CM 1968-04-09 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in special meeting April 9, 1968, with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor W. H. Wilson, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman C. L. Plumlee, Jr., Councilman John Dobecka, Councilman E. C. Gentry, Secretary Meeting was called to consider the returns of the election of April 6, 1968, for the election of three (3) City councilmen for two (2) year terms and one (1) City councilman for one (1) year term. Resolution of which is attached. Oath of office was administered by B. J. Herwell to those newly elected officials. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS 9th DAY April , 1968. Passed and approved, this day of , 1968. E. C. Gentry, Secretary THE STATE OF TEXAS COUN-TY OF DA LLA S CITY OF COPPELL CANVASS OF RETURNS AND DECLARATION OF RESULTS OF AN ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ON APRIL 6, 1968, FOR THE ELECTION OF THREE CITY COUNCILMEN FOR TWO YEAR TERMS AND ONE CITY COUNCILMAN FOR A ONE YEAR TERM BE IT REMEMBERED THAT on this the 9th day of April, 1968, at a meeting of the City Council of th lty of Coppell, Texas, a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order, and the following business was transacted. Upon motion of Counciman C. L. Plumlee and seconded by councilmam John Dobecka, it was unanimously ordered that the City Council the official returns of an election held in the City on the 6th day of April, 1968, for the election of three (3) City Councilmen for two (2) year terms and one (1) City Councilman for a one (1) year term. WHEREUPON said official returns were opened, examined, canvassed and the results declared as follows: CANVASS OF RETURNS AND DECLARATION OF RESULTS WHEREAS, heretofore, the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, called an election to be held in the City of Coppell, Texas, on April 6, 1968, for the purpose of electing three (3) City Councilmen to serve for terms of two (2) years commencing April, 1968, and for the purpose of electing one (1) City Councilman for a one (1) year term commencing April, 1968, and ca. used such notice thereof to be posted in the manner and for the time provided by law, which Order, together with the Notice issued thereon, is recorded in the Minutes of the City Council and is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, immediately after said election the Presiding Judge and other officials holding said election made their returns of the results thereof to the City Council as follows, to-wit: Said returns being made according to law, and duly authenticated, and it being shown that written Notice of said election was posted for the time and in the manner provided by law, and all other proceedings pertaining to said election having been shown to have been done and performed at and within the time and in the manner provided by law, and all papers pertaining there- to having been returned and filed with the City Council and no protest or objection being made to or regarding any matter pertain- ing to said election; NOW~ THEREFORE~ Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, after examining said returns and opening and canvassing the votes of said election, that the results of said election are as follows: That the following number of votes were cast for the following named candidates for a two (2) year term of office for City Councilmen, to-wit: NAME NO. OF VOTES WHEELICE H. WILSON 133 C. L. PLUMLEE, JR 154 -- THOMAS C. SISK 146 ERVIN W. SEAL 97 BOBBY J. OTTINGER 81 It appearing that Wheelice H. Wilson, C. L. Plumlee, Jr. and Thomas Sisk received the largest number of votes for the office of City Councilmen for a two (2) year term, and they are hereby declared to be elected to the office and to serve after qualifying for a two (2) year term commencing April 1968. That the following number of votes were cast for the following named candidates for the office of City Councilman for a one (1) year term, to-wit: NAME NO. OF VOTES JOHN DOBECKA 165 And it appearing that JOHN DOBECKA received the largest number of votes for the office of City Councilmen for a one (1) year term and he is hereby declared to be elected to the office and serve after qualifying for a one (1) year term commencing April, 1968. IT IS, FURTER, ORDERED that this canvass and the declaration of the results of said election be entered in the Minuntes of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, and said officers after having qualified and taken their oath of office, shall serve during their respective terms commencing April, 1968, and thereafter until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. That this Resolution declaring the results of the election held on April 6, 1968, shall become effective immediately from nd after its passage. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the 9th day of April, 1968 W. T. Cozby Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry City Secretary 1'-/7 NO. 67-311-D STATE OF TEXAS on ReXsalon of I IN THR DISTRICT COURT JOHN BURNS & J. R. McDONALD I VS. I eSth JUDICIAL DISTRICT TOWN OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ET AL I DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL VOTING MACHINE USED IN AN ELECTION HELD IN 2RE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ON APRIL 6, 1968, FOR THE ELECTION OF THRRE CITY COUNCIL- MEN FOR TWO YEAR TERMS AND ONE CITY COUNCILMAN FOR ONE YEAR TERM TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT,. BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 29th day of February, 1968, this Court entered an Order direction the City of Coppell, Texas, to provide an additional and separate voting machine to be used in the municipal cleation held on April 6, 1908, by those person rootdin2 in the area heretofore disannexed by the City of Coppoll, Tens, by City Ordinances Nos. 20 and 28 and that the vote recorded on said addit~onal vetinK machine be certified to this Court. For the sole purpose of pressfrisK and recordln2 the manner in which said persons would have voted so that the same mlSht be used in evidence in this or any future suit. BE IT FURTHER REMERED that on this the 9th day of April, 1968, at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Tens, a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order and the followin2 business was transacted. Upon motion of Councilman W. H. Wilson and seconded by Councilman Thomas Sisk, it was unanimously ordered that the City Council consider the vote recorded on said additional special voting machine. WHEREUPON, the result& recorded on said vetinK mashins by the election officials were opened, examined and the results declared as follows: That the followinK number of votes wore followin2 named candidates for the office of City Councilmen for a two (2) year 1'-18 NAME / WHEELICE H. WILSON / C. L. PLUMLEE, JR. THOMAS C. SISK ERVIN W. BEAL J ~, BOBBY J. OTTINGER It appering that , and received the largest number of votes for the office of City Councilmen for a two (2) year term, and they are hereby declared to be elected to the office and to serve after qualifying for a two (2) year term commencing April, 1968. that the following number of votes were cast for the following named candidates for the office of City Councilman a onr (1) year team, to-wit: NAME NO. OF VOTES JOHN DOBECKA 4 And it apmrX~ t~t JOH ~~ r~eXv~ the l~gmst nm~r of ~tem f~ the offiee of City Co~tl~n for a one (1) ye~ te~ and he tm h~mby declared to ~ elated to the and serve after q~lifying for a one (1) y~ term April, 1~8. ~, ~RE, H IT ~L~ by the City Council of the City of Cop~ll, Tens, after emXntng the results of m~Xal voti~ ~ehine, and fX~A~ said r~ultm to ~ am afore- ~ntA~md, the 8Xd r~ults ~ entered in the Mlnut~ of the City ~u~X1 of the City of Cop~I1, Tmns~ and tht a copy of this Canes of Rot~ns toget~r with a copy of the re~rt of the il~tX~ judge Xn rmprd to said ~chtne be fomrded to the J~XOial District C~rt, ~llas ~unty, ~nm, for the of ~vi~ t~ omm filed with the ~m of Ohm a~vm entitled and rimbored cause, The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, having heretofore canvassed the official Returns and Declaration of Results of the election held on April 6, 1968, further finds that if the votes east on said "Special"' voting machine were to be considered in the official Canvass of vote in said election, the results of maid election would not be changed. IT IS, FURTHER, RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately after its passage. DULY PASSE by the City Coouncil of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the 9th day of April, 1968. W.T. Cozby Mayor THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. C. GENTRY, who, after being by me duly sworn on oath states as follows: 'I am the duly qualified City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, and hold as a part of the records of my office, the official Resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas; that the "Canvass of Returns of Special Voting Machine" attached my office. E. C. Gentry SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this the 9th day of April, 1968. Billy J. Harwell Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas