Construction License Agreement-CN 2021-03-02Dallas Area Rapid Transit P,0- Box 6601�63 DART Daflos, TX 7526,6-0163 '& 214-749-3278, March 3, 2021 Mr, Bill Keyes JITC Specialist SYS Construction Program Manager Dal ]as Area Rapid Transit 11.0. Box 660163 Dallas, 'Texas 75266 RE: Construction License Agreement, City of Coppell Silver Line Property,, C13I-028A, C13I-02813 and 0131-029 Dear Mr. Keyes: Enclosed for transmission to Archer Western Herzog (AWH) is, the fully executed Construction License Agreement (CLA) for the City ofCoppell's Silver Line properties -- C131-02 Ay C132 -028B, and CB 1 -029. The CLA allows AWFI to begin construction activities on these three parcels. Please ask AW FJ to review the Cf,A to become familiar with the permit requirements contained therein. Should you have any questions or need additional information please feel Free to contact me at (214) 749-2631 Sincerely, Leticia Delgado, RIT" MA Interim - Assistant "tic`' president Real Estate Division cc: CB parcel files Leticia Delgado, DAR"f Greg Althoff, DART Sophie Mian, McKissack Ashley Owens, City of Coppell Enclosure: Construction License Agreement City of Coppell Silver Line Property CONSTRU(MON LIC4",NSF, A(;REFN,JPq1' City of Coppell Silver Line Property STWO OF TMAS )t KNOW AH BY H ILSF' PRl-,Sl,,N-FS: CO flN1 Y 0F DA L, LA S IT, (ITY OF (;CWlTLL CO"weQ as I emls Imme Me municilval co,nwhow mvns ceWn real property and does her,eby gMM wl COnsive irrevocabic Construction Right-of'".1"'ritr) CAgmemcral into, (no% umkn across, tqw and MTV; arat certbri una or pwcd of kind as describul in We attached Ohibii -W (hercinahm, reIrred k) as le Wqe,f) U) DALLAS MMA RAPID'FRANSOF (-DAR"I "), as regional transportation audxw4y ca gariized and exisdrig pursuant to C'hapter 452. Code, under 11w wrms and conditkms suned hemin 1. VU IJ10SC. HIC pUrilOse o0his Agn-cernent shaII be to allow DARTto procced without delay MId undertake certaiin a,icdons pending tire conveyarice ofthe proptAy so Out DART nray ummm the Silver I ine Regional RaH 10ject ('100ect7l and anwrtenances thereto, Authorized llqVct activities shall include surveying. inspeckni. cmdronn-rental SlUkliCS, al-ChCO10giCill StUdies, clenh% grading. gruhbing, site prepirmOn, demolithn, u"muction i& permanent impmverrienis, rekwwW& replacing, and impmving exiling utility fiicilities, Iflacing new utility facHiSs, arki mher site preparatkni required u) be perkwmed on die Wpm, TO Almerriew "All extemi w DAWI—cniptoyces, connaoms and subco;Hramrs, agents or ownas of any ctmhq� Wks on We Prqxny aml Me "hich rnay he law6dly pc nriRred on Ow llqwrty h; Mwer W We Sure, and all odiers deemed nmemwy In, DARI-Jor the purpose of Ow 1'roject uruin notice to C`ity,'l hiss" greenrent W allow the construclion, rekwation, rciflacernent. repair, improvernea, oper-,'ition, and nitintenance ofuMis (m the Myerty. All cOMS inCLM-Cd in C0111WOkal Will]; SUCh construction sludl be paid by 116 Agwernern is nude m0h the understanding that DAR`F and Owner W cominue w pnweed "Idi the wiveyame of Ke Property hacrem deschhed in I,Ahibit "A" per lernis �,urd conditions of tile INN LRLOCAI, AGRI F%1l,,,NT DART and Wwwr iin%pme ro be exuuwd tw; or after Fcbnwry 18. 202 1. DART KIM Main all required permlits ham Bond mate and IOCal gOVCIAIMC111 entities 10 COMILICt any of the wcwk and/oractivity described hercin, WTunL This Agreement shall hegira upon meculki (Mmunerwonou Ww"Y The Agreement shall rernain in f011 We and enhel lOn Urruniencenrent Dare mil DARTand die Owner close on aw comveyame (We preop erty in accordance ol tile terms ofthe ILA. T%1 I I q751 3. IndamnificMiom To We exWnt allowabk wuWr Texas IAw, [Mwl' shall inderninil'y and hold Owner, lArn and against A loss or damage to pers(ms or Pn)perly caused byordirec I lyconnected NvIth DAITIA exercise (0* We rigNs granted havin, FMPY I f(PNEVE'R, for personal injuries, death or property damage causal sok' by the neglQence of the (Aviwr, W ernploycew agents, mAxesaws and asign, A MINVAD AND AGRFFT) TO BY ONVNFAI t 13 Y: H-1) AND NGRELD [C) 13Y DAR'I" thk 3' MY_ day of Aj� I /I 2021 Lelicia Delgado. RPAI FNIA InkArn -- Assbam Vice MOM Real Esute IN1 119751 A('K N () WL l','(wFNI FNT' TI I E'S' FAI F, () F i . l ; X A S OMMY (W DAUAS The lAwming Quyinent mis acknoNo, kxvcd beforc tile On this We 2f clay A' 202 1, by ASHLEY W OWENS A Nowy Pubk, State at lexas pf Comm ExpM02-U-2023 11 Nhwlry Public and f6t* the State of" I exas �y Pill n"101 Notary flD 1301,128128 Fl 1 I ' S I M I �OF] 9 A AS ('0l)N FYOFDALLAS Ile Amakv insannnern "as ackivi"'lledged before inc on tile &cl (lav or DALLAS AMA RAPH) TRANSM a regional imnsponation aulNuil, on behalkl' Notary Puhfic� ,`.Iuid for the Slate (")f"Texas Zo��Ql� WCAELA JASSO Notary Public, State of Was COMM, EXpires 12-07 -2021, Nil ' L o% Notary 10 131373817 am] IN! 11975t EXI-IIBFF "All I.,egad Descriptions for CB I -028A,, CB 1-028B and CB 1 -029 I "M 1197 5 1 Parcels CB.1-0128A, CBI.028B, CBI29, DART Cotton Belt Re&nM RaH Project ( I L (b I cwcs Lang LaSafl�IP, @w 20,110 A I PiF, I,) V,, I Appendx L' P8MdSCB I -028A, CIBI-028B, (-B 1 -029, DART C(WI Beft Re&nal Rai[ Fol°opeCt FON Wes DesomiNng,"A 359,WOSqwire Foot (KW7 Aays) I'ared 4'BI-028ji to) bkk kcqrjir(,rl Fromi Chy Or (QPdl IWING'a 359,%o;o sqnase tc�ct t�jj, 8 26,67 acc, tract of Jhondsitwoted iai doe NJcJ,:lnocy & m)i1tn,,1s ";ur%ey, Abluo Nm 100 a" Ac Jam 6 (7mbek Smq; Whul Nw M (1, of CoWdl, 11H, (,way, Texas, "",lid 459.969 squarc fiux,t ofland 116110, a P"Am dAw mkd A W acm wnr of wd ma cM(, Ma IMA W ­VY1 W dw CITIOF CAMTni, 4 sNAA MAmMY Doxf ;o"mm&d no InAm"icnil NunikT (dn,q, NoxJ NWAWN881„ f1led Octobci 29 2009, Offivial Nblic bwocol-ds, Dafkts� COU114% flus V1VJCDXWy Rid 31k%9 sWmm ko Of WW FAFT Inom pmWulwo WNW h� mom Mod Nraws as wmnv.;; BEMNMNG 4 a V2 hwh Won rad %oifloa cage slam pvJ "R H,S 00 3" follind monlrollholt", mortullmd) on t]W'Wolth VOP"Ity line of ke sid 3 L5 N2 are h-& mW Womog pug No, M M, os",KQy norflvwoM propetty c0l,11-01` a CaHal 73A397 acre nac(of'1310 id-Wied aR ""West fract"wid carrvqed w Mas MOWn Laoid K LUX mW Wnss WMW Wd Q LIX by W doemdMea r wcoM ill lam Nm 2W037d,b)" 0 RRDPAum e b&H Me uunawst vasn�,ly rl(,4theast tnopa-ty cornoi ofa ealtcd 20,00 acre tract ol'brod crplo%qed to Coprwill fndoqacudcnf sdwol Diflrict, by dced therwf filed for T"opd ito lnsNo, 2010801,170206, RPMDPA" SaW b"NOT pKil hdnB 101h 38"WIN" Fast, 244AS ket, hwo a W Wo irun rod "alo all illgkk -P IMW NonhoUing monwhV) at a nwAwest pmpaty C,OnICT jflhe said 73,4397 acm tm"CL same hCH a nwOmml PmPcdY Cormy ofthe vaid 20AU acre tract, T11VNCF', South ARM. above Ow W SMM Pvlk hnc cd doe 311182 acm frad and ahmg the norill property h1w of the said 20DO acre tract, 6221 dccf to a 5/8 indl iroxi rodwith a Cap SLITolposl QF`(WNF,R 5922" so fiono wW& a U2 Nod kon wd wilh w W91h: cap fkmd Nontw% maumscora) at the southwvsl property conwr of dw uh! 3 L5 1 S2 aac twa, sano: benoe, a north ptoperty Comer ofille said 20,00 acrc to acct, said 1/2 in dr iron rod keing on flw South o ight-of-%way finc of 1'ast lichhoic Road htiariadrd width public rrght-of-woy) bca", Smollo, 21Cr 7(,) doe,(, said iron rod set filrihep Mw 1-0nubg of a non-�jog pent cUrve N) 111c Ivl:l a i ad4los of,3,26350 d° °t: THENCE dqmrtwN be wijd: prq)clry foroes, 01,-ul andaaaass die said.1 1 5W acle tract anvil alongow Said Curve tawdw left, through a cents angN of 711?T% an me i"wh ar =73 tet, and acnns , a Wd v,hicl a k:,un North 4 81,28'39" Fa s [, a chcq�l dcrugdtln of 40147 161 to as ST Vch inm rod 1% a cap stamped 5d' X NER 5922''so on the no o fla pu a,Pco: ty l iiw cd 1he Got 3 L 518;2 an c wt, sam c be purr; the said, maudi right -cd -way line of Fast Reh Line Rood, sard jam no at Ao ye,p M Mw hinorrog W4 nwaupw Curve to file 101 having 0 aakfius c4 1,4142,40 feet, FHFNC1i, along dre said, POPerly hm, along Q sand dolokyry bw mM aWg Ic nW an, W dl,: "S dumf a "01 Wk o"W361kin an am Koh or 276 V, fea, and 0Qi-ms a chmd "hich bt°;ars North 46'03'12" Fasla chord leng,0i and 275.74 lett tea a 518 inch kon rod with a cjp qjmnpeej "SPO()�Nl,,R 51322"" so; THEN(],, d4qmvtnq,, the said [Hopelt) finc, dw said fipoe alld o,cl jiul acloss dw sard ,L5182 icre tract d1v ,! cowsws arld di"Uncez" Nmth W PAY W, 29157 NO 10 a IN inch inm rod oid; a cap stamped -SB X WER 5922" sCC, Smth 5rw OYAW "At wt to a 08 jr1d) 60111 rod %iflo a calo starnped 5922" sc(� North 4 1`04'03" East, 5 M kd w a 5s No, Wn "W %A a c., W,M NTH MER SWy, so., SAM, 5W5,? 13T' Went. IRTI kd hp as 5 A imh kox, wd volh a CV ShmpedWAR KWER 5Q,"' sd� CHOWN.11 Sh"I I and ( noon v 0awn a-vtow vy ON )12q rdnwptQ, &OrvW1 P a rcOs CBI -028A, CB! -0288, 81-0,2 b DARTCotton BeltRegion a I Rail PrOjE�C( u5P,V etc) - M)--vgom, �i GIMU', 3 -113drIO'D JO X111,') 038mo,,)v 3F.3 01 I-K)8VdIBJ (S380V Z,9948) j.00j 'OS 696%SC V i ; —so VIJISAS INd IVN0193H 113(3 NOIi0o WH, P—a. o i, YilauWL lVvilAW W)oy MW4, qp,­ vwwa w, IWA3 "Aul wkam 3m v ")83NOOdS S 0 & N e 0 to C4 Z 0.3: ?; o 60c."n P", 8 o- Ld 1 o. \41 41 >OMW4z o ZQ,— co, ,°rteW -Z Zo 6' 00 Z 0- Or I 0yea w .fCA �p -era "73 0 �,Tkv (1, m are o:r Z . . . .... a'a (fir.33 ua"a mir I, CL 8M V, C, -Zi 'D , ., r4 a.bvi 'n, AMwz W x ro 0 L�i Z� - M U 'n C) u as VT ire, CL Aro C.) Z L, C� jr�, V� W. V, tr, c� 4 0.Aa 9 "j Z co w Q r V, m I E I I j Z vs 4 VIM 0 0 CL SIM F - Z Mw Z 01 0, Z 67JE�oo , 0 L) 00 C, . RP 0 5 U zqa M c co 00 0 9,10 r a c "Liz atplo I 0 Z 0 4.19 6 a v c o mad ac - xa, X., aa r -,oj 0 C,G Z v aru Vj, a M,4 Va m I E I I j Z vs 4 VIM 0 0 CL SIM F - Z X. CA 01 0, Z 67JE�oo , 0 L) AhOP fo .4 04'4- 01 0, Z 67JE�oo , 0 L) x Q.UZ CLO QQ Flarce Is CBI. -02 , CE31-028B,CSI-029, DART Cotton Befit RcOorial Rai( Project lAP'vG?o- too - vv)68 NUroM coz— Ad sa el z T13ddO:) 30 Ad� VJONJiia -j x 1 0-1-11 Illy, "Y" Let uM,lq WW'n ,,, K munoov 3o of noiW1 �n v L, �SIJOV L(�9�'9) 100,j 'OS V '13D8'Vd Or w E ,0 C> 7 c , V43J,S',,kS 11V8 IVNOM0138 1138 NOU00 nMPwN$ �Lnf, 0 7. 103rOUd IUVO C'4 0 bhN 0A, & z rtae Na c z ,nAmu 'T L u M7 E'rMph u M g: Cb c 05 MYb vc�o c� c nx t *0 lE m 9 jo 0 m e1c ON S190, �04&7S 7et,9' �9 o,/'yOVII Ad sa el z 0. x 1 A - ;1 0', 0 ,,, K " 0-0�. w E C> 7 c , Zxi 0 2,0 �Lnf, 0 7. 6 < X3 U 0 bhN 0A, & z rtae Na c z ,nAmu 'T L u M7 E'rMph u M g: Cb c 05 MYb vc�o c� c nx t *0 lE m 9 jo 0 m e1c ON S190, �04&7S 7et,9' �9 o,/'yOVII ( opvu ght w, k",H 9 4 <i: 3Ue 14 V r rc 202 0 A Rfght �, R, , ,crv�!cj, Ap��x,,,jrdx M Ad sa 0. x 1 A - ;1 0', 0 ,,, K " 0-0�. C> Zxi 0 2,0 �Lnf, z cz� 7. C'4 ( opvu ght w, k",H 9 4 <i: 3Ue 14 V r rc 202 0 A Rfght �, R, , ,crv�!cj, Ap��x,,,jrdx M Parcells CBI'- 8A, CBI -028B, CBI -029, DART Cotton Belt Regioria� Rail Project .6p,v g zo - t 6") - I'sof, I W -OM f-Oor - �o "d 113ddO') JOki CO hO?jjI 0381F)OOV AS 70)1113-1�)tWd (S3H,)V MZ'9) 1,00.3 'OS 696'6SC' V al VIRIZO-'LOO "1306Vd VOISAS "W8 I'VOOM 113LI N011 0 D I— .00II j I' w 1. x 7 sn E MW I MAVI; 0" 40 1 �,Ajw"j K 103roma i"Ve Cup)mght ll',, lm,:, 2D)() All Right,,, 11: v., E K o U ), in 01 Z w W _ a:' I_ 3 XXL C) rx u U �w w Vr E 'D t� 0 V '4:, Cb E 0 Yr x 0 5 0 w1.U, M.., ox a Oc­ Q 0 le F, u �7 X.,fr, 00 )J7, U, a E UI ri 'k VP ID, o u 4n VI I " v0 r CN 41 E ',-Iv r, 4 cv, ODw 0 cr Cc> z7- unr 04 1,41 0 CO kn 1 0 0" ux 44 C4 L) T At —16 Z 0 I— ii ILI w w.CIO m C) 0 Q 0 . ........ .... - Li L� 6 ca C� Jaz C6LJ > - 0 a. z 0 1-r 4 -00, 6UO OL, M ILI. 0 14 IM 010, CD "N IV D Xv Cup)mght ll',, lm,:, 2D)() All Right,,, 11: v., Parce Is CBI -028A, CK -028B, CB I 029, DAR f Cotton BeR Region ail Rai I Project 'I"13ddOO, J0 AAI) VIONj /441*0 MMT 03811103V -JEJ 01 1-138Vd I u�' 14DV I E"gZV) JOCU �OS (196'69C V Iv3NWdS 0� VGLS,),s HV8 WN0038 1138 N0110,) 'M .1, 1031"Okild IUVG ail as 9 JO 9 Wi,6 t, uJ Z' zd9. 0 4, 40 A 4 C O� r *, 4ci6 2 z w al g z LI z 42 0 0 ICA Z W, "00-` E c O's C . , CIL, to (Ju Ozc C 2"" SGS !Cg K0 rd It v 0 O'D < > 0 Mt9z ,.I;t OD 001w ay Z w g <as"m tai 0 Q 0 in 3t %A C V7 0 0 t z b K"V, Jar Z, 4 d�� % 5 e zr Id oq°Ma � A Z cop,o i0 [� (i!) P",we�, "a fig La Si'fl I e H", E rw Fi)) U Fall I 1S �Z * , \ Ov o c all EWw & v * 1 11 CO TY& i f%R lo' E E u 04 ii,nv 0 03 w 2.1 6 x x—Z 00 00 0— #A CO CL rq 000 U ray — 0 im app C 41 ' u mw a.(L wjw,. ia W� a. > Cq a Z 0 aa"00 >- 60 0 I— z 0 J vi Loi to cop,o i0 [� (i!) P",we�, "a fig La Si'fl I e H", E rw Fi)) U Fall I 1S Parcells C81 02,8A, CBI 02813, CB 1 -029, DA VN Cotton B(."? It Regiori a I Rai � Project pa` dd TYIn I"cribing as 146,97t) Square Eoot (3,3740 Acres) Va rcQ1 ('131-028IJ I o be Acquired h'Ioxrj ch) vf(`opomp dj' RIVING a 10NM squam &I in 1371) one boo of hnd Qual 1 & hmk (t cMmk Ahumd NuAQ Ay or&uTy, Dan toly, jQ,Qj 1409qONqwwt III 01`1=1 hAng a pa% Of 3 called 3l 5182 aoc out of Lurd 161 CBHQTpH Ln? LLC cmwyd w ow cury or., 4011"EU, ij NwIl WatmMy D=d, as wacrd al in InmywinTit s,damber (Ins' No,) 201YA1d8305881, fiU 0o(Axi 29, 20w), t)Mc6l JTbhc Rcun&, I=, CowQq T"m VIRKUCTy uw 1419A) squme G! of Vand LAW — padkWny dmer-Um"y mon wW wwNy a IM,s� ('0%1NIF'N('IN(; at a Ol Awh i"m rod wah an Mcglo wp NmM (wmMy mmm=w) M dic MAOIM(A POpnxty comei, of Ac Ad 3L5M2 aue u=q samc big a nodwai pwymy emmu of,,,r called 20,00 acrQ tract wnnyd w dw (WH Molkn! S&wl District, lad dced lhercof file(I for —00 0 hw. Nm 7NM)370?06, I(VE, said comninAg AM ail o king on dw sonthcr]y right- ol'-wjw linQ: (it' Fast Bch I "" l"Oad (%4rial)lc "iTh PHRO 119MOP"11 from xhich a W imh ion wd %6rh 1 Cap stanljwd "PA"I'S 6013"' found (contraiu? r 3L502 ave unt, same lop, Me nj,t jstejj), � nonutooat) 0" the w"qa propcily finc of Illesdid rmMcest emna or 04 sMd IWO aac trash., f'U)thCTJ)Cin8 a taaprtlipw clwd PmTcdy corna ora caNed 714397 aac wract oft:md idCn6fkd aw "%Vesr 1 raer, conveyed lo Cyfut�ss WatcTs Land B. 1, 1& and! (")presq Waki's I -and C. kth, b) dccd diacof filed fin fccord In Ins No, 2QiWjWXJj UR=A� Vets Nooh Sect 5W IQL 27891 IRK swrid comumne" pada" "" hog A we ""St"59 WV "M dao Bloc kMak, a Nkm WA. WA1decd. 111 ENCE along the noojak%,est pqopen-ty jilic j, the ,, " id!.31,5182 Nw aod Qq he UW "Mv M dw 01 "01 a "M We a IF MNY an am Q0 o r "5U3 fecl, and across aclund wWA bean NwT 5PVVwTm4 a &md Koh WIAM13 Q 11 11"ACE North XY'381T Em& wmvAq mwW Me UId ,,# hoe W W, M, W 60,,, aw 1& 27111 fast to a 5/S bmh won "W e6M a , U,j ,SP('A')NFR 5922",m at Ow 11YINT (JF' 111",G]NNINC oftfichocin dcw6hed ;-X7401,aaxc tfao� THENCE 000h 20 9'57- Fast, confinAW aAW ow mW pwpoly Jine sand 3% the Ad Qh1w[may 110 3115 12 fem 0 a 5/M Kch iron wrap MA a cap sUrupcd "SP0()NF,'k 592 2" sd it the bc� ling(ml k.,urvQ to dw 6ght baw, a mMh dAM4&qj ginning ofa THENCE continriing along thc said norlhwcsi pnjaq % of Me *1 5t&," ICN tract, dony, the ,aId caaa,frt-aaf soma} pinna (A'Easi fie It Line fvaa,wai arra! aja),t -�' o 010 6&hL fluough a ecrrtral anfglc 01: ,?, ct, C t 1 F'491'07-, an are lcnaaijt Of 381.58 fa L and across a dwrd wkid bum NorM wm rAML a dwrd NQ WINNI No w as 5? KA hon md wM a "p wmpi spulsty p*r,eI. IMENCF depoke Uw said pmpoy Ime,"c Ad rounkway, Qg and mer and awgs Ow Ad 31 518,"aac bacthe fonowrop cm"Nc,anddkdanws� soulb 49" '), )"13 - Faq. 1 T30 10 to to 51 Arch hon md wdh a np sumInd "ANX)NER 5W2" Set, Stmlh ?6`„34'18'' TV5 fed W an IN Qh 4m; wd wOh a cap swn"d ANHAON 5a)27' sd' S'ouflii V,"135'50" Fast, MT71 feast to a W8 itacjjj jojrj rotj wwaWfw a: cap sLiaiped "')'P0()NFR 5922" Soulh 46"A7"-45" West, (P17 86 fcel dna j 5,8 jjjelu jr�aajn rod Widal Cop starnind *'NFN)(')'N1J: 5922" set„ C111-WHR Soo 1 MA PaWSCUMS C000284 CB PON, DART C: t' BeR ReoonM Rad f1roject FMd NWn DouMng a W61M So mv Fm (AnIM rus) Parcell CBC 4UM to coy of 0ppell Norffi 60" 1d"51 1r4az gst. H8 98 to 10 a SM kWh Mn KW m A a 01 MmVM -MYONER P12" M Hw PM NT OF RMAN MNQ urnwirung 146170 sqwrc 6=1 01 3 3740 acwg of %J NOIT AH bmniWs and wadmWs m bmW cm Ow Irus swc mom (AOW,,w NANU (MI Q NwW C0UralZ(,'lnQ (4202) "II)c IliorizooltjI L,[,jrtkgIll dcfi%-Qd from the 2019 NAD.. 3 Phhdwd d(URS) Sr Imns ZQVJ and 1T(9,Mj f Vwcn Mw,, am misce %ahms and mal be conwed to gnd by A id, wnwAsur limm Ru DMW�', oft 0001 i6306 r it . .. .. ....... EMS SPOONER > 1t(Tist ct"I N'qAvsswn,fl Land Surveyor, 6's Nw; No 3rff 922f V Spoomi and ASMUMn & d —elsio 0 f T&M HMM wTwjwMaMww 11W -4 S -WN, INN9N CHKOUB SW 2 43 Parcels C61 -028A, CB,1-028B4O1-029, DART"Cottion Belt Re&n a I Rai I P'roject . ......... Feet LL r) -=A' RNGHT OF WAY TO SC ACQURED ;01 O,p R'D.C,T, 0 F1 f"L IC'iIAL PUSUC RECORDS, NS DALLAS COUNTY, tEXAG D,R,G.C.T. DEED RCCORDS, DALLAS' COUNTY. FEXAS (Cill O�M CONTR�ANG ONuWE147 5/8 INCH CNA CTL WON ROD WtTH P61P4K TELA. ST&(: CAP StAMPED "SPOONER 5722- SLI <) A. Gmix FOUND MON FNX) 0 q'00p 4, t tv FMK F18EA OPYtC MARKER p q GMK GAS MARKER q IR� "t S, N0, ENSIRUMENT NUMBER V N, 274, t I' R= 1,492-40' D 4N lo, 0 9" L I , 154N,8 h, c F4 8 N 5 1- 4 9'0 2 " E 126,23' (CM) rr 1/2' CJR'F "ILLEGIBLE" POINT OF -'VOMMENCING BEARING LENGTH L I7 N7 --- I pi-" A 14, .-TT— M 70.25 SCHOOL WSTRICT 06 --777-1 Lvr 4 L6 NG N 0i FENCE TVIPED wrH ShRiSED WRE fNL CYPRESS WATERS LAND 8, LYD. & 6' CH MN uw A CALLEM 31 "5182 ACRF7rnS /11 FENCE 70PPEG "m lb�, CBIC �CO'PLL LAND, LLC 8ARBE�DI WRE CONVEYED TO CIITY OF COPPELL, POATER POLE, INSNO. 2001900305881, A7% FILED oc"rOBER 29, 2009, m 41, `11 VIA C 274, t I' R= 1,492-40' D 4N lo, 0 9" L I , 154N,8 h, c F4 8 N 5 1- 4 9'0 2 " E 126,23' (CM) rr 1/2' CJR'F "ILLEGIBLE" POINT OF -'VOMMENCING 3 ThN 5Uww7Y' w0S Performed w4hout tht ICU COPPELL INDEPENDENV 4. Easemeniii worn not reseorrbe4j by ti�je SCHOOL WSTRICT M-028. INS. NO, 200810370206, O,P,RX,Cj, 6' CHAiN-LOIK RB FENCE TVIPED wrH ShRiSED WRE E I CYPRESS WATERS LAND 8, LYD. & r4 A CALLEM 31 "5182 ACRF7rnS /11 WTA RED CAP STAMPED 'RPEIS GO lb�, CBIC �CO'PLL LAND, LLC (CM) CONVEYED TO CIITY OF COPPELL, INSNO. 2001900305881, FILED oc"rOBER 29, 2009, *0 Nd' OTESG r.to 1, Afl beorllnj and Covrdmolav ON 100pied on the Ty t ,'It,,,n e Ill ; CcmrWnate Ste NAD ,a 110a . h5rNAori d0ren cl he 9T�NAO CORS) Sluuons Zvw and VC OF BEGINNING ;Utfltshed /��POINT IRON ROD 5ff wil A CAP STAMPED 11SIPOONER �2 Al,Al� 1%tonn ves sho"�09u 6 lrli'OC� vWus% mid (non oy be cvowled dryafid by divvd�nq by t1he 5922- converllgo factor Nov 010a, County oi� 1,010011 , 6 3 ThN 5Uww7Y' w0S Performed w4hout tht CALLED0,00 ACRES COPPELL INDEPENDENV 4. Easemeniii worn not reseorrbe4j by ti�je SCHOOL WSTRICT SkArveyor, INS. NO, 200810370206, O,P,RX,Cj, CALLED. 73.41917 ACRES CYPRESS WATERS LAND 8, LYD. & POUND 1/2" IIRO,N ROD CYPRESS WATERS LAND C, LTD_ IDENTInED AS '"WEST TRACT' WTA RED CAP STAMPED 'RPEIS GO INS. NO�. 2008 3,702,03, (CM) 11� , O,P.R,D.C.1, PROJECT, 2-.100- N t COTON TBELT REGIONAL RAIL SYSTEM ' 0 0 8 ;, . .... PARC E L CI I -- 028B SSOMUS OT4s GC a it rWyyd A 146,970 SO, FOOT (3,374 0, ACRES), PARCEL CE31-028B 7'0 BE ACQUIRED D FROM CITY OF COPPELL 111111,rU, C, ,a NC�n Il Inc 120 (10 HCl Right`, Paro ls MTN& CB1128% CB1029, DART (.:('Mon B(,At Regie naIl RM Projcct FWd Notes Dmuking j�i 12,1,92 ScItiare Foot (01799 Acres) PBSCO CUIT29 M be Acwimd Front The 01.y of Coppell"I exas HEING a 111 1Y2 gluarc 01 or D270 acw two of land sHuawd in aw Juoh 6 UAwk Smjq, Abstract No :1 I 2, Cjtrcq'Crppj, C,,jrjtl,, Tc,"as, said L2. 192 square fat osrj,,tnkI I%rnTjg ,a, F(oIioil of a called 1x w acic imci or land that Lumhwt (kneattion Qmpan3 IAA' comyed to 111E! CITY Of (X)PPEI A, TEXAS, Q SKcW J)L�cd, JS recordol in Instrini-icIa Niinnkr (Ins No ) 20 WMI403V 60d .1d; It 20M, OM601 Pnbhc Rum&, WHO CwMY Tnm 111P IT D C T r sanI It 192 sqvue Got orlmd Nmy rnmc V;11Kudaqk dcscrIbod ba indes and bounds a;w II BEGINNING at a 5jrae�jr jroau tod %%ith i Call staiiqwd SPO(PI&R 3922set at the niost norf,,rijy north wesi projwow corner a the md 1 KW3 =W I= SMC brirlg the, nwsT vorfliak nofflwast I:nojxn� "w" Of a CAU fl 3182 acm Imc, cminvyed to (1, 4A CIMXM 1, dad dwwW'Aled kw Ncwd K his No 20U900.1088 I, 0 P R D C T. mW bapnig pmn sm No, W"W Sms ~,, 1, of RBt Dela Lure Rmid K"19 a INAWc m WO pu% r"Mmk"m ;n to p6m). T"ENCE hkinh 67IT3V 110. Mmg 1he nati pwpcirt; line of1he said M D 13 acw tract ,vid alonji dfic said sciulh low, 22 H3 ful 10 a six Imb irc!In r(XJ Viffi a cap ST1vItx%J "SPOONER 5922"set fromrs "hkh a 2 nwh atumiumn cap uampcd -RPLS 1773- %nd at the urlost norlhcilr in�,wttheasi prop k,,rjr TOMO (4111W %reid 119.043 acc tract bears North 67*22'30'' East 1,05 32 t�:ct, VIMCE SmA 4W1215' AVcM, (1q)arinig, Ow said propay lino Ow und nglun?"M "c and cvcr wd acrom aw %W IN W3 WIT IML 20 No Go to a it nwh 4on rod wwutft to CaP Sunfwd "SPOONER 5922 -set on;r %%cm properlW hu o1I &iid 18 (V0rut. nact. snnw beinw v1st fine ofThe said 31 5JX2 acre ImCL Sm mhkh a 3 hwh g0whed puma bond WOMMIlAg nwramxml M an 01 uwwr of' the SOO 18 ,0.0 are Iract. Sanic kirig a soljthcaat projml�' cOPInar ofthc Said 311 51182 acie tract fx!:vs Sw1h 01P NIDI %a bWIll K � 'FlIENCE North 009) 35 East, 3haTI8, 111C S,aid fnopolc lines, 1141,,)5 feet to the POINT OF 12A92 squwr % u, 0.279Y agms of Lwd NOTF All bearings wid madinaks as hwcd on Me Kwas Sm III— (100M Sjmcnm , NAD -83 (20l 1), Nooh, ('Qqitral Zone (4202) Tljc honzontal kJaloni dcmcd fiooia ffic 2olq NAD-K� Ptibhshcd (CORS) Smhons ZBV I andIXC O All distaNices shossin we surface aarenes ansa niwaw be convcmd W gA A dwOnig k 1he c0ni—sion factor for Daflas ("Ornm of 1 (10013(006 OF At , W$T e 4 4 EMC S SMAER ... ...... . . . . ... ... ..... - Sqm C�ms ic, Eric S, Sp(wivi, 5 E—M 2 Regostered Profcssional Land SqInc%or, TcvisNo 31422 Slaomor and AmAw", Inc A� Thas Board of Prolho%o I and &on Ag No INAW)o (T 1 Q29 Shcet I of 2 C My -n WA 1;1 f", t I -III, IP '­,, ", 4,, A Spo P1 " /%) Parcek CB1-028A, CB028'B,, C131.029,, DART Catton Belt Re&nal Rail Project LIGIUM C7.0.0-0=1 RMHT OF WAY TO BE ACOUIRED 0 flR.D.(,�,T, OFFIMA� PUBUC RECORDS H CIALLAS COLI14Ty, TE XAS DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, 1EXAS CONIROLUNG MONUMENT 5/8 M'�H DIAMCIER RON ROD 2," ALUM CAP wrni PINK PLASM CAT' v 6v RFL5 11,773" 'SPOONEP 5922- SET SIAMPED S �v �\k ?\) --1 FOUND gRON R(H) , '440 (C��' ) GMK GAS MARKER FMK FIBER OPTIC UARKER Q4 CURB 0d Oir F- Sto uNr 0 POINT OF BEGINNING CATY VALI I Va, IR00,I, ROD 1:41ECTRUM [,mF %WirA CAP SWAMPED SPOONER 5,92,2' All UW,,,� (C!M) AH 01.2'799: AC. 12�192 SO. M GM'K 0 BE ACQUIRED Wa U Q,v ■ Eo '� THAIN BI -02 FIA t0FIN, 0 wm ec CALLIED: 18.043 ACRES u'd z IMMINANT GENERATION COMPANY LLC N ft: 0 CONVEYED TO 0 THE CIITY OF P' LL" TEXAS,, z CALIXD� 31�5182 ACRES > C17Y OF Copp[U, If M, NO, 201600196735" MI NO, 200,9100305a8s, to FfLED JULY 119, 2016, OX,RMCJ, 01-P,R,D�MC.T. IIIN NOTM 3" GAIVANQED, POST AH bpoirinq end coorrcfinates as 60sttl •ca" " the iOxOs StQtt' 0g0nr` Cpordi,-wpte y.%tem NAO 83 (2011) t4orth Ce,,tlrrjl n 0 20), Who hor;:rontod,oSuIyw e,ivrc Irom 01 2 19 NIAO 83 R 5 11,;1hed co .1 u ationq 2FW1 ara9 2' AH 6sIonca% stwown ore suaocp W 100 voWes ond mof be converfed to t0d dM�d1nC1j, conrs�on far, g r EMtwt 11711 0 Of 1�vo000136506 3. Tfvh�Performed "Rhouf the berreN ol f o M#,, 94. Eosernents were not feseorched lby the surveyov, DART PROJECT careV.1 COTTON FiELT REMNAL RM[--�'a—YSTEM POOI NEW', PARCEL M-029 I U MTES %71 S A 12,,192 SO, FOOT (0,27919 ACRES) kacckl ARCEL To BE ACOUIRED FROM PTHE COY OF' COPPELL, TEXAS "M mwwsc— P, Im, 21f 0 A H thgh�s R�uservcd I A p) p aq) N i x 2 3 fiCARMG I ii6i'H Al—,i Et *'ffTo ., E 22M3 8,3"' L2 s4W'j-fi"'S�W 293,g" L3 5/8 M'�H DIAMCIER RON ROD 2," ALUM CAP wrni PINK PLASM CAT' v 6v RFL5 11,773" 'SPOONEP 5922- SET SIAMPED S �v �\k ?\) --1 FOUND gRON R(H) , '440 (C��' ) GMK GAS MARKER FMK FIBER OPTIC UARKER Q4 CURB 0d Oir F- Sto uNr 0 POINT OF BEGINNING CATY VALI I Va, IR00,I, ROD 1:41ECTRUM [,mF %WirA CAP SWAMPED SPOONER 5,92,2' All UW,,,� (C!M) AH 01.2'799: AC. 12�192 SO. M GM'K 0 BE ACQUIRED Wa U Q,v ■ Eo '� THAIN BI -02 FIA t0FIN, 0 wm ec CALLIED: 18.043 ACRES u'd z IMMINANT GENERATION COMPANY LLC N ft: 0 CONVEYED TO 0 THE CIITY OF P' LL" TEXAS,, z CALIXD� 31�5182 ACRES > C17Y OF Copp[U, If M, NO, 201600196735" MI NO, 200,9100305a8s, to FfLED JULY 119, 2016, OX,RMCJ, 01-P,R,D�MC.T. IIIN NOTM 3" GAIVANQED, POST AH bpoirinq end coorrcfinates as 60sttl •ca" " the iOxOs StQtt' 0g0nr` Cpordi,-wpte y.%tem NAO 83 (2011) t4orth Ce,,tlrrjl n 0 20), Who hor;:rontod,oSuIyw e,ivrc Irom 01 2 19 NIAO 83 R 5 11,;1hed co .1 u ationq 2FW1 ara9 2' AH 6sIonca% stwown ore suaocp W 100 voWes ond mof be converfed to t0d dM�d1nC1j, conrs�on far, g r EMtwt 11711 0 Of 1�vo000136506 3. Tfvh�Performed "Rhouf the berreN ol f o M#,, 94. Eosernents were not feseorched lby the surveyov, DART PROJECT careV.1 COTTON FiELT REMNAL RM[--�'a—YSTEM POOI NEW', PARCEL M-029 I U MTES %71 S A 12,,192 SO, FOOT (0,27919 ACRES) kacckl ARCEL To BE ACOUIRED FROM PTHE COY OF' COPPELL, TEXAS "M mwwsc— P, Im, 21f 0 A H thgh�s R�uservcd I A p) p aq) N i x 2 3