CM 1969-06-02 TATE OF TTXAS COUbrPY OF DALLAS The Council. of the City of Coppell, Texas, met June 2, 1969, in regular session. The following were present: W. T. Co zby, May o r John Dobecka, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman Jim McGiboney, Councilman W. H. Wilson, Councilman E. C. Gentry, Secretary where among other proceedings had, was the foilowning: Mr. Nelson appeared before the Council requesting a permit to move in a house on Kay Street. Permit was granted by unanimous vote. A group of residents of Kay Street met with the Council with a signed petition for the paving and guttering of their street. Mr. Rufus McDowell came requesting a larger water line to his property. Mo action was taken. Mr. Moss requested a permit to build a house on Oak Grove Street. Mr. Forgey appeared asking for all possible help in getting Howell Drive repaired. Resolution was passed approving Wayne Musgrave, Troy Gildewell, and Kenneth Fomby to serve on the Equalization Board for 1969. = street light was requested by Mrs. Sowell for Coppell Road and Thweatt Road. Jim McGiboney made the motion that the request be granted and second was by John Dobecka. Vote carried unanimously. Bills were presented as follows: Coppell Superette 33.63 Geo. A. Cake of Texas 44.30 Hill Tire Company 11.74 Saks Uniform Company 22.35 A. P. Vanbebber 18.25 Travis May nard 72.50 L~visville Leader 9.24 Peck's Office Supply 1.98 Marvin Springer & Assoc. 2,200.00 B. E. Parker 25.00 Capital,L Control 51.14 J. M. Edwards Insurance 315.00 Motion was made that bills be paid as presented by Job Dobecka and seconded by Jim McGiboney. Vote carried. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS 2nd DAY OF jUNE, 1969. W. T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved, this day of , 1969. E. C. Gentry, Secretary