CM 1969-05-19 TATE OF TEllS COUNTY OF D~Ij LAS The Council of the City of Copnell, Texas, met May 19, 1969, in regular meeting with the following members present to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor W. H. Wilson, Councilman John Dobecka, Councilman Jim McGiboney, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman E. C. Gentry, Secretary representing a quorxun, where among other proceedings had was the following: Troy Glidewell met with the Council to discuss the curbing and gutter- ing of Kay Street. He reported 17 property owners had. agreed to the plan but that others would. be contacted. John Dobecka made a motion that the Standard Municipal Maintenance Ordinance and Maintenance Agreement N0. 50 with the Texas Highway Dept. be approved. Seconded by W. H. Wilson with the vote being unanimous. (see ordinance in ordinance book) Jim McGiboney made a motion that the City psy their share to the North Central Texas Council of Governments for a cooperative program of planning for the airport impact. ($500.00) This is for a 1 yr. program. Seconded by John Dobecka. Vote carried. Thomas Sisk made the motion that Tony Dobecka, Wayne Musgrave, and Joe Eby be appointed to serve on the Tax Equalization Board for 1969. Second was by W. H. Wilson, with the vote being unanimous. The general discussion was that the mayor request the county to share in the cost of repairing Kay Street, Locke Lane, Park Street, and McGiboney Street. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS 19th DAY OF May , 1969. W. T. Cozby, Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry, Secretary Passed and approved , this day of , 1969.