CM 1968-05-20STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Ceuncil of the City of Coppell, Texas, convened in regular meeting on the 20th day of May, 1968, with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Co zby, Mayor John Dobecka, Councilman W. H. Wilson, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman Jim McGiboney, Councilman E. C. Gentry, Secretary C. L. Plumlee, Jr., Councilman Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had was the following: Motion was made by W. H. Wilson to grant Lester Johnson and Carl Johnson a six (6) month permit to build a trailer park on Sandy Lake Road on a 30 acre, more or less, as described in Exhibit Plot "A" (copy attached) of the Parrish Survey. Motion seconded by Thomas Sisk and vote carried four (4) for, one (1) against. W. H. Wilson made motion to accept the Amendatory Offer as sub- mitted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development as attached. Motion was seconded by Jim MeGiboney and vote carried unanimously. Thomas Sisk made the motion, seconded by Jim McGiboney, to enter into a contract with Marvin Springer Associates for planning services as outlined. Vote carried unanimously. Motion was made to authorize Larry Jackson, Saner, Jack, Sallinger, & Nichols, to make an offer in the Condemnation Case #67-5019-C, of the Heads property of 8.'4 acres of the sewer lift station site for settlement with the defenaants listed in Groups 3 & 5 of Mr. Jackson's letter to the City of May 17th. Motion was made by Thomas Sisk, seconded by John Dobecka, and vote carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS 20th DAY OF May , 1968. W. T. Co zby, Ma yo'r ATTEST: E. C: Gentry, Secretary Passed and approved, this . day of , 1968. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT OFFICE PUBLIC FACILITY LOANS FROGRAM Project No. PFL-Tex-144 Contract No. H-502-4607 Amendment No. 2 Dated: May lO, 1968 Accepted: AMENDATORY OFFER The United States of America (heroin called the "Government") hereby offers to amend the ban Agreement, dated April 4, 1966, as amended by ~.endment No. 1, dated September 18, 1967, with the City of Coppoll, Texas (heroin called the "Borrower"), in the following particulars and no others: (1)?no estimated development cost of the project set out in the first paragraph of the Offer is increased from "$505,000" to "$518, 500 ". (2) The project description set out in the first paragraph of the Offer is changed to read as follows: "Improvements to water system including supply well, storage tank, extensions to distribution lines and related appurtenances, and constraction of a sanitary sewer system including collection lines, pump station, force main and appurtenances". (3) Special Condition A.2. of the Special Conditions attached to the Govermment's Offer as ELhibit "B" is amended by deleting the figure "$64,800" and inserting in lieu thereof the figure "$78,300 ". This Amendatory Offer must be accepted, if at all, within 60 days from the date hereof. UNI~D STATES OF E~RICA Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (SGD) TRAVIS WM. MILLER Assistant Regional Administrator for Metropolitan Development, Region V ACCEPTANCE OF AMENDATORY OFFER I~HEREAS, the United States of America (herein called the :'eoverr~nent") made an Offer of a loan dated April ~, 1966 to the ~lt~. of CODDell. Texas (herein called the "Borrower") to' assist in defrayir~ the cost of' construction of the public works therein described, identified as Project No. FFL~Tex-I~j~ , which Offer was accepted by the Borrower on April ~, 1966 ; and I~REAS, the Government has submitted an Amendatory Offer, Amendment No. 2 dated Nay 10~ 1968 . to said Offer, which Amendment No. ?L has been" duly read in open meeting, fully considered in accordance with all pertinent rules of procedure and legal requirements, and made a part of the Borrower~s public records; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and in the public interest that said Amendment No. ~ be accepted; ROWs THEREFOREs be it Resolved by the City Coun~i~ (herein called the "Governing Body"), that the said Amendment No. 2..., a true and correct copy of which is hereto attached, be and the same hereby is accepted without reservation or qual~.fication. Pass d by the aforementioned ~overninE body of the Borrower on the day of _ , 196 e:Y- - . /- Dat ~ O Title: Nayor Approved as a Valid Acceptance of the above-mentioned Amendatory Offer. /[ttorney at Law Address: CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER the t f (herein called the "Borrower"), and the keeper of the records of 'the Borrower, including the Journal of Proceed- ings of the CitJ~ Counetl (herein called the "Governin~ Body"), do hereby certify: 1. That the above resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution as finally adopted at a meetin~ of the governin~ body held on the ~ Z~ ~day of  , 196~ , and duly recorded in my office; 2. That said meetin~ was duly convened and held in all respects in accord- ance with law and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was ~iven; and a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the ~overning body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings under the law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, includin~ publication, if required, have been duly fulliliad, carried out, and o~herwise observeall and that I am authorized to execute this certificate. IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this XO~ day of ficer(Signature of') (SEAL) qity Secretary (Offi~ial Title) ', (If Applicant has no seal, make and sign statement to that effect here.)