Kimley-Horn SH121 Frontage_Denton Tap-CN 2021-02-24City of Coppell Public Works Department Routing Sheet for Approval of Contracts and Agreements Vendor Name: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc Date: 2/24/2021 Contracted Work/Project: SH 121 Frontage Rd and Denton Tap Rd - Right Turn Lane Explanation: Design services for right turn lane at southwest corner of SH 121 Frontage Rd and Denton Tap Rd Council Approved: Yes / No If yes, Date: Budget Approved: Yes / No 2020 Bond Ethics Certificate Required: Yes / No If Yes, Copy is Attached: Yes / No Proceeds ® New Vendor ® Existing Vendor ® Renewing Contract Routing Sequence: Initials Date 1. Employee initiating contract/agreement: Kumar Gali KG 2/24/21 (Include W-9 & CIQ form if vendor is not in system.) 2. Supervisor Authorization: 3. Purchasing Manager/Technician: _ (Signature needed only if vendor is new to system or contract has been changed since last time used) 4. Director of Public Works Authorization: Kent Collins 5. Deputy City Manager Authorization: Traci Leach/Vicki Chiavetta?125 Comments: 6. City Manager: Comments: Mike Land Tr -t--7 4 7, Originals back to Administrative Manager: KVra Jansen 8. Copy of contract/agreement to Jennifer Miller: DYES / NO= Kimley*Horn February 8, 2021 Mr. Kumar Gall City of Coppell 816 S Coppell Rd Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Professional Services Agreement Denton Tap Road and SH 121 Intersection Improvements Dear Mr. Gali, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ("Kimley-Horn" or "Consultant") is pleased to submit this letter agreement (the "Agreement') to the City of Coppell ("Client" or "City") for providing design services for intersection improvements on Denton Tap Road at SH 121, Project Understanding The City of Coppell, Texas has requested a proposal for providing the following professional engineering services for construction plans, specifications, and opinions of probable construction cost for the following: 1. Design of an eastbound (EB) right -turn lane at Denton Tap Road and SH 121. This design will generally include paving, drainage, traffic signal, grading and sidewalk/ramp design for the improvements listed above. The services also include updating the City of Coppell Denton Tap Intersection Improvements (Project No. ST -19-01) design plan sheets to incorporate the improvements outlined above. The Denton Tap Intersection project is currently under construction by the City of Coppell, and the additional intersection improvements are anticipated to be Change Ordered into the current construction contract, administered by City of Coppell. Scope of Services Basic Services Task 1 — Project Engineering Consultant will provide the services specifically set forth below. 1. Consultant will participate in up to one (1) meeting with City staff regarding project status, coordination, design, and review. Perform up to one (1) site visits as needed. Subconsultant coordination will be included. 2. Consultant will perform data collection for roadway, drainage and traffic criteria. 3. Design of approximately 200 linear feet of EB right -turn lane improvements. 4. Design of signal modifications: a. New signal cabinet b. New electrical service and coordination with Oncor c. New pedestrian push button pole on the Southwest Corner (SWC) 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 Kimley * Horn Page 2 d. New Accessible Pedestrian Signal push buttons to replace all existing push buttons e. New pedestrian ramps on the SWC f. All existing vehicular signal poles shall remain g. All existing signal poles and equipment not specifically mentioned above shall remain h. Re -cable intersection with new signal conductors, video detection cable, and opticom cable in existing conduit 5. Consultant will prepare temporary traffic control plan in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) design standards and the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 6. It is anticipated that the turn lane improvements will utilize the existing cross slopes and vertical alignment of the existing facility. Improvements will be developed in accordance with City standards and specifications. The Consultant will prepare typical sections and plan sheets for the proposed improvements. The Consultant will rely on record drawings for design of pavement section as part of this design. If pavement section is considered sub- standard by City criteria, City standard pavement design will be used. Landscape restoration will be limited to grading, topsoil, sod, and irrigation repairs. No cross-sections shall be developed for this scope of services. 7. Driveway within the turn lane improvement limits shall be analyzed. These driveways will be defined vertically by spot elevations. The design of any retaining walls greater than three (3) feet in height to accommodate the proposed design, if necessary, will be considered Additional Services. 8. Consultant will provide design of drainage lateral extensions (if needed) and inlet replacements are as needed. The design of any storm drain main line capacity improvements and/or offsite drainage improvements to accommodate the proposed widening, if necessary, will be considered Additional Services. 9. Consultant will prepare pavement marking layout and signing layout in accordance with City and TxDOT design standards and the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 10. Consultant will identify conflicts and adjustments required for existing water line. Water line design is not included and will be considered Additional Services. 11. Consultant will identify conflicts and adjustments required for existing sanitary sewer line. Sanitary sewer line design is not included and will be considered Additional Services. 12. Consultant will prepare temporary traffic control plan in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) design standards and the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 13. Consultant will prepare construction plans (22"x24" plan sheets at a scale of 1"=20" horizontal). Design submittal may include the following plan sheets: a. Quantity Summary b. Typical Sections c. Project Control d. Paving Plan. I. including storm drain, water line adjustments, sidewalk, trail, and curb ramp improvements adjacent to the paving improvements. e. Signing and Marking f. Temporary Traffic Control g. Traffic Signal h. Erosion Control 14. Consultant will prepare details to clarify intent of design, compile applicable City standard details, and modify standard details as needed. kimley-horn.corn 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 972 770 1300 Kimley*Horn Page 3 15. Consultant may modify current construction plans for Project No. ST -19-01 as needed to accommodate design improvements listed above. 16. Consultant will respond to one (1) set of City comments, and one (1) set of TxDOT comments. 17. Consultant will provide plan sheets for Client coordination with TxDOT. 18. Consultant will provide plan sheets for Client coordination with franchise utility owners. Consultant will participate in up to one (1) coordination meeting with franchise owners if necessary due to potential conflicts. 19. Deliverables will include two design submittals: Pre -final design (90%) and Final (100%) documents. The final design and final document deliverables will consist of modifications to the Denton Tap Intersections Improvements contract documents modified as appropriate for the project. An Opinion of Probable Construction cost will be provided to Client for each deliverable submittal. Each submittal will include two (2) hard copies and a PDF copy. Final documents will include electronic files. 20. Coordination with TDLR and a Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS) is not anticipated and is not included for this scope of services, but may be provided for an additional fee. 21. Development of project bidding documents, if necessary, will be considered Additional Services. Task 2 — Project Coordination Consultant will provide the following coordination tasks with TxDOT and the City of Lewisville as outlined in this section. The budgeted fee for this task is based upon 10 hours of labor. We will not proceed with performance of services beyond the hours budgeted without written authorization by the Client. Specific tasks under this scope may include: 1. Prepare for and attend meetings with TxDOT and City of Lewisville as requested by the City. 2. Site visits 3. Coordinate project specific items for traffic signal and intersection design modifications. 4. Review and respond to additional construction plan reviews not outlined in the task above. Task 3 — Construction Administration Consultant will provide Construction Administration as outlined in this section. The budgeted fee for this task is based upon 10 hours of labor. We will not proceed with performance of services beyond the hours budgeted without written authorization by the Client. Specific tasks under this scope include: 1. Attend up to one (1) Pre -Construction Conference. 2. Respond to and process RFIs. Such clarifications, interpretations, and plan revisions will be consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Field Orders authorizing variations from the requirements of the Contract Documents will be made by City. 3. Review and respond to product submittals or shop drawings. Review and respond to project resubmittals or resubmittals of shop drawings. 4. Prepare record drawings based on information provided by the Contractor. Record drawings will be prepared on full size 22"x34" sheets. One electronic DWG copy of all sheets will be provided and individual sheets will also be prepared in TIFF format. 972 770 1300 kimley-horn.com 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 Kimley>>> Horn Special Services Task 4 — Survey Page 4 I. Survey a. Data Collection and Property Research b. Gather existing plat information. c. Collect property owner and record information. d. Gather existing right-of-way and easement information. Identify easements available through typical research methodologies (i.e. plats, court house filings, etc.). Undocumented easements may not be identified. e. The City will arrange and make all provisions for access to perform the services specified within this scope. The surveyor will provide the City with Right of Entry letters if required for the City's distribution. 2. Design Survey a. The limits of the survey will include the following. b. Along SH 121: i. A 40 -foot wide swath for a length of approximately 250 linear feet along the location of the proposed SH 121 westbound deceleration lane. (Right -Turn Lane) ii. SW corner of the Denton Tap and SH 121 intersection, including an area of 15' behind face of curb. 10' past each curb return on the major road and cross street. c. Establish horizontal control points. d. Establish a vertical control benchmark circuit as needed throughout the project. City to provide established monument information for the area. e. Set control points, which will be based on NAD -83, at each intersection. Before setting the control points. f. Perform a field survey to identify and locate existing topographic elements within the roadway corridor including, but not limited to the following: i. Property corner monumentation; ii. Existing pavement, curbs, sidewalks, barrier free ramps, etc.; iii. Roadway and lane striping; IV. Driveway limits and elevations; V. Existing storm sewer inlets, manholes, junction boxes (including culvert sizes and invert elevations); vi. Outfalls and erosion control; vii. Existing driveway culverts and swales; viii. Guardrail; ix. Utility manholes, vaults, water valves, water meters, sprinkler heads, telephone poles, power poles, utility markers, other public utilities, and franchise utilities; X. Traffic signal poles, cabinets, and other signal equipment; xi. Signs (excluding temporary signs); xii. Trees, including species and caliper (for 6" caliper and up, and perimeter of landscape beds); xiii. Buildings and permanent structures; AV. Retaining walls; xv. Fence limits and material types (excluding temporary fences); xvi. Other applicable physical features that could impact design. kimley-horn.com 1 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 Kimley>>> Horn Page 5 Perform cross-sections throughout project limits at 50 -foot intervals and at grade breaks. Prepare cross-section field notes. Prepare a final topographic drawing in digital format (including contours and breaklines) showing the features located in the field as well as right-of-way information, an ASCII coordinate file of the points located in the field, and a hard copy of the coordinates and feature descriptions. Task 5 - Right -of -Way 1 Easement Instruments of Conveyance Prepare up to one (1) parcel for either: a. Right-of-way instrument (narrative and graphic exhibits of right-of-way takes) and setting new property corners in the field. b. Easement instrument (narrative and graphic exhibits of easements required for drainage, City utilities, temporary construction, etc.). ?, Individual parcel exhibits will be on 8'/2'x11" paper, will be sealed, dated, and signed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor and will contain the following: a. Parcel number. b. Area required. c. Area remaining. d. Legal description. e. Current owner. f. Any existing platted easements or easements filed by separate instrument including easements provided by utility companies. g. Metes and bounds description of parcel to be acquired. The description will be provided on a separate sheet from the exhibit. Each type of easement will be described separately. 3. Upon written notification by the City of acceptance of the right-of-way limits (to be determined during design tasks), exhibits and instruments, and as directed by the City, the surveyor will set all corners and points of curvature for the proposed right-of-way and submit final sealed documents, including location of the control points and their NAD -83 reference. Additional Services Any services not specifically provided for in the above scope will be billed as additional services and performed at our then current hourly rates. Additional services we can provide include, but are not limited to, include the following: 1. Construction staking. 2. Title Research. 3. Design of any offsite drainage improvements beyond the improvements identified in the scope. 4. Storm Drainage Design other than tasks specifically described above to verify existing system. 5. Design of any traffic signal improvements beyond the improvements identified in the scope. 6. Preparation for and attendance at additional public meetings. 7. Furnish additional copies of review documents and/or bid documents more than the number of the same identified above. kimley-horn.com1 111111111 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 Kimley>>> Horn Page 6 8. Assist the City as an expert witness in litigation about the project or in hearings before approving and regulatory agencies. 9. Redesign to reflect project scope changes requested by the City, required to address changed conditions or change in direction previously approved by the City, mandated by changing governmental laws, or necessitated by the City's acceptance of substitutions proposed by the contractor. 10. Traffic studies. 11. Street lighting design. 12. Design for street signs, way -finding or other special signs. 13. Franchise utility coordination. 14. Construction phase services that exceed the specific description of services identified above. 15. Landscape design. 16. Design of retaining walls in excess of three (3) feet in height. 17. Temporary Signals. 18. Irrigation design. Information Provided By Client We shall be entitled to rely on the completeness and accuracy of all information provided by the Client or the Client's consultants or representatives. The Client shall provide all information requested by Kimley-Horn during the project, including but not limited to the following: 1. Record drawings. 2. GIS Information. Schedule Kimley-Horn will provide our services as expeditiously as practicable with the goal of meeting a mutually agreed upon schedule. Due to the everchanging circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 Virus, situations may arise during the performance of this Agreement that affect availability of resources and staff of Kimley-Horn, the client, other consultants, and public agencies. There could be changes in anticipated delivery times, jurisdictional approvals, and project costs. Kimley-Horn will exercise reasonable efforts to overcome the challenges presented by current circumstances, but Kimley-Horn will not be liable to Client for any delays, expenses, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of the impact of the COVID-19 Virus. 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 76240 972 770 1300 Kimley>>> Horn Page 7 Fee and Expenses Kimley-Horn will perform the services described above on either a Lump Sum of Reimbursable/Hourly basis in accordance with the following tasks: Lump Sum Task 1 Project Engineering Denton Tap Road and SH 121 $18,500 Roadway Design for Right Turn Lane ..................................... $20,000 Traffic Signal Design............................................................................... Task4 Survey........................................................................................................... $3,500 Total Lump Sum Project Fee $42,000 Reimbursable/Hourly Task 2 Project Coordination.... . $2,500 .................................................................................. Task 3 Construction Administration............................................................................ $2,500 Task 5 Instruments of Conveyance.........................:.......•.....•••.••................••••••..I.....• $2,500 Total Reimbursable/Hourly Project Fee Total Project Fee $7,500 $49,500 Kimley-Horn will perform the Lump Sum Tasks identified above for the total lump sum fee of $42,000. Individual task amounts are informational only. All permitting, application, and similar project fees will be paid directly by the Client. Kimley-Horn will perform the Reimbursable/Hourly Tasks identified above on a labor fee plus expense basis with the maximum labor fee of $7,500. Kimley-Horn will not exceed the total maximum labor fee shown without authorization from the Client. Individual task amounts are provided for budgeting purposes only. Kimley-Horn reserves the rightto reallocate amounts among tasks as necessary. Tasks identified as "additional services" will only be performed with authorization from the City. Labor fee will be billed on an hourly basis according to our then -current rates. As to these tasks, direct reimbursable expenses such as express delivery services, fees, air travel, and other direct expenses will be billed at 1.15 times cost. A percentage of labor fee will be added to each invoice to cover certain other expenses as to these tasks such as telecommunications, in-house reproduction, postage, supplies, project related computer time, and local mileage. Administrative time related to the project may be billed hourly. All permitting, application, and similar project fees will be paid directly by the Client. k:.. ley hor. coo 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 1 972 770 1300 Kimley>>> Horn Page 8 Invoices will be submitted by cover letter from the project engineer. The letter will certify that the invoice properly represents work done. The City reserves the right to request additional justification prior to payment of any invoice. If satisfactory justification is not received, the City reserves the right to amend the invoice or to refuse to make payment without incurring penalty or interest. Invoices shall be based on percentage of work completed per identifiable unit of work. The City agrees to make prompt payments for all approved invoices and agrees to pay interest at the rate approved by law for approved invoices not paid within 30 days from the date of approval. Closure In addition to the matters set forth herein, our Agreement shall include and be subject to, and only to, the attached Standard Provisions, which are incorporated by reference. As used in the Standard Provisions, "Consultant' shall refer to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., and "Client" shall refer to the City of Coppell. Kimley-Horn, in an effort to expedite invoices and reduce paper waste, submits invoices via email in an Adobe PDF format. We can also provide a paper copy via regular mail if requested. Please include the invoice number and Kimley-Horn project number with all payments. Please provide the following information: Please email all invoices to Please copy If you concur in all the foregoing and wish to direct us to proceed with the services, please have authorized persons execute both copies of this Agreement in the spaces provided below, retain one copy, and return the other to us. Fees and times stated in this Agreement are valid for sixty (60) days after the date of this letter. To ensure proper set up of your projects so that we can get started, please complete and return with the signed copy of this Agreement the attached Request for Information. Failure to supply this information could result in delay in starting work on your project. kimley-horn.com 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 Kimler Horn Page 9 We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By: David M. Halloin, P.E. Project Manager CIT` By: (Print Name and Ti Ie ) Client's Federal Tax ID: Client's Business License No.: Client's Street Address: Attachment — Request for Information Attachment — Standard Provisions <i�-� Tyler Henrichs, P.E. Contract Specialist 972 770 1300 hor, corn 13455, Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240 Kimley*Horn Page 10 Request for Information Please return this information with your signed contract; failure to provide this information could result in delay in starting your project LluenL IUCIIL111%,0LK/II Full, Legal Name of Client Parcell Mailing Address for Invoices Parcel Contact for Billing Inquiries Street Address Contact's Phone and e-mail Client is (check one) Owner Agent for Owner Unrelated to Owner rry Cn IUGn una.aawn Parcell Parcel Parcel Parcel Street Address County in which Property is Located Tax Assessor's Number(s) rro UIL vWIICI UW"L... -11- Owner 1 Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 4 Owner(s) Name Owner(s) Mailing Address Owner's Phone No. Owner of Which Parcel #? Project Funding Identification — List Funding Sources for the Project Attach additional sheets if there are more than 4 parcels or more than 4 owners kimley-horn.com 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75240972 770_1 300J KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. STANDARD PROVISIONS (1) Consultant's Scope of Services and Additional Services. The Consultant will perform only the services specifically described in this Agreement. If requested by the Client and agreed to by the Consultant, the Consultant will perform Additional Services, which shall be governed by these provisions. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the Client shall pay the Consultant for any Additional Services an amount based upon the Consultant's then -current hourly rates plus an amount to cover certain direct expenses including telecommunications, in-house reproduction, postage, supplies, project related computer time, and local mileage. Other direct expenses will be billed at 1.15 times cost. (2) Client's Responsibilities. In addition to other responsibilities herein or imposed by law, the Client shall: (a) Designate in writing a person to act as its representative, such person having complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and make or interpret the Client's decisions. (b) Provide all information and criteria as to the Client's requirements, objectives, and expectations for the project and all standards of development, design, or construction. (c) Provide the Consultant all available studies, plans, or other documents pertaining to the project, such as surveys, engineering data, environmental information, etc., all of which the Consultant may rely upon. (d) Arrange for access to the site and other property as required for the Consultant to provide its services. (e) Review all documents or reports presented by the Consultant and communicate decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the Consultant. (f) Furnish approvals and permits from governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project and approvals and consents from other parties as may be necessary. (g) Obtain any independent accounting, legal, insurance, cost estimating and feasibility services required by Client. (h) Give prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the Client becomes aware of any development that affects the Consultant's services or any defect or noncompliance in any aspect of the project. (3) Period of Services. Unless otherwise stated herein, the Consultant will begin work after receipt of a properly executed copy of this Agreement. This Agreement assumes conditions permitting continuous and orderly progress through completion of the services. Times for performance shall be extended as necessary for delays or suspensions due to circumstances that the Consultant does not control. If such delay or suspension extends for more than six months, Consultant's compensation shall be renegotiated. (4) Method of Payment. Client shall pay Consultant as follows: (a) Invoices will be submitted periodically for services performed and expenses incurred. Payment of each invoice will be due within 25 days of receipt. The Client shall also pay any applicable sales tax. All retainers will be held by the Consultant and applied against the final invoice. Interest will be added to accounts not paid within 25 days at the rate of 12% per year beginning on the 25th day. If the Client fails to make any payment due under this or any other agreement within 30 days after the Consultant's transmittal of its invoice, the Consultant may, after giving notice to the Client, suspend services and withhold deliverables until all amounts due are paid. (b) If the Client relies on payment or proceeds from a third party to pay Consultant and Client does not pay Consultant's invoice within 60 days of receipt, Consultant may communicate directly with such third party to secure payment. (c) If the Client objects to an invoice, it must advise the Consultant in writing giving its reasons within 14 days of receipt of the invoice or the Client's objections will be waived, and the invoice shall conclusively be deemed due and owing. If the Client objects to only a portion of the invoice, payment for all other portions remains due. (d) If the Consultant initiates legal proceedings to collect payment, it may recover, in addition to all amounts due, its reasonable attorneys' fees, reasonable experts' fees, and other expenses related to the proceedings. Such expenses shall include the cost, at the Consultant's normal hourly billing rates, of the time devoted to such proceedings by its employees. (e) The Client agrees that the payment to the Consultant is not subject to any contingency or condition. The Consultant may negotiate payment of any check tendered by the Client, even if the words "in full satisfaction" or words intended to have similar effect appear on the check without such negotiation being an accord and satisfaction of any disputed debt and without prejudicing any right of the Consultant to collect additional amounts from the Client. (5) Use of Documents. All documents and data prepared by the Consultant are related exclusively to the services described in this Agreement, and may be used only if the Client has satisfied all of its obligations under this Agreement. They are not intended or represented to be suitable for use or reuse by the Client or others on extensions of this project or on any other project. Any modifications by the Client to any of the Consultant's documents, or any reuse of the documents without written authorization by the Consultant will be at the Client's sole risk and without liability to the Consultant, and the Client shall indemnify, defend and hold the Consultant harmless from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, resulting therefrom. The Consultant's electronic files and source code remain the property of the Consultant and shall be provided to the Client only if expressly provided for in this Agreement. Any electronic files not containing an electronic seal are provided only for the convenience of the Rev 10/2020 11 Client, and use of them is at the Client's sole risk. In the case of any defects in the electronic files or any discrepancies between them and the hardcopy of the documents prepared by the Consultant, the hardcopy shall govern. (6) Opinions of Cost. Because the Consultant does not control the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, methods of determining prices, or competitive bidding or market conditions, any opinions rendered as to costs, including but not limited to the costs of construction and materials, are made solely based on its judgment as a professional familiar with the industry. The Consultant cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual costs will not vary from its opinions of cost. If the Client wishes greater assurance as to the amount of any cost, it shall employ an independent cost estimator. Consultant's services required to bring costs within any limitation established by the Client will be paid for as Additional Services. (7) Termination. The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof, or upon thirty days' written notice for the convenience of the terminating party. The Consultant shall be paid for all services rendered and expenses incurred to the effective date of termination, and other reasonable expenses incurred by the Consultant as a result of such termination. (8) Standard of Care. The standard of care applicable to Consultant's services will be the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by consultants performing the same or similar services in the same locality at the time the services are provided. No warranty, express or implied, is made or intended by the Consultant's performance of services, and it is agreed that the Consultant is not a fiduciary with respect to the Client. (9) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN RECOGNITION OF THE RELATIVE RISKS AND BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT TO THE CLIENT AND THE CONSULTANT, THE RISKS ARE ALLOCATED SUCH THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE EXISTENCE OF APPLICABLE INSURANCE COVERAGE, THAT THE TOTAL LIABILITY, IN THE AGGREGATE, OF THE CONSULTANT AND THE CONSULTANT'S OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND SUBCONSULTANTS TO THE CLIENT OR TO ANYONE CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER THE CLIENT, FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, COSTS OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FROM ANY CAUSES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE NEGLIGENCE, PROFESSIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY OR BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF THE CONSULTANT OR THE CONSULTANT'S OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND SUBCONSULTANTS, SHALL NOT EXCEED TWICE THE TOTAL COMPENSATION RECEIVED BY THE CONSULTANT UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR $50,000, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. HIGHER LIMITS OF LIABILITY MAY BE NEGOTIATED FOR ADDITIONAL FEE. THIS SECTION 9 IS INTENDED SOLELY TO LIMIT THE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE CLIENT OR THOSE CLAIMING BY OR THROUGH THE CLIENT, AND NOTHING IN THIS SECTION 9 SHALL REQUIRE THE CLIENT TO INDEMNIFY THE CONSULTANT. (10) Mutual Waiver of Consequential Damages. In no event shall either party be liable to the other for any consequential, incidental, punitive, or indirect damages including but not limited to loss of income or loss of profits. (11) Construction Costs. Under no circumstances shall the Consultant be liable for extra costs or other consequences due to unknown conditions or related to the failure of contractors to perform work in accordance with the plans and specifications. Consultant shall have no liability whatsoever for any costs arising out of the Client's decision to obtain bids or proceed with construction before the Consultant has issued final, fully-approved plans and specifications. The Client acknowledges that all preliminary plans are subject to substantial revision until plans are fully approved and all permits obtained. (12) Certifications. All requests for the Consultant to execute certificates, lender consents, or other third-party reliance letters must be submitted to the Consultant at least 14 days prior to the requested date of execution. The Consultant shall not be required to execute certificates, consents, or third-party reliance letters that are inaccurate, that relate to facts of which the Consultant does not have actual knowledge, or that would cause the Consultant to violate applicable rules of professional responsibility. (13) Dispute Resolution. All claims by the Client arising out of this Agreement or its breach shall be submitted first to mediation in accordance with the American Arbitration Association as a condition precedent to litigation. Any mediation or civil action by Client must be commenced within two years of the accrual of the cause of action asserted but in no event later than allowed by applicable statutes. (14) Hazardous Substances and Conditions. Consultant shall not be a custodian, transporter, handler, arranger, contractor, or remediator with respect to hazardous substances and conditions. Consultant's services will be limited to analysis, recommendations, and reporting, including, when agreed to, plans and specifications for isolation, removal, Rev 10/2020 12 or remediation. The Consultant will notify the Client of unanticipated hazardous substances or conditions of which the Consultant actually becomes aware. The Consultant may stop affected portions of its services until the hazardous substance or condition is eliminated. (15) Construction Phase Services. (a) If the Consultant prepares construction documents and the Consultant is not retained to make periodic site visits, the Client assumes all responsibility for interpretation of the documents and for construction observation, and the Client waives any claims against the Consultant in any way connected thereto. (b) The Consultant shall have no responsibility for any contractor's means, methods, techniques, equipment choice and usage, sequence, schedule, safety programs, or safety practices, nor shall Consultant have any authority or responsibility to stop or direct the work of any contractor. The Consultant's visits will be for the purpose of endeavoring to provide the Client a greater degree of confidence that the completed work of its contractors will generally conform to the construction documents prepared by the Consultant. Consultant neither guarantees the performance of contractors, nor assumes responsibility for any contractor's failure to perform its work in accordance with the contract documents. (c) The Consultant is not responsible for any duties assigned to it in the construction contract that are not expressly provided for in this Agreement. The Client agrees that each contract with any contractor shall state that the contractor shall be solely responsible for job site safety and its means and methods; that the contractor shall indemnify the Client and the Consultant for all claims and liability arising out of job site accidents; and that the Client and the Consultant shall be made additional insureds under the contractor's general liability insurance policy. (16) No Third -Party Beneficiaries; Assignment and Subcontracting. This Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than the Client and the Consultant, and all duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole benefit of the Client and the Consultant. The Client shall not assign or transfer any rights under or interest in this Agreement, or any claim arising out of the performance of services by Consultant, without the written consent of the Consultant. The Consultant reserves the right to augment its staff with subconsultants as it deems appropriate due to project logistics, schedules, or market conditions. If the Consultant exercises this right, the Consultant will maintain the agreed-upon billing rates for services identified in the contract, regardless of whether the services are provided by in-house employees, contract employees, or independent subconsultants. (17) Confidentiality. The Client consents to the use and dissemination by the Consultant of photographs of the project and to the use by the Consultant of facts, data and information obtained by the Consultant in the performance of its services. If, however, any facts, data or information are specifically identified in writing by the Client as confidential, the Consultant shall use reasonable care to maintain the confidentiality of that material. (18) Miscellaneous Provisions. This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the State of Texas. This Agreement contains the entire and fully integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous negotiations, representations, agreements or understandings, whether written or oral. Except as provided in Section 1, this Agreement can be supplemented or amended only by a written document executed by both parties. Any conflicting or additional terms on any purchase order issued by the Client shall be void and are hereby expressly rejected by the Consultant. Any provision in this Agreement that is unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions. The non -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. Rev 10/2020 13 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Standard Rate Schedule (Hourly Rate) Analyst $115-$185 Professional $165-$215 Senior Professional I $185-$260 Senior Professional II $250-$275 Senior Technical Support $120-$200 Support Staff $85-$125 Technical Support $75-$105 Effective through June 30, 2021 Subject to periodic adjustment thereafter Rev 10/2020 14