CM 1969-11-03 OUNTY ]~ DALLAS STATEOF TEXASX The Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, met in regular session November 3, 1969, with the following members present to -wit: W.T.Crozly, Mayor John Dobecka, Councilman W. H. Wison, Councilman Jim McGiboney, Councilman constituting a quorum, where among other proceedings had was the following: Mr. Joe Glover from Wone Star Gas made filing for application for increase in rates for his company. W. H. Wilson made the motion to ~ pass ordiance #53. John Dobecka second. The vote was unamimous. O~din~n~e :~S3 is £ile8 in mixtures. Mr. E. F. Hitchaock request permit to move house in on his property. Jim McGiboney makes motion to give Mr. Hitchcock the permit when needed. Second John Dobecka. Vote was un an imo us. Mr. Oliver Bishop presences application to a future job of city manager. His application will be keep on file. Mayor Crozby recommended that Faye Rush work six hrs. a day three days a week at $234.00 a month; working hours to be 9to 12 and 1 to4 effective Nov. 1, 1969. ME Mr. E. C. Gentry would work the other two days consisting of 12 hours a week at $2,00 per hr. W. H. Wilson made this a motion if this was in agreement with both parties, Mrs. Rush and Mr. Gentry. John Dobecka second the moti)n. Vote was un&nimous. 9_08 ills were presented for payment as follows: Stewarts Office Machine 8.00 Lester Smith Janitor Supplies $28.00 Pecks Office Supplies $ 3.36 Lee Jarmon Ford Inc. $ 55.34 Hill Tire Co. $48.48 Coppell Superette $ 37.09 Eddie Dobecka Backhoe Ditching $925.00 Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. $ 3720° Bowlea & Edens Corp. $322.76 A. P. Vanbebber $ 306.00 Lowell bioss $34.00 B.E. Parker 110~%0co W. H. Wilson made the motion to pay the bills. nd made by Jim McGiboney. Vote Was unanimous. W. H. Wilson makes motion to increase water tap hook-on fee to be raised to $100.00 effective December 1, 1969. Second John Dobecka. Vote was unanimous. W. H. Wilson. made the motion that E. C. Gentry send letters to trailers in vilation of ordinance #43, stating that penalties would be administered if correction were not made. John Dobecka second. Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned. PASSED AND APP:ROVED THIS DAY OF ,1969. W. T. Cozby, Mayor Passed and approved th~s day of , 1969. E. C. Gentry, Secretary