Texas A&M Transportation Institute-Interlocal Cooperation Contract-CN 2021-07-27INTERLOCAL COOPERATION CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS ** THE COUNTY OF BRAZOS ** THIS CONTRACT is entered into by and between a local government and the State agency as shown below Contracting Parties, pursuant to the authority granted and in compliance with the provisions of "The Interlocal Cooperation Act, TEX. GOVT. CODE ANN." § 791.001, et. Seq. I. CONTRACTING PARTIES: Performing Party: Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) The Texas A&M University System - VID # 37277277275000 Receiving Party: Cityouf_Coppell, Texas II. STATEMENT OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED: Arterial Travel Time Information for Construction (ATTIC) for City of Coppell, Texas -- See Schedule A -- See Schedule A All electronic information transmitted to or housed by the Performing Party is the responsibility of the Performing Party and will be protected in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 202 as well as any other applicable state or federal mandate unless additional protection is requested in writing by the sponsor. III. BASIS FOR CALCULATING COSTS: Cost Reimbursable See Schedule B IV. CONTRACT AMOUNT: The total amount of this contract shall not exceed: $$116,084 (One hundred sixteen thousand and eighty-four dollars and no cents). The maximum amount payable under this contract is contingent upon availability of funds. V. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES: Receiving Party shall pay for services received from appropriation items or accounts of the Receiving Party from which like expenditures would normally be paid, based upon vouchers drawn by the Receiving Party payable to Performing Party. Payments for services performed shall be billed monthly_ Payments received by the Performing Party shall be credited to its current appropriation items(s) or account(s) from which the expenditures of that character were originally made. VI. DISPUTES: The dispute resolution process provided in Chapter 2260, Texas Government Code, and the related rules adopted by the Texas Attorney General pursuant to Chapter 2260, shall be used by the Performing Party and the Receiving Party to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by the Receiving Page 1 of 5 Party that cannot be resolved in the ordinary course of business. The Receiving Party shall submit written notice of a claim of breach of contract under this Chapter to the Manager, Risk and Compliance of the Performing Party, who shall examine Receiving Party's claim and any counterclaim and negotiate with Receiving Party in an effort to resolve the claim. VII. PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT: The Receiving Party acknowledges that the Performing Party is obligated to strictly comply with the Public Information Act, Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, in responding to any request for public information pertaining to this Agreement, as well as any other disclosure of information required by applicable Texas law. To request information, please email b-carranza@tti.tamu.edu or call 979-317-2730. VIII. TERM OF CONTRACT: Payment under this contract beyond the end of the current fiscal year is subject to availability of appropriated funds. If funds are not appropriated, this contract shall be terminated immediately with no liability to Receiving Party. This contract begins when fully executed by both parties and terminates on December 31, 2022. IX. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACTS: For Performing Party: Pricing Proposal or Pre -award: Tanya Alabsawi, J.D., CRA Senior Contract Negotiator II Texas A&M Sponsored Research Services 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway S, Suite 300 College Station, Texas 77845 Tel. 979-845-6273 Administrative Contact after Execution: Mr. Daniel Martinez Project Administrator II, Post Award Sponsored Research Services (SRS) 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, Suite 300 College Station, Texas 77845 Tel. 979-845-2901 Email: awards@tamu.edu Email: d.mtz@exchange.tamu.edu For Receiving Party: Administrative Contact: Kyra Jansen Administrative Services Manager City of Coppell 265 Parkway Blvd Coppell, TX 75019 Tel. 972-304-3686 Email: kjansen@coppelltx.gov X. TECHNICAL CONTACTS: For Performing Party: Robert Brydia, PMP Senior Research Scientist Texas A&M Transportation Institute 3135 TAMU College Station, Texas 77843-3135 Tel. 979-317-2824 Email: r-brydia@tti.tamu.edu Invoice Submission Contact: Kent M. Collins, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Coppell 265 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Tel. 972-304-7019 Email: kcollins@coppelltx.gov For Receiving Party: Kent M. Collins, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Coppell 265 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Tel. 972-304-7019 Email: kcollins@coppelltx.gov Page 2 of 5 XI. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The Texas A&M University System serves all persons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Performing Party agrees to comply with Executive Order 11246, entitled 'Equal Employment Opportunity," (EEO) as amended by Executive Order 11375 and as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR Part 60). XII. THE AGREEING PARTIES certify that: 1. The services specified above are necessary and essential for activities that are properly within the statutory functions and programs of the affected agencies of State Government. 2. The proposed arrangements serve the interest of efficient and economical administration of the State Government. 3. The services or resources agreed upon are not required by Article XVI, Section 21 of the Constitution of Texas to be supplied under contract given to the lowest responsible bidder. RECEIVING PARTY further certifies that it has the authority to request for the above services by authority granted in TEX. GOVT. CODE ANN." § 791. PERFORMING PARTY further certifies that it has the authority to perform the services agreed upon above by authority granted in Chanter 85, Texas Education Code. The undersigned parties bind themselves to the faithful performance of this contract. 19 no '7 '7,-hCli7�:7111 Texas A&M Transportation Institute Authorized Signature Gregory D. Winfree Agency Director Title Date RECEIVING PARTY City of Connell, Texas 0 VY � n— Authorized Signature Title Ws6� 21 2021 Date Page 3 of 5 SCHEDULE A SCOPE OF SERVICES Scope of Work The overall scope of work is to develop the back -end infrastructure and messaging necessary to provide a travel time information system to support informed travel choices for the Belt Line reconstruction project. Information will be provided for both North and South travel. Specific activities included in the six identified tasks under the scope of work are: 1) Execution of data sharing agreement under TxDOT master agreement, which includes no cost access for local government agencies. 2) Set up access and analysis mechanisms for travel time data for both North and South travel on the routes of Royal, Freeport, Belt Line, and McArthur. 3) Develop messaging formats to support an informed travel choice, including Belt Line conditions and when alternate routes would be advised. 4) Develop business rules and output channel for travel time messaging. 5) Develop a customer survey plan to gauge customer needs, awareness, and satisfaction. 6) Construct detailed concept of operations for project including message sets, operational scenarios, and data flows. 7) Integrate and stand-up all system components and test in off-line mode (no output to Twitter). 8) Upon completion of testing, bring system on-line after confirmation with Coppell staff. 9) Operate system for the expected duration of the Belt Line reconstruction project (estimated at 18 months). 10) Develop a performance metrics plan at the start of the project and periodically update metrics throughout the project duration. 11) Set up, monitor, and operate communication regime to multiple Portable Changeable Message Signs. Signs to be provided by others. 12) Catalog and report project activities and results in a final report. Project Cost and Schedule Project Budget: $116,084 Estimated start date: August 1, 2021 Termination: December 31, 2022 Potential Additional Scope of Work Items Understanding the impacts of the reconstruction effort on the local and regional traffic patterns could be enhanced by obtaining additional data for analysis including volumes and origin - destination information. Additionally, the City might wish to verify the 3`d party data by doing field data verification using a floating car technique. Pending further discussions with the City of Coppell, these potential work efforts are not included in the current scope of work and budget and would require additional funds and a project amendment. Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE B Budget Detail or Payment Schedule Belt Line Reconstruction - Travel Time Support For City of Coppell, Texas Performance P.H.H. 08/01/21 to 12/31/22 TTI Proposal 2104931 Page 5 of 5 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Total A. Salaries and Wages Design System Test System Operate System Administer Surveys Performance Metrics Final Report Name Role !n Study Direct Hourly Rate Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Percent of Effort Cost Robert Brydia Principal Investigator $78.34 20 $ 1,567 20 $ 1,567 50 $ 3,917 24 $ 1,880 0 $ - 40 $ 3,134 154 5.21% $ 12,065 Hubbard, James Associate Transportation Researcher $31.99 $ - $ $ 24 $ 768 200 $ 6,398 80 $ 2,559 304 10.28% $ 9,725 Moughon, James Software Applications Developer III $45.90 20 $ 918 $ $ $ $ $ - 20 0.68% $ 918 Bratlien, Chris Software Applications Developer 111 $44.65 150 $ 6,698 20 $ 893 50 $ 2,233 $ $ $ 220 7.44% $ 9,824 Geilselbrecht, Tina Senior Research Scientist $80.27 $ - $ - $ 48 $ 3,853 $ - $ 48 1.62% $ 3,853 Simek, Chris lAssociate Research Scientist $53.07 $ - $ - $ - 96 $ 5,095 $ $ 96 3.25% $ 5,095 Wagner, Lisa 1AdEinistrative AssoGate V $21.75 $ - $ - $ $ 40 $ 870 40 $ 870 80 2.70% $ 1,740 Antebi,Jack Senior Research Engineer $75.48 $ - $ - 100 $ 7,548 $ $ $ 100 3.38% $ 7,548 Schrank, David ISenior Research Scientist $86.68 $ $ $ - $ 20 $ 1,734 0 $ 20 0.68% $ 1,734 Leonhard Ruback ISenior Research Scientist $72.70 $ - 54 $ 3,926 $ $ $ $ - 54 1.83% $ 3,926 Subtotal 190 $ 9,183 94 $ 6,386 200 $ 13,698 192 $ 11,596 260 $ 9,002 160 $ 6,563 1096 $ 56,428 B. Materials and Service 1. Computer operations $ 245 Hours $ 121 H' $ 258 $ 247 $ 333 $ 206 $ 1,410 2. Azure Services 3. Miscellaneous supplies including but not limited to modems $ - $ - $ $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ $ $ $ M $ $ $ 2,000 $ 1,000 Subtotal $ 245 $ 1,121 $ 2,258 $ 247 $ 333 $ 206 $ 4,410 C. Travel For 2 trips from College Station to Coppell, Texas Mileage: 2 trips x 401.2 miles/trip x $0.56/mile $ - $ - $ - $ 449 $ 198 $ 322 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ - - - $ $ - $ - $ 449 Meals: 2 trips x 1 person x 2 days x $66/day $ 198 Lodging: 2 trips x 1 person x 1 night x $161/person/night $ 322 Subtotal $ $ 969 $ - $ $ $ $ 969 D. Employee Benefit Plan & Payroll Taxes Employee Fringe Benefits Estimates: Students Rate 3.0% $ - $ 1,699 $ 1,699 $ $ 1,181 $ 1,181 $ - $ 2,534 $ 2,534 $ $ $ - 2,145 2,145 $ $ $ 1,665 1,665 $ $ 1,214 $ 1,214 $ - Staff Rate 18.5% $ 10,436 Total Fringe $ 10,438 Institutional Medical Insurance Cost Students Rate/person/month $279.00 $ $ 842 $ 842 $ 2,541 $ $ 417 $ 417 S 1,598 $ - $ 1186 $ BB6 $ 3,420 $ $ $ $ - 851 851 2,996 $ $ $ $ 1,152 1,152 2,617 $ $ 709 $ 709 $ 1,923 $ - Staff Ratelperson/month $771.00 $ 4,857 Total Medical $ 4,857 Subtotal $ 15,295 E. Administrative Costs @ 51.5% of Modified Total Direct Costs $ 6,038 $ 5,125 $ 9,846 $ 7,515 $ 6,067 $ 4,370 $ 36,981 GRAND TOTAL PROJECT $18,007 $ 15,200 $ 29,222 1 $ 22,354 $ 18,239 $ 13,062 $ 116,084 BUDGET NOTES: All facilities and equipment necessary to accomplish the required work are available. The Texas A&M University provides equal opportunity to all employees, students, applicants for employment or admission, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, nationat origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran A. Clerical salaries are directly charged as the support required is significantly greater than the routine level of services provided by academic departments. 81. Computer equipment usage fee and network support services is an established rate and is not charged indirect. C, Travel M&IE is calculated at 75% on the first and last day of travel. .- E. Excludes C1. status, sexual orientation, or gender identit Page 5 of 5