CM 1964-11-02STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The Town Council of the Town of Coppell, Texas, met in regular meeting on the 2nd day of November, 1964 with the following members present, to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor C. T. Waters, Councilman W. H. Wilson, Councilman Cecil Debecka, Councilman B. J. Harwell, Councilman J. R. McDonald, Councilman E. C. Gentry, City Secretary Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had was the following: Mr. Sammie Long requested a permit to get lights. A motion was made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by B. J. Harwell that he be given a permit without charge. The motien carried unanimeusly. Mr. Jack Thompson requested permissien to open a 50 ft. street between Mrs. Thompson and Joe Parrish's house, running east, in order that they might subdivide the property. The Ceuncil advised Mr. Thompson to get a plat drawn and recorded and then to come back. A metien was made by ~. Jo Harwell that C. Ro Stery be nut en the Pelice Department en a salary ef $40.00 per menth retreactive te Octeber 1, 1964, that Mr. Stery have full pelice autherity under Mr. Wall, and that Mr. Wall' s salary be raised te $150.OO per menth retreactive te Oct. 1, 196~. The metien was secended by Mr. Wilsen and carried unanimously. A metien was made by J. R. McDenald that Mrs. Rush's salary be raised te ~$150.00 per menth beginnin~ Nev. 1, 1964. Her duties te include assessin~ and cellecting taxes, in charge ef the water bills, te depesit tax meney in the Eewisville State Bank and water funds te the Mercantile National Bank in Dallas. Heurs te be spent at City Hall were 10:00 A.M. te 2:00 P.M., Mendaye threu~h Fridays. The Ceuncil passed the metien unanimeusly. A metien was made and secended that E. C. Gentry be put en a salary ef ~50.00 per ~I¥~.~. menth with $15.O0 per menth expenses fer a tetal ef $65.00. His duties weuld include assissting Mrs. Rush in vatlens duties such as measuring heuses, etc. and taking care ef all disbursements and recerds. The fellswing bills were presented fer payment: Keller Telephene Co. - $16.31 Irving's Aute Electric Service - $51.62 B. E. Parker (elfice supplies) - $71.00 B. E. Parker - =~1OO. OO Lewisville Leader - $8~80 Pesta~e - ~25.OO W. T. Cezby (Subpeenas fer Equalizatien Beard meetings) - $22.00 Su~anne Wall - $90.00 Ceppell Superwits - $11.OO Mebil Oil Ce. - $7.08' (Main Mebil Serv.) (Fire Dept) Mebil Oil Ce. - $13.20 (Main Mebil Serv. ) (Pelice Dept. ) Nerthlake S. C. - $27.12 Factery Sales Ce. - $38.70 A. P. Vanbebber- $69.70 J. M. Edwards Ins. Agency - $63.00 Dallas Office Sunply Ce. - $h.69 Dr. E. E. Casey - $~. OO Cenmmnicatiens Service, Inc. - ,~6.00 Ted Arendale Perd Sales - ~5.60 Bill Decker, Sheriff - $25.25 On a metien duly made and secended the abeve bills were unanimeusly appreved fer payment. A metien was made te designate the Lewisville State Bank ef Lewisville, Texas, as depesitery fer Interest and Sinking ~und menies fer the centinuing purpese ef accumulatinE funds fer the periedic retirement ef eur assumed general ebligatien bends and interest thereen. The acceunt te be styled "Tewn ef Ceppell, Texas - Interest and Sinking Fund. The metien was secended and passed unanimeusly. A metien was made by B. J. Hamell te direct the City Secrets te prepare a check frem the Tewn eF Ceppell, Texas, Water Fund payable te the~ewn ef Cepnell, Texas, Interest and Sinking Fund in the ameunt ef $3040.00, as being an ameunt .necessary aleng with budgeted revenue frem advalerum taxes te service the Tewn ef Ceppell, Texas, Bend issue fer the current year. The metien was secended and carried unanimeusly. Ordinance Ne. 19, herewith attached, levying the ad valerem ta~es fer the year 1964 at a rate ef $.25 per ene hundred dellars assessed valuatien en all taxable prepertywithinthe cer~erate limits ef the Tewne~ Ceppell, Texas, as ef Jan. 1, 1964, was intreduced. Upen a metien duly made and secended te adept ,rdinance Ne. 19, the metien carried unanimeusly. ,-~ A Reselutien appreving the assessment and tax tells as prepared by the Assesser and Cellecter was read. On a metien duly made and aecended it was unanimeuslyveted te adept said reselutien which is attached herewith. Upen a metien duly made and secended and carried the meetin~ was adjeurned. W. T. Cozby Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry City Secretary Read and approved the day ef ,1964. Town Of CoppelI, Texas November 2, 1964 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND TAX ROLLS AS PREPARED BY ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR WHBREAS, the Assessment Rolls for the year 1964, assessing property in the Town of Coppell, Texas, have been prepared in due course; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Equalization has carefully examined, reviewed, and fully and finally revised said assessment rolls; and, WHEREAS, said assessment rolls for the year 1964, covering property in the Town of Coppell, Texas, as finally revised and equalized by the said Board of Equalization, have been approved by the Town Council; and, whereas, the tax rolls of the Town of Coppell, Texas consisting of two volumes, for the year 1964, covering property in said district, have been delivered by the Assessor and Collector of Taxes to the Town Council for approva I; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF COPPELL, TEXAS: Section I. That the Assessment and Tax Rolls consisting of two volumes, covering taxable property in the Town of Coppell, Texas, for the year 1964, be and the same are hereby accepted and approved for the year 1964, and the Mayor is requested to affix his official signature thereto and the Secretary is directed to attest the same under the Seal of the Town of Coppell, Texas. Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its passage as provided. APPROVED Faye Rush APPROVED Bill J. Harwell Assessor & Collector of Texas J. R. McDonald C. J. Dobecka W. H. Wilson C. T. Water TOWN COUNCIL