CM 1968-06-03 TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met June 3, 1968, in regular meeting with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor Jim McGiboney, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman C. L. Plumlee, Jr., Councilman E. C. Gentry, Secretary John Dobecka, Councilman constituting a quorum, where amomg other proceedings had, the following was transacted: Bills for the month were presented by the City Secretary as follows: Del Chemical Corp. 109.50 Ft. Worth Pipe & Supply 58.55 Lewisville Leader 2.97 Nat'l. Bldg. Center 113.47 County Jail 1.00 Sargent-Sowell 20.14 Coppell Superette 1.17 Motion was made by Jim McGiboney, seconded by Thomas Sisk, to pay bills as stated. Vote carried unanimously. Thomas Sisk made a motion to replenish the petty cash fund to the amount of $20.59. After a second by John Dobecka, vote carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS 3rd DAY OF June , 1968. W. T. Cozby, Mayor ATTEST: E.C. Gentry, City Secretary Passed and approved, this . . day of , 1968.