CM 1965-08-02
The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, .convened in regular
meeting on the 2nd day oF August, 1965, with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
C. T. Waters, Councilman
BiLl Harwell, Councilman
Thomas Sisk, Councilman
W. H. Wilson, Councilman
Cecil Dobecka, Councilman
E. C. Centry, City Secretary ,
Constituting a quorum where among the. other proceedings had was the
Mayor Cozby read the certification of Water and Sewage Works Operators
Put OUt by the Texas State DeDartment of Health in Austin, Texas. C.T. Waters
made a motion that A. P. Vanbebber be requested to obtain such a certificate in
accordance with the laws of the Texas Sanitation and Health Protection Law. The
motion was seconded by W. H.' Wilson and carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Cecil Dobecka that the foll
owing bills be
approved for payment. The motion was seconded by Bill Harwell and carried
Northlake Service Center ~14.99
Coppell Superette ~$12.53
Mobil Service Station 32.47
Communications Service, Inc. 6.00
Keller Telephone Co. ~6.55
Dallas Mornhg News $9.24
Dr. L. E. Casey $10.00
A. P. Vanbebber $15.00
Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. 6.21
A motion was made by Thomas Sisk and seconded by Cecil Dobecka that
the Tax Assessor and Collector purchase a rubber stamp in order to stamp
deliquent penury on tax statements before mailing. The motion carried unani-
A motion was made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by Bill Harwell that
the existhg water line now. at the Huckaby house be extended to the house of
Mary Evelyn Cozby. , The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. M. L. Mills appeared before the Council and requested that the
city's water line be extended to his property line.. The Council instructed
Mr. Mills that if he would put in the water line from the existing
C. T. Almond's property to hisown property line, said line being constructed
according to city specifications, the, City would set a water meter at his
property line. The Council stated that Mr. Mills must then donate said water
line constructed to his property line to the City of Coppell with the under-
standing that in the future anyone wishing to tieon to that portion of said
line would reimburse Mr. Mills in proportion to his his original cost of the line.
Mr. Mills is to construct and be responsible for the water line from the meter
on his property line to the three houses he requested service for. Mr. Mills
is to be billed each month for three minimum charges of $2.50 each, total of
7.50; he will be allowed 6,000 gallons of water, over and above this amomt
of water he will be charged the standard rate. A motion was made by Cecil
Dobecka that Mr. Milils be allowed water according to the foregoing conditions
and also with the understanding that he is to pay three tie-on fees of $2.50
each. Mr. Waters seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson reported to the Council that Mr. Nisbitt, owner of the
cabinet shop, had recently tied on behind the meter at the cabinet Shop and
ran a line to the location of his proposed home. This was in violation of
the rules and regulations set up by the City. A motion was made by C. T.
Waters that Mrs, Faye Rush mail Mr. Nisbitt a bill for a tie-on fee for
the second connection of $42.50. He is to be charged two minimm charges of
$2.50 each for which he will be allowed a total of 4,000. Over and above the
4,O00 gallons he will be charged the standard rate. The motion was seconded
by Bill Harwell and carried unanimously.
The Council discussed the similar water situation concerning Mr.
Jimmy Hill. Upon a motion made by Thomas Sisk and seconded by C. T. Waters
Mrs. Faye Rush was to be instructed to send Mr. Hill a bill for the tie-on
fee, minimum charges, etc., the same as Mr. Nisbitt. The motion carried
unanimously. The Council also instructed Mrs. Rush to include a notice
on each of the bills stating that if there were any question pertaining to
this action, said party should contact the Council.
Mayor Cozby read a resolution concerning the Railroad Comission of
Texas giving consideration to the creation of one commercial zone in the Dallas-
Ft. Worth area. Copy of said resolution to be mailed to the Railroad Comission
at Austin. Copy of said resolution to be attached to these minutes. Upon a
motion made by Bill Harwell and seconded by W. H. Wilson said Resolution was
adopted unanimously.
No further business being presented to the Council at this time, and
upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Council adjourned.
PASSED AND APPROVED, this 2 day of August , 1965.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
E. C. Gentry
City Secretary
Read and approved this day of , 1965
RESOLUTION NO.---------------
WHEREAS, the Fifty-Ninth Legislature of the State of Texas,
1965, duly enacted Senate Bill No. 470, amending Chapter 314,
Acts of the Forty-First Legislature, Regular Session, 1929, known
as the Motor Carrier Act of Texas; and,
WHEREAS, under the provisions of Senate Bill No. 470, the
Railroad Commission of Texas is authorized to create and define
commercial zones within the State of Texas to permit the free
flow of commerce and trade; and,
WHEREAS, it is deemed vital and essential to the economic
future of this city that the free flow of trade and commerce be
encouraged and permitted by establishing one commercial zone
among all of the municipalities in Dallas and Tarrant Counties,
Section 1. That the Railroad Commission of Texas give its
serious consideration to the creation of one commercial zone in
the Dallas-Fort Worth Area under the provisions of Senate Bill
No. 470, in order to permit the free flow of trade and commerce
between this city and all other incorporated municipalities
within the Dallas-Fort Worth Area.
Section 2. That a copy of this Resolution shall be mailed
by the City Secretary to the Railroad Commission of Texas, Austin,
DULY PASSED by the City Council of the Town of Coppell,
Texas, on the 2nd day of August, 1965.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
E. C. Gentry, City Secretary