CM 1969-04-21 TATE OF TEXAS
The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regulsr session
April 21, 1969, with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
C. L. Plumlee, Jr. Councilman
W. H. Wilson, Councilm~n
Jim McGiboney, Councilman
John Dobecka, Councilman
E. C. Gentry, Secretary
where among other proceedings, was the following:
Motion was made by W. H. Wilson that s $50.00 filing fee be charged
for a zoning change application, with $!0.00 to be refunded if a
public hearing is not called, provided the aDOlication is dropned
and the Council being notified. in writing. with the application ,not
to be re-opened for a period of one (1) year, contingent to
extinuating circumstances. Motion was seconded by Jim McGiboney and vote
was unanimous.
Motion was made by W. H. Wilson, seconded by Jim McGiboney, that the
following appointments be made to the Zoning Commission:
Bill Harwell -re-appointed to a 2 yr. term
Pat Lloyd -appointed to a 2 yr. term
Dr. Charles Austin -appointed to fill out the unexpired
term of Rogers Auld (1 yr.)
Vote was unanimous that these appointments be made to the Zoning
Motion was made to grant Bill Harrison permission to lay a two (2)
inch 200 round test plastic line, laid to City specifications, from
Sandy Lske Road through to the Stringfellow Addition to the Bill.
Harrison property, with the understanding that no one may tie on to
the line without paying his pro rata share. To determine the pro
rate share, Mr. Harrison is requested to furnish the Council with
an itemized statement of cost of the line. Motion was made by Jim
McGiboney, seconded by W. H. Wilson, and vote carried ,unanimusly.
Motion was made by W. H. Wilson that the Mercantile National Bank,
Dallas, be authorized as one of the depositories of city funds.
motion was seconded by John Dobecka, and. vote was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned.
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
E. C. Gentry, Secretary
Passed and approved, this day of , 1969.