STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The Town Council of the Town of Coppell, Texas, met in special meeting on the 29th day of October, 1964, with the following members present, to-wit; W. T. Cozby, Mayor W. H. Wilson, Councilman C. T. Waters, Councilman Cecil Debecka, Councilman J. R. McDonald, Councilman B. J. Harwell, Councilman E. C. Gentry, City Secretary Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had was the following: Mayor Cozby stated that in accordance with a resolution passed by the Council on Oct. 1, 1964, the meeting was for the purpose of considering the adoption of a Budget for the town covering the fiscal year Oct. 1, 1964, to Sept. 30, 1965. He stated that the proposed budget had been available for inspection since the date it was filed, Oct. 1, 1964, and that copies of the resolution calling the present meeting had been posted in three public places and published in the official town newspaper. Mr. Cozby stated that the budget was prepared by him with the assistance of Mr. Parker, C.P.A. Mayer Cozby said that the Council weld go ever each section of the proposed budget and after they have studied it any citizen of the town would be given the opportunity to participate by speaking for or against or otherwise expressing their views with regard to the proposed budget. He stated that citizen wishing to speak should raise their hand and be recognized by the Mayer. No time limit would be set but in order that everyone who wishes to be heard could be heard, anyone retaining the floor for an unreasonable length of time may be asked to relinquish the fleet by the Mayer. Only one person would be recognized ~t a time. The Mayor stated that any Councilman wanting to correct or change the Budget should make a motion on the specific change. It would be discussed and the opinion of Mr. Parker would be obtained and the motion would be voted en. Mr. Parker read the letter attached to the Budget. Mr. Cozby then read the Budget page by page and explained all the figures. After the reading and explanation of the Budget a 15 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed and the public was invited to participate. Mayer Cozby again stated the prepare procedure in order to be recognized. Mr. Eades was recognized and he asked if were true that he would be allowed to ask questions about the matter. Mr. Cozbv stated "Yes," and he advised Mr. Eades to ask the questions he thought most important first, because in the interest at time, some- one else might have to be heard. Mr. Parker stated that in his opinion the revenues were censertively figured and that on the whole the expenditures were reasonably close. Mr. Eades then asked questions concerning the Water and Sewer Fund. Mr. Eades asked several questions concerning the income of the City and Mr. Parker stated that the page 6 estimated $14,550 and the revenue for the General Fund relected en page 3 and that further revenues were reflected en pages 8, 9, and 10, and that he would add them up for Mr. Eades. Mr. Eades asked what total revenues were sbown and Mr. Parker stated that they were broken down by funds, and revenue was reflected in five Funds. Mr. Emdes discussed and asked questions concerning the proposed $500,000 bonds, the rate of interest, and retirement of bonds. Mr. Cozby asked that Mr. Eades continue his questioning and go on to some ether point since the bends had net been voted and therefore had no meaning at this time. Mr. Eades continued to discuss the bends, the Rate of interest, etc. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Cozby again asked Mr. Eades to finish up. Mr. Eades continued to discuss the bend issue. He then asked for the total figure of revenue for the coming year. Mr. Parker stated that the $15,760 shown en page 3, the $14,550 shown on page 6, the $250 and $350 shown on page 8 added up to $30,910. Mr. Cozby stated that Mr. Eades had had plenty of time already. Mrs. Tilley was recognized and she stated that Mr. Eades represented her and she would yield the floor to him. Another citizen was recognized and he stated that in regard to the Fire and Police Departments he thought that the money allowed was net enough. Mr. Cozby stated that he had tried net to raise the taxes too high. This citizen also stated that there was a need for a new fire truck. Mr. Parker explained that the possibility of buying a new fire truck was considered and that the possibility of paying for it out of next year's income. Mrs. Austin was recognized and asked if the $.25 per hundred mentioned would take care of everything and what if the $500,000 were voted. Mr. Cozby stated that of course he didn't knew exactly, but it might mean another additional $.25. Mr. Lester Johnson was recognized and he asked what the ~1,200 and 52,200 on page 4 was spent for. Mr. Parker explained that it was for salaries and contactual services and for professional services. Mr. Parker stated that f the ~2,200 ninety per cent of it was brought open the city by lawsuits that could have been done away with. Mrs. Tilley began to speak and Mr. Cozby informed her that he had net been recog- nized. Mr. Cozby asked Travis Maynard, Fire Chief, if there was anything he would like to discuss in regard to the Fire Department. Mr. Maynard stated he didn't knew of anything. Mr. Burns asked what the censultant fee f $2,800 was in the General fund. Mr. Cozby stated that this would be consultant fees probably for the future, zoning, City planning. Mr. Cozby stated that since no ether citizens wished to speak, Mr. Eades would be given more time. Mr. Eades stated that he would like to knew that revenues and income the city had whether from taxes or other sources, exclusive f the Bends. Mr. Parker again added the revenues and presented the figure for $30,910. Mr. Eades stated that the budget did net have sufficient money and sufficient income to balance. Mr. Parker stated that you do not budget surplus therefore the cash balance for this year was not included. Mr. Eades again began to discuss the bonds. Mr. Jackson stated that the Council had net had a change to fully investigate the matter f or bonds as yet. Mr. Cozby declared the public portion of the meeting closed. Mr. B. J. Harwell made a motion to close the public portion of the meeting and C. T. Waters seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. J. R. McDonald stated that he didn't agree with putting taxes equally ever the town; that people who will be getting the water and sewer that will be proposed are the ones that should pay the tax en it, and that the people in the outer areas should pay only a taken tax. He stated that the other things in the Budget were fine. Mr. Wilson stated that the law would net allow you to do this. Mr. Parker stated that this particular year there was no tax that was being to any bend issue. After a lengthy discussion and in view f the fact that there were no changes, Mr. Wilson read a resolution and proposed that the Council adept said resolution. Mr. Waters moved that the Council adept the resolution (said resolution attached to these minutes) and B. J. Harwell seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Ayes - B. Jo Harwell, C. T. Waters, Cecil Debecka, W. H. Wilson Noes - J. R. McDonald The motion carried. Mr. W. H. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting and J. R. McDonalds seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. PASSED AND APPROVED, this, 29th day Oct. , 1964. W.T. Cozby Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry City Secretary Read and approved the day , 1964 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF COPPELL TEXAS WHEREAS, the Mayor of the Town of Coppell, Texas, has heretofore on the 1st day of October, 1964, filed with the Town Secretary a proposed General Budget for the Town of Coppell, Texas, covering the fiscal year of October l, 1964 through September S0, 1965; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Town of Coppell, Texas, has this date concluded the public hearing on such budget, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF COPPELL, TEXAS: Section 1: That said budget be amended as follows: Section 2: That said budget be attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section S: That subject to the above mentioned amendments to said budget, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", the same be, and is hereby approved and adopted by the Town of Coppell, Texas, as the official budget for said Town covering the fiscal year October l, 1964 through September S0, 1965. DULY PASSED at a call meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Coppell on the 29th day of October, 1964, with C.T. Waters, W.H. Wilson C.J. Dobecka, B.J. Harwell and voting for such Resolution and J.R. McDonald voting against such Resolution. W.T. Cozby Mayor ATTESTED: E.C. Gentry City Secretary THE TOWN OF COPPELL GENERAL BUDGET F I SCAL YEAR OCTOBER I , 1964 TO SEPTEN!3ER 30, 1965 ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND E)(PENDITURES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS- AND TAX RATES FOR ALL FUNDS XXI(XXXX)IXX As submitted to THE CITY COUNCIL by William Cozby Mayor Z",r,,.flS/F TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Message Page I General Fund: Budget Summary And Estimated Cash Position Page 2 Budgeted Revenues Page 3 Budgeted Departmental Expenditures: Page 4 General Government Department Page 4a Tax Department Page 4b Police Department Page 4c Fire Department Page 4d Public Works Department Page 4e Water And Sewer Fund: Budget Sugary And Estimated Cash Position Page 5 Budgeted Revenues Page 6 Budgeted Expenditures Page 7 General Obligation Bond Service Fund Page 8 Revenue Bond Service Fund Page 9 Bond Fund Page I0 Members of the Town Council Town of Coppell Coppell, Texas Gentlemen: In accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, the proposed budget of the Town of Coppell, Texas is transmitted herewith. The budget for the fiscal year beginning October I, 1964, is as follows: General Fund $ 17,160.00 Water And Sewer Fund 16'750'00- Bond Fund 250,000.00 Revenue Bond Service Fund 12,600.00 General Obligation Bond Service Fund 3,700.00 $ 300.210.00 The advalorem tax program will yield approximately as follows: Estimated Assessed Valuation $ 4,000,000.00 Rate Per $100 of Value $ .25 Estimated Revenue To Be Available At 78% - Collection Factor $ 7,800.00 Estimated Maintenance Tax Rate $ .24 Estimated Debt Service Tax Rate $ .01 This budget is a suggested program for municipal operations of the Town of Coppell, Texas, for the fiscal year 1964-65 by your Mayor for your considera- tion. The City Council, Civic Groups, and Individual Citizens are invited to critically review these budget estimates and suggest changes and offer criticisms which appear to be needed or desirable. In addition the Mayor will be glad to furnish information or further explain the various items as submitted herewith. Respectfully submitted, William T. Cozby Mayor (I) GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUIvNARY AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Estimated Cash On Hand, I0-1-64 $ 1,400.00 Budgeted Revenue 15,760.00 Fund Resources $ 17,160.00 Budgeted Expenditures 17,160.00 Estimated Cash On Hand, 9-30-65 $ ~0- (2) GENERAL FUND BUDGETED REVENUES Received Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 General Property Taxes Current Roll $ -0- $ 7,550.00 Prior Rolls -0- 350.00 Penalties & Interest -0- 35.00 $ -0- $ 7,935.00 Franchise Taxes Texas Power & Light Co. $ 937.95 $ 900.00 Lone Star Gas Company 234.51 200.00 Keller Telephone Company 124.19 125.00 $ 1,296.65 $ 1,225.00 Licenses & Permits Buildings $ 985.00 $ 1,000.00 Electric -0- 75.00 Plumbing -0- 75.00 $ 985.00 $ 1,150.00 Fines & Forfeits Corporation Court Fines $ 1,479.00 $ !,500.00 Miscellaneous Sales & Services Fire Service Contract $ -0- $ 2,800.00 Miscellaneous 60.63 1,150.00 $ 60.63 $ 3,950.00 Total General Fund Revenue $ 3,821.28 $ 15,760.00 (3) '~jr==="' I~/ GENERAL FUND BUDGETED DEPARTMENTAL EXPEND I TURES Expended Budgeted Department 1963-64 1964-65 General Government $ 425.98 $ 4,135.00 Tax Department 160.30 4,075.00 Police 1,971.28 4,350.00 Fire 246.40 3,750.00 Public Works 741.48 850.00 Total Expenditures $ 3,545.~ $ 17,160.00 (4) GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT t Expended Budgeted ~ ]963-64 1964-65 Supplies Office $ 62.03 $ 50.00 Other 32.21 35.00 $ 94.24 $ 85.00 Contractural Services Special Services Audit $ -0- $ 200.00 Consultant Fees -0- 2,800.00 Miscellaneous 65.00 350.00 Travel Expense 8.82 75.00 Dues -0- 50.00 ~ $ 73.82 $ 3,475.00 Sundry Charges Refunds $ 1.00 $ -0- ~-- Legal Expense -0- 500.00 ! El ection Expense 79.00 75.00 $ 80.00 $ 575.00 Capital Outlay Buildings $ 107.92 $ -O- Furniture 25.00 -O- Heating and Cooling 45.00 -0- $ 177.92 $ -O- Total Expenditures $ 425.98 $ 4,135.00 GENERAL FUND TAX DEPARTMENT Experttied Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Salaries and Wages Supervision $ -0- $ 1,200.00 Supplies Office $ 139.35 $ 250.00 Other -0- 50.00 $ 139.35 $ 300.00 Contractural Services Professional Services $ -0- $ 2,200.00 Insurance and Bonds -0- I00.00 Advertising -0- 25.00 $ -0- $ 2,325.00 Sundry Charges ~ Other $ 20.95 $ -0- ! Employee Insurance -0- 50.00 " $ 20.95 $ 50.00 Furniture and Fixtures $ -0- $ 200.00 Total Expenditures ~ _!~0.30. $ ~075.00 (4b) GENERAL FUND POL ICE DEPARTMENT Expended Budgeted 1963-64 196~-65 Salaries and Waqes Labor Operation $ 722.48 $ 1,800.00 Extra Help -0- 500.00 $ 722.48 $ 2,300.00 Supplies Office $ 29.60 $ I00.00 Wearing Apparel 29.12 50.00 Motor Vehicle 307.52 800.00 Instruments, Minor Apparatus, Tools and Utensils -0- I00.00 $ 366.24 $ 1,050.00 Maintenance Of Equipment Instruments and Apparatus $ 24.43 $ 50.00 Motor Vehicles 66.36 50.00' $ 90.79 $ I00.00 Contractural Services Insurance and Bonds $ 143.16 $ 150.00 Travel Expense -0- 50.00' ./ $ 143.16 $ 200.00 Sundry Charqes Debt Service - Principal $ 550.00 $ 550.00 Debt Service - Interest 52.50 50.00 Court Costs- 7.00 -O- Employee Insurance -0- 50.00 Other 39.11 50.00 $ 648.61 $ 700.00 Total Expenditures $1#971.28 $ 4,350.00 (4c) GENERAL FUND F IRE DEPARTMENT Expended Budgeted 1963-Ey~ 1964-65 Supplies Office $ -0- $ 50.00 Wearing Apparel -0- 50.00 Motor Veh i c I e -0- 150.00 Minor Apparatus, Instruments, Tool s and UtensiI s 23.90 -O- Mechanical -0- 250.00 $ 23.90 $ 500.00 Maintenance Of Equipment Instruments and Apparatus $ -0- $ I00.00 Motor Vehicles -0- 200.00 $ -0- $ 300.00 Contractural Services Insurance and Bonds $ 97.50 $ 250.00 Sundry Charges Debt Service - Principal $ -0- $ 2,400.00 Debt Service - Interest -0- I00.00 $ -0- ~ 2,500.00 Capital Outlay Other Equipment $ ~25.00 $ -O- Instruments and Apparatus -0- 200.00 $ 125.00 $ 200.00 Total Expenditures $ 246.40 $ 3,750.00 (4d) GENERAL FUND PUBLIO WORKS DEPARTMENT Expended Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Salaries And Wages Labor Operation $ -0- $ 200.00 Supplies Minor Apparatus, Instruments, Tools and Utensils $ -0- $ 50.00 Contractural Services Light and Power ~ 565.39 $ 600.00 Capital Outlay Traffic Signs $ 176.09 $ -O- Total Expenditures $ 741.48 $ 850.00 (4e) WATER AND SEWER FUND . BUDGET SUMMARY AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION SEPTEMBER 30, 1965 Estimated Cash on Hand, 10-1-6~ $ 2,000.00 Budgeted Revenue 14,550.00 Fund Resources $ 16,550.00 Budgeted Expend itures 16,550.00 Estimated Cash on Hand, 9-30-65 $ -0- (5) WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGETED REVENUES Received Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Sale of Water $ 4,851.23 $ 8,000.00 Sale of Misc. Parts, etc. 170.00 600.00 Proceeds From Federal Agency -0- 5,950.00 Total $ 5,021.23 ~ 14,550.00 (6) WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Expended Budgeted 1963-64 1964-65 Salaries and Waqes Clerk Hire $ 854.62 $ 1,200.00 Labor Operation 470.00 600.00 Labor Maintenance 30.00 600.00 $ 1,354.62 $ 2,400.00 Supplies Office $ 173.55 $ 150.00 Mechanical -0- 350.00 $ 173.55 $ 500.00 Maintenance of Equipment Machinery and Implements $ -0- $ 300.00 Water Mains 560.58 500.00 Meters and Settings 73.80 200.00 Service Connections -0- 200.00 $ 634.38 $ 1,200.00 Contractural Services Insurance and Bonds $ -0- $ I00.00 Special Services: Audit 200.00 150.00 Miscellaneous -0- 5,950.00 Light and Power 25~30.49 600.00 $ 580.49 $ 6,800.00 Sundry Charges Debt Service $ 272.00 $ 5,600.00 Equipment Furniture and Fixtures $ -0- $ 250.00 Water and Sewage Mains 852.83 -0- $ 852.83 $ 250.00 Total Expenditures $ 3,867.87 $16,750.00 (7) GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SERVICE FUND BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Fund Balance, 10-1-64, $ I00.00 Revenue From Current Tax Roll $ 250.00 Revenue From Prior Years Roll 350.00 Revenue From Short Term Investments - Bond Proceeds 3,000.00 3,600.00 Fund Resources $ 3,700.00 Budgeted Fund Requirements · 3,700.00 Fund Balance, 9-30-65 $ -0- (8) REVENUE BOND SERVICE FUND BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Fund Balance, 10-1-64 $ -O- Budgeted Revenue From Water And Sewer Fund $ 5,600.00 Budgeted Revenue From Short Term Investments- Bond Proceed s 7o 000.00 12,600.00 Fund Resources $ 12,600.00 Budgeted Expenditures -O- Fund Reserve And Fund Ba Iance, 9-30-65 $ 12,600.00 (9) BOND FUND BUDGETED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ESTIMATED CASH POSITION Fund Balance, 10-1-64 $ -O- Budgeted Fund Revenue From Sale of Proposed Bond Issue of $ 350,000.00 of Revenue Bonds and $ 150,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds 500,000.00 Fund Resources $ 500,000.00 Budgeted Expenditures For Capital Outlay For Water And Sewer Improvements 250,000.00 Fund Balance, 9-30-65 $ 250,000.00 (10)