CM 1967-08-20 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met August 20, 1967, in regular meeting with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor W. H. Wilson, Councilman C. J. Dobecka, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman Jim McGiboney, Councilman E. C. Gentry, Secretary Motion was made and seconded that the City share in the cost of Mr. Lewis Nichols' trip to Austin where he presented bills of local interest before the state legislature. Motion was made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by C. J. Dobecks that the City pay our share of $13.08. Vote carried unanimously. This trip was sponsored by the Greated Dallas County League of Municipalities. Mayor Cozby read a letter to the Council from the Trinity River Authority of Texas outlining the findings of the Auth3rity regarding Elm Fork Interceptor Study on service to the City of Coppell. A petition containing 16 names was presented to the Council by Mr. E. B. Howard protesting the construction of an .airport on Hertz Road. C. J. Dobecka made a motion to give A. P. Vanbebber authority to purchase a booster pump (cost approximately $278.00)for the Water District. MDtion was seconded by Thomas Sisk and carried unanimously. Motion made by W. H. Wilson to amend the budget by taking $150.00 from Salaries and transferring Jc to Maintenance and Supplies. Seconded by Jim McGiboney and vote carried un- animously. C. J. Dobecka made a motion, seconded by Jim McGiboney, that the City buy a radio for the police car not to exceed $700.00. Vote carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS 20th DAY OF August, 1967. W. T. Cozby, Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry, Secretary Read and approved this day of , 1967.