CM 1964-08-14
The Town Council met this the 14th. day Aug. 1964 called
by Mayor Cozby to discuss and make plans for remodling City Hall,
and meeting wit.h Planning and Zoning Comm, with the following
W.T. Cozby Mayor
B.J. Harwell Councilman
J.R. McDonald
Cecil Dobecka
W.H. Wilson
E. C.G entry Secretary
Absent C.T.Waters
Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings
had was the following;
A motion was made, by Mr. Wilson that the City Hall be painted
inside and out ,and window be opened between front office and
the back room, and Air Conditioner be installed, Councilman table
provided for,and installed,and that a steel file cabinet be
bought as soon as a used one could be found, and Typewriter also,
be bought, motion was seconded by McDonald and unanimusly carried,
Mr. W.H. Wilson resigned as book keeper fer the water Dept.
effective Aug. 31.1964
E.C. Gentry resigned as Corporation Court Judge, and stated
that he had not acted in that caplsity since July 24th. 1964.
No further business being presented to the Council at this
time, motion was made, and seconed to adjourn, Carried
Passed and approved this 14th day of Aug., 1964
W.T. Cozby
E.C. Gentry
Read and approved 8th day of September, 1964