The Town Council of the Town of Coppell, Texas, convened in regular
meeting on the 4th day of January, 1965, with the following members present,
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
C. T. Waters, Councilman
Cecil Dobecka, Councilman
B. J. Harwell, Councilman
J. R. McDonald, Councilman
W. H. Wilson, Councilman
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary
Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had was the
Mr. Robert Neal appeared before the Council and requested permission
to move a house located in Coppell to another location in Coppell (from Brooks
place to Maynard St.). W. H. Wilson made a motion to grant permission providing
Mr. Neal complied with city requirements. J. R. McDonald seconded the motion
and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jack Thompson appeared before the Council and requested water service.
He was given permission to buy and install one meter at his own house, to be
installed according to city specifications. He would have to put in his own
line of 2" galvanized line, 24" deep in the ground. There was to be a
tie-on fee.
The Council voted unanimously to install a street light on Park St.
The following bills were approved for payment:
Cash (for postage) $11,8O
Melton Service Sta. 13 .56
Northlake Service Center 23.33
Coppell Superette 5.13
Keller Telephone 14.67
Roy Gravley Co. 4.40
Lone Star Gas 8.03
B. E. Parker, CPA 1,500.O0
Bill Decker, Sheriff 1.OO
Keller Telephone 7.87
Texas Power & Light 65.74
Lewisville State Bank 50.00
No further business being presented to the Council at this time and
upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Council adjourned.
PASSED AND APPROVED, this 4th day of Jan , 1965.
W. T. Cozby
E. C. Gentry
City Secretary