Aqua-Metric Scope of Work-CN 2021-01-27January 21, 2020 Scope of Work for City of Coppell, Texas Second Sensus Analytics and Customer Portal Instance Overview The city of Coppell, TX requires the ability to integrate and test with their current and future CIS/billing systems in parallel. They are requesting that a temporary 2nd SA instance be set up for approximately 12 -month period (12/1/2020 — Munis go live 12/1/2021) to allow for integration/billing testing with their new billing vendor. The customer wishes to maintain the current customer portal login information and not require their customers to re- register after cut over to new billing system. Scope of Work This Scope of Work is subject to the terms of the AMI Agreement between the parties dated August 7, 2018, which is incorporated herein by reference; however, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to amend the AMI Agreement; in the event of any conflict, the terms of this Scope of Work shall prevail as set forth herein. Sensus and Aqua -Metric will set-up a 2nd instance of SA for Coppell within the Sensus Analytics production platform. The 2nd instance will be a parallel system of the Coppell's current SA instance. Aqua -Metric and Sensus Professional Services will provide 100 hours of consulting time to assist Coppell plan for the cutover to new billing vendor. Hours must be used within a 12 month period. If Professional Services consulting. time is needed past 100 hours, Sensus will charge $225 per hour. Aqua -Metric and Sensus Responsibilities: • Set-up a 2nd SA instance to match the setup of the existing Coppell's SA production instance (CPPLL). • Sensus and Aqua -Metric will migration historical SA data from the current instance to the 2nd instance. • Aqua -Metric and Sensus PS team will perform integration steps based on changes to vflex mapping and perform validation and engage with customer to perform validation testing. • Reading and Alarm data (CMEP files) sent from the RNI to the Production SA system (CPPLL) will also be used to populate the 2nd SA instance. • Develop a process to allow for Coppell's Customer Portal to be able to access the portal with existing Account numbers, and not be required to re -register after the reintegration. • Establish SFTP file drop locations for each instance to upload specific vflexfiles. • Professional Services will work with Aqua Metrics to process requests to map and load new vflex files into the 2nd SA instance. - • After 2nd SA instance validation is complete, updates will be made to the production SA instance. • The 2nd SA instance will be decommissioned when either the changes have been validated in the production instance or at the end of the 12 month validation window. Completion Criteria: • The integration of the 2nd Coppell SA instance is considered complete when a data sync (vflex) file has been processed successfully by the 2nd Coppell SA instance and a billing export file is generated and validated by Coppell. • Reintegration of the CPPLL instance with new billing system is considered complete when a data sync (vflex) file has been processed successfully by the CPPLL Coppell SA instance and a billing export file is generated and validated by Coppell. Customer Responsibilities: • Coppell will work with new billing vendor to: o Include new account numbers in the data sync (vflex) file. Proprietary and Confidential Thirkettle Page 1 CORPORATfON Validate that-the-billin export enerated-b the 2nd -SA -instance can. be consumed -b new billin -- - — - - — --o - g p g Y -------- system and used to generate a valid bill. -- o ___Provide email confirmation when the new billing system has -successfully consumed the billing -export - -- file. • CPPLL to provide a list of the current billing system's Account IDs aligned to the new billing system's Account I Ds. Notes • The 2nd Coppell SA instance will not have the capability to issue commands to a meter (i.e. on demand read). • The test data with the second SA instance will not be stored, saved, or available once the terms of the SOW is complete. • Requests for vflex reintegration or DB clear and reload maybe requested by submitting a Purchase Order (using the part numbers below) to mike.wood@aqua-metric.com. Price *Zero dollar line items are reauired on purchase orders. NumberPart Description Quantity *539.63.837.00521A Set-up of 2nd Coppell SA instance 1 Waived Waived 12/1/2020 - go live 12/1/2021 PS SA CUSTOM SA Vflex and billing integration for 1 $6,250.00 $6,250.00 2nd Coppell SA instance with new billing vendor. PS SA DATA MIGR Data Migration of historical data 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 from CPPLL instances of SA to the 2nd Coppell SA instance. Develop process to Maintain customer login from existing Customer Portal system throughout the reintegration. PS SA REINTG Reintegration of current CPPLL 1 $2,250.00 $2,250.00 SA& CP instances with new billing vendor. PS SA REINTG On demand refresh (Clear DB, 1 $625.00 $625.00 ---- reload historical CMEP and load - - latest VFLEX). PS FEE HOURLY Sensus will provide 100 hours of 100 $225.00 $22,500.00 Professional Services support to plan for change in billing vendors and the impact on SA and CP. If Professional Services consulting time is needed past 100 hours, Sensus will continue to charge $225.00 per hour for the length of the project. SUPPORTANALYTIC Fee is waived for the 2nd SA 1 $1,250.00 per Month $1,250.00 per Month instance for the first 3 months. The fee is valid starting after 3 months and for the following 9 months. Proprietary and Confidential Thirkatle Page 2 'CORPORATION Payment Terms and Schedule Invoices are payable on a net 30 day basis. Upon SOW Execution: - Customer Portal and Sensus Analytics Setup Upon Completion of Service: - Vflex and Billing Integration - Data Migration - Reintegration Monthly: Professional Services and Aqua -Metric Hourly Support Aqua Metric and Sensus Professional Services will only be billing for actual hours used. Aqua Metric and Sensus Professional Services does not bill for an hour if only 15 minutes of our time is used, however, if the next hour of support is short 15 minutes we will bill for a complete hour given that we did not bill for the 15 minutes previously used. _ Project Schedule An estimated completion date will be provided within 30 days and work will commence approximately 60 days upon acceptance of the Statement of Work and purchase order. Acceptance of Terms If terms are agreeable, please sign below and return to mike.wood@a ea com. : Aqua -Metric Sales Company City of Cop I, T B Name: Title: Date: Name: Mike Land Title: City Manager Date: January 27, 2021 Proprietary and Confidential Thirkettle Page 3 - - - - -CORPORATION After -12 months, pricing will - --- -------- -- — -- --- - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- ---- --- increase to $1,875.00 monthly for — — the next 6 months.--- - -- - --- - -- - -- - - -- After 18 months the 2nd SA instance & associated data will no longer be available. To extend this time, a new SOW will need to be evaluate. LABOR-- Aqua -Metric Munis Project, 100 (hours) $200.00 per Hour $20,000.00 hourly consulting fee Payment Terms and Schedule Invoices are payable on a net 30 day basis. Upon SOW Execution: - Customer Portal and Sensus Analytics Setup Upon Completion of Service: - Vflex and Billing Integration - Data Migration - Reintegration Monthly: Professional Services and Aqua -Metric Hourly Support Aqua Metric and Sensus Professional Services will only be billing for actual hours used. Aqua Metric and Sensus Professional Services does not bill for an hour if only 15 minutes of our time is used, however, if the next hour of support is short 15 minutes we will bill for a complete hour given that we did not bill for the 15 minutes previously used. _ Project Schedule An estimated completion date will be provided within 30 days and work will commence approximately 60 days upon acceptance of the Statement of Work and purchase order. Acceptance of Terms If terms are agreeable, please sign below and return to mike.wood@a ea com. : Aqua -Metric Sales Company City of Cop I, T B Name: Title: Date: Name: Mike Land Title: City Manager Date: January 27, 2021 Proprietary and Confidential Thirkettle Page 3 - - - - -CORPORATION